Let's Learn: Dwarf Fortress - Beginner-friendly fort! - Ep 1

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hey folks quillating here and welcome to the YouTube exclusive let's play for Dwarf Fortress I've got a live stream Series going on for Dwarf Fortress but I did want to start a series uh just for YouTube uh especially for anyone who doesn't like uh you know just the chat interaction and pop-ups and things like that um we're also going to be doing this in sort of uh as much as possible sort of a tutorially style with a more explanation of what and why we're doing it uh hopefully this video is going to be suitable for people who are new to Dwarf Fortress perhaps because of the stream release now the first thing we're going to do is create a new world which we have to do in Norfolk um you can um you can play multiple Forks in the same world but only one at a time really really so here we're gonna go ahead and create a new one these are the default settings on the steam edition of Dwarf Fortress the classic edition uh generated 250 years of History it does take longer to generate but you can have more history uh the classic version also the minerals was sparse we'll leave it on everywhere here for the steam version because they set that as default so why not we can also go into detail mode and change a lot more stuff but I'm going to be happy to just create this world over here now depending on your computer this can take a while um I think this will only take us maybe a minute with these settings on this computer which which actually isn't bad the steam release I don't know what they did but I'm pretty sure world generation is a lot faster in this release over here now for those of you wondering the classic edition the free one that has been free for well since 2006 at this point is still going to continue to be free and it's still going to be available and it's still going to be improved there's basically going to be this the classic freeware version and the premium steam version with the steam version having the the new graphic tile set um and the the music even the user interface improvements from the steam version here are going to be available in the free edition as well just not with the same like uh not with the same Graphics but still I'm really looking forward to that release actually we're gonna be checking it out all right there we go we have created our world the planet of Legends you can see one rejected what happens is that it starts World Generation sometimes it ends up with a world that uh the game isn't happy with because it's like doesn't meet certain requirements like oh you know what we failed to have enough uh viable civilizations or something so we're just going to throw out the whole world and do it again if you do a larger period of History sometimes it's more or less likely to to happen um but yeah so we're gonna be in the year 100 here in the planet of Legend sounds great let's go ahead and play this bad boy so it's actually going to be saved and this will just be one of the worlds that is going to be available uh to us but it did generate a lot of history so generate a full 100 Years of history with what was it something like 11 000 entities uh so all people that um have been tracked from birth to death uh all their wanderings around it's actually crazy you can go into Legends file and read up on the history of everyone that's ever lived in this world but we're gonna jump into Fortress mode over here Fortress mode is your your most classic Dwarf Fortress experience this is where we're indeed going to be building a fortress and you know playing the the base management Town management kind of game um there's also an adventure mode which is not currently available on the steam version at the time that I'm recording this video that is a roguelike sort of single player experience I'm gonna skip the tutorial over here although you probably want to do it the first time you're through um and uh we're gonna play we do get a bit of a tip here uh that maybe uh pay attention if there's aquifers or salt water maybe you don't want to mess with that let's look at a map here we can wasd to move around and take a look see in the current version you can't really scroll in and out uh hopefully that maybe they do something about that you can click and then you get to a closer level of zoom over here and if you right click you'll Zoom back out what we're doing here is we're trying to decide where we're going to settle in the world what we're going to do for that rather than just sort of pick things at random we can Mouse over and get all kinds of information about different places we're gonna use the find Embark tool yeah the file name Mark location tool and we can put in certain um parameters here for where we might want to settle what I'm going to recommend to you in your first game certainly is you want to find a site that has no aquifer aquifers actually can enable some interesting powerful gameplay but they can be very tricky at first aquifer basically means an underground water layer that can very easily flood your your Fortress have not handled uh carefully we are going to want places I would suggest for your first base make you you'll probably want Iron and you're going to want to flux the stone layer this means that you will be able to make a steel industry which is quite potent but because the default settings do have minerals everywhere we're likely to have a