The Future Is Unknowable

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top comment from the last video was from adina and it basically says that we should take a fortune cookie submerge it in stabilizing resin basically make it unopenable with a sign on a stand that says something to the effect of the future is unknown nearly 2 000 of you liked that comment so we're going to give it a shot [Music] i think i got everything i need i've got fortune cookies gloves resin mold scale mat yeah we're good we're good here it is your future are you going to be happy are you going to be in love are you going to have great wealth is something devastating going to happen what we do know about stabilizing resin is while it will make this object harder it will not make it uncrackable the pancake frisbee was breakable the bread pendant that we made is tough but still fragile so i don't think stabilizing resin will make this unopenable and so what i did is a test here with a block of casting resin and it's not great the other thing i tried to do to see how invisible thread would look just to see if that would show up in the casting it's actually super visible so it's not very invisible in resin the other thing you can do is you could put it up on a piece of acrylic that doesn't really disappear either which got me thinking what else could i use to sort of add interest and get this cookie a little bit up off the ground so this is a box of broken glass this is from andrew he sent me this his friend is in the band fly leaf and the glass door in their recording studio shattered and andrew immediately thought of me so he took the entire sliding glass door packaged it up in ziploc bags and shipped it out to me this is tempered glass it's got mostly rounded edges on it it's also called safety glass and that's what we're looking at here i'm not sure how many people would be excited to get a box full of shattered glass but you can add me onto the list of those people i think this will all make sense in a minute okay so the resin that we're using today is alumalite clear slow and it is a urethane based resin which means it is highly susceptible to moisture anything we encase in this particular resin we need to make sure is bone dry and more than likely these are bone dry and anyone who's ever eaten a fortune cookie can testify to that but just in case there's any moisture at all we're going to put them in the toaster oven for i don't know 10 minutes and just make sure that they are completely dried out all right so about 10 minutes at 200 degrees has toasted them slightly but if there was any moisture in them it should be eliminated all right here's the mold we're using let's give it a quick hit with some mold release [Applause] just take our fortune cookie stick it down while i'm doing this i'm realizing this could create an air bubble here if the resin goes in and doesn't get to the top i'll have an air bubble and that might make this whole thing buoyant right along these bottom ridges here now when it floats it'll float with um seven or eight pieces of glass all right let's put this aside for now and get started on our all right we're using alumalite today because if you watch the popcorn bowl it was ridiculously clear and we want a super clear casting for what we're doing today so it is mixed by weight and not volume which is why we have a scale around five ounces of part a and the weight of that resin is 151 grams set that aside and now in our second cup we are going to pour 151 grams of part b way too fast all right 157 and we'll just pour 159 we'll just pour it right back into the bottle 152 pour a tiny bit back there we go 151 okay and now we'll pour part a into part b and this is when the timer starts we have 12 minutes from this point before the resin starts to set that is the open time as you stir these two together you will notice that the liquid goes incredibly clear that is a good sign that you are well incorporated i definitely want to scrape down the sides and the bottom if you're going to have a problem it's probably going to be because you didn't mix it well enough pour this in and then i can finish topping it off inside looks pretty good and the pressure pod will take care of all those tiny little bubbles but everything went fairly smoothly and why i said that i know people said that do a good job do a good job oh i got it i think it's starting to okay there we go there we go there we go here are my four casts let me explain what's happening here this is my first test one i put a fortune cookie in a large amount of resin this is around 15 to 20 ounces i want to say i actually piled glass up at the bottom because my idea was that i was going to cut facets on this you can see the amount of heat that i generated here made this very unusual radial artifact coming out of the fortune cookie it actually heated up the fortune cookie and caused it to expand it didn't used to be that severe of an angle when i put it in so so i went online and bought a mold and i thought in order to not have the problem with the heat that i would pour it into parts well what happened is is that there was moisture in the cookie and so the moisture in the cookie caused the resin not to cure properly and that's what this white line this whole thing kind of overheated and and it doesn't it doesn't work working with resin is learning what materials work in it what materials don't and since we're kind of pushing the boundary here sometimes this happens this is the one that you guys saw in the video it came out really cool it's a crystal clear casting i didn't like the placement of the cookie i thought it looked kind of boring and static so i did a fourth casting it's really cool we've got our fortune cookie a bit more of a dynamic pose kind of up a little bit again on the glass at the bottom this is all a single pour it it is almost identical to what you saw on the camera the only difference is the placement of the cookie and because of the fact that it is such a small area inside that cookie the resin just overheats it's the resin comes out and cures out on the side here and creates a an unusual artifact with the glass it's hard to even see it in the casting it's right down here along the bottom and if i didn't tell you it was there you might not even notice it and i'm super happy with this and we're gonna move on with this casting so [Music] so and to finish this i'm just going to use some spray lacquer we're gonna go old school today and i stole one of mrs brown's ancient bottles of mod podge i think you just put some down on the area that you want this thing to stick to and if it's not straight it's actually actually kind of works for a fortune cookie i'll just brush a coat over the top and this is supposed to dry clear hopefully fortune cookie sealed in resin adina i hope this is what you were looking for and the 2 000 of you who actually clicked like on that comment i think it turned out really cool i really like the glass in there as well it's always funny when i think it's going to be a simple project oh oh yeah steel fortune cookie and resin and you know away we go and then there turned out to be so many little things i never thought about but it's that troubleshooting process that is one of the things i really enjoy about working with resin and this is normal those of you who have worked with resin um know that already and those of you who are thinking about working with resin should also know that you never buy just the volume that you need for the project you buy enough for two or three pours just in case you have an issue um you know and sometimes it goes perfect and sometimes you've got tweaking to do which is what we had to do on this one but at the end of the day it's just a beautiful casting the way the light bounces off the broken glass the fact you can actually see into the fortune cookie and sort of read part of the fortune gives it that magic and mystique that i think really makes this project interesting and i also added an led light up underneath i love the white light but i'm also really fond of just putting it on a slow fade and have it roll from color to color to color major thanks to illumilite for sponsoring this episode their resin worked incredibly well we did have some trial and error but honestly the fact that we can go from poor to d-mold in four hours means that that process didn't actually take very many days links to the resin that i used is down in the description and you can also use the coupon code peterbrown at checkout for a discount i'm not saying that every video's top comment is going to become a video but if you guys see something down in the comments below that looks amazing like it make it bubble up to the top so we can have a look at it if it's a creative idea i'll give it a shot thank you very much for watching i will catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 201,846
Rating: 4.957819 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy, resin
Id: fzosf6Ncu6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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