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you okay i need a raise we had a very rough day today we got one braille army member in the hospital you will find out about that soon and other than that i almost died today twice on two separate occasions actually that was probably more about four or five times to be honest but you know what we got we're going back to the very absolute basics teaching a beginner skater how to do beginner tricks chloe is here with us today and what tricks do you already know how to do i know how to do this one what do you call that the spinny the hula hoop it's a great trick if you want to learn the hula hoop uh ask chloe how to do it so we're gonna we're gonna start off with all the basics okay i think maybe we even we'll just push oh wait you should wear the helmet oh yeah am i wrong 100 and how about knee pads elbow pads you know probably okay yeah i think i'm okay all right well i'll wear the knee pads and elbow pads then okay i'm ready so where we start out we just give some push just push it around okay now after you push put your feet more on straight forward yeah so when you push your front foot is forward we're just getting chloe back she already knows how to do all this your front foot is forward you give it a push put your back foot on and turn your front foot like that okay first try okay now give it another push yeah good good anya yeah good she's shredding if you guys remember from the first episode uh it was ten thousand dollars to land a kickflip in one hour and we will build up to that kickflip with every basic trick and we will get her there eventually so let's give it another push back there and then we're gonna do ollie and shove it and popcorn popcorn go ahead that's okay good good if you're actually learning how to skate for the very first time which i think many of you are so very well done for taking the leap of learning how to skateboard spend a lot of time doing that you might feel like chloe feels right now like she's like okay i'm bored on to the next thing but trust me spend a lot of time learning how to ride your skateboard just right you ready for popcorn yeah okay you know what to do yeah just go ahead there you go full wang danger yeah let's see if i can get that that trick scares me i don't know okay here's the other one i'm not sure if we did this or not but you kind of hold it from the nose it's like i think it's called a caveman just drop it and jump no no no no yeah you can do ten thousand dollars yep ten thousand dollar hairs okay show me how to do it again you for you just kind of go like that yeah now it's the same thing just a little bit faster [Applause] yeah we give it to you the market on the braille army app is called caveman get the braille army out put in your profile put it on there you got it okay next trick shove it let's go right into the shut it i haven't updated my app you need to update the app chloe okay oh gosh i don't remember yeah you do okay you remember push that imaginary wall you stopped very well done first try right here jump juice any size wow very well played that's why we love chloe because she's a full committer chloe invented send saturdays you ever seen the series then saturdays yeah come over here and face my beautiful wife who's also going to learn some tricks in this video leave it in the comments below if you want to see aaron's wife learn tricks go ahead give it a wang dang it but full wang dang at this time you know what i mean oh oh i thought she was doing what i was doing lost her mind yep yep bend the knees nice composure i knew that was gonna happen remember what i taught her the very first time i put a piece of paper on the stairs and remember you're jumping up and then sliding the piece of paper out from underneath your foot you might want to just do that again to show the people but because your front foot or sorry your foot on the tail was not off the side remember your toes are going to curl down and then shove straight back you're not off the side enough to actually do it okay like this yeah that probably will work and then your toe remember this toe dips and then shoots back okay i should have put on the elbow pad would you like the elbow pads yes i'm fully padded up instructional videos you know it can be dangerous for the instructor look my first dirt mark on my shoes epic mark it in the app market in the app that's for the right knee wait what am i learning today i think we're going to do a ollie over a stick that's intense it is pretty intense we could be here for several hours i know nah that was send saturday chloe right arm that says left what oh oh right i know it's confusing i said the same thing confusing the other side other way this is my right arm i know but oh yeah look at that fully yeah you're fully elbowed oh should you just do a shove it i missed it what the heck it was like a half shot let's do let's do the paper thing just to show people this little trick so weird to walk in i know i know it's really weird so you're gonna go like this that's your back foot and then you're going to shove the paper out and jump up okay beautiful right yeah see gabe never even seen this your back foot is you ride the