EA FC 24 - DRIBBLING TUTORIAL - How to Easily Dribble Past Your Opponent

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okay guys I'm going to show you guys elastic dribble like a god like this as you can see on the screen it's very very easy I'm going to show you how to do it you can watch this video on 1440p and I've got the controllers on the screen I'm going to show you how to do it in a live tutorial format so we add you up against two players it is actually gonna make dribbling even more difficult for me but it's going to be a better tutorial for you now the question is well how do you dribble now dribbling all starts with a left analog stick now if you look at my opponent you see how my opponent is taking a Touch Away that is the correct thing to do you see every time I'm pressing my opponent my person that's the thing it all starts with a left stick Touch Away you need to be able to take a Touch Away then you can start beam once you learn how to pick a play away then you can beat players where you can take a lesser look here and then you can Sprint and exit and you can go like this and you can see the control that I have and then I can exit upwards or wherever I want to go so the key thing is less stick touch keep it simple look at my left stick you can see this for 1440p taking it very slow beat that player there take a pass in the middle let's touch not panicking waiting waiting waiting then we get a chance to take a shot unfortunately we've got a lucky deflection there but you see how I was able to manipulate left analog stick you see I didn't slightly move it I flicked it all the way I'm basically have a listen to the to the left analog stick when I get the ball back when I move my controller next to the microphone so you can hear the actual movement of the left hand I was like I actually Max this is a Max that listen I don't know if you can hear that I'll try to exactly exaggerate the presses see that I'm hitting the outside I'm not even trying to because people say oh delicate with the left analog stick feather it you don't need to I've been doubling the exact same way for years left and I'll stick away like so look look at the controller bottom of the screen and if you're watching this you can watch this in 1440p 2K you can see this in high definition in detail and that is how you maneuver you can see even when there's two players against me I'm getting double pressed here you can see look left stick but the key thing is when do I know when to turn well this is the key you can only turn when there's space available I'm going to show you what I mean okay I'm going to pass the ball here just as an example right let's say I get the ball over here and I'll pass the ball down the wing can I go forward here yes I can can I go down yes I can can I go in front no I can't I'll get tackled you see when you see an opponent in the way you can't beat them with left analog stick that's the biggest misconception people think oh you can beat them you can beat it with a skill move but not with left stick so how do you beat them you let them commit then you go the other way so watch let us play commit go the other way same thing like creating a passing Lane let them commit go the other way see it's all about deception let them let them both commit then we're gonna turn away see that let them commit then go the other way then create the angle towards goal you see that I'm letting my opponent I'm saying you know what you come towards me then I will go the other way it's as simple as that but everyone over complicates it now what if the opponent stands still then better for you you can then move the ball wherever you want to move it if the opponent is standing still you can just move the ball away naturally we're going to show you some more live examples but this time I'm going to mix it up with the running button now you're probably going to say to me well nil it's fine for you because you probably have a good team right well let me show you an example I'm going to keep the ball out of play my entire front four do that much they cost 750 coins that's about one grand that's about two granite and she might be the most expensive player on my team she's about 4K why so why can they play that way well it's nothing secret all it is is simply is that if you look at their agility in Balance they got a good agility in Balance see that they got about this one's got 96 agility in Balance this one's got um 85 um sorry 880 86 and um so all four of them have good Jewel team balance the reason why they get away with it we're not the best agility in Balance because look at the height they're not that tall and that is the key thing with dribbling you can't have a player like Khaled like my opponent has upfront my opponent has Highland up front when Helen gets the ball he's going to be a very clunky player yes he's good at let's say running with the ball with speed or let's say for example he wants to score a header but you can see Helen look you just can't turn quick Patrick it's got the good agility balance and then she can just exit her way into the space then you can use a combination of all these other things and then use left the dribbling to create the space so that's the key then that's how people use the ball roll and everything else it's a combination of all those together that gives you the space I'll show you another example left stick here can we make a pass now gonna go like a touch forward not gonna Panic Chanda got the ball left stick let the clinical commit they're going to commit to the running at me they're creating space for me see that creating space for me I'm not doing anything they're moving look they're both both of them are trying to defend against me but they're both moving away see that so that is how you left a triple I'm going to show you some more examples now but we're going to combine this with a Sprint feature which is more important so before you go into a game