DipIt #19: Cotton Ball Bowl

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gloves got a mixing Cup got resin a gigantic bag of cotton balls think we are set to go a couple reasons why we're using the art resin first off it's really not a casting resin which means it's not really supposed to be made into blocks but it also has the least amount of chemical reaction to it which means I think that if I pour it in this large amount it's not going to overheat like some other resins will we're just gonna add the cotton balls directly to the resin and I can't grab any more would you by putting some more in there I don't think so and I also spilled a whole bunch over here can you put some on top of it and I'll stop them up just put a handful over there perfect all right but I'm not sure I definitely gonna need some more resin Thanks I think yes right what are you going for a bowl Oh that seven houses isn't it all right so we'll do another seven ounces ish the other reason I want to do the art resin is that it's got such a long open time you can zoom back a little bit little thing is just slick with resin I can't even hold onto the container it's just slopping around in my hand so I pushed the cotton balls in thinking that they would absorb the resin and they didn't they just slopped it all out on the table that's why it's all over the table and all over the company little bit bubbles can you see that oh is that bad for us but you know supposed to eat it well right I don't know don't eat it then it's just a tiny little bubble floating in the air look at that no fumes low odor non flammable no VOCs doesn't say edible so now we are at 24 ounces of resin and a mess of cotton balls you know what this reminds me of now is there it those honey breads you ever seen those or the like all stuck together and you take off little bits of them and you cover the whole thing in honey Oh like that doughnut hole trees is that what they're called oh my gosh look at that it just soaked it all up I mean more resin right well look at it it's just sewed it up we need more resin it looks like it's all there's like nothing to the bottom big old pile how many cotton balls in there and we've used most of them yes cool we should just use them all oh you you probably right that's probably stupid I would just thinking I'm wearing a pour-over yeah all right look at like four more one two three four yeah three nice [Applause] doesn't that just make you hungry no a little cotton ball and resin dinner talk about cottonmouth I feels like it is I don't know what's gonna happen well if it's not mixed you have soft spots which actually might be kind of neat but when you go to Trinity Flo yeah which actually might be kind of neat now I'm all out of artresin there's a little left in the bottom of the container we're gonna throw the cotton ball away we haven't even made it yet why would we throw it away people like them keep them I meant the bottles yeah of course you're gonna throw them away can't we just do this okay we're still yeah okay I just let it pour look it there's another so far two ounces okay which means you're gonna get another four unbelievable resin that's a lot what's up honest II use dirt oh I was going to good perfect you're in charge Bob you can't put my hands on my hips but then my hips to be covered with rhythm there's bubbles again can't cover my face I'm stirring oh my gosh this is mixed whenever it would feel like it is do I get a gut sensor yeah totally if you have it yet yeah because I don't want to swallow any more bubbles perfect let's pour it then nice nice well I'm glad we did that I'm glad we decided okay so yeah I think that's good it feels wet on the outside it feels like oh wait here it's been about two hours since we poured the resident I just picked this up to move it and it's incredibly hot on the bottom and I just wanted to see all right it is up to a hundred and forty-eight degrees 148 oh yeah so it is definitely heating up if this had been anything other than that artresin I think it probably would have failed just because of the volume of resin that we put in clean whoo we got a pretty good cast it definitely looks like cotton balls in a resin to me you see my new lathe station sign from Tim sway perfect for the shop thanks Tim [Music] Wow it is really really gravity so we'll hear out how to flip it over in the shop it's gonna be a really shallow bowl it's gonna end up being a pretty shallow bowl so it shouldn't take a long time to turn but I think it's gonna have a funny feeling it's gonna fight me [Music] I can't put the tripod on the table because the whole table shakes and if I move if I put the tripod far enough away so it's not on the table it's not close enough to be see okay would you mind [Music] well now I know why you would maybe let me try to move your hand so they think no no you know what out of the frame [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] but it's got a basic bowl shape bench looks insane yeah it does doesn't it yeah these are all the attempts don't use that that he's that he's that tell use that use this if I knew they were gonna be some Boyd's but I didn't expect this many of them this is actually impeding the turning process the tools are getting stuck in the holes and they're grabbing and resins already grabby enough without having giant holes in it come on camera woman you're gonna get a doc and pay what you pay right now zero yeah no nowhere to go but up from here that's a good thing you move a lot my gosh here [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is turning so smooth that's the way it's supposed to be how many holes in my resin I guess [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right yes I'm super happy that looks good and do I round over the edges or leave them craggly [Applause] yeah yeah yeah I think that was important it definitely makes it more shallow but it makes it better long story short I decided to turn the bottom with my donut Chuck and I figured I'd just do that off camera since it's not really interesting my donut Chuck chucked itself and this piece across the room my only regret is that I didn't have it on film so I stand it off the tenon with this grinding stone on my dremel and now I'm wet sanding the whole thing probably up to four or six hundred grit depending on what it looks like but you don't have to watch that I promise I won't skip anything else exciting some things are made because they're useful and some things are made for their intrinsic beauty and some things are made because a lunatic wants to say look at my cotton ball ball cotton and resin together make a super hard material that looks a lot like stone because natural stone has these gaps and voids in it and that's exactly what you get with the cotton ball ball it's a really pretty piece and you can put something in it I mean you can't eat out of a resin ball it's not good for you even a resin with this low toxicity is part resin and I think this material has a lot of possibilities if you were to say dye the resin pigments and have that soak into the cotton it would it wouldn't soak in uniformly I think that would look really cool too so there we have it thank you very much for watching I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I will see you in the new year [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 686,866
Rating: 4.9134693 out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy, cotton
Id: 5sWWb_rSvR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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