Can You Dye Ramen Noodles?! | DipIt#31

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today we're going to try something you guys have been asking me to do for a while dying and dipping ramen noodles we know they can be put in resin we've seen it i watched a video where the guy made a guitar out of them but that's not what you've asked me to do you've asked me to dye them and so i thought the best way to do that would be with stabilizing resin the last time we dyed stuff with stabilizing resin it was these dried out corn cobs that i had and that was just with a fabric dye it was like a rit kind of fabric dye i don't know why i was surprised to find out that they make actual dye for stabilizing resin and so i bought some of that i bought a new bottle of cactus juice stabilizing resin and i bought some stabilizing dyes all right so stabilizing resin um unlike casting resin is a resin you can use over and over and over again but you do have to activate it and in order to do that it comes with this activator so you make sure you get it all out and then it's there we go just this white milkish stuff there any left inside it looks pretty clean shake up the whole bottle and i picked out some big plastic containers here and i guess i should have checked to see if they fit um sorta dude they sort of do that's good enough [Applause] uh just raided the kitchen cabinet i've got one pork flavored and two chicken flavor really is interesting material it's so densely packed in there you know so this is completely dried noodles and so i don't even know if stabilizing resin is going to do anything you know i don't know how much air is going to be in here because it won't fill in the spaces in between the noodles it's not a casting resin it doesn't do it that way pump all the air out and then then when you release the vacuum the resin rushes into all the places where the air was at the very least my gut says that it will dye it yeah that's going to be a lot of dyed stabilizing resin we definitely have to find some more things to dye after this all right so these were the different dyes that i bought um so i've got extreme pink emerald green and electric blue which is giving me a 1980s mullet vibe if you haven't seen ice house electric blue and you want to you want to spot a fine mullet this is the video to check out extreme pink emerald green and electric blue that is like neon pink i feel like we're going into wicked here oh yeah this is cool look at that it's hard to even tell the green from the blue green blue green blue on the camera it looks just the opposite to me this looks more green and that looks more blue that looks pink definitely wanted to get that on camera but i kind of wish that i would just been able to put these in empty because it's a little bit more tricky here i'm doing this all for you guys just so you know if i was by myself i wouldn't go through all this hassle you go in the pink go in the blue go in the green so the last time i used weights like this ended up welding them together i don't know if i feel like firing up the welder right now so i'm going to go for a low tech solution and i'm just going to put a couple in some sandwich bags and we'll just do our little saddle trick like that there we go yeah that's gonna work i do realize what i'm making here and uh i know is it is unfortunate but i think it's going to be effective those are the logistics out of the way let's start pumping the air out uh so on this on that on right i always forget which levers to go where all right there we go we're starting to pull a vacuum and all those bubbles are air we're almost at a full vacuum and the bubbles don't appear to be crushing the surface and [Music] our little weird soups are bubbling away with our bolt end sacks holding down the ramen i like printed pictures i'm going to post it to my instagram whenever whatever the number of hours i say it never ends up being that quick it's usually much longer so if i say it's gonna take five hours it's usually more like uh 15 or something absurd like that so i'm gonna guess six hours i'll come back and check this at seven o'clock tonight [Applause] all right so turns out i was wrong i know that'll become a shock to many of you who have come to rely on my steadfast ripeness over the years uh it is 3 30 so it's been two and a half hours and we're done with bubbles bubbles are all gone no more bubbles it's not bubbling so that's that's that's fine i guess uh it might not be a great sign for how well it worked but um i think it's gonna die no matter what so i'm going to go ahead and turn off the pump and then i'm going to release the vacuum and what that's going to do is every place that there was air before we have now allowed resin to rush in basically you just let it sit in here since at the end of the day what i really want is i want to dye these i'm just going to let it sit overnight and so i can have a look at these tomorrow morning all right these have sat overnight and we are ready for the next step which is to cook them in the oven i like the way these colors are blending together that's actually really neat looking i like these colors together i'm just going to wrap each one of these up in aluminum foil like a weird little to-go order so we don't want the excess resin that's trapped between the pieces all we care about the resin that's stored inside the pores of the material here that blue is just stellar all right and then they just go in the toaster oven for about 45 minutes at 200 and 200 and something degrees 200 something degrees bottle those up put them aside for some other project any structural integrity that the stabilizing gave it