Making Concrete Dragon Eggs

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Calling /u/Peterb77

I believe your issue was actually the fact that you were using a Quikrete concrete while the video appears to be using cement. They don't seem to differentiate, and how they expect people to know the difference, I don't know, but it's clear by the fact that what they're using remains a flowing liquid that resembles the wash basin at the local DIY pottery shop.

The concrete aggregate stuff contains sand and other particles way too large (even after sifting), so it won't form layers: it's designed to settle and interlock for strength. Cement is the actual base component of concrete: a much finer powder, a mixture of gypsum, clay, anhydrites, some other stuff, and limestone powder.

If you buy it in the store (Home Depot carries it in tubs of Quikrete Fast-set Cement or just bulk bags of Quikrete Portland cement will work if you're patient), you will immediately notice the difference: it's a very fine dusty powder.

I got faith man, Mrs Brown will have her eggs!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Silound 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

This adage was drilled in my head growing up: "If you can't whistle to it, it ain't music and if you can't chin up on it, it ain't strong enough." That being said I actually liked the exterior application better, it left opportunity for sculptural creativity. The whole thing looked too weak to me. So I was thinking, pour a first coat with exactly what you were using, that way the interior will be smooth. Then using rubber gloved hands apply a coat of Quickwall fiberglass reinforced concrete and then a third coat of what you have used. You could leave part of the ballon exposed so each layer could be feathered. Quickwall was developed for making dry stacked walls in mines I have been told. It is incredibly strong. I have used it for outside sculptures and used white cement to hide the fibers. It isn't necessary, depends on your aesthetic.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RufusPFirefly 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
what is it that we're doing making dragon ate you saw a video on Pinterest yeah okay so we're in Pinterest land we have mixing cups mixing bowls a sieve and concrete but the trouble with the concrete is it's got all of this aggregate in it why I think it's because it makes for a stronger concrete to have all these pebbles and rocks in it but we don't walk that for the Dragon Age right I don't know City lumpy right so we're going to sieve all that out okay it really doesn't sound cool we're gonna need a lot bigger than that to keep all these rocks oh okay area that works that's plenty room right yeah we have 15 songs live 15 comments why do we get a pile of rocks and 50 cement st. Peter don't you call me cuz I can't go my wife lost right don't you know how's that a little um yeah I don't think that's gonna make the video so you can see got a very fine concrete mix now okay so where you this is the mixing container and we need a cup of concrete in there Oh fancy alright and a third of a cup of water riche I mixed there ha ha I've got an HDPE 99e does that work yeah yeah yeah I think anymore we're going to make three eggs with immediately 1:20 no I've never made dragon that's a little darlin there is no Comeau it is important for their who's gonna get oh what a horrible sound that's making you want one of the stir sticks to play sure sure actually feel that feels pretty good yeah it was weird I'm going to say weird for sure why does three easy steps always turn into this crazy nightmare so by the time we got the third one filled up the first two had already completely hardened well I'm not saying that videos out on the Internet are lying to us but I think videos out on the Internet are lying to us we're just try to do one and see if we can't beat the clock before the concrete starts to harden up on it definitely feels full let's go a little bit more just go a little bit more I see it okay it's a little over full you don't want it too full right yeah is that about the right egg size or bigger no I need that right now thank you beautiful no caustic right here now I think but then we needed a place to set it and then you turn it every two minutes I think it's that liquid so it's liquidy in there so we're just supposed to be turning this thing over every two minutes yeah so let's fill up another one okay so you can see it's kind of like a milkshake kind of consistency now how fast can you go faster alright good it is hard to doing gloves alright so now we're just turning these eggs every two minutes hi I'll just try it it happened about three turns in there was a lump and then it just was hard so I don't I'm not sure what to do I mean it much run er this time so I had another thought and I'm just going to pour in some water and so I'm just going to mix the two together in the balloon I'm going to sit down and watch a television show and I'm just going to start turning this over and we'll see if I have any more success here's the temp number five this is attempt number six which never even cured this was done yesterday this is brown star looking through all the comments in the video and it turns out we weren't the only ones not having success apparently most of the people who watch the video were unable to replicate the results if you can't put the concrete inside the balloon what if we put the concrete outside the balloon when I mixed up some concrete I've got a balloon underneath here and I painted it on something slightly interesting is that the silicone works great for concrete - it just doesn't stick to it I still got plenty of the concrete that we removed the aggregate from so I'm just going to pour some of it into one of my mixing cups so remember that this is probably a really bad idea all right all right we're going to let that cure yeah I don't know I'm not it feels like it's hardened and if I had to guess this is the heaviest part so that's the way it should sit if that's the way it should sit I guess I guess I want to try to break it right there [Music] [Applause] you hear that sub that's good okay I think this whole part is going to come off I don't think that's going to stay all right oh my gosh will you look at that I think I think that's exactly what we wanted I think my wife is in the corner holding her breath right now you can release your breath we have a dragon egg I think we do okay okay yesterday I went tap it well if it's going to be something that lives in our house it has to actually able stand up to stuff right I mean that's pretty thick that's pretty thick so I don't I don't think we have to worry about it breaking well they I like it like that thank you they painted it what color copper I think we have copper paint or gold I have copper the paint we're using is called dazzling metallics bright copper and you picked this up Michael cool thank you so much for painting I hate painting oh great yeah it does how many coats and two cool I feel like BuzzFeed set us up for failure it seemed like us from all the comments so the readers watch the comments almost all of them were a fail but this wasn't right that just when you did the one cup to the one-third yeah it was too thick and when you see there's it's complete liquid it looked really cool they did look cool and I would like to know the real process so we use Creek Creek we sifted out all the aggregate and we tried it five times so try doing them all at once and that was way too long yes and then we tried doing them one time yeah and it's still cured too quickly exactly and then we did the other method while in the house and we flipped it every minute for 45 minutes you watched an entire show and it still didn't work but again I'm happy I'm happy that it didn't work in a sense because I really prefer this I don't know volcanic look and one thing I didn't show is that I did flip it and I did pour on the bottom that I was totally encapsulated so I think there was a total of three pours and I'm going to imagine if they really are dragons it's there that they would probably warm their eggs with their fire which would melt the rocks around it and you'd get this cool magma look do you see ghosts there are you could pour a bazillion of them at once yes one easy bazillion okay you could do the three easy with this method right you could totally do all the same exact sound like a whole step and you just mix up your concrete and for each pour right because it goes really fast from thin to thick right and we also kept the crushed shells so that kind of looks like it actually escapes you can kind of decorate it like that yeah like that okay so we didn't make a video for it but you totally got to try doing some art again and we're going to put this up on patreon for the June patreon prize so if that's something that you're interested in the link will be in the description for patreon to your name for I know Phoenix the Phoenix Rising okay cool thank you very much for watching I'll catch you next time all right that's what she's ready this is it okay you next time okay catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 539,431
Rating: 4.8996215 out of 5
Keywords: shop time, craft, diy, do it yourself, homemade, dragon eggs, concrete, party, decoration, game of thrones, got, khaleesi, mother of dragons, candles, candle hoders, peter brown
Id: cDqcPW7PxXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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