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I am a pro EFC player and I'm going to give you my five tips on how to win more games in EFC 24 and we're going to follow a nice checklist for every tip here to make this as simple as possible so for every tip I'm going to tell you the tip I'm going to show you how to perform it and then we will analyze an example and show you where it's best used tip number one the controlled Sprint this is a brand new feature in eafc 24 and whenever they do this it's always overpowered this year's overpowered thing is the controlled Sprint and how you do it is really really simple when you're on the ball use your left stick to decide what direction you want to go and hold R1 at the same time it really is as simple as that the controlled Sprint is basically when you want to dribble but you don't want to Sprint at full speed and you don't want to walk let's call it a jog it's right in the middle and the ball sticks close to your player which means you're really hard to tackle and before I show you an example the controlled Sprint is best used with players that have the technical play style or technical Plus or players with high dribbling stats let's analyze an example here with Hansen Hansen has the technical play style she's a really good dribbler so the best kind of player to use you can see here I'm 21 down looking for a goal I get it with Hansen I'm dribbling and dribbling I then stop and I realize I don't really have anywhere to go now if I Sprint in the box I'm going to be out of control and if I walk I'm going to get tackled so this is a perfect time to use control Sprint I have it here we control Sprint down the box I become really hard to tackle and then I put it in to the near post you see with the control Sprint the way it sticks a player is like a certain animation that you can't get anywhere else let's take another look at a different clip this time we have putas on the ball another good dribbler and I'm trying to get myself into the box now I know I want to be hard to beat and I want to be able to dribble the control Sprint is the best dribble you can ask for so putas breaks into the box he's couldn't they can't get near it maybe hand blocks her but even if she didn't we're still in there still in the space putas dribbles through that controled Sprint into the box and it's a goal to summarize the controlled Sprint you perform it by holding R1 whilst dribbling that is only R1 it is best used with players with the technical play style or high dribbling stats and you should use it in the attacking third to try and beat the defender tip number two how to score one on ones the first way is taking the goalkeeper on and there's two ways to do this either a ball roll or a shot cancel to perform the ball roll flick the right stick to either three or nine depending on what way you want to ball roll every player can do this apart from onear skillers but I don't think that's going to be a problem here the ball roll is best used when the goalkeeper is rushing out it's really really simple the goalkeeper rushes out you time it perfectly and you manage to ball roll him and you have an open goal we'll see this example ronaldino here I get on the end of a through ball I see his keeper rushing out and I know it's just about timing let go of everything on the controller part from that little ball roll there and then Dano has an open goal to finish in so whenever the goalkeeper rushes out and he's not stopping if just make sure you're thinking right I need ball roll and just time it perfectly and you have an open goal every single time the other way to take on the goalkeeper is a shot cancel the shot cancel is slightly harder to perform and I'd say this is a bit more of an advanced tip so if you're struggling stick to the ball roll but if you want to go up a level we have the shot cancel as well so your first input is to hold Circle I would recommend doing this to about three bars of power for some reason when I shot cancel I power my shot up more than a normal shot I think it's cuz it gives me slightly more time to do the cancel so if you know you're doing a shot cancel I'd say press Circle to about three bars of power as soon as you've done that let go hold R2 and L2 at the same time and be wary of where your left stick is cu wherever that is is where you're going to exit after performing The Shot cancel the shot cancel is best performed when you're walking towards goal so don't be sprinting when you're shot cancel if you're sprinting do the ball roll instead if you're like walking towards the goal or you're in the box that's when I would do it so you do the shot cancel we'll show you an example here with chlo Kelly I get near that area there and I'm not sprinting at 100% And that's the time to do the shot cancel the keeper always falls to the floor and it'll give you an open net as well just have to be wary of where my left stick is because you see the example chlo Kelly where my left stick is there and I'm pointing it that way that's the way I want to exit if I get that wrong then I'm going to shot cancel straight into the goalkeeper the next way to score one-on ones is waiting for the goalkeeper to move this one has no inputs it's as simple as just waiting for the goalkeeper so we'll anal as an example I'll show you how he best used all you need to do is use your brain there's nothing on the controller apart from doing nothing because you're waiting so you see here I have the ball Neymar I play it into janola and I have a one-on-one I know my opposition is going to move his goalkeeper I'm waiting