is a good thing as far as i'm concerned but what i really care about is whether or not it's dyed there's no white in the center it's pink all the way through that's what we were hoping for dyed ramen we did it now what now i made knife scales a couple years ago for jimmy diresta but i've never actually fit scaled on a knife before and i don't have any knife making skills so i went on to amazon and bought a knife kit and then it said i see you bought a knife kit would you also like to buy casting mold and i said yes i would love to buy a casting mold for knife scales oh it's bigger than i thought it was oh all right so here's the knife and that's my ramen as you can see it's um i mean if it works it'll be a super tight fit all right maybe okay oh that one didn't break very evenly at all blue and pink broke really nice green um not so much okay i made a decision and we're just gonna go with it i'm going to save this mold for another day when i've got materials that fit better into it for now i want to maximize the ramen for the resin we're going to go with total boat high performance resin how much do we need i don't know let's mix up a bunch see if it's enough we'll start with there you go that's eight ounces i don't know i don't actually have any ramen facts for you oh i do know a fact about elephants do you know if you took every elephant and strung them from here to the moon that um well a lot of those elephants would die yeah because i can't i can't breathe in space and oh i guess i could have easily told you how many ounces oh well it doesn't matter i think it's going to be a lot of resin i don't know why i didn't take that out there it goes bond voyage um yeah it's going to need more than 8 ounces that's 10 ounces we'll just do solid 12 ounces that'll be a 20 ounce total and most knife scales need to be 3 8 of an inch thick and in millimeters that's i don't know i have no idea hey siri what's 3 8 of an inch thick in millimeters 0.38 inches okay so like 10 millimeters is what it's going to be i'm just wasting time here because it takes three minutes to stir and most the time i edit this but i feel like maybe i'll keep it i don't know maybe i won't so all i need to do is just cover this frankly it's pretty close to being covered already here's the weird part either this is going to work and be the best idea i've had all day or it's going to be a disaster and everything will stick to each other that's it that's our fancy pants mold a couple of stacked total boat containers 50 psi oh that's going fast okay and now we wait you all know the drill [Laughter] uh okay well it didn't stick to the container this one looks perfect definitely not my best idea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i get i guess you just double stick tape them together i think is what the next step said there's enough material to remove [Applause] and there goes the line i cannot see it anymore [Music] that's as much as i can do at the band saw because anytime i start to get a intricate cut it's just covered in those little resin shavings it's definitely closer we're definitely looking like handles this is a long process hopefully not going to mess this all up wait a minute was i supposed to do the pins for those keeping track the answer is yes i was totally supposed to put the pins in but i did it i've had this die grinder for years this is the first time i've ever used it [Music] that seems to be doing the trick now we're going to head on over to the belt sander and work on getting this down to a shape that's actually usable really happy with proportions on this but it definitely needs to be sanded and polished 150 180 240 320 400 600 800. these are the same grits just in larger paper and smaller because i had the door well i open back that there was a horn honking oh that's fine honking horns it's california i thought i was bleeding i was like oh no i'm bleeding but that's just the dye from earlier just dying my fingers because it's still on the mat oh right it's still on the mat i don't want it on this all right so matt's in the shop sink there and we'll keep going without it and on to the last grit 800 and then we'll move over to polishing because this is definitely gonna need a polish the wet pads are what i use over at the lathe but i'm gonna use these big dry pads that i bought oh gosh it's been a while i think this was the secret wood ring was the what i purchased these for that sounds right but if you just work through the grits you actually get a really nice polish on resin and they do they do wear out you do have to buy new ones at some point depends on how much you use them and you start feeling like they're getting clogged up it's time to buy new ones or when they start delaminating from the pad yeah that's pretty cool looking it's obviously a real knife oh obviously a real knife it does come pre-sharpened and i know that because i cut myself all the directions it says wrap the whole thing in tape and um i agree [Laughter] i almost forget that it's a stabby thing i think it's more that you forget that's ramen isn't that wild it is strange looking though i like the depth of it how it yeah that there's voids it's not solid yeah you can see them i totally poked something with that i've never carried a knife in my whole life i i might carry a ramen noodle handled knife it's hard to seem threatening when it's got ramen on it pink ramen pink ramen [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 128,683
Rating: 4.9673347 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy
Id: olCI-c7I5xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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