Dye Trying 2

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do you remember a little over a month ago we did an experiment with alternatives to commercial dyes so this one was food coloring these two were kool-aid this is cocoa powder this was yellow mustard and Frank's redhot and the last two were the eye shadow I asked him the last one if any of you wanted to see more of these and the answer was a resounding yes [Music] a lot of you suggested tumeric I see no reason why this shouldn't work it's been dying people's clothes and fingers for years it is one of the primary ingredients in most curry it actually smells fantastic and since I used artresin last time I figured I'd change it up and try a different resin this time we're going to go with total boat and see how we do it's already a deep red color I'll be honest I was expecting orange another thing I got asked a lot in the last video was do they smell the answer is it smells fantastic at this stage while we're mixing them but once they cure no they just smell like resin I picked up some new molds to this little wrestling masks if you've ever eaten Cheetos you'll know that it gets cheeto dust all over your fingers we're gonna need something to grind up the Cheetos in this is weird the thing is the cheeto dust is just on the outside so there's a possibility that this won't work at all want to get it as fine as possible man that is some fine powder I think it looks pretty good maybe we've got some pretty nice powder there now will this actually dye anything I don't know I don't know if it's dissolving or not it's super translucent oh it's like really translucent yeah well what I didn't think about was most of the dyes on the outside but I ground up the entire cheeto it's kind of humming like this - you did not did not what eat that why not no well ah that's a clean mortar and pestle I just bought it I don't dipped any resin in there you want something yeah fine dump it out you're gonna what a waste you're gonna die this is really cool if it works I picked up at our local dollar store for a dollar I'm guessing I should be able to pop this out kind of like I did with the makeup I'm gonna go for green no they're like glued down or something so we'll take a couple of these chunks I feel like some sort of weird pharmacist it's actually really pretty oh that is a deep green and I didn't even use all of it we're talking a handful of sense with the pigments here what eight nine cents where the pigments yeah really nice deep green and they're still got 11 colors left in that ring that I haven't touched nail polish also from the dollar store now I think most nail polish is all acrylic I am NOT a nail polish expert but I believe that that means that we don't have to worry about any water in the nail polish very pretty purple so the next ID on my list is crayons so while I've done resin and crayons I've never tried to suspend crayon wax in resin am I getting any in Oh what over the other ones okay that that was that was a bad idea but we definitely got some melted crayon let's stir it up before it hardens that is what an absolute failure looks like so the crayon just it just solidifies it just reharden into wax okie dokie cool so crayon not a success let's move on bacon bits this is not real bacon it is I don't think there's anything real about it it's basically crunchy little pieces of salt that sort of tastes like bacon and you put them on salads if you hate to eat salad I'm sure this is gonna be one of the winners very unappetizing color to me we're gonna go with highlighters I also got these from the dollar store so it was inexpensive and all I want to do is get to the ink okay I think this should fluoresce under a blacklight ha ha yes okay totally fuller s is under a black light which is awesome that is exactly what we want and then I'm going to milk the highlighter into the resin Cup and I only used a small amount on here and it definitely appears to be fluorescing I'm pretty sure that means we've got glow in the dark pigment and we're just going to pour this into the last mold that's it we've got all six of our ingredients in our molds including two rather unusual experiments here we can check on it tomorrow and see how it turned out a couple days later let's have a look and see what it is we've got let's start here with the tumeric so it ended up being very dark deep red almost brown totally works as a dye no revelation there people have been using tumeric seeds to dye things probably for a couple thousand years so we are not on the cutting edge for this discovery on to Cheetos yeah that's kind of what I thought was gonna happen a very pale yellow it's got some interesting flecks in it the resin is super hard it totally cured alright so cheeto worked tumeric totally worked let's check out water color paint I think this one might be the big winner you can get watercolor paints incredibly cheap they come in a variety of colors you saw how easy it was to grind this up it worked fantastically that is definitely three in a row a very different color mixed with resin then here in the bottle so I don't know if you just have to use a ton of this nail polish to get a good color oh there's some great crayon our legacy lives on okay but it worked it totally worked but you might not be able to do a good color matching you might have to do a bunch of sample sever nail polish totally works the only caveat is is that it this particular brand was very like in this particular brand of resin bacon bits it's so gross it's funnier than its mouth is open they all settled in the bottom of the mold so you get this weird sort of Fleck meat mask look going on here and then just a translucent back I you can do it I think this is a you can do it the resin totally hardened it didn't affect it at all but yeah that's that's pretty nasty okay without any blacklight just highlighter as a regular die ah it's really cool looks like a highlighter and no it doesn't mark your skin up let's put this under the blacklight and see how it looks yeah look at it totally worked you've got a pigment that looks really nice in the daylight and if fluoresce is under a blacklight I'm really happy with the results they were all really inexpensive many of them were actually no cost to me since I had them in my house and we had a couple of disasters looking at you bacon bits [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 388,099
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy, resin dye, Household, home made, how to color resin, peter brown, dip it
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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