5 Tips the Pros DON’T Want You To Know

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these are the five skill moves that Pro players won't tell you about in EFC 24 given to you by a pro me before we jump into skill moves we're going to do some ground keeping some things to make this tutorial as simple as possible so for each skill I'm going to tell you how to perform the skill we're going to analyze an example and then we're going to Summarize each one and how to use it in the best way to learn every skill I'm about to teach you this is what we're going to do get in the arena make sure your favorite Club is set to a team with Five Star skills so I always use PSG and for every skill Mo I teach you I want you to learn it in the arena first this is the best way to do it means you get infinite practice without having to worry about losing games or getting it wrong the first skill move is the ball roll drag and you need a fourstar Skiller to perform this move when I show you how to do this we're going to be using the clock method which I've used before on this channel so the right stick is going to have 12 3 6 and 9 I think it's is an easy way to remember it so so bear that in mind every time we learn the skill here so for the ball roll drag you hold L1 and then you flick the right stick in two directions so you can either go from 12 to 3 or 3 to 6 or 6 to 9 or 9 to 6 any two ways but the main thing to note here is whatever way you start it is where the skill move is going to start and then the second flick of the right stick is where you're going to exit so if you go from 12 to 3 it's going to push up to 12 and going to exit at three so I have the ball here with Messi and I'm looking to create space in the Box you can see that I've gone up then right which is 9 to 12 on the analog stick which means he started facing forward cuz the way I'm facing is nine and then I've exited at 12 which means it's gone up to the right hand side so then I can pass it inside the box I decide not to pass this time I dribble my way through and score but none of that is possible without the turn so let's watch it one more time you can see how it creates space cuz it does is the defender sends him the wrong way and then the space is open from there so all I'm doing is holding L1 and flicking the right stick in two ways and then the way that I ended it is the way he exits which exactly where I want and looking at this second example with Bernardo Silva this is something I want to note this skill move is best performed by players that are quick and agile if they've got good agility they'll definitely pull it off better so this time we're a different way round we're actually in another goal we're facing the other way and I try and turn to score here I want to turn and face the goal so on this one I go from six to three because three is the way I want to exit so I'm facing the goal you can see I take it down and then out there he can't get close to me and I get the shot off and score the ball roll drag is best used in wide positions to come and bring back inside and create that space or in the middle if you're looking to face the goal and you're looking to turn towards goal that's the best ways I would use it and before we summarize the ball roll drag I want to take you to the next level this is for the guys that have mastered it you think you know what Tom I already know how to do this skill there is another level to this and it is cancelling it if you're unfamiliar with cancelling it is holding L2 and R2 after you've performed the skill which basically cancels a skill move so if we're applying it to the ball roll drag you're holding L1 flicking the right stick in two directions and then as soon as you've done that hold in R2 and L2 and whatever way your left stick is facing is the way you're going to cancel the skill which where your next touch is going to go so here we have the ball with Frank Ribery and I go to do the turn and I realized he's not really going to sell him he's kind of read it so what I do is actually cancel it facing forwards now he's expecting me to turn around there he bites with his left back and I managed to get round him it's the same outcome with this Bruno move as well the cancel just makes it like stick to their feet a little bit better and it is harder to learn but it's definitely worth it because you then get two skills in Your Arsenal you can either do the skill or if you think they're going to read it you can quickly cancel it and turn the other way you can see both of them are used in a similar way where they create space in and around the Box let's summarize the ball roll drag you need a four-star Skiller to perform the move it is best used with quick and agile players we use it out wide to bring the ball inside or in the center to face the goal and to take your game to the next level cancel the skill move to trick your opponent skill move number two is the Power Shot cancel you can do the Power Shot cancel with anyone but it is best used with players that have the power shot plus play style that was a lot of pece the reason for this is it performs the power shot quicker so the quicker you can do the power shot and cancel it the quicker you're able to move so I only ever use this with players that have