Dye Trying 1

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guys have seen me use a lot of resin pigments and dyes on this channel from the powder pigments that I really liked these caption craft and jeff's resin and even the art resin pigments and I've used these with excellent results on many projects over the years but they're not inexpensive so the question is simply is there alternative to commercial resin dyes and pigments maybe [Music] but I have here is an assortment of items and I'm gonna arrange them from things that I think should work pretty well two items that I believe personally are going to fail on us a makeup kit food coloring kool-aid packets cocoa powder classic yellow mustard Frank's Red Hot Sauce give ourselves a little room here I picked art resin for this simply because it's got 45 minutes of open time and that should give us enough time to mix everything up so I'm going to mix up a large batch and then I'll pour it into smaller cups so we're gonna do 10 ounces total that's five ounces of resin and five ounces of partner so let's talk about our first contestant here it is a collection of eyeshadows and things it's powdered makeup it's inexpensive it was ten dollars for this entire collection we're gonna try to use some of that powder or our pigment that's what we want our little square of eyeshadow I think so my hope is that I can just scrape some of this directly in yeah actually scrapes really well and you can see we're not using the ton of the eyeshadow is mostly made up of talent and mica powders mica powders is the main ingredient in most resin pigments so really this one's not too much of an experiment just because it's the exact same material looks to me like a pretty cool color and we're just gonna pour in our first experiment we're to just fill up another cup with a small amount of the resin there's just regular old food dyes you probably have these in your cupboard right now the thing about food dyes is that they're water-based and water-based items and resin don't usually go together seems to be a little translucent let's pour it into a mold I got this mold on thingie and it's a unicorn mold the other thing that I tried to do when picking these was try to pick items that you could already have in your home you could already have a makeup kit you probably already have food coloring you might even have some kool-aid when I was a kid cooling was 10 cents a pack and it was like a dollar a pack for these so actually was really excited at the beginning I was like 10 cents a pack if this works it'd be really cheap pigments and then I was confronted with the harsh reality that it was ten times that amount but still it's inexpensive as an overall theme that looks pretty green to me oh man it smells like kool-aid in here just smells amazing it's a really grainy now cocoa powder I don't see why this won't work there's no water in it it's it's a dark powdery substance it's made to be suspended in liquid I don't think cocoa powder should be an issue at all and the smells really mess with your head you're like yeah that smells like chocolate but did you eat this you'd be dead looks like hot chocolate and we'll pour the cocoa resin into another mold that is a deep dark color I am liking cocoa powder personally just like the cocoa powder I have coleman's powdered mustard in my house more than likely in your spice drawer you have this it is my belief that yellow mustard that has already been incorporated into water because it's basically just water and mustard powder I think this should absolutely destroy a resin casting you could also use Dijon if you want some specks in there oh man look at that color oh man that's such a cool color I totally want it to work now it's not though it's way too much water there's way too much water in mustard it's just gonna it probably won't even cure the last item on my ridiculous list is Frank's Red Hot but I I think this will go the same way the mustard again a really cool color it kind of looks like Thousand Island since we didn't get the green that we wanted let's pick a green color from here hopefully this one will come out as easy as the last one did not as but yeah they're totally removable which is nice we want them to be whoohoo much better green yeah much better green than the kool-aid color I think maybe I'm just being biased and we'd get some resin left and I've got one more mold here so let's use another kool-aid packet ah blue raspberry lemonade we'll see oh it's white all right well that's cool we'll do it sides of the cup er hot which means our resin is coming to the end of its pot life here I've got my paperweight mold you guys might remember that from the dip at number 10 where we did the dandelions it looks to me like a very pearl like substance which is something we do with resin pigments all the time and if you can get that shimmer with a kool-aid packet I'm gonna be pretty cool Finn over 48 hours I like to give the art resin a little extra time takes a little while longer to cure than most of my other resins I guess we should start with the makeup came out great it's got really nice color and a shimmer to it and this is what it looks like glossy and this is what it looks like matte the epoxies hard cured well I mean I I put that up