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The in the field videos are easily on my list of infinitely rewatchable vids

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Haniihii 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh no way, that sweet sweet content!

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/plunderyarrbooty92 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ordinary Things came back! Hooray!

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/NamanJani 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the best ones I’ve seen

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ItsJustMeMaggie 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Episode in a nutshell: A GAH! BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

God, how is that CNN clip not mocked every day?

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/hoeraufist 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

What happened with the r/place video?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/GameBoyAdv2004 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Give me all of your bees!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Raumorder 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ordinary Things and his racist rants smh my head 😔😔😔

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/limit3ci 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
weapons weapons am i good with a weapon yes am i carrying weapons on me always pistols at sunset the bullets don't reach that far aha check out this weapon i just made stay still predator missiles they're working in league with the torpedoes tactical airstrike why what's air supposed to do all this and more on this episode of in the battlefield get it sorry if i sound weird it's because i went to the asian uh supermarket today yeah because we bought some astro turf fake grass yeah i didn't want to take care of it so we astroturfed some of the backyard right it looks like [ __ ] anyway the neighbor's cat has started [ __ ] on the astroturf what am i gonna i can't just kill the neighbor's cab i don't think i can get away with that i didn't want to get into it with their neighbors either excuse me do you know you've got a cat and it shits out like you can't police a cat in the same way that you can adopt that's right the cats are a lore unto themselves so i went to the chinese supermarket right because obviously the thing to do is to buy about three liters of chili oil and then fill a weed sprayer with it and then just start spraying the whole garden in chili oil to the point where it just kind of turns red and then it starts trying to take a [ __ ] and then it goes oh god it turns the grass red or it turns the [ __ ] red and you're hoping that this is gonna like scare the cat something's going wrong here i need to talk to a dog too so you know the grass is looking a lot redder than it usually does wait this is the astro turf so you've essentially just dyed fake grass right yeah pretty much and you know the whole place reeks chili oil and if the cat shits there anyway then boy is he gonna have won this war could you not have just let the [ __ ] continue and no it's an outrageous amount of [ __ ] he's taking like three shits a day like he doesn't even keep it to the sort of back of the property where you wouldn't notice it it's like right on the front that's the first thing a guest would see and then we've got a cat and so people think oh you guys are just [ __ ] dirty why don't you clean up after you said no you don't yeah so anyway that's the reason i went to the asian supermarket and while i was there there was some sour candy that's the full story of why i'm eating sour candy [Music] so you've seen the gay bomb right i've heard of it i'm fascinated by it naturally because it was it was theoretical right yes i love that simon fischer is but a rainbow i think the chief idea behind it was okay you make your enemy uninhibited and extremely aroused and then they are more likely in a non-combat situation to start doing it with each other it wouldn't work in a fight no one's gonna go oh i'm just too horny to fight and they just start running at their own men in the other direction but maybe it's a permanent change you've got your wife back home and your kids what if you come home gay sorry honey i gotta be my true self now this might really backfire because it might make the opposing army like even more bonded with one another because now they're just like i gotta save my dude because like he's great i love him i'm just thinking now there's like super elite gay army it's just you and me skin on skin stripped to the waist that are just so loyal to one another that they are unstoppable just like rolling in rainbow camouflage everybody's just like super afraid [Music] what about guns have you ever fired a gun yeah only a rifle yeah i thought it was pretty neat when i was in america i made a b-line for the gun range yeah went full hog i wanted to see what it was like and uh yeah it turns out it really made me feel like a man people do say that though you know a bit dismissively but there must be something absolutely instinctual about holding a weapon you'd sort of notice that when you if you ever go for a hike and you pick up a stick that just feels really well weighted to hold and you could use it like a weapon i do find myself like naturally carrying that around and just sort of feeling good about it yeah it's the ultimate tool yeah i think there's something about that in the past the ones that pick up a pretty good stick and just walk around with it survive a lot more absolutely they're so loud though oh god i can't stand