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fixture defending I'm going to show you how to defend an fc24 first of all get rid of advanced defending I'll explain this later on but if some of you guys can't tackle because you've got Advanced defending on reversing a player that pause this game this is a good example to use because this player is very good unique uses different play Styles a different movement now you have to watch this entire video there's a lot of things I got to talk about the first thing is you can't use a jockey button anymore you have to use the running jogging you have to be able to variably control your speed the problem is is that look you see how my opponent is making a tackle like that nowadays you have now the new feature which is called the control Sprint so now you can run at 75 speed and you see if you use a normal jockey button it's very hard to keep up with a player like that with the run and jock you can verbally control the speed the key thing is we're defending though is to not press the tackle button I'm being dead serious you just want to Nerf into the ball you see that there were lorente see I didn't I didn't actually tackle the ball but I ran to where the ball is going to be remember guys it's all about the bit I've always taught you my FIFA School even in my public YouTubes all about the basics whenever you're defending you run to where the ball is if you're not in a position to get the ball you don't go and go and be aggressive now this play is good because they use a lot of through balls it's going to be a good example here what I'm going to do here is I'm just gonna I'm gonna lose the ball heads elaborately show you some phases of play I'm gonna pass the ball back to my opponent here let my opponent get the ball off me again now watch if you be aggressive like this and you miss the ball you're in trouble because now if if you lose the ball in Midfield the best way to get through is a simple driven path is the best way to get through so that is why you want to be a bit more passive like here be a bit more passive don't lose the ball use the running jockey so I want to run back now use one jacket I'm not going to tackle I'm not going to commit my position holding them away from goal you see that holding them away holding away cut inside defend the angle towards goal then I win the ball back be unlocking the deflection but still gonna hold the ball see that I didn't tackle the ball not one time in that segment I played you see they're gonna lose the ball again it's going to give the ball back to my opponent I'll let the opponent take the ball off me rather same thing here if I'm not too sure I'm just going to run back not take him see I'm not bringing my back foot out I'm gonna run back here not too sure so I'm gonna run back across use the run and jockey block the parts and layer now you if they are going to get a chance you want to create a chance not like my opponent did you want to write like that before if you want them to get a chance you want to get a half chance shooting from a wide angle you don't be making mistakes the second thing comes along with losing the ball do not lose the ball I've seen so many Clips over the last four days people losing the ball here they're panicking unless you've got someone like Ronaldo who's got Pace like that that you can recover you're gonna struggle don't do what was Georgia did early on today in the Arsenal game by the way I was there shocking from georginio but that's what you don't want to do don't lose the ball in a key area so many goals I'm seeing do you know why you're getting counted is because you're losing the ball if you're unsure in this situation you can't make you can't be safe just take a Touch Away like this simple that's it all you gotta do is take a Touch Away don't try dribbling past anyone take a Touch Away if you're not sure lob the ball away I promise you if you stop doing that I promise your goals will probably go down by half because half the goals people concede are from count as they're losing the ball here even if you're quick enough to run back here your opponent could do an L1 triangle over the top and they'll be able to get the ball off you it's like here I'm used to running jockey gonna run to where the ball is gonna control it now look here I'm gonna be careful I don't want to lose the ball here so I want to go backwards here there's nothing wrong with it I'm going to use the L1 bison push that player forward now I've got the ball forward again so if I want to go forward use the L1 button or go around again running jockey go to placement again you're going to lose the ball again here they're going to use the running jock here going to cover nice yeah play making everyone I'm going to switch my Center back early run in front now you see I got bit BS there I relied on goalkeeper movement there to save me now to be honest defending is a bit in some situations a bit awkward I think that's to do with the way the game registers I think the AI blocks you probably know what I'm talking about um the way I look at it this year is that AI blocks if you have the the play style um block or the play style Plus for Block that's how blocking should be for everyone but it's not so I feel like they need to buff the regional block and I think they will and interceptions now this is why play styles are so important you need to have center backs here they've got Pace um pace is the most important thing I've got intercept and block um for one Center back and the other one hasn't have it but also pace you cannot use someone here guys that's got like below eight Sprint speed in my opinion you just cannot if you're going to use a Sprint speed look it's fine if you want to