same as me no or you're left before you okay okay go ahead [Applause] yeah now take it to the board okay yeah bend the knees jump up and you got it hold on i gotta get all right now you're good okay yeah just like that okay can i just relearn this one for the video nope i mean that's kind of what it's like that's like what i go through on the mini ramp i mean on the vert ramp like i learned a trick and then in every episode i kind of have to like redo mostly the tricks that i've already done and it's kind of like this it's kind of like relearning it every day but you got this you got this so if i add it to the braille army app does it mean just i've done it one time yes you got a point you landed the trick okay we don't have to get overly complicated and say you can do it every try or something like this okay what happened i don't know you got some the first day she landed this third try and then landed it like 10 more times she was just amped up because we didn't spend enough time riding i'm telling you okay now you're stuck okay oh man that hurt no well yeah but you're still sore from last time no i'm fine it's all the back foot so you're gonna take your back foot you know what let's run through the practice steps again take the back foot shove it around yep good do it again good good good good now with your front foot you're just gonna be barely on there on your toes like on the ball of your foot like that i keep it like a little bit turned and you're gonna try and leave your front foot as close to the board as possible the whole time and then your back foot just do the same thing shove it back okay you got it are we sure this is a good idea yeah why not you landed it already like 83 times i don't know why it doesn't even move yeah okay this is your trick this is the one you got right there okay and then bend that back knee and and you're on okay yep 100 okay ready watch my back foot see my toes curl to the side yeah side and then it'll swipe back ready okay yep now do the same thing just real hard and you're gonna all your weights on your front foot and you're basically jumping on your front foot like this and then the shove it just goes underneath you nice and easy okay she's got it yeah if you convince danny to do a shove it then we'll let the shove it be the video danny can you please do a shove it says no way it's really not that scary there it is that was really good you're right there you got it yep you got it why are you shaking your head you got it 100 right nice big board stable trucks stable wheels 100 right here jamba juice any size any size yeah i'm not crazy about jamba juice i will pretend i did not hear that that was it i love that she's like pretending that she can't do it like she's trying to play me here come on now okay oh that was good remember to bend your knees so jump higher yeah jump higher you got it though you're giving it a nice nice little spin there yeah you got it [Applause] first try what you got ollie yeah you got it you got it keep your knees bent it looks really good you just gotta commit okay after we put her through that kickflip test last week she's stressed out you never want to have your knees straight you like jump and then you land and you're like pretty high like just just stay low give a jump stay low just has to be the smallest of jumps that's my dog he's he tries to get people with the rolling the ball yep oh my gosh danny please first try let's make this a danny video yeah 100 okay so danny she's cheering you on what you got it chloe i did like half of one yeah you did and i think that's okay that is okay well done no but i mean like can we end give us a good shove it okay that's the thing is like once you learn a trick you should do it every day to keep it in your wheel keep it in your bag of tricks yeah chloe there we go what was that put that back foot on make the back foot land on the skateboard you got it 100 getting a little chicken foot i never seen chloe scared before we broke her last week yeah what the heck first of day yeah chloe it's perfect put your back foot on okay put the back foot on you're there 100 100 you got it oh that counts that was so good until you fell off you got it it does count you did great but get a good one i know you can i wouldn't push you i'm like the uh who's that like 80s workout person yeah yeah richard simmons gene simmons i'm like gene simmons richard simmons richard simmons same difference oh it's amazing that you landed that half shove it body barrel but give me a full shove it all the way around you can do it yeah yeah yeah 100 can we do 10 000 for this 10 000 right here well and then you can take off 100 every time i don't land no you get one try doll hairs if you land it right here i will buy you any size jamba juice i'll give you a starbucks card for five dollars get out no that's like a starbucks card for 50 cents you can do this chloe this is your trick this is first try every try chloe welcome to the new world bend your knees just as little as hop all in the it's all in the back foot little scooper see it's funny once you start going to other tricks you start like training your legs and then you forget the earlier tricks yeah so that's why