how loud they are oh silences are banned in most states i think and it seems to me like the reason that that legislation has come into place is because everybody watches the movies and thinks that a gun with a silencer on it sounds like yeah yeah like it's a hitman but it's actually just there so you don't go [ __ ] death yeah it's still really loud i suppose you wouldn't be able to recognize that sound so regularly no can you silence a shotgun oh you can actually uh adds a degree of style to it that's the silencer is a bit like uh adding a mustache into a gun yeah yeah it does make it look a lot cooler you got to admit that much like that lame oh hey that's like immediately cool like i even think he's becomes more handsome between shots you know play it again i'm going to close my eyes and just this is a welcome to america's favorite game show all right well i was definitely silenced oh it sounded like no but i couldn't really tell okay how about this one that is definitely not silence that is full hog interesting silenced okay all four of those were silenced ah you tricked me i did you correctly guessed that it was behind a pillow that's a bloody good one isn't it because that wouldn't silence anything i mean it might make it quieter for the person who's getting shot [Laughter] why the hell else would that work i'm just gonna put the pillow on so it doesn't hurt your ears thank you pillow silencer 120.7 i like the idea that off-screen is just like someone tied to a chair yeah so now we'll use the pillow all right jerry jerry he's got tied up yeah what's the deal with airplane peanuts oh yeah but it only went up to 102 decibels 120.7 cnn this is the ar-15 right a lot of people will buy this just because it's cool why else would you buy a gun is it illegal to look cool now is that what they're saying i'm sorry i really dislike the sort of moralistic tone there i've just like some people just buy this gun to be cool yeah of course isn't there the reason for half the things we do you buy a slightly nicer car or you cut your hair a certain way did you just get that haircut to look like yeah man [ __ ] off the defining characteristic of the ar-15 is the speed and power of the bullet the whole defining feature of a bullet is that they go fast and are powerful yeah well it's no good if it bounces right off here i do like who fired this ball what the hell happened here it looks like a classic like golden eye n64 bullet hole as well it's it's classic you fire too many and these ones start disappearing all right ordinary things let's do gun lessons from people who also don't know much about guns but i know a little bit do you know what the difference is between automatic semi-automatic pump action pump action is the one that where you've gotta sort of like jerk the gun off before it'll fire again more like one trigger pull one bullet and automatic is like hold it down and it goes all over the place if i wanted to fire this on full semi-automatic all i do is keep firing now i won't probably what does that mean quick translate then how do they both look like tim cook he looks like tim cook and mike pence had a baby that's sweet i don't like the way i can see the outline of his nipples through his shirt i kind of feel like for the news just where like i don't do you find it erotic can you not focus yeah i find distracting is that one seems much lower than the other yeah what's up with that it's a weapon designed to inflict maximum damage it's a weapon it's a gun and not enough people are using nord so much of their private data is out in the unit i have to show everyone why the world matters to your plan pirating movies i call the police store his with history that guy is gay he's not buying that for his dog are you sure it's covered wrong building chinese spy [Music] yes i'm just tired of being did you find some cream for that rash sarah [Music] looks like i'm too late to save you hundreds of dollars with region specific pricing on funerals why i couldn't let you expose my secret that i actually enjoy playing field of tanks mobile goodbye nobody would have known will nord survive will the sponsorship contract be renewed find out next time on also get a huge deal up to two-year plan plus four free extra months yay nord.com incognito add when i was a kid there was this brand of sour candy called toxic waste do you get that in australia oh yes yeah yeah it came in the little tub i love that stuff oh man i've been addicted to sour candy since i can remember and of course you know the more that you're told that you're not allowed something the more alluring it becomes i was about five or six i'd sneak some change from the kitchen counter i would take a bit of a side route on the way home and go to the old dairy and sometimes they would have this sour candy and it was uh five cents a piece and i'll go and then i'll buy like a dollars worth i'll scoff it all down on the way home one day i got like five bucks worth of coins that gave you like 50 pieces and 50 pieces is way too many to finish by the time you get home so i had like half a bag full um i'm gonna have to hide this somehow i'll just hide it under my shirt and i walked into the house thinking no one's gonna be the wiser and my sister the first thing she saw she's like what's under your shirt am i on nothing and i go running to my room and maybe with my mom or my dad i don't know they come running after like what was that what do you got what do you got i then like ran out and then i just ran to the neighbors it was like being caught with drugs and i knew this neighbor kid and i was like you gotta take this you're gonna take this and he takes it and he hides it into the cushion and