Dye Trying 5

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this series used to be called household alternative to commercial resin pigments and dyes thanks to viewer suggestion it is now called die trying and this is number five as per usual i tried my best to use items that i already have in my household along with suggestions that you guys have made for the mold today we are using these adorable little flamingos today we are using total boat resin and we're just going to mix some up we'll do one pump from each resin and hardener there we go nasty children's cough syrup grape flavored if you wanted the trivia question this is the secret ingredient to the flaming homer all right that is a little pale it doesn't do us any good if it's not a good pigment let's see if we can get it to turn more purple that looks like spoiled yogurt fantastic and straight into the first flamingo the side second suggestion i get all the time ramen flavor packets i picked beef because uh beef is nasty and nobody has to feel bad about beef being used up and if you don't agree with me then fight me and even though none of you are here with me you are all going to smell this um you frankly have ingested too much msg and since this is a powder and most of the powders that we've used on this show have worked i think i think this should work as well yep a gravy color look at that oh that is it's just not yeah it's just not good not so while i was rooting around the medicine cabinet for the cough syrup i found this calamine lotion what what is that it's these are your shop towels that's a ginormous box that's awesome we're not going to run out of shop towels anytime soon uh thank you calamine lotion and i thought it might be perfect for dye poison ivy poison ivy you're gonna need a notion of calamine lotion it might be really wet that might be too wet for this it makes me itch just thinking about this kids today kids today right they don't have don't have chickenpox you get a there's a chickenpox vaccine which means 20 year olds and younger never got chickenpox didn't have to deal with all that super awesome for them hated chickenpox awful and this was the only salvation was this lotion all right there we go calamine lotion okay so the next suggestion is a pretty widely suggested item which is white out side whoa it's turning gummy like glue feels like a pot of elmer's glue i get it it is glue but it doesn't feel like resin anymore it's a really nice color a couple episodes back someone asked me to do toilet bowl cleaner and i got the wrong kind of toilet bowl cleaner so back in my old shop in the back corner that shop was full when we moved in it was full of stuff this is from 1997 been in there for quite a while oop we got a bubble that's kind of gross all right i think that's what you guys were hoping for like this ah oh not good not good whole cup just turned hot that's not good we that is a super chemical reaction the entire cup is like super hot i'm going to yeah no bad toilet bowl cleaner whatever chemical is in this reacts very poorly with this okay toilet pole cleaner you're out bad now i don't even know if i can grind up seashell fine enough to be a powder but if i can i might be really cool i got this tiny bag of seashells i don't know what kind of shell that is alright let's see if this even works [Applause] did somebody actually suggest this or i'm just going crazy i'm going to have to look through the comments section and see if i actually found somebody that actually suggested this to me or if i just dreamed this up this definitely looks like cocaine like if a police officer came here you would not believe me when i said no no no it's just ground up seashell i promise it's just ground up seashell i promise you and and see what happens because i don't actually know what's going to happen whoa sorry about that everybody okay sorry about that just kick the tripod okay so one that i've gotten numerous times is motor oil and i know that this isn't motor oil but it is oil and it did have it in the house already it is a really nice color it's actually a really nice color wow that actually stirs up really nice too wow that just looks good look at that [Applause] look at this other pigments this is what oil looks like you could do a little something and learn from them oil doesn't look like weird garbage so yeah be nice to him he's new here all right so antacid and i'm just going to pick out a handful of these teal-ish looking ones these will yield something useful just a couple spoons there we go just a couple oh wow what a really nice color look at that if this hardens up antacid will be a runaway winner that was super easy to grind up the color is great they're probably already in your medicine cabinet all right into the cup so i've got one slot left open no ingredients left on my list so i just went inside and grabbed the first thing i saw which was a packet of soy sauce and my gut says that this is going to absolutely fail i don't think anybody asked me to do this one i want to add too much well they don't put much in there another gravy looking one we'll see i'll have to keep track of which one's which okay so it's been a couple days and everyone should have had plenty of time to cure luckily we've got eight samples here so hopefully a couple of them will work let's start right at the beginning with cough syrup oh it's still liquid you guys see that i'm really glad i had the foresight to put gloves on alright it