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let's dance that's embarrassing learning a trick in one try my name is Aaron Karl I'm sponsored skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area and today I'm going to teach you how to do five freestyle tricks by him teaching me teaching you via him from me to you to him and we're here today with very special guest my custom in oh no it's okay we didn't plan anything you're just gonna teach me how to do hopefully five tricks I hope planned though I do I mean I had a plan and then I saw you do a game of skate where you didn't a freestyle kickflip uh uh and now I have to find one more trick to do okay we all learn you some tricks take it away fede you want to get down this - yeah I'll be there Teddy already knows all these tricks though I saw him yesterday just busting him out so I was gonna say I need some more tattoos to hang out with y'all join the club dude let's go here's the extent of my freestyle you ready I just learned this two weeks ago oh I almost ended my very skate career just on that yeah well my job's done yes we just started first things first check the differences between these so that's like your traditional Street skateboard right this is 775 the freestyle board skid plates freestyle wheels what did this kid play to do for you I get razortail really easily because the tricks that I do if I get razortail then I tried to pogo so like I do tricks where I'm doing that it kind of sucks and plus you like to snap your tail really easily you chip it away and it just gets gross and then also it's like very flat right yeah and mine's not oh you mean like the rail yeah yeah yeah I mean it's pretty flat that's kind of worn down because I've been skating it for a little while but one thing that's different about it too is the shape so it's got really mellow concave you can basically like shift your foot around really easily and do the kind of dancing footwork tricks that we do oh yeah okay let's dance it's probably the first thing I want to teach you actually okay if you're down I'm down there's this trick called a walk the dog it's kind of like a staple footwork trick for freestyle and he start by having your front foot until the board whoa towards the nose can I just say real fast when I was first starting skateboarding I was like I got a trick mom it's called walk the dog and it was this so you said that now thinking dude I already got that but then you did that okay let's go little different only a little different tough front foot pointing towards the nose of the board back foots square on the tail I'm sure to show you like fast speed first how I do it gonna wrap your foot around and pin it and then wrap your foot around a pivot and right foot around and pin it's done just like that so it's like this so you're kind of doing a 180 right yeah one evening and then you're gonna pivot on the ball of your right foot dude I got this ready straight up first try full-speed oh you're not beautiful speed the shot I can get my flight now and just head back home perfect yeah so I just recently watched rodney mullen TED talk and I did not know so he was like world champion freestyle skateboarder and then they like took his pro board off the shelf and he was like done as a skater when it moved to this that's what he says in the 10th ah and then he says like he would go to Street spots and people would be doing like always up onto stuff and they would be like what happened to Rodney you know and then he sort of like reinvented by like combining like freestyle with like modern Street skate skating and I was like mind blown I highly recommend a good talk super genius absolute genius yes trick to trick to next I would say rail stand I think you might be able to do those this is all I like to say my kryptonite but it is my kryptonite go ahead the easiest way in my opinion to start is your tail on the ground with your toes kind of pinning the tail down yeah you're goofy right you think I did I'm regular footed so you'll kind of do this mirrored right I take my right foot what and I press it against the side of the board right where the wheels are then I push the board to the left okay press the board to the left and you see how your foot ends up right on the wheels yeah you'll just step up from there okay I thought we were going like like this way which is like eminent - for me yeah I think the heelside way like by the way I do it is the easiest way to first learn and from here you can do a rail flip which I think I've seen you do before right no go ahead so the way I try to teach rail flips by having your foot in the sweet spot I call it on the board it's gonna be halfway between where the wheels are and where the end of the tail is basically right in the middle of the tail and you're gonna flip down and back all with that back foot and it's gonna do a varial flip go let me see I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a double varial flip because it's kind of like tre flips where it's hard to do just one rotation I have to be like more that's embarrassing oh I might be able to do that so just give it less of a flip and try to flip backwards okay you go and then I'm gonna give it my best my best Wang Jenga was that a single quick one and like three quarters look I was saying it's hard to kind of just get a single flip for me for some reason I just have a hard time with that okay you go fede then I'm gonna go that right there is so hard dude so hard okay Mike one more let me watch you do one more all right what in the world is Carmen Sandiego that was almost it alright dang it you go and then I go and whoever wins wins this is my one chance to beat him Wow I feel like I'm gonna topple like the Leaning Tower of Pisa so close all right let's go yes that was you got it boy oh yeah I forgot I forgot how to make Fetty do it you can't do it fede you'll never do it fede yeah so that was only two tricks we're really diving into this fast we got rail stands and rail flips are we gonna call that one trick yeah we'll call it one trick yeah we're gonna do more footwork I think that's really important to like get your head around freestyle and one thing that is like really nice for linking tricks together when you're freestyling is spacewalks spacewalks spacewalks sounds awesome so these tic tacs right you can do tic tacs put forward backward and forward and backward it's pretty similar to that the spacewalk is essentially a tic tac without putting your front wheels back down manual yeah yeah you're gonna swing your board and your shoulders in opposite directions oh I've heard of this back and forth in manual and that's how you spacewalk I'll go I'll see you guys there an actual Goodwin did you learn those for me oh yeah we did talk about that but it looks way different when you do it no you look like a graceful Swan and Betty and I look like you got to get the Steve there and see it's okay you're scraping your tail a bit oh geez the most important thing is to keep switching where you're born your shoulders position because you're basically going to swing your explain this it's really hard to think about it's kind of like when you first get on a rip stick yeah it takes a lot of like hips and shoulder movement till I get the board around as you're swinging backwards your shoulders are going to swing forwards and that's actually going to start driving your hips back around yeah yeah you got it that was way better you've got so