the couch in the lounge and then i walk out the door of the neighbor's place nothing it wasn't anything still sweating from the sound candy as well when i was a kid my contraband was a violent horror movies and such oh no and i remember one time my dad drove me to a sleepover and i wanted to bring some horror movies that i had squirreled away in my room this is great your mom's cleaning your room and she like looks under your bed instead of like porno mex it's just nightmare on illness yeah in fact that did eventually happen i've got given a stun all right the ordinary things let me tell you all about the birds and bees oh jeep oh shucks i don't know nothing about all that business then you take her boyfriend's face and you put it on your face and that's when you run into the room possibly inspired by watching midnight express um i was like got the dvds and like taped them to my torso under my t-shirt and i was just sat next to my dad on the drive there so did he get caught no i didn't but isn't there a big square outline no [ __ ] i think i put like a jumper on as well if i recall actually i remember my dad saying like aren't you warm in that i think it was summer already sweating what if he catches me with kill bill volume two under my shirt so did you watch the movie at the place i don't think people were too impressed right do you want to watch this some guy gets his head cut off i know man i just want to talk about girls we're just trying to have a good time i was hoping i could ruin all your nights people get a fake foot they lose it in a bar brawl of some kind yeah exactly so they give you a fake foot so what would you do if you could have like any sort of fake foot become a weapon what would the weapon be well how about it looks like a normal fur but then i take it off and it's just like one big titanium spike yeah you could like twist it off and replace it with other things like a snooker cue or um you know one of those like grabbers okay so this isn't really a weapon this is a multi-tool yeah i think so like a swiss army foot yeah a multi-tool multi-foot that would be quite good you're caught in the wilderness or whatever and then you've just got a whole bunch of tools in there yeah well no problem let me start a fight i would probably have um it would be a gun for sure this is when you're in the woods is it well see well i'm next to you right now i've got my multi-tool and i've just like twisted my axe attachment on and i'm just like kicking wood i'm kicking trees down yeah i'll shoot you and then i'll take your multi-tool you won't have the twisty bear yeah you've got it like a key exactly little click out of one but one of them is like a wheel powered by an engine that if i just balance on that one wheel i can like go around like rosie and the jetsons oh [ __ ] that would be good like those wheelie shoes but it's diesel [Music] as a you know someone who's completely normal and well adjusted i have thought about if you were to kill someone like what would be the best way to get away with it yeah you know people could have these elaborate plans of killing and all like burn the body in the bath man and the best way is just to find them on the street let off two rounds and just walk away hood up yeah go fast no muscles i think you're right right let's play in a murder brilliant because i don't understand how it's done in the modern day and someone gets away with it yeah let's say i'm trying to kill you right cool yeah so first i have to find your address i'd have to go to england so now there's records of me searching your address there's records of me being in the country i then have to get to your place i rent a car or i take an uber and then all along that route are cameras that are tracking the license plate of the car i'm in and i've got a phone on me and that's being constantly picked up on every cell tower yeah the first thing you want to do is leave your phone at home if you're ubering to your murder i think like let's say i have uber within five kilometers of your place okay and then i just start walking to your place the whole route is gonna have cameras along it and i get to your place and what do i do i like knock on the door and then you answer it and then i have to go like bang everybody sees look at this dude no okay no that means i need to break into your place what do you do from there this is becoming so difficult i say you gotta smash the window in and make it look like a robbery gone wrong bang uh on the way out i steal the dvd's real quick and just put them in my shirt then i guess you just sort of take off running it'll still be a robbery gone wrong and so they'll still start tracking these cameras yeah they'll just start following the line we got him i think you're putting too much faith in the cctv system i think it is quite fallible they're not everywhere right anyway point is it's impossible ordinary things it cannot be done i just think you know if aliens are real that just completely changes the way everyone sees the world it'd be amazing maybe what do you reckon the alien weapon would be well the anal probe is the classic when combined with the gay bomb it stops being a weapon not a weapon it's a medical analytical tool that's a good point do you reckon they clean the probe between analyzing humans depends what the aliens are doing with the probing like are they just measuring butthole circumference for their files what could be done there that wouldn't just be easily done with some sort of alien pill or an x-ray i reckon they pull out that probe go this is [ __ ] disgusting and then they just shoot everyone up the airlock they got another one they're all gross this is gross every time i