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hello everyone we are here today with the very first annual braille skateboarding street competition and we have some amazing contestants here with us today we have two cameras we have the cameras are competing we have so many fantastic skateboarders here today to be in this very first competition we have mowgli manuel herrera who is repping his mowgli merch dropping today hope you guys check it out we have uzi walker anything you'd like to say feast your eyes apparently it's amazing we have the glow father love order glow borders how are you feeling like a million feeling like a million i couldn't have said it better myself we have ricky glaza from melbourne australia how are you feeling today i feel good he's feeling yeah crisp mcnugget reppin the chicken nuggets you ready to go you're injured right yeah i might i'm like eighty percent he's like eighty percent and that's a b the other twenty percent is going to be filled in with adrenaline in the next like five minutes and nigel who's been freaking running from the camera for the last three minutes are you ready nigel jones welcome back you're cute but i still want to uppercut you i don't know why brother all right everyone listen i'm gonna go over the rules real quick so like i said this is our very first braille street competition so we have two events we have the best run and we have the best trick all right any questions so far i got a question all right yes please i was mainly worried about you how many runs and how many attempts at a trick how does that work okay so you are all going to be placed in an order i gotta get away from walmart john wick right now he's been a different man ever since the ice blast boy man we're gonna have an order for all of you guys to go in and that order is gonna stay through the end of the tournament basically you have three tries to do the run of your choice so even if you mess up a trick you have to continually run until the 45 seconds is up that's how much time you have to do your run as many tricks in that 45 seconds does that answer your question you have three tries but what about for the best trick so for the best trick everyone has five tries to land their best trick on any obstacle that they choose okay as long as you know what obstacle it is uh you can skate that be the three block it can be the bump the bar can be the hip yeah oh it's just the best trick in the park it's not one obstacle i mean i think it's a little more fair and different if everyone has their own obstacles all right then it's up to the judging okay isn't it like three obstacles and four attempts on each obstacle and like the best [Music] so like i said before before everyone uh questioned me so anyone can choose whatever obstacle they want for their best trick okay it's not one single obstacle for everyone any obstacle everyone has five tries to land a trick of their choice and that's it not only that there's pressure because we have an audience this is a stadium right now this is crazy i already feel the pressure we have some uh we have some prizes for the winners i would need you all to stay out here [Music] prices [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] is i'm so glad that you brought this just to give to me like i'm so glad i'm glad you all came too but you might as well go home right now okay first annual braille street competition trophy i got another question yes what happens if somebody wins the runs and somebody else wins best tricks the final score is going to be dependent on both runs okay both contests the score of the best run and the score of the best trick will be added together and whoever wins with the highest total score from both events is going to be the winner of the event so the higher you score in the first run and the higher you score in the second best trick contest combines together into the final score in which you will be placed does that make sense okay cool the best run which is the first event you have 45 seconds you have three tries three runs to score your best in 45 seconds for the best trick does time stop if you fall are you just kidding just go through the 45. that's what i was saying earlier if you mess up just keep going okay even if you mess up you can still land a bunch of tricks for the best trick everyone has five tries to land their best trick on any obstacle of their choice so it's not like everyone has to skate three block no i want it to be fair i want everyone to skate whatever they want and have their best chance to do their best trick i think that pretty much covers it 45 seconds for the first one five tries for the second one scores combined no one gets kicked out we just are having a fun street contest for a trophy and five hundred dollars anyone have any other questions did i explain everything fairly you got it you did it you got it oh damn you look good you got it oh wolverine this is your first of three tries for best run 45 seconds okay first up is ricky glaza straight from australia he drops in on the scariest thing ever which i will never try kick flips over the pyramid first try straight into a long crooked grind you guys have no idea how long that is 16 feet long which doesn't seem like that long but it's actually super long straight into a nose hooyly manuel and he tries to go up the rail like a wild man misses the 50 jumps back on that's okay late body burial kickflip frontboard who just tries to kick the front board like that you know if i'm ever in a contest i'm just gonna do not even a front board just a board slide drops in on the big quarter 50 50 pop out nice this is ricky's specialty the combo huangdanga into a 5-0 on the handrail you didn't get the 5-0 off in time just all right nigel you are under time i mean over time yeah here we go nigel ryan jones i have never seen this man wear shorts have you seen wow that was high you went high and then ollied over that which is good and a little frontside grind on the giant quarter pipe of death which is pretty deadly and then he steezes out the 180 too hard just misses it comes up the quarter pipe rolls back in pop shove it because the man has the world's best pop shoving leave it in the comments below you know it's true and tail stall