the play style or the play style plus and how we do this is very simple you do a Power Shot so L1 R1 Circle then you aim your shot like normal cuz whenever you do a Power Shot you need to aim it manually and then just before the player is about to make connection with the ball you let go of everything you've just pressed and ball roll and to do the ball roll you either do the right stick to nine or three depending on what way you want to ball so no other controls just literally the right stick either push it left or right let's take a look at where to use this in game it's always best for me on the left or right hand side of the pitch you can see here I'm on the left with Messi and I've got the ball and I'm looking to come inside cuz I want to pass that ball to Kane but I want to create space so what I do is pretend to Power Shot I power it up I do what we said and then just as I'm about to hit it I ball roll and then pass it into Kane which creates the space play the extra pass and I score I always recommend doing this from the left or right side of the pitch I don't know why but that's where I have the most success of it this time on the right with Sam K you can see he defends and overcommits to the power shots he thinks I'm going to shoot and he's moved his Defender all the way across a simple ball roll just takes the defender completely out the equation and it opens up that pass I think you can start to understand what I'm trying to achieve here the Power Shot makes the defender think you're going to shoot they try and cover it and they try and get across to it and you just ball roll and then you normally have a pass Pass open or you can keep dribbling and the reason this one's so good is cu to cancel it you don't actually have to do all the L2 and R2 stuff you can just cancel it by doing a ball roll so it works for everyone let's summarize the Power Shot cancel firstly it's my favorite skill move you can perform it with anyone but it's best used with players that have the power shot play style or poers shot plus we use it on the right or left side of the box to create space and to trick our opponent into thinking that we're shooting and in most situations it'll be best to pass after doing the ball roll because that's where the space will skill move number three is the ball roll scoop turn the ball roll scoop turn can only be performed by five star skillers first thing you do is a ball roll so you flick your right stick either to left or right and then to do a scoop turn you either do Square X or Circle X I think you have to do Square X I think any of you that do it with circle X are absolute Mad Men Square X or Circle X is basically a fake shot but as you do it you're rotating your left stick 180° so from 12 to 6 or 3 to 9 whatever way you're facing you're rotating it 180° so the ball roll is one movement you do that on its own and then after that the left stick and the square X movement is all at the same time let's look at how we use this in game so I have the B mbappe on the left hand side five star Skiller I've got a Dharma trayor trying to catch me up now that is concerning so because the way I'm facing i ball Roll by going 9 to six on the right stick which pushes it away from a and then I perform the scoop turn and rotate my left stick from 6 to 12 which means he scoop turns upwards exactly where I wanted to go and it's sold a d or a dummy and in the next example we do it twice with rivy from this corner just to show you how quick it is from getting away from your opponent so get the ball from the corner do one scoop turn that's not enough I want to get another ball roll scoop turn in that one absolutely sends him to the shops you can see the quick change direction because you ball roll away from where you're going and then you scoop turn back around it's such a good way of changing direction and the best bit of advice I can give is ball roll away from where your then scoop turning so you ball roll up and then scoop turn back around you'll see when I do it with ruy the second time exactly what I mean there and this will be a difficult skill move to execute so it might take some time to practice let's summarize the ball roll scoop turn you can only do it with five star Skiller ball roll away from where you're facing and then scoop turn the other direction to do the scoop turn make sure you rotate the left stick 180° and use it just outside the box on the left and right side skill move number four is the half drag pass now I know that sounds weird but stick with me it is a flare nutmeg but then you don't do the flare nutmeg you press pass really quickly and then it turns into a half drag back pass so we call it the half drag pass now to do this skill move you need a fourstar Skiller or more and to actually do the skill move you hold L1 and R1 at the same time and you flick the right stick to whatever Direction you want to pass but as soon as you've done done that you need to let go and press X and aim your pass with a left stick so as soon as you've done the skill move that is the flare nutmeg you've just done as soon as you've done that just press X because then it will cancel the flare nutmeg and it will half drag back and pass it instead so just one more time to make sure we perfect it L1 R1 flick and as