good number of all the things if you want to be near you know a river or something then you can turn those on as well but I'm just going to go ahead and hit begin and see what happens and what's going to happen here is the game's going to check every single part of the world for places that meet our our criteria here so the yellow squares aren't appropriate anywhere that you see green this is meeting our our filter requirements there's going to be plenty of them because we have not been picky these places over here that are yellow almost certainly it's because they have an aquifer around so we've got a few places which is great I'm just going to go click in it's still processing here but all these green squares these are in the actual places that we could settle that would probably be okay so I'm going to say I'm going to Embark let me stop this search oops I didn't realize it would Zoom us out there we go it still remembers so it stopped so it hasn't actually parsed the right side of the screen here but it still remembers things over here um so yeah if I just click on one of these places I'm going to click Embark and I'm going to say you know what uh actually I'll do here where we have just a little corner of the river that'll be kind of nice so we're gonna go ahead and do that next thing here this screen uh you can prepare carefully for the journey which would let you hand pick what skills and equipment and things you're going to be starting the game with um it's actually generally very recommended for established players to do prepare for the journey carefully and tweak things but we're just going to go ahead and play now and take the default setup that it uses um the default setup is perfectly fine so we're just going to do that and you know when you're first starting out the game you're not going to know what you need and here we are starting our game one disadvantage to going and barking directly is we didn't get to rename what our Fortress going to be uh looks like our Fortress called sword cleans I actually think is kind of cool I'm all right with that and there we go Dwarven Outpost you have arrived after a journey from the Mountain Homes into the forbidding Wilderness beyond your harsh Trek has finally ended your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all vilakat this is our um really cut is our civilization that we're part of the Dwarven Kingdom there are almost no supplies left what Stout labor comes sustenance whether red bolt plow or hook provide for your dwarves you're expecting a supply Caravan just before the winter entombs you but it is spring now enough time to delve secure lodgings air the yetis get hungry the new a new chapter of Dwarven history begins here at this place Des that's totlacad or sword cleans strike the Earth and here is our start now if I hold Ctrl and use my mouse wheel I can zoom in and out if I just Mouse wheel what's going to happen is I'm going to go down into the Earth or up into the sky over here so we can zoom out and get a bit of an idea of what our landscape looks like so we're in a fairly flat area yeah we've got kind of a rise kind of a hill going on over here we're certainly not in a mountainous region at all so if we are stay on the mountain side sometimes we're going to start our Fortress by digging sideways into the mountain in this case I think what we're going to be doing is digging downwards and setting things up and I think my plan is going to be to start kind of in the middle of this flat Plateau area I think that's a pretty reasonable thing so um let's start digging downwards right away because dwarves we want to be underground we don't want to live on the surface so we're gonna go to our mining tool over here we're going to choose dig a stairwell and uh I'm gonna take a 2x2 stairwell the size of your stairwell and and when you're building your hallways and things like that there's a lot of different ways you can go generally speaking you want more than one tile wide because um in a in a hallway or a staircase that's only one tile Wide Doors bump into each other and it slows them down so if you have stuff that's at least two tiles wide then they're gonna have some room to like just skirt around each other and not get slowed down as much so I tend to my uh my main hall or my main staircase I tend to make two by two or three by three depending on how fancy I'm feeling so I'm just going to start the hallway here two by two and I'm going to scroll down several levels and do something like that we're gonna start digging down excellent the other thing I'm going to do right before I unpause is I'm going to ask for some trees to be chopped down because trees are the enemies of dwarves also because we're going to be using some wood to do things uh these little round areas here these are tree trunks in fact if I uh move up you can see the rest of the tree so I'm gonna flag some trees over here to be chopped down and I'm also going to ask for some plants to be gathered most of our food in the long term is going to come from farming and we did come here with some food but I do tend to like to gather a few plants as well um partially I mean just to make sure to stock up on our food supplies early on but also because it you know gives some of our dwarves some things to do because we've got seven dwarves that we started off with and at the start of the game um there's not that much for a lot of them to do so these are seven dwarves