you got to do them every day keep it fresh okay that was not the one it was not the one that happens if it gets too frustrating you know what you do throw the board no you don't throw the board you go back that's popcorn okay [Applause] see it gives you the confidence you can land yeah now you can land okay shove it first try let's go keep that back foot on really scary yeah indeed keep those knees bent it's all in that back foot chloe i wish i could show you what you're doing i suppose i could film it and show you do you want to try to do what i'm doing swipe hard back foot yeah like that like that okay scoop down okay oh no [Applause] yes yes okay all right it was unfortunate i didn't film that go ahead you got it oh my gosh you got it that's really good we might want to teach a pop chef blue that's really good looking though yeah let me show you so watch your back foot so you watch how your toes kind of scoop down and it shoves back yeah perfect boom you got it every try okay look how straight my legs are i didn't realize it feels like i'm bending them yeah definitely could bend more yeah what if i accidentally landed a kickflip that's what we tried last week okay close enough no that was good close enough watch this first try all right you got to shove it no remember the ollie no not at all how quickly we forget troy can you grab that little carpet thing she had that's practice step number one just do it a lot bend the knees bend the knees good keep it going keep it going yep okay yep good on you mate yeah now the slide good now let me just correct where you're because now you're trying to do sort of kick flip slide okay so like straight now go yeah more even more yeah like it's not your toe like watch my foot see how it's straight oh yeah not the toe okay ollie you want to go to the mat i think i'm okay no i miss well yeah i guess so whatever you want okay so remind me put my foot down and then whoa partner yeah so the timing is like pop drag but basically by the time you're popping you're dragging you did this good last week it's it's kind of like simultaneous and it's a little jump and you're jumping off your back foot first try get the slow-mo out and i can't remember how far where my foot goes exactly no you were good whatever you did just there was great yeah good just keep doing it yeah and remember with your back foot it's your toes that drop down to pop the board your toes toes that dropped all right okay i feel like i've forgotten everything nah you did great on the first one okay do the practice step let me show you this it's actually fascinating watch your back foot see you drop like your whole foot down see that yeah but if you were to jump like run and jump and shoot a basketball you wouldn't jump like this right you would jump like this right so jump off your toe like do practice step number one but practice your toe dropping the board yeah like that so when you dip here watch my foot it's actually pretty hard to just do that concentrated so yeah now you do the exact opposite so when you drop lift up so step to your the ball of your toe yeah and drop yeah like that so when you actually do the ollie in super slow-mo it literally looks like this with your back foot boop jump okay i think you got it we're getting in too significant first try every time i'm not filming slow-mo she does a great ollie let's see i get nervous with cameras on me oh there's no cameras on you yeah okay look at this that was a good ollie yeah so now you you got it going up so now up and forward with your foot up and forward good attempt let's go whoa i wasn't filming and that's why you got it every try at this point okay watch this epic ollie coming don't worry taking a while and boom okay yeah that was good okay now get off of that mat okay first try throw out a random first try you know all right i'm gonna make sure i get this one okay same thing same thing same same thing no whammies it's okay it's okay yeah you got it so the thing to understand yeah is that now you can do it and now you just do it a bunch of times muscle memory repetition yeah watch this ollie that was the best one for sure it's like 70 feet off the ground at least seven feet maybe even eight feet so do that three times and then we're gonna do it rolling just a very slight amount okay i would say the goal of the video but i don't want to scare anybody but that's okay this is like day 13 of uh learn to skate 30 days to kickflip yeah okay good danny is thoroughly impressed is this supposed to fully hit the ground yes 100 yeah that's where the toe comes in in play because it's really your toe that goes boom and pushes it down and you have a lot of force and power and here really fast not like this you're very slow there you're fast yeah okay dang see the harder you hit down the higher you'll go up and it's also the drag of the front foot but you got ollies you got always ollie unlocked my dog whose name is always keeps looking at me like what dad what what did i unlock how did he get another ball so do i do another one yeah keep going okay first draw that was my best one very close good knee slide yeah okay now you ready i think so ride around a little bit okay and then we're gonna