before you start thinking okay you know I've got this now I'm going to go into a game and then watch this video back but watch it is how this is how the the higher end plays that you'll play against I will do it so like see you try to run into me didn't work again I'll do a ball roll get the ball here they'll do a little bit of dribbling can they go four yes they can they're going to hit we're gonna do a one two link up play wait for the wait for the Run been unlucky nearly got the ball away so you see I didn't need to let it dribble but I didn't overuse it there I tried to make the pass going forward so it's in combination of knowing when to do at the right time and that's the real skill Gap is being patient just trusting yourself okay you know what someone's coming towards me I can take a Touch Away so when you're practicing this so I want you to do guys remember I want you to write if you can ideally try to write this down when you're practicing take a Touch Away it's going to run in front here when you're when someone's coming towards you take a Touch Away not not slightly away you take a touch completely away you want your body to be covering a situation it's like here take a Touch Away you can see like that see how I avoided both the players there take a Touch Away you protect the ball the only way someone can get the ball off you is even with two players you can see even my opponent's got two players and they're still struggling so hard to get the ball off me and they're working together in my opponent and let's have a look how my opponent does it look see that's not the right thing to do got a bit lucky with the deflection there when you got the ball off me but that's not the way that you want to be left at dribbling nearly sort of fantastic goal though fair play to them again gonna do a through ball now timing now a bit unlucky gonna have gonna wait for the cut back I'm just gonna as soon as cut back here I see the flare inside the middle is going to switch that play there do an L1 chicken I'm not gonna pass this play just yet because she's not in a clear space I'm gonna wait for it to get into a clear space now I'm gonna try to make the pass so that way when she receives the ball her first touch is going to be in a clear area waiting for this pass here just waiting waiting waiting waiting see my point is pushed the ball forward risky going for the cross and 31 is that's an issue with finishing that is a disgraceful finish they read I don't know what your opinion is I'll finish you guys but I don't know they need to fix this finishing it is Dreadful this game but again here I can't go anywhere here some take a touch back because I want to wait for this other player to overlap okay there's no option so now we're going to show the use of the L1 button the L1 button is so important because it forces players to make runs it's fine to love stick dribble you can see I'm lesser dribbling okay it's completely fine but you can see for example like here when I'm in this situation here see how the player comes towards me take a Touch Away Now what if I'm surrounded and I can't do anything that is where you use the L1 button the L1 button is going to trigger a player and ask that player to make one so let's say for example this player here number 22. if I press the L1 button she will make a run going forward and it's going to create space so we're going to go into the git example again so I'm going to use the L1 button and you're going to see even my opponent's got two Defenders might be a bit hard because they might be a bit of a market but looks you press the L1 button that plays making a run and that creates space for me because then the opponent's eyes are drawn away because other person thinks hmm who's this player running behind I have to look at this player now who could be potentially be a dangerous position so you see there how it's able to turn let's go back and let's watch that let's go back and let's watch that let's go back to the instant replay here and we're just going to turn off the controllers for a second just so you guys can see it so you're gonna get the ball over there and then we get the ball like this pass now watch see I touch I took it forward but I didn't take it into the space in front because it wasn't safe so I took a normal touch then I saw the space then I saw the player come towards me so I took a touch where backwards I didn't try to go left or right I took it backwards you see that my body covered the position even with low um low strength I'm still able to control the ball you don't need strength and I'm able to then score the go out but goalkeeper we should have saved that bit of a lucky shot there um the goalkeeper moved a bit too late but I just finished my patreon series patreon.com4 no guys you want to see more dribbling tutorials like this in more detail you can join my FIFA School Series where I go over this in depth in more information link is down below in the description as well if you don't get better after one month it will refund your mind it is a nail guides guarantee we offer that guarantee because that's how that's how much we trust our content but back to the tutorial here and the intermission is finished again my punch took a Touch Away there so again here we get the ball here and you see look you can use you know just add you can use agile dribbling and you can use strafe dribbling and you can use this control spring control Sprint is actually a really good feature but that's for another video for another day but just keep it simple less stick don't run let the opponents come to me you only arrived is really space like here to space in front of me you're gonna let go early see that pull it back I'm gonna wait have I got any options have I nope some take a Touch Away now you can see now players pressing me now the defensive line is shifted it's gonna pass the ball here up probably gonna lose the head here this place too short players