they've all got different names we can nickname them as well they've got different titles now their titles are indicative of their highest skill generally it doesn't really limit what they can do like metal crafter here rygoth can do anything they want but if we take a look at them their best skill they are proficient metal Crafters they're also a competent uh gem cutter and adequate gem Setter which is nice 75 years old to stay in stoicism oh there you go each one each one of our dwarves has a unique personality which does matter as well as their unique skill set that they started with with the Embark but they will learn skills by doing basic any any job that a dwarf does they will gain skill doing that job and get better and better at it it does really pay off to have your dwarves specialized so that they get super crazy good at a specific skill but at the start of the game that's not really going to be super viable anyway with all that I'm gonna go ahead and unpause and our dwarves are gonna go to work but they're going to start Gathering plants some of them are going to chop trees so you do need an ax to be able to cut down trees so and we only came with a certain number of Acts might be one might be two I don't know what the default Embark does um also uh mining is done by only a person with a pickaxe and this Embark does only start with one now right now everyone's going grabbing some plants we're just gonna pause again here everyone's visiting themselves Gathering plants oh Cole over here the Fisher dwarf has decided to fish fair enough good groovy so they want to dig down our tunnel over here rimtar is our Miner clearly um and they have they do have a pickaxe equipped and they are assigned to the mining task we're going to be looking at the labors uh more in a bit so but why is he Gathering plans well because by default here if I go to the labor menu down below so if I click on the hammer down here uh and we don't need you thank you very much the way that the steam version of Dwarf Fortress and organized is it's organized by these work details that Encompass multiple different subtasks within themselves and so for example plant gatherers over here right now everyone is allowed to do plant Gathering so any dwarf for that is Idle will attempt to do plant Gathering they'll do other things too but they'll pick jobs um there's a few different mechanics that determines what order the dwarves decide to do certain jobs in in this case everyone has basically decided to start Gathering plants right away except for our our Fisher dwarf over here which is a side to fish now this category here does not is not set to everybody does this only selected do this right now and currently only coal has that selected so no one else is ever going to fish we can do the same thing with plant Gathering what I could do is I could change it to say only select to do this and just pick a few you know what you're an herbalist maybe maybe rygoth should just be oh actually let's sorry it's listening everyone's skill on the screen which is actually incredibly convenient um but maybe we just pick someone and say you know you're a woodworker maybe it makes great sense for you you're going to be outdoorsy imush we'll just enable this so now only imush is going to gather plants so now if I pop out of here and unpause we're gonna see they will finish over here because they started a task but as soon as they finish picking the current plant that they were going for they should re-evaluate their jobs there we go so imush is still Gathering plants because they still are allowed to gather plants um rimtar is now mining because he's allowed to do that coal is fishing because he's allowed to die Archie um looks like rimtar is a she or a beardless male I I think it's possible for dwarves I don't know actually it probably depends on the the tile set over here how they're represented but uh I bet you that's the case and anyone else has no job they're just idle over here no that's not good we want everyone to be working so what I could do is try to figure out other other work I could queue up in the game to keep these people busy or in practice what I'm gonna do in fact is I'm going to say you know what all right everyone can gather plants that's fine and I don't need to assign anyone to this particular task because everyone is allowed to do it at this point so you'll notice when I click here well by default I was messing with it um if I go back over here well hang on if I do this and this that's interesting what about now ah there it is there we go if I do this as soon as I click one person on this task it changes this work labor to only select to do this if I go to everybody does this it Grays out these because these check boxes do nothing anymore these check boxes don't mean anything because everyone does this particular task which was growing it out I think I'm fine with plant gatherers you know it this is really good idle work for random dwarves that aren't doing anything else I'm totally okay with it but I really want my minor to just be focusing on mining right now because I need some stuff to be dug out so what do I do instead how do I guarantee that rimtar is spending all their time mining instead of picking plans well what I could do is I could do something like this where I say only select to do this and I just select everyone except rimtar but that feels a little bit cumbersome instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and