Dxo Photo Lab 5 vs Capture One 21 vs Lightroom ! Shadows, black, clarity and details comparison test

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so it's easier to dial in your exact expectations oh yeah we oh we can bump up those oh my god dxo footlap sharper than capture one hey guys and welcome back today this will be my first jump into dxo photo lab and search for something better than lightroom [Music] photos okay so this is our first screen after activating the trial this is standard critical correction okay this is only optical correction and this also corrects the contrast yes okay let's go with the standard set as default dxo hub let's see what it's here your update yeah great actually this is also a pretty expensive software because it's it's like 219 as i remember which pretty much is almost well maybe not almost but exposure with the bundle of all other software like blow up and this artistic effects cost 150 euros or dollars this costs around 200 and capture one costs 350 so yeah and lightroom costs pretty much like 60 bucks a year first year is a little bit cheaper of course okay and then it goes to a hundred bucks as i remember i will check the prices and you will see it right here okay what's new i don't really care i just want to dive in and check out some stuff so this is my folder with some example images that i would love to run about when comparing all the software just to see how it will work all those images are most of those are landscapes but this is very much different highlights different shadows everything so everyone should be okay oh you already could we could see the lens correction jump in okay so we have the same image this is the default on the lightroom let's go with the develop settings and reset everything yeah okay so this on the right is our lightroom image and on the left is our dxo photo lab 5 image smart lighting this this i like i can see what am i doing here it's great dynamic lighting yeah it does help obviously denoising technology yeah like dxo are the guys that stands behind the dxo website where you can see all the lens corrections for and pretty much the lab results for comparing the lens the cameras the everything so they know where they are doing from the technical perspective oh definitely they know it is being applied to a a lot lower resolution image and then everything renders back into place what about this yeah it works pretty much the same the render is pretty fast i would say as you can see in lightroom yeah it does also work very nicely it's maybe not the same but i like the part and dxo definitely yes okay highlights to the top highlights the top as you can see here our here are the values we got 200 150 150 152 and here we have yeah pretty much 99 percent not not values but percentage so it's pretty much the same right here on the other hand we have 28 from 250 it's one third is around 80 something this is 60 so as you can see this is a lot darker than this and this is because as you can see the highlights in lightroom works throughout for the whole image and here we have this also works pretty much for the whole image as you can see right now so i would say that capture one works a lot more selectively with highlights as we did check in the previous video of course this is not scientific approach this is only me trying to make an educated guess what would be the best for me and that's it so let's dig in further and try to simply make something out of that image so what i would i like the thing that we have the mid-tones here it's pretty much like just the brightness so so there's that right shadows oh yeah we oh we can bump up those shadows as hell let's compare this with lightroom oh my god there is no comparison like look how awesome it looks in the exo footlab so this is the excel flap this is lightroom only on shadows plus 100 nothing else i really need to check this with capture one give me a second let's go to the max okay so this is dxo lab this is capture one okay and this is lightroom sorry but i don't have enough space to actually put everything here let me let me try to narrow it down a little bit so this can be here yes more or less i think we will be able to see this yep there's definitely an advantage for dxo photo lab just look at but the details are as you can see here here you can see this is a little foggy so pretty much the haze filter would be in order so this is the x overlap 100 shadows nothing more this is capture one 100 100 shadows nothing more and this is lightroom 100 shadows nothing more which one is the best lightroom obviously is not because i would have to add a little bit of this a little bit of clarity maybe to add a little contrast now it's a lot better but it's still not not that much yeah a little bit of decays now it looks better than this but this is already we are using the haze shadows and exposure colors here in dxo lab are a little bit different but because this is darker so if we can try and get those colors back a little bit of dehaze to remove that fog that foggy feeling here this looks now a lot better yeah we also need to add a little bit of clarity now this looks up very very similar i would say but here what can we do here we can contrast micro contrast automatic adjustment no but let's try auto out okay okay this works very well this is very similar to those two right now as you can see let's add a little bit more contrast those colors are very saturated i would say here those are very a lot more subtle and delicate but here we got pretty much the same stuff i would say clear your plus smart lighting okay automatically enhances the vibrancy of your photos by reducing atmospheric haze and boosting contrast without increasing edge halos yeah pretty much clarity but in a different name yeah pretty much clarity but under a different name okay this is obviously too much right now okay the intensity is we are going from here okay now this looks a lot more similar in my opinion but still the colors are a little more saturated this is temperature six thousand fifty okay there is a little bit discrepancy in the in the temperature let's make it all the same six five six five and here we can set up also six five and what we have this is still i feel that this is a lot more saturated lightroom is the least saturated and we got clarity and dehaze so you can pull up the lightroom to the level of capture one capture one is more saturated in lightroom so we need to add something to lightroom right now so i would go with the saturation a bit now it's more even i mean guys this is just a comparison right i just want to get the same results and i'm having in the x overlap and capture one and just compare those which one is the best straight out of the box because this is this is the main idea get the best software so i will spend as little time as possible making photos that's the bottom line i mean we all like to retouch and make everything perfect but if i can save time on that and still be as perfect as possible i mean good enough because this is the main idea we are golden let's find the hsl okay i like that very nice hsl adjustment layer everything in the same spot style tone link okay simple tonic black and white landscape portrait cp okay split toning okay we did lower the saturation on dxo and now it starts to resemble more or less capture one in lightroom and lightroom we did up the situation towards the capture one so as you can