Why You (And I) Suck At Defending And How To Fix It

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defending in sc24 can be harsh difficult brutal or just devastating it's hard to stay close to your opponent and when you do every misstep can easily be punished but we are here to fix this I'm Benjamin a former pro player and I will explain why defending is as hard in fc24 and how you can fix your mistakes and don't worry you are not alone I also had to learn it the hard way and I conceded some goals which made me look quite foolish at the end of the video I will give you one adjustment I made to help me to defend better so make sure to watch the video till the end so one major problem of Defending in fc24 is that you cannot recover as easily when you move out too aggressively for years this was my style of Defending move out and put pressure on the opponent set a trappy in there and always push your opponent on the edge and force mistakes but in fc24 this style of Defending can lead you in big trouble let's start with moving out of position when the opponent is still in his build up first off it's important that you understand that every player in your team has a position and role to contribute to a defensive stability moving out of this position leaves gaps and this can lead to trouble real quick if you're not able to put enough pressure on the opponent when moving out he can play a pass and use the open up space for example here instead of using my central mid feeder I switch to my Center back to quickly pressure the opponent he can avoid this easily and also use the space to play a lobed ball to his Striker at the end one of my true center backs is missing which makes defending this one versus two extremely difficult so now on sc24 it's key that you are more inclined to rather Hold Your Position control a certain area and make sure that you don't tear your own defense apart keeping defensive shape is key and this brings me to the next point it's not only key to not move out too aggressively when the opponent is in the Midfield building up but also when he gets closer to the area around your box in the past my initial response was to select a Defender and move out a bit confronting the attacker but now in sc25 for this is a big mistake it's not as easy anymore to get contact with the attacker and hinder is dribbling he can easily fly past you and take your defensive line apart this example shows my typical habit quite well twice I select a Defender and my initial action is to move up a bit and you can see how easily he gets around me twice this wasn't as easy in earlier fifas after failing like this a few times I recognize that I cannot confront the attacker as much especially when he has as much momentum going forward this is crucial to understand when he's already drilling towards our own goal it's easy for him to use a space advantage to get around the Defenders so when this is the case you have to keep your defender in a rather safe position to not over commit you shouldn't move towards him that way you have enough distance to react to his Direction changes now the opponent has to slow down change direction and shift his play a bit when this is happening now is the time to close down the Gap remember when he's going forward keep your distance but when he slows down you can get close so I had to identify a lot of mistakes that I make to understand what is required to defend better if you struggle with doing this on your own I want to point out that we also offer private one-on-one coaching the best and most effective way to spot your mistakes and work on them you can book your session with an experienced coach by clicking the icon in the top right corner or the link in the video description an essential function to keep your position is jockey you jockey with the L2 or LT button and with this your player goes into a defensive stance which allows you to move him around more responsively and while jockey was always clutch for defending in the last couple of years playing FIFA there are two major takeaways for jockey one fast jockey isn't as good anymore before it was basically a cheat code for defending you press L2 plus R2 or LT plus RT and now you move around very fast but still super responsive in fc24 it's very easy to get caught in the wrong position while using fast jockey and not being able to change direction as fast so fast jockey isn't the answer anymore especially for situations in your box and this brings us to the second takeaway hit the jockey button early earlier than you used to do in fc24 it's very easy to get caught with your pants down and this is the case when you don't use jockey and move in the wrong direction here I think the opponent will Sprint into the open space so I want to cover that area but he changes Direction and goes to the Lower Side this is me with my pants down as you can see I have no chance to recover from my wrong anticipation and I get lucky to not concede here so instead you have to use jockey really early here I see the opponent charging into the box as soon as I realize that he will change direction I use jockey to get in a proper position to receive the opponent and win the ball using jockey early help me to get in a good position to defend the opponent inside the box but unfortunately jockey alone is not a magic button this over committing in One Direction based on a hunch just a feeling that he will go that way is a recurring theme when it comes to defending an fc24 and jockey doesn't solve this problem even when using jockey it's easy to over commit in One Direction and then you won't be able to recover from this anymore jockey or not doesn't matter all wallets required to anticipate or gamble less but rather play it safe and hold your position