soon as you flicked press X as quick as that I would say this skill move is the one that's being used by the pros the most right now I want to slow this one down in particular and break it down because this is the best use bit that I've seen so with kimich I have the ball I'm looking for that space and what I do is L1 R1 and because of where mbappe is I'm flicking the right analog stick to three and then as soon as I've done that I just cancel it by quickly pressing X and you can see man it just cuts open the Midfield there is no passing Lane there and now there is it breaks straight through that line and we scored a goal from it and when I say creating space out of nowhere look at this Bernardo Silva pass this pass of Harry Kane isn't even on I don't know what it does the Defenders don't want to defend it and it's so overpowered right now half drag back to Bernardo I'm flicking the right stick I'd say actually about four or five o00 because of where Kane is I'm somewhere between 3 and six if we referr to the clocks I'm between there and as soon as I've done it I'll cancel it again and look at that just creates the space perfectly into Kane and it's a free goal that pass wasn't even on before I did it so this skill move is definitely the one you want to be learning summary of the half drag pass to do this skill you need a fourstar Skiller it is actually a flare nutmeg that is cancelled by pressing X as a result your player will half drag back it and then pass it to the direction you have your right stick facing this is best used in all areas of the pitch center right left it will work everywhere and to give you Tom's tip where's that and to give you a bonus Tom tip this is the one you need to learn skill move number five the stepover cancel I have Tau the stepovers in a previous video before so I don't want to make this too long here here but to do a step over you basically rotate the right stick to either 12 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 or 9 to 12 whatever way you can do it anticlockwise as well actually so and then wherever your left stick is where you exit if you want a more in-depth explanation on that stepovers then check that video out but we're going to take the stepovers to the next level and we're going to cancel them now you can do stepovers with two star skillers or above so basically anyone on the game and all you're going to do is a step over like we mentioned and then hold R2 and L2 as you do it and your left stick is where you're going to exit on the cancel this is definitely the hardest skill move out the five so make sure you're watching carefully first example I'm going to use is from a hashtag House video so this is me playing weekend league with the boys you see I've got the ball on the edge of the box with Modric and he is going to predict that I'm going to go straight line with my stepovers now watch the way he overcommits with his Defender you see just there he's expecting me to go all the way I've canceled it and exited using the left stick to push me out the other way and it's absolutely sold him a dream he has gone oh the step over cancel that's going to make him quit the second example is with mbapp we have the ball on the left side and he's expecting more straight line stepovers but I managed to cancel it so I've step overed straight I've then held L2 and R2 and moved my left stick to the direction I want to exit in and you can tell I've just sold him an absolute dream again they always overom thinking that you're going to do a step over and then if you can cancel out of that you'll manage to dummy it every time what I'd advise when doing the step over cancel is to always turn the left stick to either the left or the right and make sure you exit in a different direction because there's no point cancel it in a straight line I think it's best when you can kind of like turn back and move the other way in a quick turn of direction will change everything so make sure you're doing that and make sure you're practicing them cuz this one's hard let's summarize the step over cancels you can do this with a two star Skiller or above first firstly make sure you got the stepovers locked down and then start canceling them you can do the step over cancels anywhere on the pitch but just like any other skill move I'd recommend do it in the attacking third and to make the cancel as effective as possible make sure your left stick exits in a different way to what way you're doing the stepovers they are the five skill moves that Pro players won't tell you about that you now know about so let me know in the comments if you found them useful and I'll see you soon
Channel: Tom Leese
Views: 199,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate team, fut champions, dhtekkz, best fifa player, 1st in the world, hashtag harry, tekkz, harry hesketh, hashtag shawrey, tom leese, epremier league, record transfer, danny aarons, fut champs, 20-0, pro v pro, hashtag tom, how to win more fifa games, pro tips, pro tutorial, how to increase your fifa rank, fifa tutorial, fc tutorial, fc attacking tips, fc defensive tips, elite division fc24, tutorial for beginners, skill moves
Id: _wt9J-K_imc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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