he went for back lip i feel like there's all these tricks that i've never seen anybody try and they just try it in their contest run i'm gonna have to talk to these guys about how to run a contest okay 50 50 stall front board yeah you really got to be set up for that rail you're either going in for a land or you're going in for a lose i mean we got here ollie ollie you see that i just gave mcnug mcnug you are up next christopher mcnugget you know he got that name because his friends thought he looked like a chicken mcnugget when you were a kid after your friend said hey you look like a chick mcnugget would you be happy that was incredible actually how did he just nose manual the whole part okay two wheel power slide nice little push looking so steezy nollie back lift 180 180 in wow if you would have landed that it would have barfed on everything he was going for nose manny to smithgrass molly lip okay coming in hot he's got to teach me how to do that nolly 180 into like tail stall okay feeble 180 a little shifty there on the bank wow front board body ali transfer board slide this is good this is getting me ready to come and take the olympics and then he just does a kangaroo on your go okay mowgli wearing the mowgly merch straight into 5-0 and then he always up the giant thing i don't think i've ever seen mowgli wear normal pants these are the most normal pens i've ever seen the man wear okay fakie ollie the three block pretty good i think those are dickies as well pretty nice and they're not multi-colored she's really throwing me off blunt stall how does he do that backside 270 lip slide an amazing trick that he executes with the utmost perfect of ease he's going to be taking that to the olympics baby and then he just shoots out on the tray flip exhausted exasperated stressed out everyone's missed tricks so far everyone is mistreated you literally look you're more likely to get a higher score if you land every trick that you do on the run like just land all the tricks that's the most important thing you are up my friend on your throw down or drop in who's got the flow bay area yes sir dude he's got supreme pants on i think he just won the contest okay glow pops in nollie no slide like glow has the nollie no slide of the nigel pop shove it you know you know what he has even better knowledge brook and that backflip was suck blow one for style points of love just name wow you know you don't think of glow you think there's a guy who confronts people but he can and he will and he did yeah like straight into nollie back heel crazy okay let's see what else we got rolls up fakie he goes for a switch big spin down to five i wonder if they were like really thinking out their runs like i know what i'll try i'll do a bunch of tricks and then i'll switch big spin the five stairs up next okay uzi yes all right hey everyone is falling [Music] everyone is falling so i'm going for the the time starts on your first throw down remember what i said then make all mix he's rolling in he's got the nike shoes looking fly nollie big spin i could call that in advance right rolling into the manny pad oh nope he's going 50 50. the thing about uzi he's an unpredictable man like that who would have thought oh what's ollie over this gap right now because mcnugget would have thrown his hands in the air front side flip nope ollie you guys i can't call anything he's doing okay right here hard flip no front flip back 180 couldn't have been more wrong back 180 into full cab let's go look at his long flowing black locks into 50 50. the thing i love about uzi is he looks like he's falling the whole time even when he perfectly lands it just you never know where he's going or what's going on okay back to the start ricky you're up i got to ricky he's got the determination of a thousand tigers wow know what i've never done i could flip that or freaking grounded that you know i've actually never regretted that i'm gonna do it tonight okay that was wheelie shove 50 50 up wow that was amazing kickflip from bart no i need that okay coming back in tail slide can can somebody please convince ricky glasso to teach me how to tail slide no i'd love to be able to tail slide [Music] all right what was that okay here we go nigel ryan jones round two see nigel he's like i don't got a plan i was gonna skate around front people stall front 180 and 360. i'm not even going to say which direction because i'm not totally sure he's going to drop it on the big ramp come on up here wow back 180 up the hard way that was super rad and then he's going to trey flip wow i felt like that guy in tick tock just then you know the one tail stall drop in front 180 off the wall ride wow i swear they're just they're just going for like what's the hardest trick i think i could possibly do maybe like a frontside pop shove it late flip let's go for that okay mcnugget again with the steezy nose manual pop in hits the wall ride and what do you call that i think it's called a booger slide nollie backflip 180 and then he loses his composure christopher mcnugget he's really repping his pants though isn't he knows manny man i've seen him do that trick he can do it you want to check out his social media platforms he does it on there molly lip smith nope notice how he blamed the box mowgli doesn't even wait for his name to be called he just goes i'm not sure if that was an ollie or a wall-e or a 5-0 or a 50. then back 5-0 for some reason that's like the scariest trick down that taken back by though except for maybe like switch back 50 50. okay smith wow that thing is not easy comes in quick flip just goes a little bit crooked on the kickflip man but now he's getting into his bump to bar this is where he really shines i love it again we went for trey flipper he told me if i was ever to do lines or anything make sure you catch your breath and be relaxed shout out jake shout out jake [Music] let's go let's get it probably no slide landed perfectly first try coming around back lip oh no he goes feeble body burial dude that was so good too so sick and front feeble how did glow not win this i think somebody didn't have their glasses on nollie back heel actually i couldn't say that can't give it away i don't know who won no idea never hurt okay right up there man fakie oh boy