with rimtar uh over here my Miner is I am going to go and change them could I do that from this screen yes I can do that from the screen so I'm going to change rimtar no not room oh I have two rimtars rimtar albachar Expedition leader and rimtar lezute are minor okay I'm gonna change a rimtar la suit our Miner from a generic dwarf so green over here they're allowed to do any labor if I click on this this dwarf is now specialized this dwarf will only do tasks that they are explicitly checked to do so rimtar over here has been specifically assigned to the minor group over here with this check mark So miners they're checked over here rimtar will only do that if we want rimtar to also for example do stone cutting duties um I would have to actually turn this on and then I could do this I could leave this on everybody does this so everyone can do stone cutters but now rimtar will also do stone cutting over here because of the specialization that's going on I think we're not going to worry about that I'm going to have rimtar I think we're gonna keep rimtar real busy by saying rimtar the only thing you're going to do is mine and nothing else don't distract yourself with any other task um because a we need we have a lot of money to do and rimtar is literally the only person who can do it right now because we only have one pickaxe it would also be great to have someone develop a bunch of mining skill so that they could just start cutting through the dirt like butter so there we go we're gonna do this check everyone is busy now lovely like to see that I mean we will be keeping people pretty busy once we've dug down into our base somewhere over here and um we've got a stockpile that was interesting so this is all sand sand silty clay okay now we're in stone over here excellent so we've dug down I dug down quite a few levels that's fine what I'm gonna do is when we get to this bottom most level we're going to start to lay out our base and so what do we need as the basics we need a place to store resources under the surface uh we need to be able to have a few workshops to do some important jobs for us we need to ideally have a place for our dwarves to sleep they will sleep on the ground but it will make them unhappy so a comfortable bed would be nice originally I might start with a dormitory maybe we'll build up to some bedrooms afterwards we'll look at both those things now we do have a few resources over here rock salt walls um are I think that's just generic stone for our purposes but we do have a few other things we have Limonite which is a type of coal and we've got him I think I'm right about that with lemonade uh uh Maybe I'm Wrong maybe eliminate actually is an iron bearing uh ore hematite is definitely an iron bearing ore over here uh oh yes you know what I'm getting confused with lignite lignite is one of the coal type ores Limonite I believe is an iron bearing one uh we can get a lot of information so there's a little chunk of hematite that was dug out so when your dwarves dig out the walls they leave a little rock chunks behind so in this case a chunk of hematite was left behind if I click on that I can see it is indeed an ore of iron which I did know for hematite and I think that's the same thing with lemonade so um let's pick this floor here so I'm on elevation 29 just conveniently whatever you know some some number over here if we go up to the surface so our surface where we dug in is at elevation 39 and we can go uh we can go negative so it looks like we dug uh 10 levels below the surface cool groovy all right let's uh let's work out some space so I'm gonna go into the mining tool over here and I'm gonna let's say I put out two hallways to the sides over here groovy um and what I'm going to do actually I wonder if I should mine out these veins well we are in a rich place I think there's going to be lots of veins well I say that the level above us here is all rock salt with no visible minerals I'm Gonna Change My Mind I'm going to cancel this construction I'm going to go up a level so we're going to be in elevation 30. we're going to make this our primary floor I'm sure we're going to run into veins and minerals as well but we're not immediately doing it so it's going to be okay so I'm just going to make yeah sort of a horizontal tunnel going across over here with the mining tool and then I'm going to start laying out some rooms we're going to want a big stockpile I'm going to go and put it say here and we'll have a nice little double wide door going into the stockpile that's going to feel pretty good and then we're going to set up a series of workshops workshops are three by three rooms generally speaking um and in the uh classic version um there used to be impassable tiles and workshops but in the updated version that's coming with steam here there are none so we it makes it a lot easier for us to place things um what we're going to do so they're three by three six nine you know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do this 12 tiles long I mean we'll be able to fit four workshops in here I'm gonna make our stockpile space bigger and I'm going to make another set of space on the other side for workshops now workshops don't have to be in their own rooms um you know that we we could put them anywhere we could I could just carve out one ginormous area and put everything in one ginormous area but you know that wouldn't look as nice so I'm gonna put something