on it I can see that he moves into the near post I've waited enough time and I just shoot across goal cuz I basically got an open goal there the final way to score one-on ones is using timed finishing to use time finishing firstly make sure that it's on in your settings if you got your controller settings you you can turn it on there and time finishing works like a traffic cone so if you don't time the shot well it's red if you time it average but not good enough it's yellow and if you time it to what you want to do it's green and all we're aiming to do is hit it green with every shot we take so you shoot like normal and then just as you're about to make contact with the ball you press Circle again and if you do this and you've done it perfectly on time it's going to be green and if it's green that means it's perfect basically Greening the shot will give you more power and more accuracy there is also another color to the traffic light if you're too late then it's white and white means it's basically a normal shot anyway so you even want to make sure you're on time or late you definitely don't want to be early time finishing is best used when they don't rush out the goalkeeper and they don't move the goalkeeper and they're just standing there so you've been oneon-one they haven't moved their goalkeeper they haven't brought the goalkeeper out and now you just have to score because they force you into doing this you just have to score the best way of doing this is just shooting and then timing it green as it'll give you shot the most chance of going in we'll see with this example here I get it to putas I turn I was expecting him to move his goalkeeper and he didn't so I just green it at the near post if this isn't green I think it gets saved by vesar personally but the green time finish in makes sure it's an even better shot and it's a goal let's summarize one-on ones if the goalkeeper's rushing out either do a ball roll or a shot cancel if you're playing someone with ke movement then wait for them to move their keeper and shoot the other way and if they don't move their goalkeeper hit your shot green to give yourself the most chance of scoring tip number three is jockeying and I think jockeying is one of the most important things when learning how to defend how to jockey is really simple as well you just hold L2 whilst defending so this is what I'd recommend go into your controller settings and put analog Sprint on and once you have that on we're going to do something called speed jockeying I'm calling it speed jockeying I think there might be a name for it but we're going with speed jockeying now when you're jockeying you want to be able to Sprint at the same time so you want to be pressing L2 and R2 but with anlock Sprint you have the ability to decide how hard you're sprinting so depending on how hard you press R2 down the harder you press it the faster you'll Sprint what I have noticed is I want to jockey but I don't want to Sprint at 100% which is why the analog Sprint is good Ive said analog Sprint so many times then if you're enjoying these Pro tips make sure you sub I'm trying to get all of you better at eafc let's analyze an example to make this a bit clearer so I'm in a foot race with mbappe here but I'm kundai and kundai also has the jockey play style which makes this even better I know he's going to change direction so I'm jockeying him as he does it he ball rolls inside can see kund I've jockeyed I've jockeyed and then I can finally get myself in position to tackle now if I was sprinting at 100% there I would not have been able to change direction that quickly but then also if I wasn't holding Sprint at all he would have just sprinted past me like I wasn't there which is why the analog Sprint is so important when learning how to jocky the second clip I'm I'm going to show you highlights it even more he's running down the wing Bellingham and I've got lorente but I know I need to Sprint cuz other why he going to run around the outside of me so as he starts beating me here starts running towards me I'm also jockeying at the same time you'll be able to tell by the way lorente like slightly moves his body I'm in a jockeying position I'm holding my ground I'm holding my ground because I know that he's going to try and work it inside and you see when I backpedal with lorente I'm holding Sprint at the same time not all the way down again maybe at 70 to 75% then it puts me in position to Mark the pass intercept it and stop him from getting it to his attacker in the Box let's summarize the jockey you hold L2 to perform it to Sprint jockey you hold R2 whilst having analog Sprint on and it's best used in the defensive third when you're trying to stop someone from getting past you or Mark the next pass tip number four is triggering runs now this is the key to unlocking defenses honestly I think it's such an underrated feature in the game and you have to be using it it is really really simple to do to trigger a run you tap L1 and the guy who runs will be where your analog stick is facing so whatever your analog stick is facing if you tap L1 that player is then going to make a run forward if you trigger a run using L1 it is then R1 to call that player back so if he's triggered a run he's run offside and you want him to come back press R1 so the two buttons we're using L1 and R1 let's look at an example of how this is used effectively here I have the ball with my S mid Fielder and I trigger my left back Mendy now what this does straight away is Mak my opponent Mark the Mendy and this is the good thing about triggering runs you don't