FC 24 - MISTAKES That YOU Make That ELITE Players Do Not (Rank 1 / Elite Division TUTORIAL)

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okay we're going to go over top mistakes that you make and go players make that elite players and pro players do not I'm going to show you mistakes that even elite players make that kind of hold them back into the game playay and what's the first one we got to keep it simple it's the teammate contain so so important because every player I see even in their lead division the overusing teamate contain then they say to me hey you know I keep getting done by counterattacks is it my tactics is it this is it that well even if you do the best movement maybe you can try to save as you can see I did but the key thing is when you lose the ball do not use teammate contain and do not run out with your CDM or your Center back you can see here look I'm applying so much pressure my opponent just walks around me my Center back is now over here and watch when the when I get countered look at where my Center back is my Center back's meant to be over here so my left back can be further along if my Center back was over here she would my Sonic my my left back would naturally default to that position and this wouldn't be a chance but my opponent got the ball and luckily through from my knowledge I was able to move the goalkeeper and predict it had this gone near post I wouldn't been there so sure that would have been a saap so mistake number one don't use teammate contain or run out with your cdms or your center backs if you want to get better at fc24 I do have an FC 24 FIFA School series but before you skip ahead what if I told you if you don't get better after 1 month I'll refund your money I can say that because I've been running this school for many years and thousands of people have already joined and even stay on we go over complete in-depth gameplay tutorial showing you the theory of it and then showing you gameplay examples in a structured format unlike my YouTube channel they in a progressive Learning System teaching you everything from the core mechanics to the method so you can get better as a whole with explanations that go beyond the scope of my YouTube channel FC school has already started with new videos coming out every single week these videos will adjust to the recent patches and updates so you can stay up to date and ahead of your competition so come join thousands of others in a mature Community for those looking to get better patreon.com nilg guides or click the link down below now when you join we a have a li of hundreds of videos more than my YouTube channel in fact but new fc24 videos getting added constantly so you never run out of content remember the biggest mistake people make is they spend thousands of dollars on FIFA points every single year thinking a team will make them better but it won't but now it's time for you to make that change and don't forget if you don't get better after 1 month just send me a message and I'll refund your money that is theil guys guarantee patreon.com guys link is down below in the description or click on the pinned comment below okay we're going to go over to make mistake number two very very common you're in this situation your opponent has the ball and everyone goes into this frenzy of Panic where they decide to run out with the center back well if you're going to do that you're going to be in trouble but you may see the top 10 elite players do it but why do they do it and why can't they get away with it well this is the thing don't emulate them because even if someone makes a mistake with a center back they have the intuition and the knowledge of when to switch to the center back and when to run back so I just wanted to show you this situation how to recover so let's say in the event you do make a mistake because we all make mistakes let's say you you commit and you think you can get the ball and you don't as soon as you see that player making that running behind you run back straight away you don't attempt to go forward you run back with your final Center back if one set this is a good rule of thumb if one centac goes and commits or one CDM goes and commits you have to run back with the other and you can see here I Tred to play My Player offside obviously he's before the halfway line so the player can't be offside but I was hoping that the time and you see if my opponent played this ball straight away just over here I would have been in trouble so you see the mistake I made I still continue to commit forward there so I should have ran back but you see my opponent luckily wasn't a high tier player and didn't make the pass first time but any top tier player would and you get see when I'm running back look what I do I don't pass the ball to my other player because if I do that there's a chance I could lose the ball so you can see here I take a touch take a touch and then I just push the ball away and I keep it safe and then I go around and then once I'm in trouble let's say you can't get through because everyone go me oh no when I get the ball I can't go forward there's no one to pass the ball through well there's things you can do if you really can't pass the ball to anyone let's say you really can't make this pass let's say your opponent is over pressing with 71 depth simple thing is just cut the ball in the middle or switch the ball so you can go all you don't have to go that way you could have gone all the way around to you could have gone here back to vanen I could have gone back to vanen over here and then back to the center backs and SW swap the ball look when you swap the ball around you're going to have all this space and you have time to maneuver the ball and if you want I can swap the ball back around again use the cop camera angle see everything on a pitch and you'll be able to make that movement is very very important when you're attacking let's not talk about finishing but it's very very important that you use the entire pitch and don't panic now this one is my actually my favorite one it's the one that everyone goes to me hey noil my tactics don't work my Pro players have some amazing players they're making some amazing movements in behind are they playing a different game absolutely not they're just triggering the ball themselves this is the difference between a top tier player player and an average player all they do is they do the basics on a high level you see when I get the ball here look how this is so so important watch when I get the ball here something so simple that I guarantee you're not doing when I get the ball here you see with Morgan I've got no one to pass the ball to okay then you see I do a pass here to Swanson now you see I'm stuck here a lot of players they just get the ball here and they try to rotate and they try to make a movement and I have a guess what's the most important thing to do here the most important thing if you guess correctly is the L1 trigger because when sun moves the entire defensive line