like this to start off with this is gonna be our original our initial sort of production Zone I think that's quite good on the opposite side let me make a little we're gonna make something that's going to be kind of a bit of a common room this is going to be our dining area um and I will be making some bedrooms for now I'm just going to carve out single 2x3 space we're going to use this as a oops that's not what I want we're gonna use this dormitory at first but this is going to evolve into a series of bedrooms later on okay let me trim down some of this I will acknowledge at this point there's a blue printing system built into the steam version of Dwarf Fortress but for the moment I'm going to ignore it for Simplicity so yeah I'm just going to trim down how many digging jobs we might have and we'll do this now I want to be able to get to this floor very quickly there are a couple of quick buttons over here by the minimap this top button will send you to the surface and this button here is going to send you to the deepest area that you've discovered that you've mine to which is one level below our living quarters right now because I dug down this deep but then I decided to set up over here I would like to be able to very quickly get back to this floor because we're going to be looking at this floor a lot this button over here lets you set up hotkeys so what I'm going to do for the the F1 by default is bound to where your wagon arrived that's I like that probably leave that there for now maybe I'll adjust it so with F2 over here I'm going to click this button to recenter this particular thing and uh you don't have to name it but you know what the heck we'll call it a main floor that sounds good and so now if I hit F1 it brings me to my wagon if I hit F2 it brings me over here I like it okay so let's unpause so our little miner let's um let's rename you let's give you a nickname rimtar over here you're good with languages you're impatient over conscious poor Focus you're agile and wasteful and if she keeps mining she's going to become very strong mining builds serious muscles um and yeah your mind is your preferred thing your skilled appraiser you actually could be a decent um so the books keeping skills at the trade thing I'm not sure hmm all dwarves need alcohol to get through the day that's totally normal in this case yeah um I just might call you uh rimtar I'm gonna call you the minor tar not to be confused with a Minotaur we're gonna do that there we go so minor tar is going to be in our list here she's got a nickname which is great you can clear the nickname you can change it whenever you want it's a minor tar we're going to remember that you are a minor this way which is fantastic and uh there currently aren't any background sounds um there is music that plays from time to time personally I turn down the ambience volume over here because um in the current release build there's one really screechy bird or something that plays a lot and kind of drives everyone crazy uh and that's part of the ambience over here so right now I just have it set down to nothing because it's it's kind of rough actually you know what I'm thinking oh I have a brilliant plan oh I have a cutting plan I'm gonna go and turn off the music in-game as well and instead what I'm gonna do is I'm going to play it via the album directly there we go so that we will have non-stop music in the background not just when the game decides to play it oh I'm so pleased with this wonderful all right so we're taking things out um you can use a priority system to um make certain areas dig out faster when you're mining here there's a little pop-out menu that's going to give you tons more options so what I can do for example um is I could say listen uh I want you to mine this spot out super high priority it doesn't really make any sense to mine that spot out specifically it's super high priority but if there's a certain order you want to do things in you can do that the advanced menu is also how you interact with the blueprints which is a beautiful feature but I'm just going to ignore it for a second here and focus on Basics all right so you just keep doing that I suspect a bunch of my dwarves aren't now idle and that is indeed the case um Let's uh you know let's just have them gather some more plants for now because why not I'm gonna go to the top right corner to the bottom left now this is going to get going to interact on the current level that I'm on you could also move up and down and do multiple levels at once again I'm just taking designate tons of plants to be picked just to keep everyone busy until we get the basic setup over here actually I am going to go and set a priority for now that I think about it [Music] um I want you to prioritize digging out the stockpile area because I can keep my dwarves busy by getting them to bring some things down here although that being said I might want to get some farming going on now Sans not the greatest terrain to grow on but it will get the job done I'm able to bring some water to it later okay so just one level below the surface um and yeah with a high priority over here I'm gonna set up some little fields to to farm um I'm gonna go with the ever popular 5x5 starting areas for our fields but I'm only going to connect one of them here to get that started okay and future future mining I'm going to put in Prior four but yeah we want this nice thing about uh this area here being in sand