against almost any of my regular resin powders yep no I think as an alternative to commercial pigments I think your makeup kit is probably your best bet it doesn't interfere with the resin sets up really nice comes in a wide range of colors I would definitely call that a win with that success under our belt let's move on to the first of our unicorn mold options you can definitely see it as still translucent let's see if it comes out of the mold here yep it's got a great uniform color it's translucent which is nice the resin definitely cured I think it came out really cool go ahead and put that in the wind pile food coloring success let's move on to kool-aid I was really hoping that that lemon-lime was going to be a brighter color but it almost came out pallav it's got these neat little flecks in it you can see it a lot of that is actually the flavor suspended in there that didn't quite dissolve all the way it's it's kind of grainy but it gives it a sort of Perl essence to it yeah usually have to buy pearl essence but it seems that it is inherent to the kool-aid and here's the cherry great color again those cool flecks in it it's totally opaque which is it's nice to have the option between opaque and translucent three materials and three wins man this got dark if I didn't know it was cocoa powder I would tell you that that's black it is a really deep brown color no grainy stuff like we got with the kool-aid it's just a deep solid color Wow Wow four wins in a row though I mean it sounds cured both of these do but it's okay let's let's pop it out and have a look okay it's not tacky it definitely cured all the way that's more than I was expecting if I'm honest the resin is soft can you see that it's easily I can easily dent it with my thumbnail shouldn't be able to do that you definitely shouldn't be able to do great color it looks really cool it mostly set it honestly it performed a lot better than I expected it again I used I used actual hydrated mustard for the fun of it if you used mustard powder it should have worked just like the cocoa powder it would work great for the Franks red hot got some really cool flecks in it from not presuming the ground-up chilies it's actually a really interesting color overall but yeah again the resin soft it's not it's not sticky but it's it's not fully cured either but for the novelty of it it's pretty neat alright we've got one more what am i doing there's one more but I mean the other cool aids work so this one should work too these are really fun to pop open yeah I don't know if I like this particular packet for color but it's interesting I think that there's crystals there's flavor crystals and those all sunk to the bottom you can see it's definitely darker on the bottom than it is on the top yeah it totally worked pigments from stuff you've got laying around your house were there any surprises for you were there any that you were blown away at or was it all pretty much what you expected I thought the makeup powder was going to do well and and it did but some of these really surprised me I was pretty sure the food coloring in the cocoa powder gonna work but I didn't know how well they would work they both look excellent a couple of caveats for this test first off I really like commercial pigments and they work really well but for $8.00 you only get one color which means that if you want a myriad of colors you've got to spend a fair amount of money if you're doing lots of pigment work that's fine you'll use it it'll be worth it if you're only gonna be doing a small amount of work and you just need a sample of each kind of color I would say the makeup kit is probably your best bet but if you have any of these items lying around your house save yourself some money the other caveat is I only used one type of resin here I didn't test those with multiple systems pigments react differently with different systems so with the art resin they worked fine I think the powders are pretty much Universal those should work in all resins but the food dye these two on the end here could have wildly different results in different systems so one question I think is going to be asked which is why did the food coloring work but the mustard and the Frank's redhot not work and the answer is I used five drops of food coloring and I used probably a teaspoon of each of the other liquids so the volume of water was just so much higher if I didn't say 5 ounces worth of resin and the same teaspoon of mustard I might get a hard cure if you liked this video I had probably another 10 or 12 ideas for pigments that I just didn't want to cram them all into one video so if you like this and you want me to keep experimenting with other homemade pigments just let me know comments down below I'm gonna put links down in description for all the items that I use in a video I always try to do that if there's any questions you have for me leave me a comment down below thank you very much for watching catch you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 645,792
Rating: 4.975215 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy, resin dye, Household, home made, how to color resin, peter brown, dip it
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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