much experience manuals that's gotta help a lot one would think it might help to have your foot your back foot or like flat on the board you're actually using like your ball of your foot and you're oh I could have changed the pressure and changed the way the board's turning so that might help you a little bit yeah [Applause] it's not about doing it perfect the first time it's about like getting the idea that idea of it yeah and then it will smooth out over time it's an interesting balance that was like a proper spacewalks where it's working different muscles than I've ever I'm just gonna say you guys look like like baby penguins trying to learn how to walk Larrin I think you got a pretty good I'll update my Braille line we kind of found put spacewalk on there and then once you've got those down you can start doing like backward spacewalks or like stationary spacewalks yeah I mean you do all kinds of ones like yeah see that just or you can do like totally stationary it's Warhawks or forward see his his foot is pinning or you can just fall yeah because some of those you're like doing like a whole one yeah yeah you've got the idea Wow it's kind of like when you go from like regular manual to like fakie manual and you can like pull it back around it's the same kind of feeling also like when Andy Anderson was here and he was telling us about how he like learned to skate and he learned a lot of these tricks first from a skater that like doesn't do any pop tricks I was like mind blown and then I saw that rodney mullen thing and i was like dude yeah Kevin Harris taught and you not both the ton of tricks when we first started yeah Kevin's freestyle tricks are like the basis that the foundation for so many tricks really it's awesome yeah that's the way and I'm gonna take it so that's three already I feel like five should be like a combo oh it's gonna be a combo don't worry okay that's number four can you guys finger flip like tail stop fingers no perfect so now you got footwork I think you want to like mix into your footwork is some flip tricks and some like you know some flippy do's and whatnot yeah it's one thing that I really like the finger flip from tail stop so you put your tail down you grab the board with your front hand on the nose oh go ahead we can do some yoga before I'm too old for this you can get limber first and you're going to either flip towards you like a kickflip that's how I do it or you can slip away from you some people like doing that like a heel flip I'll show you the kickflip way cuz that's that's my my personal yeah please now Hale flips and you'll land with your feet over the bolts all four wheels down a lot of the trick is gonna be using your thumb your fingers your thumbs gonna push down while your fingers pull up to throw the board around it'll be like gotta stretch the lower back before I bend over need more thrust man okay fede let's go straight into this yes so the foot position is okay you can either do it with both feet on the tail of the board or you can do it what's easier from here I think with both feet on the tail is probably easier so that way you're not like crunched down as much the more open you can stay and more like stretched out your body can be generally the easier tricks are for real I tried to bend over earlier and my back was like not having it and then I did that stretch now I'm golden someone had an ambulance on speed dial first try I'm going for this to game Bowl College try learning a trick in one try you should do double double proces did that than the five to speak version some people find that a lot easier so once you have those if you do doubles or you can do 360 finger flips there's all different kinds of versions that you double finger clips the same idea I just want to make sure that they got enough instruction so you yes you can learn this trick because we're trying to teach you how to skate so if we're the finger flip it's all about having your hand on the nose of the board jumping off that back foot pushing down with your thumb and pulling up with your fingers it's sort of a push-pull motion that's going to pull the board into a kickflip rotation that little thing that a said is so key like pushed down with a thumb up with the fingers you never think cuz you think you're just gonna let go like this and then going back now sorry you couldn't do that alright trick five good trick Bob can you do rail stand to Caspar do you want to do that so the same thing we were doing last time rail Stan and then drop it down to Casper oh dude just like before we'll get into a rail stand from tail stop now with Casper's you do the trick by having your back foot on the tail and your front foot holding the board up right you'd be balancing on the tail so this is kind of a little bit more advanced but I think you're ready for it to go from here rail Stan into Casper what I like to do is have my my back foot kind of hanging off the wheel on the side and kind of see it's like not quite square on the wheel it's kind of hanging off ready to drop onto the tail gotcha is gonna start scooping under the board so it can catch the grip tape one foot in that position is like the scariest thing since the movie it which I still haven't watched well that foots gonna slide off the wheel and catch the tail just in a perfect spot for Casper it's hard to do this kind of slowly but I'll show you a couple of times yeah more or less he's a natural weight you can actually do Casper D Casper ready I'm worried about you fede without foots gonna be barely on the wheel and you're just gonna slide it off onto the tail my front foot is going to kind of swoop around under the board yeah ready for my line yes and got to do everything in a line out everything you just learned got every trick that's how you you're able to end the video you have to do everything you just learned in the line come yet get me to do one the full line just to like show them how easy it can look any combo you just you freestyle okay no pun intended [Applause] I got greedy all right now show them how it's done you know what I think is so sick though I just got to say like it like in between tricks it'll just be like you know it's like those added extra little movements that just make it so much better we'll be here all day until I get a perfect run Gabe thank you might not have been the cleanest might not have been the dopest I think my best thing in there was this spacewalk yeah I'd say I might have only been like - it felt good there are two really good spacewalks you are incredible - thanks thanks for having me thanks for coming you guys should really check out Mike Austin's channel link will be in the description below he teaches a lot of incredible freestyle tricks and has a lot of incredible freestyle videos yeah if you want to learn more freestyle stuff like this or more advanced stuff check it out we'll have everything you need to get started freestyling and we want you yes you to learn how to skateboard so you should do that check out all the other videos right there subscribe like leave a comment below and you yes you learn to skateboard I'm gonna keep telling you that until every single one of you do it do what your mother says to
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 2,018,201
Rating: 4.9454889 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille
Id: rA_IYDsND1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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