have to use a run there's two massive things to take away from this so everybody Focus cuz this is important so firstly he watches my Mendy run his player automatically goes back to Mendy I decide that it's marked and I'm not going to use meny so I pass my Striker instead but the second part is where this is really important now look at his back line You'll see that his right back the one that triggered Mendy is now further back than anyone else which has pushed back his defense and he made the line uneven defensive AI is really really silly in this game they don't know what's going on so the defensive line has now been broken which has freed up a lot of space you see I pass it into ham and I score let's summarize triggering runs you do this by pressing L1 to send a player on a run and R1 to call the player short you can use this everywhere on the pitch to create space and it's best used to pick out your initial option or to use it as bait and then find a different pass once the defender is distracted tip number five play Styles now there's no specific input for play Styles cuz they're so Broad and there's so many of them that this video would be about 3 hours if I told you all of them but what I will tell you is you need to know what play Styles your players have and what the best ones are it is also worth noting there's play Styles and play style plus play style plus is when there's a gold icon and that means they're unbelievable at that means they're a next level and every player only has one of them if they do have one they'll only have one play style they'll probably have a few others but play style plus means they're even better than usual I'm going to tell you the play styles that I look out for as a pro and what ones I think are really important and we'll start with defending defending I think jockey is one of the most important ones I've really noticed it on my KDAY card so so good cuz the player can jockey much quicker and it will help your defense and the other defensive one is anticipate this one is really really effective very useful for your center backs if you can get AER C back with anticipate and jockey they're going to be good for midfielders I think the long ball pass is really effective you see here with my jabbi Alonso I trigger around with a left back which we've already mentioned in a previous tip and then watch this pass with jaby Alonso it's just an L1 triangle but because he's got the play style plus he's even better at it goes all the way around straight through to left back which means I've just got up the pitch about 60 yards from one pass and the other play Styles I look for in midfielders is the whipped pass I think the whipped pass is really really good for for crosses so basically if you have a Winger like Khloe Kelly Lauren hemp and you cross the ball it's going to be 10 times more accurate as it it makes chances for fun honestly it's such an easy chance Creator you're just out wide you whip it in and it's going to be very accurate every time in attack I think the best one to use is finesse it has just been patched but I don't think it's been patched enough to worry about it basically if you can green time your finesses with a finesse play style they're going to be unbelievable Hansen Trailblazer is my card of choice for this one she is so good I know she's very expensive but for me I managed to use her if you can't afford Hansen obviously then go down to another player with finesse there son there's a couple of others in the game they're really really good you can see here this example with Hansen I get it there finess absolutely flies in keeper doesn't stand a chance I mean vasar is facing the wrong way that's just how good it is and the final place I recommend is the Power Shot for scoring honestly this might be my favorite one and it's why I love using ham so much ham Marcus rashford also has it and it's so effective honestly you just use a power shot like usual so R1 L1 Circle I taught you that on last year's tips and then just shoot aim your shot and it will go in so many times man it's so accurate let's summarize play Styles play Styles make certain players better at certain things in game and these are so overpowered if you use them right you can find your players play styles by clicking the right stick in moving over right to the very end on R1 and then they all come up there whatever ones are highlighted are the ones that your player has and if you're really struggling to find play Styles use Community sites like foot whz find your player on there and you'll be able to find it there and finally these are my recommendations you might like other ones let me know in the comments if you like any other play Styles I haven't mentioned also let me know if these five Pro tips were useful we've done this for four years now it seems like you'll really enjoy them so hopefully you did and hopefully you'll come away from this video a better EFC player than you were when you started goodbye
Channel: Tom Leese
Views: 460,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate team, fut champions, dhtekkz, best fifa player, 1st in the world, hashtag harry, tekkz, harry hesketh, hashtag shawrey, tom leese, epremier league, record transfer, danny aarons, fut champs, 20-0, pro v pro, hashtag tom, how to win more fifa games, pro tips, pro tutorial, how to increase your fifa rank, fifa tutorial, fc tutorial, fc attacking tips, fc defensive tips, elite division fc24, tutorial for beginners
Id: FSiz6RKd2iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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