see there is no good answer but let's go back because we started with the shadows and let's figure out which looks the best this is dxo i mean the shadows this is more or less superb i would say the colors everything capture one also looks great but here we can feel this hdr effect this is a little bit more natural i would say and try to lower just a little bit because 100 percent this is especially that part is a lot lighter and capture wonders here let's try and lower it down a little bit still looks a little bit hdr-ish but it's sharp it's really really sharp i like that like this is is it sharper than this is the exophotile sharper than capture one i got no idea to be honest it's just i feel that this looks a little bit better i mean it's very hdr i would even say it's fake because my lenses usually don't get me that sharp images straight out of the box but i'm very very pleased i must say i'm really really pretty pleased try and add this a little bit towards capture one and there we have it and lightroom i mean lightroom isn't bad because it's also sharp as you can see here it doesn't pop as much as this but maybe i'm mistaken guys you tell me in the comment section because i really don't know it's very very hard to tell the difference and that's it okay one of my favorite things oh and as you can see here we got color adjustments just simply split into different sections so i guess they are doing this as in capture one which makes sense because you first do the main adjustments then you usually move towards sharpening and denoise and then you move to some detail refinement and of course layers on the end okay tone curve let's go with that i always loved the tone curves okay and let's go with the standard s but i would like to have this faded look something like that this is under this line as you can see usually the square s-curve looks like that but this is definitely too much in my opinion i could even go lower down on the sky and higher hop higher up in the shadows this is a bright image okay let's try to reproduce this here but i would usually do sorry in lightroom is something like that this here this here and this a little bit here and this would be of course more or less you can try to set it up the points more or less in the same places on the curve as we have those here and let's see how it will look it's almost an s curve but this here definitely has a lot more i would say the faded effect the blacks are a lot more pulled up here there is a lot more contrast in lightroom i would like this to be more yeah something like this exactly a little bit of that gray stuff i like this personally okay a little bit there is visible here let's go a little bit lower on that can we can we see this in the excel yeah a little bit let's try to do something like that here in capture one and what we can do in capture one where are the curves adjustment layer curve okay here is the curve okay so this is this works totally different as you can see right now there's a lot more this gray stuff visible in capture one currently and this is more or less on that spot here a little bit under the first line is of course only more or less but as you can see here the effect is a lot stronger in lightroom the effect is a lot lower which i would say makes it easier to work with in capture one it's a lot harder because the smaller the change the dress the more drastic effect on the curves like look at that we can do something like that on lightroom we can do almost something similar but here on those values right now here we have to go over the first line here we are still under the first and here this is a lot faster to be visible okay perfect and here yeah it's pretty much more or less the same there's eventually the question of saturation and there you have it this is the cursed comparison between capture one dx overlap and lightroom which one is the best i don't really know i would say all of them do the same thing very very i nicely feel that lightroom is the best because it's a lot more subtle so it's easier to dial in your exact expectations and there you have it so back to back to the exo okay let's just leave it as this just for the fun of that let's maybe lower it down a little bit so it won't be that much hardcore vignetting of course intensity okay this is the auto with dx optics module manual let's do this manually okay so we can brighten up everything plus advanced settings oh the middle middle point okay and what if i would like to have the vignette darker okay let's leave it as this and find it out later on color accentuation this is already we saw this color rendering camera body yeah icc profiles all of the jazz let's pick with a color picker for example this part here okay we did pick this and okay so now now we are having something like that very very nice very very neat indeed like look how many points we are actually able to move around like this is very very precise it's maybe no numbers her internal error correction failed on the execute stage okay happens as always let's see if anything else will work oh oh it actually recovered it didn't crash i liked it a lot that is definitely a bonus but yeah back to that we should definitely lower down the saturation of that orange color because it looks just simply fake it's not that pretty in that city trust me okay another crash and dxo for lead there is an error location perfection okay so we are we are back after the crash so let's see this is my manager and capture one takes two gigabytes lightroom over the gigabytes and capture one also so the excel app takes the least amount of memory okay weird probably because we i got a lot more images in the lightroom which i would suspect is the case capture run no idea i almost have no photos up there okay this is just to see how it goes and let's take that image and try this smart lightning stuff okay works pretty neatly let's see those fringing here okay this is definitely fringing lightroom is the worst capture one is the best for that probably there is some automatic adjustment and i'm not really sure but there is always one slider for that so you can fix this it's no problem let's go with this clearview plus let's go here with the clarity to the max and here let's go with the clarity also we got additionally the structure in capture run but let's just try and go over the top with a single slider so let me get back that let's hide this exactly okay this is the clarity the max on the dxo footlab this is on capture one and this is on lightroom and i would say that definitely yes dxo lab really kicks ass maybe this is the part of the image that image is just specified and works like that like a charm but it still shows the algorithms are very well written do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Piotr Kowalski - Bokeh Photos
Views: 227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capture one, dxo photolab 5, lightroom, comparison, raw quality, raw quality processing, raw details, photoraphy details, recovering shadows, slider differences, how slider works, capture one vs lightroom, capture one vs dxo photolab, dxo photolab 5 vs capture one, photolab 5 review, capture one 21, raw editing style, dxo photolab 5 tutorial, dxo photolab 5 vs lightroom, post processing, photo editing lightroom, photolab 5 vs capture one
Id: d77Lie3QyHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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