dude he killed it he killed it he didn't even need to land that trick it don't even matter he's got the aids hat on [Music] in the jacuzzi wow he turns that nollie big spin into a nollie bigger spin front 50 down the box this is probably how my run would kind of go i just go like well i'm just going to do whatever trick i can whatever thing i can whenever i can ollie over the gap there's not really a gap you know then he goes into this ollie up there [Music] and down the five back 180. wow he really went for that i don't need i don't know have i seen oozy do that and then he throws his board don't ask questions okay run three and three ricky guaza kick flip up see i like ricky's style because he's just doing the same tricks that he was doing before and that's the way to really do a contest because you get you know you get in on the tricks oh man the other thing about a contest though that i'm going to tell you right now is in between runs you're standing there and your body got all warmed up and you're ready to go and then by the time your next run comes it's cold how can he just kick flip back lift like that i've never seen him do that crooked grind let's go i think he just won the whole thing front board fakie hard flip out let's see what else we got what he just goes into a coconut wheatley all right nigel final run this man just told me trying to talk to ryan jones if we can focus the camera what does he know does he know okay let's go they're all talking up there gonna drop in wow shifty ollie looking good i love just the way he just rolls to fakie this is what we call style in those shorts those are sick okay drops in let's go to the rail little feeble i feel like he was like so chill that he was like i can't land this people i'm too chill that ollie was sick though for real okay let's see what else we got pops up onto the three block will he tray flip it i think his time is up hurry up you might go for it anyways that was good i tried for you final run okay we have christopher mcnugget his third and final run he drops in knows wheelie pops out perfectly first troy as if he's going to go for a large any size any flavor jamba juice he goes in to land every single trick and dang is he repping those pants nose wheelie no he did not no he didn't he did that he landed that nose wheelie into smith grind and then turns around and crooked grinds the whole thing you guys don't understand how much speed you have to have to roll across that whole thing in a grind which is a lot wow then he uses the front board to lip turns around and boy is he repping those pants okay nollie lip smith 180 out geez this time holy clutch performance [Music] with my back 5-0 again the most normal pants i've ever seen ugly wear if you've seen him wearing normal pants like this leave it in the comments below just like a regular pair of pants no multi-colors no nothing weird going on very unlike him okay crooked grind rolls around comes back in drops in we're going 270 i don't know why these guys think that they can just 270 lift anything they want backflip to fakie a trick you will never in your whole life ever see me do so do not leave it on tick tock nollie flip and he turns around goes back in rolls down wow don't try the 180 to switch nose grind please okay glow coming in hot nollie crook to fakie that was i wish i sick knowledge her best easy straight into back lip also he has this easiest back lips doesn't he leave it in the comments below he's got the steeziest back lips and it's like the one day i don't come everybody wears the sickest pants you know what i mean he's got supreme pants mogul's got normal pants and christmas mega has a chris mcnugget pants okay ollie's in too i don't even know what you call that frontside hurricane front front hurricane nollie 270 heel and he just misses it my from my experience the second you're in a contest and you miss one trick it's like you're gonna miss all of the tricks because your momentum was going it was fully stopped now you're fully stopped you know it's tough oozy in the dead of heat of a thousand degrees he's decided to wear all black long sleeve okay nice bigger spin though a little molly shove in the bank it's okay this is the awesome dan special edition shirt front lift the whole thing which he did not have enough speed for and that's incredibly hard believe me i've been there tried it and then he rolls up and down the a-frame i wish i was scoring these i don't know what i'd give them and he'd probably be pretty hard to score frontside flip okay i'm going to guess he's going to try to hard flip the five stair an ollie bixman yeah unpredictable oozy well that is it for round one best run has concluded let me go over here and uh check out these scores real quick and then we will start the next event so currently in first place is mcnug with an 8.5 uh second place is mowgli with an eight glow and ricky are tied for a third with six point fives and then nigel and uzi are tied with sixes i got i got hooked how'd you get hood of harder tricks all right ricky is scaring me how about first yep all right as soon as i mean what equal third we gotta pull something off that's right alas is going first frontside dark slide let's see what he tries please don't be somebody he's trying a double flip 5-0 double flip back tail double flip fit together i'm gonna secure my one trick right now i'm gonna just throw it up in there and then i'm gonna do something way harder all right nigel you're up your try oh wow you guys did it extra hard as well they did it extra hard they didn't just go like one person five tries go all in a row they rotated wow did he go above the top circle dude you floated up there you hit the top circle it's from mcnugget let's see what you got hail slide wow wow tail slide switch nose manny 180 with the steez of a thousand pairs of pants you've been skating your whole life [Music] good side [Music] he better not do an early crab 360. wow he went for the nollie back hill the three blocks [Music] pulling this one out the crib all right where you going where this direction three more i'm just going in this manner of direction again where are you going dan oh i know exactly what he's doing oh i know exactly what you're doing he plays i already know what