Packed Lunches Vs Fast Food: Frugal Road Trip Meal Prep!

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I don't need to tell you how expensive it is to eat out even if you're not paying for the whole family even if it's just the two of you it's ridiculous and I don't have a fastfeed budget to blow through I don't we're going to get ready for this trip and I'm going to show you how I'm going to save money in what we're packing apron's on let's go Derrick and I are leaving in the morning for a conference we're going to be gone 5 days and we're driving 6 hours to Vegas I want to pack some light breakfast and lunch options and of course a whole bunch of snacks the biggest expense that we're going to pay for is for dinner let's start on breakfast I am throwing some eggs in the instant pot to hard boil I like to have a lot of protein in the morning or for an afternoon snack to have our lunch in this drawer here I have some bacon that I'm going to fry up and take with us now I'm regretting only doing one lb I should have done 2 lbs of bacon I love bacon do you guys love bacon let me know in the comments I can eat bacon every day so right now I'm in the refrigerator I am grabbing my last three organe protein shakes and then some apples and I'm going to bring a knife with me and some peanut butter next I'm going to make some portable grazing boards and pack snacks now I could run to Walmart and I can grab some pre-made like grazing boards that I'm doing here I could grab the packages I have the crackers and the cheese and and the dip mix with some veggies in it and those cost around like I'm seeing at Walmart around 313 a piece so if we were to grab like let's say two for each of us cuz they're small like two on the way down and two on the way back that's another like $15 for spending okay I got this really cool container off of Amazon uh I got it purposely for packing snacks like this so if you're going on the road I thought I would put um some fruit and some veggies and then I'm going to pack up some more fruit and veggies to put into the hotel refrigerator I had a container of strawberries in the fridge and they've been soaking here in water and vinegar now I'm going to rinse these off oo they look good that's what is left of all our grapes in our fridge I'll take it I like to raid whatever is in our fridge and Pantry first before we go out and get anything this this is how you save money shop your shelves first okay that is going in the cooler for a little travel grazing Board of course I got to have my salami so I don't want like all these big round pieces so what I'm going to do is just slice them there we go and of course you need cheese for your grazing board I have these Laughing Cow wedges that I'm going to bring with us and these are easy to like peel and just smear on your cracker and I'm going to take one with us oh I got to wash this counter so I have these little traveling cups and I'm going to put a little bit of the hot jalapeno jelly and that's all I'm going to bring I'm just going to leave this home I'm going to see if I can fit this in here with my cheese wedges and I can pan it's just kind of like Tetris we got ourselves a grazing board ladies okay I have another one and we're going to fill it up with some carrots celery cucumbers and ranch dressing I just washed off these carrots we're going to peel them and start slicing them are baby carrots convenient absolutely but I I'm not a fan of baby carrots I'm like why are they always slimy and then I found out it's like some sort of like preserving chlorine type thing all right that can't be healthy so I just love the natural Taste of a normal carrot like yes baby carrots are normal but they do something to them that that just doesn't taste like a fresh carrot so I much rather chop up a carrot and they're expensive I mean you it's cheaper to buy a bag of carrots and slice them yourself but don't feel bad like I hope I'm not making anyone feel bad like do your thing do you I'm all for convenience I go ahead and bu buy like the veggie tray sometimes when where where's my time how much time do I have to accomplish what it is I'm getting ready for right I will take convenience over sometimes my wallet but there's times where it's just like you know what nope and there's no need for me to spend money to get ready for this trip for convenience when I have everything at home for my kids especially when they were little I would peel the backs of the celery because they're very stringy and you can choke so sometimes I just like to shave this off cuz it's thick so it just depends on the celery and where it's at now I know people that don't like celery I actually know a person that's afraid of celery yeah I knew them in high school I don't know why but celery freaked them out all right so now I have celery in there I'm going to be sharing with you a grocery haul in the next video all my grocery hauls for April cucumbers will not be in my Sam's Club haul so you're seeing them now so when I do the haul and I'll be like and I did buy a cucumber she'd be like yeah she used them already yes so I already used a cucumber the other day for dinner I really love doing grocery haul videos for you guys especially um for those of you that are not from our country and just seeing prices and things there's times when I come home from the grocery store and I'm exhausted that I don't really want to lay everything out and do a haul and it and then it depends on what's going on in the house is there dinner happening are there people over is it crazy sometimes I'll just pull everything back out and film it for you guys I have not filmed the Sam's Club haul yet a lot of it was like um homegood stuff like tissues like I have stuff out on the table like tissues trash bags paper plates so when I get home I'll film this so that one's going to be janky because uh the ham the sliced ham that I usually buy for sandwiches one of them is going with Shaye to the grandparents house for her lunches for school so the C's Club Haul is going to be very interesting but this just how it is it's funny H road trip isn't it funny how sometimes if depending on how tired I am how sometimes I don't always film the grocery hauls like right when I get home it's true so I was telling them like the same you're supposed to cut away from yourself oh I do everything the opposite I do everything to scare you and you do a good job der gets really nervous with me in a knife because I I have a habit of cutting myself in fact these fake nails these acrylic nails have saved fingers you can even ask one of my editors Tiffany she has called me while editing like oh my gosh I'm like I know you got to that part didn't you these nails are not just for the beauty for the camera they're for safety for the Cucumbers do you want slices or sticks chips all right chips all right it's going to get a little loud in here Derrick's bringing the dog's crates up to put them in the car know she's she knows where she's going you guys want to go see Ma and OA yum yum can you bear the uh Lighthouse Homestyle Ranch yeah for vegetables I can bear okay good that's what it is is a vegetable dip not a salad dressing I like it better than any other Ranch sir for the road I could