do it just moving just ever so slightly just get your bearings because i'm sweating because she's sweating she says happens to the best of us yep nice push looking good how do you feel with that amount of speed good yeah can you ollie that fast i mean i i don't know i've never tried so the the thing about it with if you like push and then do the ollie it's the same exact thing just imagine the ground underneath you is moving maybe that makes your stomach feel weird the ground underneath you is moving but you're not and just do the same ollie but push over there we'll go back to the middle and then do just the very slightest like motion and then ollie yeah good on you good on you good turn around and then go right here we'll do the ever so slightest good nailed it okay there you go then how do i get my feet in the ollie position put him in the ollie position you know what i think might help is you sort of have it in the position before you push okay and i think on this when you're doing the ollie you can practice this going on still when you do the ollie you're pretty far back on your front foot you can go a little more forward okay and then just give it a little push so slight like go like maybe like this fast and just do the ever so slightest make sure your knees are fully bent the whole time ollie yeah that was a good practice step really good okay now just keep going try it again and then concentrate on hitting your tail on the ground good don't get nervous chloe okay [Applause] careful with that be very careful with that because you can roll your ankle like that off the board so be real careful really then your knees like heavily bend your knees okay good now remember this like it might be a good practice step to go like this a little bit of motion stop i feel like that's gonna be harder like i'll just fall over well if that's harder then all is really hard but try it try because you see how see first try thank you the ollie is just a series of steps so if you practice the series of steps separately like this and like this you will do it yeah go a little slower am i freaking you out no you're fine i just want you to get it and then you can go fast when you ollie over the broomstick but for now i want you to get ollie like in motion and see what it feels like okay [Music] i just look i just jump i know hit the tail on the ground you got it you're really going like this okay smallest little thing do it always standing still again just to remember the motions it's all about muscle memory skateboarding yeah nice and fast the faster you do it the better oh okay now do it moving okay see how i take the little pieces and i pull them back to each little step and then put them together i already knew that was bad how did you know because the ball of your foot was not you were like on your tail you need to be like this ball of your foot you were like this oh or more like that maybe but ball of the foot ball of the foot okay yeah okay oh yeah she's got this at first i was like maybe she can't only over the broomstick now i'm 100 [Applause] oh no no no we weren't using that light anyways yeah girl hit that tail on the ground like you mean it okay yeah you ready yeah yeah careful that front ankle you're freaking me out it's gonna be much better you drop drop the back foot back foot to the floor back foot [Applause] it's good to hear that pop good more make sure you don't like over um like move your feet too fast you're kind of going like kind of going like like it's literally like a longer motion like drop the back foot hit the tail on the ground then remember this one remember to do that yeah good now further with the tail because you want it to hit the ground yeah good you got it you got it chloe yeah yeah let's go should i try moving now do another one hit the tail on the ground you're you got it you got it you're close remember to drop the tail all the way yes now moving very slowly do the exact same thing yes you will sweat welcome to skateboarding [Applause] it freaks me out the moving yeah just go super slow okay [Applause] this girl is on fire for the first time i can say that and it's actually a true statement okay no do it again do it again yeah that's great you okay i need a raise i said i need a raise chloe has just received a raise of the roof well done oh good you killed it okay you did a great job yeah see you fall this is what happens to me yeah then i get a little nervous and starts to go mental and it gets all whoo make sure your knees are bent if your knees were more bent it wouldn't hurt less bad that fall did that hurt i mean it wasn't actually that bad it just kind of felt just go to the ground okay sorry keep keep like yeah low low yeah remember to drop that foot you got it watch those ankles yeah she'll be doing the five-star in no time that was it drop the foot you got it yep close just all the way to the floor you're jumping off the floor not off the board okay really you're jumping off the board but i want you to get that mindset so you hit the tail on the ground yeah that was good just drop it more okay she starts to put the motions together it's really motion one and then motion two it happens very fast but they're not