offside now again take a Touch Away take a touchdown away away from the danger away play coming towards me take a Touch Away when I got up now we're going to relax it left stick dribbling spectacular goalkeeper's gonna come out we're going to go around the goalkeeper waiting for the goalkeeper to come out if it didn't manage to do against two players I'm gonna mark this area here and let's look at my opponent where's he gonna take a touch he or she I can take it H4 that's fine now you gotta take a touch backwards because there's nowhere to go nice perfect that's a nice skill move entrance I believe that's offside that was actually the smart thing to do I thought that play wouldn't take that touch there but that was a smart thing to definitely do there we get the ball just gonna switch it again Head Over It Forward take a touch where into the space is available take a touch upwards do a through ball it all depends where you get the ball you can see now we've got loads of space you want to take a touch forward my play committed now we're gonna run now we're going to take advantage touch away from the goalkeeper see I could have shot there and could have scored gonna take a run here now you see that one there so I pushed the ball forward and my opponent knew what I was doing and my opponent read it now I don't mind taking a risk in the final third where you don't take a risk is in your in your third so when you have the ball here you just take a Touch Away completely you don't try to get through in the final third you have to of course get through because you want to get on goalside you want to get for example in on this situation over here you want to get in that area there but in my third I don't want to take a risk take a Touch Away it's gonna try my best to dribble through this entire team oh my God too many players switching I can't because I can't go for this I have to go back see that I have to go back you see my body is controlling the situation I'm able to control the whole situation my body see that take a Touch Away then you combine this with a sprint button take a Touch Away and you can go around like here so here I can take a shot now if I want to I'm not going to do it as an example as you can see it's just fairly simple fairly simple I'm going to bring the controllers back as well just so you can see a bit what's going on same thing here just wanted to take the controls off just so you see the gameplay and you don't get distracted too much by the left by the controller because sometimes I know when you watch these tutorials I was actually asking your friend to watch some of these tutorials actually and I noticed that he had it's focusing on the left analog stick so much he wasn't even looking at the tutorial itself yeah nowhere to go gonna take a Touch Away space there space there's got to go up down then I gotta go up then hey nice offside trap this is 80 rated player can we go all the way you can go around the goalkeeper and I'm gonna go through this Gap here before I try to go for the the messy style one and that's why players like Messi benedo if you ever if you ever thought why would a player like a beignet be meta it's not only the five star week foot it's the ability to move like here the obvious option here do I need to left stick here not really but we're just going to do it for an example sake good tuck for my opponent there and generally speaking as long as you take a Touch Away the opponent really can't get the ball um the only way they can get the ball even if you got like a player that's not got the best of strength the only way they can really get the ball off you is if they nudge you from the side and that is not like it's not the highest chance someone can do that final Gap there we go a bit too much there you see in in a final third I like to just dribble past the goalkeepers but you don't need to do that um that's just my play if you've been a follower for might have many years you know that dribbling is my fault I don't even teach I don't even use skill mode path like fake shot basic ones I don't even do step overs but I just like to dribble past the entire team this is what I like to do like this on that Gap that is like that the board just got away there I don't know how happened I should have had that ball on my feet anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial a bit of an Insight um do check out some other live commentary videos and you can see for example it's not about connection now you're gonna tell me oh no you probably have a good internet connection I've heard every excuse under the book I remember when I was at University to play on like on a 40 inch TV and I remember at Uni the connection was absolutely Dreadful and I used to have bad internet at home as well so there's no excuse don't blame always because I have connection or I have this I have that at the end of the day of course connection makes difference try to get a wireless LAN but you don't need the best internet that's the thing everyone gets delayed it's not just it's not just you and I everyone gets delayed I can assure you everyone gets deleting the servers that's coming from the opponent and that is it game set a match um well thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed this tutorial I think it's one of my favorites towards record because I really enjoy doing these live commentaries a bit hard to do when I'm playing but gives you Insight of the real game example not one that's just edited it gives you a kind of a day in the life or a kind of a walk through a live walk through anyways thanks for watching take it easy and I'll catch you next time peace
Channel: NealGuides - EA Sports FC 24 / FIFA Tutorials
Views: 212,325
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Id: zgCo3mkEito
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Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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