sand you mine through extremely quickly so these areas aren't connected so they're not going to get mined we can just ignore them suppose that's going to do that later on yeah so as soon as that's out here I'm gonna build a farming plot so we're going to go into building uh and it is a type of Workshop under farming you can see really I think this needs to be renamed to like Food Industries because the only thing in here that's farming is the farm plot but that's fine we're gonna do this we're gonna click Define a farm plot over here our farmer is gonna have to come and actually sort of plow this field and set this up so at some point one of our dwarves will come over and get that sorted and then we'll be able to assign some crops let's come back to it in a scooch pop and mount down here we are digging there you go already minor tar is in a depth Miner I think she started as a proficient Miner just getting better was annoyed after having to having a drink without using a goblet cup or mug well that's not good she also would like to craft an object at some point so dwarves have mood they do come in fine but they very quickly get the get cranky and crankier here unless we start satisfying their basic needs we'll see what we can do we still need to get this area dug out keep Gathering plants for now that's going to be okay actually I'm sorry I'm hitting you to access the citizen screen here should also check the other tab to see what kind of Critters are around rattlesnake Aardvark okay well hopefully we don't into any uh any significant problems over here depending on where you Embark you can have some pretty seriously dangerous creatures there's lots of wood sitting around on the surface right now from a tree chopping and yeah there's going to be lots of berries and stuff just sitting around but again at some point here we will clear this out what I might do actually I might start the stockpile now the dwarves okay the doors are still Gathering plants I don't need any busy work for them yet we'll see if we can finish clearing out the stockpile I could always designate like a small one and then grow it later but for now this is gonna be good mm-hmm oh yeah we have a little corner of the river oh yeah right over here it's quite nice actually I really love the visual that they used for the river here is it a river or a book okay it's a brook they do work slightly differently a brook um you're like dwarves and creatures and stuff can walk across totally walkable to this corner over here if it was a river I believe we'd have to build a bridge over it oh there's some sort of oh there's a lung fish in there the long fish those are the ones that can like they're they're semi-amphibious right they can go on to land a little bit and burrow into the mud maybe I'm getting confused with something else yeah but that's really nice and yeah a good source of infinite water if we wanted of course our dwarves um can survive on water but they're gonna get incredibly cranky dwarves basically just want to drink beer all the time and who can blame them all right this area is cleared so let's define a stockpile in this huge area now what you can do is you can decide what goes into the stockpile they've got like quick little easy picks for you you can also go custom and yeah custom decide what goes in the stockpile here I'm going to make a generic stockpile that accepts everything and now our dwarves at some point they will start hauling things down here I did I did designate a lot of plans to be picked that's okay as long as they're busy doing something I ain't gonna complain so now we're digging out some space for our uh workshops we've got some platinum over here interesting gems I mean I can I can mine out these these uh stone walls later there we go things are starting to be hauled down here is that a turtle raw Pawn Turtle oh our Fisher dwarf caught the turtles oh fantastic I don't usually like focus on fishing too much but it is a nice source of extra food plus you can get shells and things there we go berries are starting to be brought down here now the berries are going to fill up my stockpile like almost instantly here um but what we're gonna do is very quickly we're gonna start building bins uh and we'll be able to store things in it in fact we've got space for our workshops going on let's go ahead and get some in here so if I go into workshops I'm going to get a Carpenters Workshop so we can make some things out of wood when you place it down it does ask you what material you want to use it to make it so there's a bunch of rock salt from mining out the walls over here shirt's another type of stone and then we've got some logs on the surface but yeah rock salt is fine in fact I don't usually care what we build these workshops out of um I know we're gonna we need a stone worker here which in the classic version used to be called a Mason we need this to make all sorts of stone furniture I'm gonna instead of selecting material after placement I'm going to say use closest material and if this is something we're building a lot of which we're not for this Factory or for this um Workshop but like tables and chairs and stuff and a lot of times you want to place it in both you can click that little button but let me put a stone workers shop over there um what else do we need quite early on well we are going to want to craft swarf shop so that we can start producing crafts to sell to the merchant when it arrives