they are one and the two one two one two let's see i did a poll a survey of braille members in other news ricky glosser has received four stitches in his hand oh my gosh let me check this poll here real fast one sec one sec okay so out of 141 000 votes 27 of the people have not yet learned to always wow have not yet learned how to ollie so out of those people what's 27 of 141 thousand 27 38 000 people 38 070 people have not yet learned this trick this video is for every single one of you guys you can do it you can get this trick yeah show them how it's done chloe remember drop the tail hit it on the ground drag the front foot up it's one and then two one and then two one and then two one and then two you got it you got it you know what my board is crooked yeah it's okay it's just your new trucks it doesn't matter no i mean it's just your your trucks are new so the bushings kind of stick to one side if you stick them there uh i thought i had something to blame there yeah looking good first try i just noticed you're on those things that's awesome it's a good way to film gabe is like filmer of the future yeah good you're getting there you're getting there you got it maybe that'll help i'll do them in her stance yeah that was good you lost your balance yeah if your eye balance don't try yeah you ready yeah i'll do it in in a chloe stance like really accentuate your back leg to the floor okay i'm sorry gabe he's so frustrated with you i'm sorry down push the back foot down going up not down yeah 100 it's so interesting to me every time teaching beginners i learned so much new stuff because she does it perfectly but then to do it again she like totally loses it and that's where the muscle memory it's all about muscle memory skateboarding is muscle memory and i want every one of those 38 000 people that filled in that survey saying they have not yet learned how to ollie on every single one of them to learn how to ollie let's go let's get it go time okay yes i just jump yeah yeah you're just jumping all those good ollies earlier run it back standing still yeah practice up there you go remember back ankle yeah do that a few times yep good keep going give me five more one two five no yeah that's what i'm talking about chloe's so funny okay give me one more ollie then i'm taking you straight to the end mission the boss battle of this video the boss battle yep what's a boss battle this might be literally impossible for you at this moment in time okay good oh that now ollie over this blue leave it alone you know what you can do to start with huh blue put your feet like that and go like this nose and tail no head inhale knees and toes nose and toes blue wants to skate it slow just lift up the front lift up the back i think you're just trying ollie i'm just i'm just curious just try and ollie that just let's just see what happens i'll hold my wild coyote here come here big baby i'm gonna meet the puppy blue come here come here he's just helping me out he said she doesn't want to do that dad yeah 100 that was good you rolled up to it the nose and tail looked the exact same yeah which one is the nose and tail look at your bottom you can see the difference it's the trained eye okay the nose is generally bigger just like mine drop the back foot we're not just a big hug look at the big nose see what the big nose you got this chloe i mean we could go with moving ollie today and we don't even have to get into the broomstick yet i think that's probably a good idea next episode but i do think if you really just went full ham you would do the broomstick hey shoulders knees and toes yeah yeah see that tail hit the ground that's a good sign okay yeah drop it down drop it down okay jumping from one end of the board to the other you're literally going like this you're like going like so remember two steps one step one more now do practice step two drop it drag good now do them together drop it drag good drop it drag yep drag good do it again drop it drag good drop it drag good drop it drag the more time you spend on that i mean go home watch a movie literally just sit there while you're watching the movie and just repeat that oh the train got you so good by the end of that movie you'll have all these no put them all together real fast see it's amazing the practice steps got it do it again okay yeah good pop yeah good see the thing about taking a beginner and pushing them too fast too far is it it's just too hard like she really should get her ollies down like better before we even try them moving but you know this is speed run this is speed learning out here at brailleskateboarding.com forward slash army braille army plus get on there i will teach you the community we'll teach you we got you same thing just do what you know how to do same thing yeah a hundred percent a hundred percent good good remember drop that back foot drop it down i swear my board is like this no actually yeah we could teach the front one go show them the moving ollie show ricky yeah watch this false end all right all right stitches how long do you have to have that on she's like thanksgiving but i'm like oh you making a wrist pad and then like how's your back yeah is it bad i was like it's like