he's gonna do this is uzi he's the most unpredictable man man in the world i'm predicted within my animal in the world he's going to try a trey flip 5050 i already know because it's just this just how oozy is he's like oh best trick well let me get let me get the trey trey 50. that should have counted as his run someday we'll have to do this and we'll just compare it to street league oh right hey that is all the first attempts everyone is on to their second and i'm gonna get a battery okay what in the world anything you're picky laser well i got i'm seeing is this i got three attacks four attacks four times three attempts i want to use on one trick big nugget brought this one up so this is his fault okay nigel playing smart here so he did a trick a good trick on his first one now he's like okay let me get in another trick and now he's going it looks like he's going fakie laser what time is it it's time fakie laser time wow i feel like that's a trick that you either like it's it's what i like to call like chance i guess it's like you either flick it perfectly and then everything works out or it doesn't and where is mcnugget going actually that's cool that's what he should do nose manny molly 180 switch crook yeah what is motley thinking not just doing the bump tomorrow okay out of the trick he can land every try all the time he misses that's not one time he has to make it that's contest though that's why some people are contest greats and some people are comments not not so great i'm myself in the not so great category all right let's see what uzi's got in the jacuzzi he's going for it again he's going tre flip 50. all right that's it for attempt number two number three coming up wow you got the double flip on it on the fire versus i could probably land this first that's what i mean be smart about it [Music] double flip wow how's christopher mcnugget just all of a sudden oh i know what it is it's his pants okay there we go you know what mowgli needs to do he needs a 270 out of that 270 in and out leave it in the comments below if you want to see mowgli 270 in and out of that [Music] hey this is best trick not easiest hey the only way you'll find out is if you landed funny thing about uzi is i feel like if he just like fully committed to that he would just nail it he's complete two full tries left right one more try aussie dan in the rafters no sketching you know what's scary about double flipping on to any grind everything it doesn't matter because ricky likes skate [Music] nigel frank pop leaflets he's got his trick now though he's decided which one he's gonna do which is a key key part of this competition right here nollie shove board slide to regular wow go with mcmug with mcnugget wow he fully had that caught it he was about to ride away and then he decided nope i'm over this oh that is everyone's fourth try one try remains for all participants this is it this is it okay this is it final attempts we're going to have to get ricky to do that leave it in the comments below you want to see tick tock twitter instagram where do you want to see it wow dude that double flip though real quick sure has he ever done that double flip he needs to double flip that wow that's actually unbelievable wait what he was trying nollie shove board slide feeble grind let's see what muggles got up his sleeves wow he's got to do that too and he decided oh i can't do it as a single i'm going to try and do it in a run in best trick i love going for the knowledge and uzi final try it'll try oozie mcgregor will he pull it no that's a perfect oozie he lands in the 50 50. everything is perfect he's about to land and then you follow [Music] oh my gosh that was good that wasn't that wasn't within the tries though wow see what i mean if we would have given them like five minutes each it would have been a whole different ball game five tries is nearly impossible wow uzi please do not yeah he's barely walking just stop shall we announce the results i think the results okay gabe cruz will now give you the win what happened okay so for the best run the first event like i said mcnug was in first place with 8.5 mowgli was in second place with eight ricky and glow were tied for third place with 6.5 and nigel and uzi tied for fourth place with a score of six now for the best trick glow uzi and ricky all tied with a score of three nigel with a score of 5.5 mcnug and mowgli both with a score of seven which makes mcnug our winner of the braille street competition with a total score of 15.5 mowgli had a score of 15. so it was that close the only thing that edged out your trick over or actually the only thing that edged out your win was your run uh we thought mowgli did the better final trick in his best trick but you landed yours cleaner so we just tied them hey if i would have done [Applause] here is your trophy my friend and you will get your via venmo amazing congratulations thank you what do you have to say dude i have to say i i like this because i'm a big fan of pineapple and it's giving me some pineapple vibes and i haven't won a trophy since like t-ball so yeah it's quite the honor there we go this is a little different than t-ball yeah a little bit a huge thanks to chris mcnugget glow ricky mowgli uzi and nigel for taking place in this very special event a huge thanks to aaron who does uh army editing and uh braille gaming he did all the the judging uh thanks to aussie for filming and i i don't do anything i just stand here and act like i do things not even standing i roll around and act like i do things you can follow us all on social media uh the links will be in the description below because there's too many people to remember and yeah we really want to know what you guys think of this street competition should we do it more should we get different people to compete let us know because we all had a lot of fun but there's some videos right there go ahead and check them out subscribe like and leave a comment below congratulate chris mcnugget and tell everyone else how well they did we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 1,118,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro
Id: 9EmTivm80rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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