think i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm saying is horrible you would think it would be just as much mouth probing as there would be hopefully not with the same probe if you were going into a medieval battle what's your choice you know they're all on a wall which do you pick which way western man i feel the scythe is pretty useless in battle a mace though i think a mace is good stuff right like it can bludgeon it's sharp it's easy to use i don't particularly want any of these to be honest that's picky i wouldn't go with the scythe actually not here for the battle the battlefield is just in need of a bit of a train so if i could have any weapon it would just be like this sword and shield i mean it's a classic for a reason let's say you and me one-on-one right all right so i've got the spear you've got the shield and sword who do you reckon wins uh i reckon me reckon i'd abide my time and get you to stick the spear into the shield and then i'm just cutting your spear in half and you're done i don't think you're blocking anything with that shield oh you reckon yeah i think i'm poking at you poking at you and you're moving your shield around and then i managed to get just a little bit behind your shield at one point and then i just press in you can't get my fingers though that's pretty that's not fair let's see like spear versus sort of that's a sword brilliant we can put some money on it all right oh oh i see yeah he's he's sticking him he's gonna try and stick him good i thought mud crabs more fearsome than you i like the spin technique like so you don't know when it's coming yeah yeah exactly well yeah the the charge is the thing as soon as the spear guy has it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up got you to stop within spear distance yes it's game over spear wins the key is not to be spooked by the spear yeah don't fear the spear charge in like a [ __ ] i was half dressed like a bank robber and half dressed like a beekeeper now that you've pointed that out yeah give me all your bees where's the queen let's fear the sting of be man just back on mace's what do you think of this morning star oh yeah that would [ __ ] out pretty good you know what the problem is with this weapon it's got so many points and they're like if you hit someone right in the head with it in the heat of battle it is liable to get stuck and then you're in the situation where you're like trying to pull it out of someone's head and then someone put something in your head there'd be a bomber to clean too like this thing would not go in the dishwasher very well at all what's the like really weak version of this like you could have this ball but instead of spikes you've got those like finger nail cheetos that'd be pretty good i'm trying to think of like a nerf version of the morning star i like the idea of this if it was much much smaller and the head was half the size of a golf ball and had these tiny little prongs it would be exceptional for serving olives yeah that's true i like that you could take one of these and then you just put like a dog too on it and then you just chase people around the battlefield because no one wants to get the dog [ __ ] on them you know that's true you'll be feared on the battlefield it's like when you go to prison obviously i'm not strong i don't have the option of like going up to the biggest guy in there and punching them that wouldn't go well no your only other option is to just act like the craziest [ __ ] possible i have [ __ ] on a stick utterly unpredictable terrifying human being if you spill you know why is this funny to me if you spill your apple juice right over the front of your shirt can you just pop back to your cell and throw on another shirt surely or you're like oh that's my only one and then you have to walk around it's the kind of apple juice down the front of your shirt they must have a wardrobe they must have a place where they put their pants and socks and toothbrush shivs and all sorts that's a weapon the toothbrush shiv prison shivs is that like a little darringer pistol sergeant hal birchfield oh everyone hit those mustaches back and when are they coming back i can't really grow a mustache very well so i'd be a bit upset if that happened really i have a mustache but it's a bit of a howard hughes sort of like pencil mustache hold on a minute let me have a look at this oh yeah i mean i've got what i like to call the anti-hitler i can't grow it in the middle i don't know if this is racist okay continue have you ever noticed how people from eastern europe tend to have that sort of facial hair the same sort of facial ear that you do to be honest i can't say i have noticed that but i'm i'm willing to go ahead with it serbian man all these men have mick mustaches so i'm not sure your theory yeah no it's all falling apart real quick i'm amazed that you've typed in slavic man and none of them are squatting you know what this theory sucks these people will have regular moustaches i don't know why you proposed it to be honest it's kind of racial and it's not true while we're on racist things i've got one more go on yeah please continue have you ever noticed that asian people when they park their car always park their car backwards into the car space that i cannot say that i've spent enough time observing other people parking lot experience right i live near a pretty asian suburb right i love it i love going down there shopping there all the time where you normally see people parking they just you know drive forward straight in but for some reason every time the local residents here park they reverse in and i'm thinking like is it something they are culturally taught that