The ONLY SKILL MOVES You Need to Know in EAFC 24

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hello friend SPS here and is time for a skill tutorial on my channel there are plenty of skill in the game plenty plenty plenty and it could be sometimes confusing and give you headache to think about all these moves but today I will Spar for the headache and cook this down to the most important and essential moves that are enough to win any match simply the only skill moves you need to know in FC 24 first out we have a dribbling actually no skill move but it must be featured is called the control Sprint H it is H yeah new for this year it may be the best uh and most powerful move in the game and so so simple just hold down or one and move left stick it do it it's great to use if quarter kicks just go short and then dance down the line and find his chance and the best for this one the key is to Target the opponent's weak defensive link here and that is between the fullback and Center back hold down R1 and aim for this area here just try to find this Gap here and you're going to get plenty of great chances just like this it's so simple hold down R1 RBX box and moove left stick nothing else no sprint button nothing and go for small motions with the left stick not with the big Motions like this then it won't be as effective just your small motions and this will be extra good if you have a play style called Technical and then we have the good old ball roll it must be in every year it is so good but yet so simple and it will also improve every action if you first make a ball roll just like this ball roll pass ball roll cross ball roll shot every action gets improved if you first make a ball roll it's also a great way to beat the keeper probably the best way still and it's super simple yeah just hold the RTI either down or up don't flick but hold if you flick it becomes a body faint if you hold for like half second you get a ball roll if you keep on holding you will get these multiple ball rolls which also could be good sometimes just like this one two simple simple simple but so good you must know it and then we have step overs these ones are great again this year and you can also make them with so much variation you can go any exit here uh straight forward Left Right diagonal yeah you have options and it makes it hard here to defend because the opponent doesn't know what is coming and also you will get a small acceleration Boost after these stepovers which makes it extra hard to stop the step overs a must know and to make them you must combine Ras stick and left stick just so you make a quarter Circle motion with the RAS stick looking forward like this either left or right you can activate the stepovers you see here how I make this small quarter circular motion and after this you just choose exit with the left stick left you have plenty of options but the best one is to go here 45° inside and then you must exit in the same way as you go with the right stick so now if I'm going to go towards the right side I must go with the right stick H from here to here and then the same here with the left stick like this and we get these inside step overs where the ball gets very protected you can also here just exit straightforward and add in here also the sprint button to get this extra Pace boost like this holding forward and adding the sprint button for this extra Pace boost just like this Sprint yeah options are plenty and then we have a new move called the flare not making this one is so simple as well and you can go any direction as well which makes it hard to defend because the opponent doesn't know what's coming and he goes very fast as well and you can see how we go here both left and right backwards and forwards and it goes quickly which makes this here A great move to use in the Box to just quickly turn and then go for the shot just like this and the opponent will get here plenty of headache very simple hold down L1 R1 plus rtic flick anyway right now up you can also chain it as well but just hold down here L1 R1 lb RB and go left stick so simple nothing else over to heel to ball roll a for move that was added last year it is still so good and just a must know is a great way here to cut the inside slightly and to keep the ball protected just like this and also if you're slightly angled this is the perfect move here to end up with a perfect psure if you have this slight angle towards the corner flag like this you make the he to ball roll and going to end up here with the the perfect posture this one though is quite tricky because you must combine both rtick and left stick and left stick for the exit and rtick for the move just like with the stepovers and hold down L1 and flick RTI twice the first flick forward and then a second flick in the opposite direction like this but then also you must add the left stick here to pick the exit Direction either up or down now we go up go down left and down we go right so the the left stick here determines the direction and the most effective way to use this move is if you have this slight angle towards the corner flag like this and then you make the move cut in and you end up here perfectly after this we have explosive fake sh that was also added in the last game but it's still amazing and the fastest way to change direction the fastest way to make a directional change but to make this one you need to have the four CC moves and 85 Plus in Sprint speed and acceleration both must be here a 85 Plus but when you have this it is so simple and just genius run turn and score so yeah super simple Neymar has 85 Plus both Sprint speed and acceleration and four skill moves plus he has five star so you can make this just fake shot square plus X nothing else it's so simple so simple and you get this very nice animation cut in there we have it it goes so fast and then we have La cetta my favorite move and this is sometimes the only way to score if you have no angle you make a Croc shot so to call it crocetta shot and it is so good to use but also great if you just stop the ball and make it as we call it here stop and pop you stop with L1 the dead ball stop and then you make like cetta it has plenty of usage areas and simply a must know cetta just hold L1 and then like a ball roll you hold rtic up or down so just like a b roll but you hold down also L1 LBX box like this and to make likea shot the Croc shot you must cancel the animation by tapping the shot button Circle you go like this then crocetta and then cancel the animation with circle and last out we have the only F skill move and this one must be in you must know it it's called elastical it could be done both as a normal one and also as well as a reverse one and best for this one again is to look here towards the corner flag and then you make the move and this here to end up in a perfect position with a perfect posture here for the short so yes a faster move and you must make a 180 motion with the r stick starting from down to up so now we look right which means we must go now down to up 180° motion there we have it that's for the regular one and then for reverse you must go from up to down like this but yeah the best is if you look here towards the corner flag you have this angle here and then you must go like this now watch closely reverse it if you think about the RAS stic as a clock the motion then will be going from let's say then 10:30 to 4:30 going then counterclockwise going backwards like this then 10:30 to 4:30 there we have it all right that's it for today hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful good luck with the Skilling as you guys again tonight for the RTG for more content thank you so much for watching as always you know until next time take
Channel: BorasLegend
Views: 448,265
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Id: 2qCgWzAdH7A
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Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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