awesome then she's like nice she's like flushed out and she's like i think it's fun and i said can you look my back she's like yeah it's fine but she just did the four stitches but i i didn't want to take this in but we filmed her well are you okay you're shooking shaking not stirred i just got finished with this stitches wearing the pad finally stopped wearing the pad and now we're back take a break film some courses just take a breather there's courses coming up from ricky on braille army plus he already filmed amazing tick tock one we need to give ricky a little break before you know just a break go ahead rock rock it for ricky she's so funny let me give ricky a quick recap hey chloe do an ollie on flat all right i'm not sure if i can okay let me see oh okay chloe do an ollie movie [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] i'm going like a hundred miles an hour slow down chloe okay you ready yeah i want you to also put your foot not so slanted but more straight on the board when you do the ollie so you're like really your shoulders are squared up to your feet bend pop your back foot ollie pop with your back foot ollie i'm just going crooked you got it yeah 100 you got it chloe good now more of a motion with your back foot look you're doing what we call like a power ollie where you don't hit your tail on the ground it's like this way harder than an ollie slow down the motion is more it's slower slow it down yeah good more extension with your back leg [Applause] oh my god you okay i'm good that's why i closed the center bruises on the hips oh okay you're good mate i'm good what happened there i don't even remember and you slid back yeah keep your weight more forward it'll help you [Applause] yeah good you have something like that happen a little fall still always no moving no motion just flat ground you got it you know i think if you come here and you turn that way it's going to be a little easier because the ground is slightly slanted this direction oh i'm sorry gabe okay roccaroni rice-a-roni san francisco tree yeah that was epic now drag the front foot up now it's so funny so when you concentrate on the back foot you're good and then you go to the front foot and then you miss the timing and you just gotta drill it in back foot front foot good again further motion with your front foot same exact thing good drill that repetition ricky do it again ensure you pop on the floor damn now do three in a row that'll be the goal good that's one two one more now you're starting back from zero it's a good way to practice you gotta like set little goals for yourself make yourself do it three in a row good one zero it wasn't even a half one i mean it was half but we're going for a whole one good one okay then she did before yeah see if we do this every week and the thing about chloe is i gave her she has a board now she did not practice at all during the week so she's just starting fresh every saturday maybe we'll get her so excited she'll start practicing midweek one very well done two very well done three let's go four five four five yeah four five that one was a big questionable let's give it six seven eight nine ten oh gosh six that was good though six in a row so the other thing i want to point out about an ollie is you guys can film yourself in slo-mo if the four wheels come off the ground you did an ollie do not invalidate yourself do not say oh this is so low or whatever none of that canceled you got all four wheels off the ground it doesn't matter if the board went like this up or went like this just a bit or went like this all four wheels is all four wheels is an ollie now you just did six in a row now do one moving just ever so slightly good you got it done success very close we need to have the pit crew out here watching oh chloe do you want standing still now do one moving now do it moving okay watch this for ricky and i to watch this he's like it's amazing but you know if you're in this position like if you're thinking oh that's what's happening to me the actual handling is you need to practice more just writing because it means you're not comfortable enough writing so you can't do it rolling because you're like oh i add the rolling in which is an earlier step and now i can't do the ollie but i can do it standing still but because you're chloe hashtag send saturdays better than lance hashtag drop in before gabe hashtag queen of braille shop designer of braille women's gear hashtag women of braille women of braille hashtag blame chloe hashtag blame chloe she's got a lot of hashtags so you are better than other um well i shouldn't say that you are amazing and you can do this so i'm going to push you harder than i would push other people remember hit that tail on the ground smack it drag it ollie up into the air same motion do not change a thing let's go if you land it right here ricky will do the braille drop yep she's good i think actually that's a good practice do that a bunch of times let it roll let it roll let it roll like an eskimo let it be let it be if you land this we'll give you your own disney movie right here this try only gabe's looking at me like he wants a disney movie [Applause] at least i didn't die i like