has some sort of advantage okay in an emergency you can drive out faster is that what it's about is it like oh i want to show off my car here look at the front much nicer that's interesting i'm gonna go out on a limb and say it is representative of a culture that forward plans ordinary things bigot confirm if you're done with your racist tirade ordinary things i'd like to move back on to the the topic of it and i do have an asian just because you have an asian friend does not make you not frank have you ever been to cambodia no i haven't when i was there back in the day well i got in their taxi and the guy was like oh you're new here and i was like yeah yeah obviously and then he said do you want to go to the firing range and i was like yes you can use a machine gun you can use some handguns i was like that's sick and then he went up a level and was just like if you've got 200 american dollars you can even fire a rocket launcher at a cow no way you said yes right i will admit that the option did intrigue me but i was pretty broke back then so and also it would have been a bit gross and maybe i would have felt a bit ashamed of myself don't get me wrong i went i didn't use the rocket launcher but i did hock a grenade which was fun killer confirmed oh you threw a grenade what was that like yeah it was great was it spooky i was scared pivot guy he could tell oh god this nervous englishman is going to drop it into his shoe or something i also saw the pen where they had all the sheep and cows oh no they're little nervous faces i'd be nervous that like the pin wouldn't want to come out that easily and so i'll hold it in one hand and then pull the pin but then i'd also pull the grenade out of my hand at the same time if you were to just play football with a grenade would it ever explode as long as the pin didn't come out i think not because the whole point if i recall the pin is creating a chemical reaction with something like a piece of metal that something's connecting yeah okay i've got a bit of question you pulled out the pin right yeah do you think you would be capable of pulling that out with your teeth no really it wasn't quite like a key of a car but it was like there was a bit more of a mechanism to it yeah interesting because i've seen that with like you know there's tom cruise at the end of that movie that's on the screen right now and he he's got like a mouth full of grenade pins at the end and ahaha i've defeated the big bad and i was always wondering like oh i bet that's not that easy today they are amazing i didn't realize you had the expertise if i'm completely honest i didn't really feel like much of expertise i could only afford one it's funny um the guy who's editing this he's ex-army so he's probably like laughing at us right now because i'm sure he's got all sorts of experience with like grenades and tanks and [ __ ] tanks i'd like to drive a tank that would i mean wherever lets me do that that would be sweet you can't drive one over a cow would you go back to cambodia now yes if only for the breakfast the cambodian breakfast is exceptional really why it's like pork and rice but my god the pork is absolutely delicious my core memory of the three weeks i spent there was just like getting up every morning and being like another breakfast please delicious yum yum i gotta tell you there's no breakfast food that i like but in like asian countries it's like what's for breakfast well like duck and chili on rice with some green beans yeah perfect you're setting yourself up for the morning you should be loading up the biggest meal of the day should be in the morning that's when i start my morning i have sausage eggs bacon the whole nine yards so i just get up and cram my little gullet with food i also wonder whether it's like the cuisine that is in europe and western societies required so much preparation that there were only certain things that you could get done by breakfast time yes i think in other countries it's someone's job to get up really early and cook for like everyone else you know what i'm saying i know what you're trying to say it's then you didn't drive a tank in cambodia because they park them all backwards [Music] excalibur sword in the stone what's the one that's found in our lake with a little that is also excalibur i think one of the stories is that when king arthur dies he just like tosses it in a lake ah no man can pull the sword from this stone these strong men come along and they're pulling at it and smudging up the handle out comes asking oh please i'll go on then sir can i ever go on the swording the jig oh we'll all be laughing at your kid but go on i guess he lubes it up and then he just pulls it out it's easy for him if that's the idea isn't it that means he gets to be king which is an interesting system of governance i reckon we should go back to whoever's the strongest gets to be the leader i like that idea once in a while i do see someone who's kind of weak and pathetic and i think why do you get to be in charge i think it should be whoever's the strongest or who's ever slept with the most women hey now you're thinking but how would you prove that you would slip with the most number of women in order to become the king i just like the idea that a guy would show up and just be like yeah i'm running for president and here is a list of 50 women you can call them up it's a few kids that look like me like a bad list of references hey can i use you as a reference yeah what are you running for presidency instead of having a sex scandal he would be like turns out he wasn't having that many affairs oh no he's loyal to his wife what's going on get him out of there how hard is it to put a sword in the