put a cup but we'll go through that cup of ranch so I mean that's just little that's little for Derek and I so let's just fill this cuz it's going to be not on its side it's going to be flat down I could regret this decision I really could oh it'll make for good footage when it in it if it's spilled everywhere let's do it m I love this dressing Derek likes the BYU creary Ranch I am taking this with us though yes cuz I am going to get all the carrots ready and bring more celery and the Cucumber so this is coming with us what did I do with the lid all right here it's clear oh I just made a mess look at that me make a mess not like you so not like you here we go grazing boards for the trip love it all right in the cooler I got it hooked up baby Wendy's is so much better um negative not happening just say no Derek okay it is filled carrots and celery I have a paper towel down below and we'll just do one on top okay get that in the cooler we're good okay I want to take some peanut butter with me so I'm going to spoon out some um from Sam's Club the natural snower creamy peanut butter oh this is so good I love peanut butter if I'm feeling a little weak or from like craving something and I don't know what I want of course I'll like chug water because I'm like it's I'm probably thirsty you know I'll take a spoonful of peanut butter and it well do the trick do you like peanut butter I feel like a dog now when you give dog peanut butter are you guys a fan of like other Butters like almond butter I don't mind almond butter but I'm such a fan of peanut butter okay guys in this bag I have S potato chips that we haven't opened up yet the Milton's glutenfree crispy sea salt crackers love these with the grazing board we have the peanut butter the unra chocolate dark chocolate caramel peanut butter nougat bars oh oh my gosh these are good I have a little clip that I put with them so they won't spill everywhere the sweet heat snack mix from Costco this is so good seasoned almond seasoned cashews honey roasted sesame sticks seasoned honey glazed pea cans which are freaking delicious barbecue flavored cracker coated almonds and corn nuggets I love this the glutenfree Oreo cookies some cashews this is what was left in the bin of cashews some garden vegetable crackers and sea salt crackers Derek really enjoys pistachios I'm a cashew girl I'll eat pistachios but these ones they're lightly salted so I don't really go to town on them when they're like The Salted kind I could down a bag so I'm going to pack some of these so there we go we have pistachios in there and I'm going to throw a few of these in there I got them from Costco they're the pure organic layered fruit bars oh they're so good and then these yogurts this is what we had left in our fridge I have two chabani zero sugar blueberry Greek yogurt and one of the coconut strawberry dairyfree So Delicious coconut one when I was looking over the details of the conference again I forgot that with my ticket that I purchased I have two lunches to go to so basically I already paid for that lunch right in the price of your ticket so that's good I have that and I don't have to worry about that I am just going to make us a sandwich Dereck just wants one I just want one cuz we're we're bringing plenty to snack on and der's like but we don't have any mustard I can't believe I'm out of yellow mustard holy cow I haven't been out of yellow mustard for years you guys so I said all right how about this I'll make you a sandwich and then when we stop at the gas station to fuel up I'll run in and get you a mustard packet and I'll squeeze it in your sandwich and he's like perfect so that's what I'm going to do so I'm going to use up the last of the lettuce that I have that I prepared on video with you guys so this is gosh it's been 2 weeks since then and look still crunchy and it's because of these the glass I swear storm like this after you clean them so I'm just going to make us just a plain old ham sandwich so this is one of the sliced deli meats that we bought from s Club I don't have any Tomatoes my tomatoes were starting to go and what I do when they start to go and I know I'm not going to get to them I throw them in a bag in the freezer all whole in everything and I have a bag in there right now that I can pull out at another time put them in a pot or put them in the slow cooker and get them started and then I can pure Ray them up I can make a sauce with them you just can't use them like a normal tomato and chop them up and like put them in your salad some pepper also in my sandwiches I love putting this submarine dressing in it's got vinegar and spices oh it's so good when it comes to eating out and fast food for lunch we love sandwiches and we love Jimmy John's I'm a number five The veto it's so yummy but I never get a combo so I'm looking at like $7 for a sandwich and then dereck's sandwich is usually a little bit more so let's say $8 right so with ordering our sandwiches and depending what we put on them like we can leave there paying $15 to $20 okay so straight out the gate on the road trip heading down we're saving $15 on our lunch just by making a sandwich at home is it as fun and exciting than going to Jimmy John's no I mean I love my veto it's so good but all these little purchases on the road fast food they add up and they greatly affect your grocery budget save money prepare things and take the time I know we're all busy we're all tired and doing extra steps sometimes just seems just like oh another thing I have to do but honestly it's so worth it look at that and we used up all the rest of the miracle up and we always bring a few extra Ziploc bags with us on a trip cuz you never know if you're going to need them for your toiletries or for anything so I always keep on the side of our bag here some ziplock bag we have plenty of food for the road until we get there it's a 6-hour trip we're good so between not making our own grazing boards and buying them at like Walmart and then going and getting our Jimmy John's that's $30 right out the gate yikes so these are the last of the paper plates I did buy some more at Sam's Club you'll see that I'm just going to put those in here and then this has a few plastic knives forks and some spoons so I have our goodie bag and our cooler all ready to go for us I packed everything I was so thoughtful on how I did everything but I forgot napkins I would love to know your tips and tricks when you're traveling to save money on groceries what do you do what do you pack share with us teach us leave them in the comments below if You' like to see how to prepare more for like a lake trip a beach trip some things that we have done I'll leave that for you here thank you so much for joining me we'll see you soon
Channel: She's In Her Apron
Views: 57,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: she's in her apron, fast food budget, fast food budget hacks, fast food budget challange, Frugal road trip, being frugal on the road, frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living, budget, grocery budget, ways to save money, road trip, meal prep, food prep, being frugal
Id: kdVidAdpTUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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