move with sun and that's what creates space for the beia so watch sun gets triggered and now my Defender has to sit back and now my opponent's defensive line is gone back and that's now created more space for Swanson but if I and people always say oh but I do at one triggers but are you really doing it do you watch your game play back and are you honestly telling me that you're honestly doing this all the time because watch your game play back in a game sometimes you forget you get frustrated it's all part of the game but you have to watch your game play back you see the L1 trigger left sck towards Sun L1 trigger Sun makes that movement and that's what creates space for Swanson and then I can go forward and even then the only reason why I got forward with Swanson is because the defensive line moved back so that's what created that massive hole and allowed me to use that Sprint Boost into the space to then score the goal so L1 triggers they're so so important guys make sure you do them I'm going to show you another example have a look over here nice one twos right we get a buildup play we get the ball down the wing you get the ball you look at this you see that L1 button H I'm spamming it I'm saying to the players look at this look I'm but I'm saying all of you run inside the Box these players they're all running inside the box now you see they're running inside they're running inside they I get the ball over here you see that players running then I make a pass to lorente then I'm just waiting for that player and then I make the perfect pass should have been a go it's a penalty anyway but it would have been a perfect goal now is it because I got some amazing Saia or ham some 5 million coin player that's making this amazing run that no other player can do absolutely not what it is L1 trigger I know here that's Morgan she is my Striker now when you do a one two and L1 plus X that player is going to make a run going forward but you see in this situation I had to do an L1 plus triangle and that means an L1 triangle makes a lob through Ball but that means the player who's made the pass doesn't make a run going forward so when I get the ball here with Swanson or Ohara should I say I got no one with me so look at my left analog stick I'm spamming the L1 but I'm saying all three of you get inside the box you can see here look at their hands they're up they're risen that means they're getting inside the box they're making movement for me then I got to wait it's all about timeing now lorente just play for time then opponent makes a mistake I told you don't run out with just center backs opponent does that then I find the Gap the Gap over there and then I get get the goal very very simple but it's not to do with amazing players it's all to do with manual movement make sure use the L1 triggers and if you've got no space create it don't rely on tactics don't rely on your players make sure you do it yourself and the last one we're going to go over is my favorite is anticipation knowing when and where to move sometimes you don't know where the danger is you can't close it down so for example like here you can see the ball is gone around my opponent avoids my pressure very good and he goes down the wing now I don't know what's going on but just running back here you see I'm running back I'm running back I tried to cut the passing Lane I got done when I lose the ball I forget the advance defending simple slide tackle that's it win the ball get the ball going forward now I keep watching this is what's very interesting you can see I'm under the pressure my opponent catches me out so end up using a Precision lob pass end up getting away do that space create the space take a Touch Away look at that take a touch take a touch find the exit then when I got the move I do an L1 trigger I'm pushing that player going forward and I make a mistake I didn't take a Touch Away here my opponent got the ball but have a look what I do with my defense here now you tell me what would you do with your defense now think about this pause this video and think about in your head what would you do okay I want to Mark these numbers for let's make interactive one two and three and write down in the comment section what you would do in this situation now we're going to play it on and you see here I'm going to pause it a lot of players here would make a slight now probably I would have done as well the thing reason why I didn't is cuz I got a yellow card okay but you can see watch Once my opponent turns away watch the mistake I don't make I don't my opponent's turned away he's waiting for this player to go and create the space I know now here's a danger area so watch what I do I realize I switch immediately you see I switch immediately I don't wait for my opponent to turn around and make a decision I use the right stick I switch immediately I'm using ball relative by the way very very good for right switching I switch very very easily and then I cover the gaps I'm covering both the through ball and the space you see that anticipating where the danger is then once I'm here I'm like okay now what now I know there's a player over there and it's a player now I know that this player I can always switch to to block that angle out but this player here that's a straight run towards goal so what I do here now I just ignore the circle button that's just my teammate contain button just ignore that button for a second but there's a bigger danger here this play here what I got to be over there so watch what I do anticipation instead of running and trying to close the passing Lane out that a lot of players seem to want to do can't be risky this year when you're defending you can see I anticipate it I see the pass I'm running back and you see the most important things not anticipating it here I'm here why when you tried to block it out here if you missed the ball's gone through it's a goal but if you're in front of the player if the player then makes a pass you can then decide after and still be in the position to recover so you can see here I'm in the position of control and then only once I see the ball in front of me then I go and get the ball so the key thing is anticipating a play you guys hope you enjoy the top tips I going to be releasing this every single week so make sure you subscribe to my channel see more information like this if you want to see more videos like this you can join my patreon patreon.com for/ know guys don't get after one month we find your mind no guys guarantee thanks for watching links Down Below in description take it easy and I'll catch you next time peace
Channel: NealGuides - EA Sports FC 24 / FIFA Tutorials
Views: 142,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EA FC 24, FC 24, EA Sports FC 24, FIFA 24, FIFA, fc 24 mistake you make, elite level play, mistakes you make, fc 24 common mistakes, fc 24 how to improve at fc 24
Id: xExA-c7o54I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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