play in division 10 that's fine you want to sit there that's fine but if you want to go to lead division you've got to use players or a good spin speed even better if you can get players like this you got the jockey play style do you see she's got the jockey play style she's got a jockey play style as well the jockey play style means you're able to move quicker when you're running jocking that is why you're getting beats because I feel like what eight year year I've done this year is that they've made the normal jockey what the the play style is of jockey so like last year I feel like they've nerfed interceptions they've nerfed blocks and they've nerfed intercept uh deception jockey and blocks all in general which makes it difficult for you to get the balls you've got to run in front anticipate the ball like this see that you're gonna anticipate early and Banos 600 coins try banjo she's a really good car she got the jockey play style yes she's a bit slower so now it's not just about Pace entirely you also need to get the jockey play style but you can't go with a center-back because people thinking oh can you send it back with 60 Pace with a jockey place down no you cannot you need both unfortunately there's only a few players not everyone can afford kunde again saying I'm not too sure is I'm gonna lean back here because I know melon could do any sort of run here so I'm just going to lean back use the run and jock here I'm waiting for the cut back here he's defend the angle towards goal they're not making an attack or defending or towards goal and you see that play has taken a shot from an off angle there's no danger though you see how I let that person go down that region but I'm stopping that person from going into the middle where the real danger is from goal kick spot I mean some from corner should I say you can move the goalkeeper it's probably one of the best ways of Defending those um those corners should I say just so many things here to say the second thing as well is player selection try to go for the tallest players the all women in the team are meta everywhere apart from defense and the reason for that is because they haven't really got the height um because the naturally the average woman is shorter so you know defend this fast see I pushed on on the offside so don't use uh short players in goal in Center back unfortunately most women in the team are meta everywhere else I can strike you can see all my Strikers are women but all my as you can see all my other players like my goalkeeper and stuff like that um they are all um toilet players I've got vanilla and Eric Cabello in Center back there's goals here for them you're going to use a one two gonna get the ball going forward see how my opponent made that tackle there see how his defense is completely exposed I hope this player doesn't live here she doesn't leave but you see how that opponent's defense was entirely exposed there just because that player committed One play you see now when I keep everyone in line it makes it difficult for my opponent to get through they're going to be forced to go down the wing and then make attack or make head and now you see that is why you don't want to use a goalkeeper that I mean a center-back that is short see that example over there that's the reason why can you imagine my center-back got beaten through by a header there can you imagine someone who's like five foot seven so just do bear that in mind it's gonna play just be a bit normally he's I don't want my opponent to think that I'm taking the mick um but like here where's the Ryan jacket it's my Center back see I'm not going to run forward my Center back there because my Center back needs to be back in Center back see that back in position not bringing the back foot out gonna run where the ball is gonna be see that see how also vanilla's getting beaten but you see how I prevented that by running where the ball's gonna be and you see I don't commit The Tackle there I let the ball come to me I let the game kind of get the ball for me you don't need to tackle Taco is only if you think you can't win the ball now this is important most people without tackle this is very interesting maybe missed this deliberately the most important thing is the average player doesn't know when to tackle in this game I'm telling you they don't know even plays an elite division don't know when tackle because if you do your player makes a tackle and then they commit forward you don't need to tackle just go in front like that see a little Miller she's got like 20 stand tackling you see how I win the ball back by just going in front there's no need to tackle over there in here someone need to run and jock here so I'm going to run back now so you can see I'm going to run directly in a straight line to get from A to B as quick as I can use my cdms if you're not too sure use the formation like the 4231 because you can win the ball back seat with Eric Cabello there I won the ball back again so if you're really struggling you can use cut passing Lanes with your CDM it doesn't make a big difference so if you have to choose your Center back so like here I'm just going to run back now we're going to run back completely I'm only going to contest it gonna make sure I run back and I get the ball all the time this is what talking about from from goal kicks this is how you move the goalkeeper like this and that way you can prevent the headers we need to run a jockey again again you want to push that player wide push that player wide and you can see this play look because she's a striker or a Winger she had the running jockey is so slow do you see that but if I use a center back now it's the other running jockey's much quicker I've got to use a lob ball I'm