did not fully cure it's actually got this strange cavity here in the front and the back half appears to have cured somewhat i think that's the resin and this is the cough syrup but i think all of the cough syrup is still in the mold so that is definitely not one of our wins second one on our list was ramen packet flavoring and this was the beef flavoring is a powdered flavoring um i think this should do well i don't see why this one won't work oh yeah okay that actually worked really well you can still see the little flecks of flavoring in there got pretty decent color oh look some of the chives so yeah uh ramen packet totally works we'll put this one in the wind pile this is interesting it's pretty easy to tell that something went wrong here before we even start unmolding this and it is just flaking apart it is is literally just dust in the wind dust in the wind my flamingos just dust in the wind dust in the wind my flamingo's just dust in the wind and that walkers have you ever had anything like that i've never seen anything like this i mean it kind of makes sense considering what calamine does which is soak up all of the um itchy stuff on your arm right so that's kind of what it's made to do is to dry it out yeah i guess it dried out the resin and turned it into like little nodules super weird it's really weird i was gonna pop it out i was like if i pop it out it's just gonna yeah just a pile of dust yeah at the end you'll have to pour it out yeah see if we had any more success with whiteout see if i can get this out without dusting the calamine everywhere oh look it looks like it actually hardened okay interesting it's actually really hard to see it i wonder if i turned down let's see if i turn down this this setting a little bit you can kind of make it out it's hardened it's got a line here where some of the white out some of the pigment actually roast the top so most of this separated and most of the pigments on the top it is a little sticky okay it's it's totally opaque i mean i guess it's a little translucent it's mostly opaque i'm going to put white out in the wind pile just because it did completely harden and it looks like it worked ground up seashell which was this one right here is certainly the most effort i've ever put into a pigment that's not it nope nope this was ground up seashell here we go this one's ground up seashell actually so it's not much of a pigment because it didn't mix so this is this is clear resin and that's maybe some leftover dust so i wouldn't call this a pigment i really like the way that looks that looks like stone there was a ton of effort to get it but what a cool look i'm putting it in the wind pile for sure i don't know if i'd call it it's not a pigment but it is definitely an interesting additive for resin um this was oil for my chainsaw that i don't i don't know if i've ever used my chainsaw for anything that is a total wind 100 absolute wind great color um it's opaque it looks great cured fantastically a really great color looks like a pink flamingo that is not only a good pigment but i would actually use that i could see myself using that one in the future so that's a really cool one this is tums which went in as one of my favorites i think it should come out looking pretty good oh look at that it's settled on the bottom not to the same extent because you definitely have nice color throughout here but it did settle and it does give a neat effect much like the seashells do it is an opaque color for the price of tons this would be a great value we got quite a few in the wind pile actually not really sure about this one it looks like it hardened up seems like a surprise i mean it's it looks like a soy sauce color it's nice color it appears to have hardened up if you're looking for a brown soy sauce is probably a better choice than ramen flavor packets it doesn't have any of the little grits like you get from the other you saw how much we put in we put in a ton of soy sauce and it didn't affect the resin so yeah if you're going for a nice brown color a nice gravy color soy sauce would probably be soy sauce would probably be the one that you want to do all right so there's the there's the calamine wow so weird one was too wet and one was too dry sounds like a dr seuss i'm actually super happy with motor oil ground up seashells tums and soy sauce and to a lesser extent and while these both succeeded i'm not really that fond of them beef flavored ramen and white out a question i get asked a lot is do these retain their smell and the answer is no when you're mixing it it definitely smells like whatever you're mixing in but once it cures it just smells like resin so let's see if any of these fluoresce under a black light um oh yeah definitely the motor oil does and a little bit the tums i'd say let's go down the line here soy sauce a little bit you can see the flecking on the ramen and then not really for the white out oh chamomile does our fifth installment of the newly named die trying i will go ahead and put a playlist at the end for the other four episodes lots of failures and successes in those episodes if you have ideas that we haven't tried yet leave a comment down below i'd love to do more of these as always thank you guys very much for watching and i will catch you next time
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 203,810
Rating: 4.9520726 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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