flew eight feet in the air slammed down broke several bones felt good no feel good you got it chloe hashtag blame chloe yes don't worry about everything you've learned thus far we don't need that yeah better now just get just really get that motion this but here's the thing you said earlier if both wheels come off the ground it's an ollie all four yeah i mean all four yeah so did i have no ma'am i'm not sure try some more what we were doing but go a little bit faster i've forgotten everything i know i want to show you this slow motion real fast it's from how to ollie 3.0 so watch this practice step going going going wait till it gets to the super slow-mo i think it's right after this may or may not help it might just be too confusing but i think it's really good helpful right here watch watch the toe what in the world how weird is that see that though yeah see what i mean about like the ankle dropping and then it pops with the toe yeah like just hit that toe down on the ground okay there's another one right after this watch this tail hit the ground so this in the video what i'm showing is that because you see how his back foot was holding the board down yeah you have to hit it with the ankle and jump now watch the difference here watch his back foot pop same thing and see how it held it down yeah yeah good so you're not you're doing okay with that but you just need to do that motion extend to hit the tail on the ground okay i forgot how good this video is this is a good video boom okay you got it yeah hey you see that slow-mo cam how good is that so good the one that broke oh really yeah okay so now you know what to do now you can do what i can do you can do don't let it issue yeah yeah you got it here i realize i have an even better slow-mo back foot down hard go a little slower you're freaking me out i feel like it got off this much at least this much remember that back foot yeah yes yes one more do it moving nevermind let's do three in a row never mind okay you want to see what that looks like yeah you bend down go see so you can see kind of cute very cute we ain't looking for cute here chloe so it doesn't touch the ground yeah so practice step one is totally out there so your back foot needs to drop to the floor do that motion even even more of that motion but it's really hard so because your board's not angled like this you're trying to push against it and it's not there because it's really flat yeah so you can't really do step two see yeah so step one then two okay give it a wang dang it okay i did the exact opposite of what you told me yeah that was like it's funny that the timing is a bit off but what you're doing does not look that bad yeah yeah that was good do it again i swear so much build up stand there and turn because you you're then you're rolling because of the floor [Music] yeah so much easier right here yeah holy manuel that's what i was trying yeah yeah that was a good one so let me show you the difference between that first one i showed you and this one watch your back foot see how much more down it was yeah okay you got it good really extend that back foot down i think you're concentrating too much on the jump okay do this jump off your right foot off your right foot only hashtag better than lance you got it oh gosh first one it's like i literally forget everything it's a repetition it takes a lot of work skateboarding is work dang okay whatever you did there do it again okay yeah and get some full bodies because show your arms yeah yeah you're really swinging your arms and i think that's helping you bend the knees bend the knees oh my god you're winded you need some water no i'm good sweating yes good workout day pop the tail good go back to the practice step practice step one drop the foot on the ground yeah good do it five times four good careful bend the knees five now practice step one and then two yeah bring it back over here practice step one and then two yeah you're good you're good one two yeah one two yeah one two good has it been like four hours it has been an hour and a half oh my gosh give us a good ollie good good good yeah we're good you're doing fantastic i mean we could do 10 in a row got that oh he's working for it out here earlier she did six in a row yeah like good ollies don't forget about that back foot it's all about that muscle memory that's why the practice steps help so much yeah yeah as soon as i move it goes out the window oh okay i got a good idea she does two ollies no no an ollie and then a shoving no moving standing still in a run and then we'll give it to you in a run like just in a row take that out pick it up again ollie this is gonna take 30 000 years 30 000 years at least right here 100 bucks [Music] now try to shove it let's just see if you forgot it i did you did completely no you did not we're going to three shark let's go ollie shove it can we just like edit together the good ones yeah that's what we'll do and then say she did it we will she did it it's all a commitment at this point yeah now do an ollie and then a shove it right in a row no mess-ups in between oh gosh plus you can do it like do better ollie almost you got this chloe i think she's getting a bit winded tired i am