gonna pass the ball back to my opponent over here again same thing running jockey able to get the ball back again if you're in this address like this possible back to the goalkeeper and lob it don't lose the ball because if you lose the ball in this situation here it's almost impossible let's say you lost the ball over here it's almost impossible to recover because now you're in the play out of position you've got hope everyone to come back in time and you've got to somehow recover this situation so don't lose the ball in those situations at all and as I was saying um yes cdm's cut passing Lane instruction does help because the position a bit better Sly tackles are also very good but be careful flight Cycles are a bit broken right now but if you try to slide to block the shot and the angle it's a very good chance of winning the ball but just be careful because Sly tackles the angles right now are partly broken but you can slide tackles I want to show you some examples like here to extend your reach it's like here I'm gonna move forward gonna go forward not gonna start talking yet I'm gonna switch players here gonna slide here to block the shot so you see I can't pause the game but what I did there is I covered the angle the cross angle you see that so play if the player did make a shot there's a big chance I will defended that gonna slide tackle here because there's a chance I'm gonna use a running joke here like defend the angle towards goal that should be offside I believe it was an offside wow what a ball that would have been there this is going to defend a bit normally now and play a bit normally for the second half of this well the last 10 minutes should I say again I'm gonna run back the idea is if you do get beaten because it's not impossible um someone to get past you right but if you do get beaten you get B and buy a good goal it's going to run back here you see Patrick's staying position using the running jockey here run and jockey keep in the shape not not breaking the back line using the running jockey here again got the ball back a bit unlucky I think my opponent didn't even think they were going to get the ball either I'll do a full defending video I've never seen so many I've done that I've ever done this anyway this earlier in the year I've seen so many video requests on the defending Neil can you release one I'm struggling so bad I think if you follow this to a t you would at least improve the amount of goals you can see you don't believe me count the amount of goals you can see now as long as you're doing what I'm telling you you will not conceive because most of them are from mistakes especially when you're losing the ball from account like this and then you're running out with a CD and then you're aggressing you're like oh no what do I do now I'm going to keep my back line in check again and if you're not sure you're really not sure just take the player out get the yellow card if in doubt take the yellow card that's it ask questions later that's you're really not sure and that is why I was going to say with Advanced defending be careful if you remap your controls you can't use Advanced defending um because now X is a shoulder seal out so if your x button is a tackle button if you get Advanced defending on you couldn't use it because the game will then attempt to do a shoulder seal out instead of a tackle again here's the run and jockey keep the permanent at Bay I'm going to use a run jock here to stop the cutback I'm looking for the cut back here defend the angle towards go here going for the side for the shot going for the slide again for the shot and see how okay this is important did you see that I'm gonna try to replay that and show you that at the end of the video did you see how the game actually messed up that situation there did you see how I slid early but the game messed it up that is what you're going to be experiencing let me just give my opponent the win ran out of time but I'm gonna quickly turn off my camera here and I'm going to show you that clip I've just highlighted that clip over there I'm just going to show you now has been really positive in their play I'm going to show you that clip one second bear with me we're gonna go over that clip now have a look over here yeah guys I'm Gonna Change screens you should be able to see it okay have a look now watch what happens over here you can see my mouse on the screen when we go forward a little bit now you see over here at this point where was it just over here do you see here I press the slide button now but the game is so delayed it's slid after I lost the ball you really got to be careful this is currently a big issue with Sly tackles if you're part of my twitch stream you will know I'm talking about there's an issue with delaying of slime tackles but awesome actions in general that is why I say don't make a tackle because even if for example like here I know from experience I'm sliding across here you see that I'm sliding to cover this shot from going across goal here but because of delay the way it worked the rest of the slide tackle so late and it ended up tackling a player that's how you've got to be very careful how you move out of position anyway guys hope you enjoyed this video as I said keep everyone in shape use the running jockey don't use a jockey button because it's just too slow only use it in a small minute situation hope this helped I'll go before defending video very very soon but for now thanks for watching and I'll catch you next time
Channel: NealGuides - EA Sports FC 24 / FIFA Tutorials
Views: 478,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z6WXhB5Mrzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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