stone that's a really good point that would be much more difficult than pulling it out of the stone so the guy who put it in there that should be the guy who's the king okay what else we got for mystical weapons poseidon has a trident sidon's trident good one yeah so he can command the sea with that can't he he can like make the waves move make the fish [ __ ] each other something like that if your trident controls the ocean what's the point of like the pointy bit like he's not using the trident as well as a weapon right wait what's the point of a trident that's a good part yeah actually what was a trident got to do with a c what is a trident is it used for catching fish i don't know i never thought about this as a three-pronged spear is used for spearfishing no way okay i guess it does make sense if you're like going at a school of fish you want as many prongs as you can get yeah what you'd really want is a five prong spear right because see this is 2d explain why it's five better than yeah okay hold on it goes down like that yeah and wherever you so far now if you've got a spear that goes like this then oh [ __ ] i missed it or the fish was over here and so i missed it so what they're doing is they're making two more prongs nice but that's only 2d what you really want is five because yeah i mean that is superior [Music] i think in contrast to this extremely bloodthirsty and violent episode we should walk through a meadow holding hands all right into the sunset yeah we'll do that for about three seconds until the end it gets bored yeah all right outro right first thing i'm gonna do is fill in that mustache gap no stop it i've got a permanent line on one hand and i'm holding your head down with the other oh yeah well i'm hacking the main frame and i'm i'm going to turn your webcam on hey everyone he's a furry he's wearing his fursuit now how about this right i'm going to be an unsuspecting victim and you are going to be an assassin brill okay and if you manage to kill me then the episode ends otherwise i'm just going to keep rambling okay well i'm coming up behind you with a plastic bag manhunt style you can't just walk into my house so i keep the door that's why i kicked it in with my muscles i heard that now i've run up to my panic room i'm on the phone with the police the police are in my pocket bribed the entire police it was easy now i'm going to put some c4 around the corners of your panic room and i'm going to blow this [ __ ] up button press i now open the door with my scythe and i begin to sweep at your legs now the hunter has become the haunted get away i'll swat your hand away and pull out a funky looking knife oh no it's got dog do on the end of it get away all right i'm now running up the stairs and doing a very difficult action for the editor to keep up with don't worry i'll make it easier for you by flinging a shuriken into the back of your head yeah i like the idea that i'm running away right in mid-sentence we've got to end this episode and i'm going to end it by ending you okay i break down your door and i start throwing some shurikens at you ah too late i have picked up a wooden table that's okay because that was just my distraction for my real plan which is to feed you this delicious poisoned apple you cannot resist its juicy goodness i already had breakfast oh what did you eat it was some ducks some chili and some green beans from kembo that sounds absolutely delicious i've really lost the appetite for murder would you instead like to hold hands and have a delicious cambodian breakfast that sounds lovely maybe we could kill a cow as well like you did and it's not cannon yeah i know it wasn't a cow was it a child a small cambodian refugee they had survived a much worse country and finally made it to cambodia the place where they could finally prosper but then they ended up in a hole receiving the bad end of a grenade from ordinary things this is rubbish let's try something else yeah everyone go to your computer right now type in tickets to syria comma what happens if i destroy my passport how do i renounce my citizenship how to buy ammo on deep slash dark web how to smuggle cash on plane do x-rays detect lsd they don't save you google that wow what's like a shitty version of pablo escobar no outro this time video is over some weird recommended videos there which one do you want to watch we should watch one of my videos on the main channel i like watching myself listening to myself yeah me too is one of my videos in the recommended no uh that's fine doesn't matter no i haven't watched your videos in ages no is it just me um or do you also have like tremendous contempt for the audience i hate them can't stand them like i i hate the fans they're the worst i want to turn a weapon on them and then on to myself i just want to tell them [ __ ] off oh no the video is still going someone just turned the lights off in the lounge quick cause of distraction quickly uh-oh now the spanish version of this same video has started playing wait what's the spanish word for weapons armas armas casca e armas oh armor's okay maybe something like ah welcome to this spanish version it is exactly the same content instead it is a lot sexier ah a beautiful weather woman has entered the room and we shall make sweet music together and then we just like click on the maracas [ __ ] this is gonna be a 10 minute outro and then i drown myself in the toilet yes hitman style all right bye ordinary thing
Channel: Incognito Mode
Views: 4,913,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet historian, in the field, ordinary things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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