in this situation for example I face up early on with jockey but not over commit in One Direction I stay in front of the opponent and as soon as I realized he will try to play a through ball I move back to cover the area to make defending even harder even the perfect position might not be enough in fc24 the frequency of alter tackles is reduced Auto tickets are tackles that happen automatically so without you pressing the tackle button just because the ball is very close to your Defender the higher the standing tackle attribute of your player the more likely an auto tech will happen these kinds of tackles were a very safe way to win the ball you didn't need to take the risk to manual tackle but just focus on good positioning and you were able to resolve quite a lot of situations but in fc24 the overall range for auto tackles seems noticeably reduced so in a lot of situations when the ball is very close to a Defender the defender won't automatically tackle the ball this can lead to very awkward situations for example here I perfectly anticipate the direction change of the opponent but I was used to getting an auto tackle so I didn't tackle manually and this backfired because nothing happened and I just moved out of the way so in fc24 you should be more inclined to take them more proactively in those situations when in doubt you should tackle for the ball even when the opponent is more or less running Straight Into You overall the size of tackling seems worth it there are a lot of situations inside the box when it's right on the edge and going for a decisive tackle is the best way to resolve the situation and win the ball immediately it's important that you identify the spots when the opponent isn't close to the ball and cannot move the ball away or change direction when you tackle if you follow this principle you won't concede that many penalties but well you still won't be immune to this we should also talk about defending the wing right now the way to go for many players is to attack the goal line everybody is eager to break from the goal line and score some easy cutbacks so when you're faced up in a spot like this follow the tips we explained so far so using jockey get in a proper position wait for a good moment to tackle but overall when it comes to handling this be advised to prioritize defending the goal line a bit more additionally to fortify the area in front of your goal even more you can use partial team press in those situations press the R1 RB button twice and hold it this activates partial team press now two teammates will start to tightly Mark the opponent's players which can help to prevent those easy cutback goals so almost 8 minutes into the video and you're wondering that I haven't mentioned Advanced defending yet oh you haven't heard about Advanced defending Advanced defending is a new option in the controller settings tactical defending is the old default setting which contextually decides what happens when you press Circle or B most often it will be a tackle but sometimes it can also be a shock of the body or pulling on the opponent's player with Advanced defending these defending actions are now separated Circle slash B is solely for standing tackles while with X slash a you do shoulder challenges seal outs Etc so all those physical challenges now the question is should you use Advanced defending I think it's a good time to point out that at the guide plus you not only get an answer to that question but also further tips on how to learn and start using Advanced defending we are creating a course which is teaching you everything that's relevant for advanced defending alongside with a wide variety of other topics like attacking trading Etc so when you're interested in that click the icon in the top right corner or the link in the video description because everybody can access the first lesson of the course for free coming back to the original question Advanced defending is superior your shoulder challenges are stronger and more effective and you also get another tool to put pressure on your opponent especially Inside the Box see you can use the X a button to this possess the opponent from the ball without being as heavily committed with attackers so this is the adjustment I made that I mentioned in the beginning which helped me to be better in defending but Advanced defending might not be the best option for everybody it adds another decision layer to your defense when do you tackle when you go for physical challenge if you find defending already complicated enough and struggle to keep up with all the options I would advise you to stick with tactical defending but I just want to also provide you with one thought that I recently had it's quite unlikely that the air will move Advanced defending anytime soon it will be here for at least some years and it's clearly the better option maybe exactly now is the right time to get started with it and benefit from learning it for the upcoming years you don't want to be late to the party don't you ah talking about parties in the video that you click on the screen right now we teach you some really cool party tricks the new ski moves in sc24 I bet you can impress quite a lot of people with a new flare nutmegs or the ball roll track um anyways this is it from my side thanks for your attention keep a clean sheet I'm out
Channel: THE GUIDE - FC 24 Tutorials, Tips & Tricks!
Views: 166,342
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Keywords: FC 24 Defending, FC24 Defending, How to defend in FC 24, FIFA 24 Defending, FC 24 Defending Tips, FC 24 Defending Tutorial, How to tackle in FC 24, Why is defending so hard in FC 24
Id: -o2IVi5pVZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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