fatigued the other good thing about beginners you got to know when to stop when you get a really good one you've got it in for the day so we're going to get her to a really good one and then we'll end come back over here that was a really good one okay let me show you let me show you this rail army plus membership right here i'm going to show you the best video slow motion ollie bada boom bada bing we're going to go into skate coach we're going to play the ollies i think my beard looks good right there right honey that's my wife who's here yeah shove it shove it she was so close look at her do you feel like you just want to cry and throw up and just give up 100 great now you're skateboarding welcome to my life good ollie shove it good ollie shove it okay [Applause] oh go ahead give your thanks thank you i'd like to thank all of my fellow members of the academy award winners i would like to thank erin cairo my personal skateboard coach and i can be your personal skateboard coach as well on gradle army plus that's what it's for you go to brailleskateboarding.com forward slash army sign up for braille army plus you can sign up for a year-long membership right now it's a super super super good deal and we will help you learn how to skate every skateboard made simple volume we got 10 off all of your skateboard gear and tell us what you learned like for all the people out there tell them like what helped what didn't help what you went through like give them your full explanation so they can learn from this video you're tired i like gate [Laughter] there will be many tick tocks made about that comment right there in the next three days ricky glasser okay so what do you what do i what do you want me to say like do what you can do to help the people at home learn from your experience right here the women of braille merch is the only reason i landed it no um yeah doing the practice steps totally helps and then get really really good at the one practice step before you move on to the next one makes it a lot easier yeah and the practice step is important because you're working on the muscle memory and the more you practice like if you do that every day now you're over the mental block now you know i can ollie and i can do a shove it over the mental block so if you just took it upon yourself to go out and every day do an ollie and shove it by the end of a week or 30 days you would be really good yeah so is there anything else that helped you that you want to tell all of those people on the other side of that screen all 38 000 or more people that watch this video that have not yet learned how to all um just uh let's see don't give up and then if you fall down don't end on falling down because then you'll never want to do it again yeah so get back up do it again do the practice steps and you'll eventually get it just keep practicing and you got this i hope every single one of you learned something from this video if you thought to yourself well yeah if aaron cairo taught me how to do it i could do it too well guess what you can that's why i developed braille army plus braille skateboarding.com forward slash army you can go there right now you can get a year membership you don't have to go month-to-month you can get a year membership and me and the other braille team members and the amazing community that we've built on the members only discord will help you learn how to ollie kickflip whatever the trick is you're working on we also have every skateboarding made symbol volume right on there streaming to your phone so after you sign up for the membership you can download the app and then you can jump on there and learn all your tricks and send me your videos and ask hey can you help me learn how to ollie and the answer is yes i made a whole brand new series on there called skate coach um there's really good slow motions um i took all of the skateboarding made simple beginner tricks and i voiced them over again and added extra explanation and there's even more tricks prior to the ollie so i'm really really really excited about teaching the entire world how to skate getting back to the very roots and purpose and core of braille skateboarding and yeah i'm glad that i have chloe learning kylie learning and even my wife is over there on a skateboard and if we're really nice to her i can do a whole series teaching her how to skate um it will be absolutely amazing shout out my beautiful wife danny cairo and thank you guys so much for sticking in there through all of the good times the bad times it was a wild crazy year 2020. i know a lot of people use skateboarding to help get them through that wild crazy time and it is really good positive activity so get out there have fun learn to skate you got it brailleskateboarding.com let's go check out all the videos right there subscribe like leave a comment below and you yes you learn how to ride a skateboard and we got you on braille army plus let's go
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 211,373
Rating: 4.9458127 out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, ollie, how to skateboard for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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