Drunken Rolling Pin

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any chance of a drunken rolling pin to go with the drunken chopping board Elliott that is a great idea [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so now we should have two boards cut with the same curve that we can mix and match that so this will become one board and this will become a second board we don't want to glue those two boards together funniest I was going through my footage of the last time I made this which was back in 2015 and it wasn't in this shop it was in the shop behind my house where I first started making videos which is now just a storage shed yeah so it's that's like four years ago I don't feel so bad that I forgot what all the steps work and I need two flat edges I was gonna put him through the planer but after scraping the glue and quick sanding you should get a really good connection there and so this is the way you want these two boards to sit together basically the inverse of each other neighbor kids are outside screaming because they do every Sunday I don't know why wait till Sunday film this stuff it's just me and the screaming neighbor children [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you start getting a really interesting pattern because although the lines are wavy the cross points still match up that's due to the fact the way that we stack them if you stack them in properly then they won't line up right if there's a trick to any of this that you need to know it's that you need to have your Vance off to really well and you need to make sure that you do not push during the cut if you push during the cut what will happen is the blade will deflect and then the top piece and the bottom piece will not match and so they will not mate properly bumbum bumbum under pressure and it makes you wish for resin with like 45 minutes of open time 10 minutes a glue up time that's absurd as a person supposed to get anything done in 10 minutes how much on the timer I want to keep this thing flat as I can all right that's time gonna do this again I'm gonna do this all over again so now that they're both out of clamps I've got two rough surfaces and two flat surfaces but in order to make the pattern work they need to go together like this and you can look and see that those pieces will then fit together [Music] and as I'm sitting here looking at it like this is a really good looking and cutting board oh you just make two cuts right here join these two sides together that I mean that is a really interesting pattern there's a part of me that wants to just stop here kind of cool handle join these two pieces together and call it a but charcuterie board it's going to be a little hard to make this line up perfectly because the edges aren't perfect so I can't line it up by the edges and I won't be able to exactly see where all the parts are so it might not ever get better looking than this jump forward to the end you see if I've got regrets but if there's any gaps when we're turning we'll just deal with them at the time I guess since this is an inch and a half in thickness that means that the final dimension can only be an inch and a half so what part do I cut away what I did was I made a template here with a piece of plastic that is an inch and a half in width I just I want to make sure that I get as much of the good stuff as possible we definitely want that centerline oK we've got it mounted on the lathe this is 23 inches long and it is the largest thing I've ever put on my late in fact up until this point I wouldn't have been able to do this project because if my old lathe wasn't big enough but this this Nova has well you can see about about 23 inches we're pretty much at the max length here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I need to just taper it from this point down on either end it doesn't need to be a huge taper [Applause] [Music] there we go there we go we've got the dimensions that we like got a nice taper on both ends we're just gonna switch over to sandpaper I'm actually trying a new type of sandpaper today it's called a wonder weave it's interesting it's got holes in it now we'll see we'll give it a shot we're gonna start at 120 and go up through to 600 [Music] your hand can feel the imperfections better than you can see I got some issues right there and then 600 600 for a rolling pin is more than plenty more than funny as for a finish I'm just gonna use some of this walnut oil a couple projects before it's a drunken rolling pin Thank You Elliot that was a fantastic idea I think it came out really good this is a cutting board that I made and it's the first and only cutting board I've ever made it's called a drunken board because none of the cups are straight I always thought of it like like drunken master kungfu even though he's drunk and all of his kicks and punches seem erratic and misplaced he's always able to knockout his opponent same thing happens with the drunken cutting board even though all the cuts are wavy and wild they line up perfectly and it's that repeating pattern that makes this project so interesting it's funny very few things look exactly like what they do in my head when I first picture them this is exactly the way I pictured it in my head and if you watch the channel then you know that that rarely happens I'm super happy with it we've got very tight joints the pattern is near perfect it's repeating and continuous and it doesn't appear to have any breaks or jumps in the pattern and then the walnut and the maple just that just goes so good together this is a French style rolling pin I wouldn't have looked at a bunch of these before I started this project and the dimensions seemed to vary wildly I saw some that were 2 inches in diameter down to an inch and a quarter some that were 24 inches long down to 16 inches long drastic tapered shallow taper so I think where we're right in the middle of all of those this is an inch and a half in diameter and an inch and a quarter at the ends it feels good in your hands it rolls well and the tape first allow you to pivot easily I think this is a fantastic way to finish off 2019 with a wood project just to throw you all off woodworking Peter was super happy to get out the shop and make a project and use his new lathe it was really fun quick announcement I will be going to Maker Central in 2020 that is May 2nd and 3rd of 2020 in Birmingham England at the NEC Center we went in 2018 but we'll be going back in 2020 if you're in the area it's a great event I will see you there thank you very much for watching and I will catch you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 597,018
Rating: 4.9466739 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, woodturning, drunken rolling pin
Id: I9cFScqalEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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