in Autumn uh so I will go ahead and put that down that's going to be okay uh and anything else I want immediately need necessarily anything else immediately over here under farming which again should be really food category um we might want to build a fishery because we do have a fishing dwarf going and he's already caught some turtles we need a fishery to process raw fish into edible food here because raw fish won't be eaten I think it leaves shells and stuff from the turtles as well although part of me is like maybe all the the food production industry should go on the left here but no you know I think it's fine we're gonna put the fishery down here for now and that's gonna be okay I don't usually get an early fishery but in this case I think it's gonna work out nicely okay so this the idea was this was going to be our dormitory over here so we need we need a few things we need some beds we want some doors maybe to make these rooms at the proper nice rooms um again there's no there there's really an enclosed space doesn't really matter in Dwarf Fortress but it looks nice so we're gonna go ahead and do that so The Carpenter's Workshop over here if I click on that I can add a task and we can make a huge variety of different things out of wood uh the stone workers is basically the same thing but it's going to be out of rock uh the craft Workshop can do all kinds of crafts using different materials that you go through different sub menus now beds in Dwarf Fortress only get made out of wood you cannot make a stone bed you have to make a wooden bed which means it gets made at The Carpenter's Workshop so if I want to do that click on The Carpenter's Workshop click on add task and say make bad there's a search button over here too which is kind of nice we can say make bed and it will make one bed I mean that's fine and then I repeat it again for multiple beds now um because we're making a dormitory we don't need one bed for each individual dwarf uh because they don't always sleep at the same time and we're not talking about individual rooms I'd maybe build like I don't know three beds right now for my seven dwarfs but you know I still get kind of annoyed maybe doing it this way so we'll be looking at a better way to equip some jobs uh next so again stoneworker shop I want some doors so I'm gonna say rock doors we got lots of rock we're gonna have lots of it I don't do that but I want tons of them ah I don't want to cue all these up manually so let's talk about that better way let's use work orders over here that'll be the last thing we look at in this particular video so work order system is amazing you can on any Workshop you can go to work orders and you make a work order for this specific Workshop over here but rather make work orders for specific workshops I much prefer down over here the clipboard this is the work orders menu here you can set up a work order that can be completed at any Workshop which I means if I want to make some rock doors I don't have to look and see where my stone worker is um and and you know and what if we have multiple Stone workers do I want to queue it up everywhere no all I want to do is put in a work order and say damn it dwarves make me ten doors and I would do it here but to do this I need a manager so over here there's a button for Nobles and administrators these are special roles that you can assign to certain dwarves and the thing you want basically right from the start in my opinion you want a manager right from the start you probably want to bookkeeper right from the start you probably want to sign your broker before the first trade wagon comes and if you've got you know a medical dwarf can be handy I mean it only really matters once you get the hospital but I tend to assign it early on anyway but for now let's just assign the manager so if I click plus over here we'll assign one it's going to sort based on people's skills so rimtar this is not our Miner this is the other rimtar this is our Expedition leader this person has some organization skills which is what a manager uses so yeah rimtar you're the Expedition leader will also make you the manager that seems to make great sense now we get a warning over here because a manager wants a wants an office well it's a study they want a room that's got a table and a chair later on your manager will need to have this room to be able to operate work orders but at the start and I don't remember what the break point is I think it's a certain population while you're under that population or whatever it is you don't actually need an office set up for them yet so right now as long as we've got a manager I can now go into work orders and I can create work orders now and so I'm going to do that I'm going to say rock doors um default to 10 sure let's just make 10 Rock doors in bulk we could we can type in a number you know what we need more doors than that I'm going to say make me 20 Rock doors and it's just gonna handle that you can say use any shop it'll just assign the job perfect there's a lot more logic we can do in that screen which we will be doing very soon but for now if I do that and I check the stoneworkers shop there we go see this make rock door this work order system is going to constantly cue the job to make rock doors adderstone worker shop and it's going to do that 20 times awesome and so once we've got a door and once we've got a bed which we will see because at some point it'll finish the bed job and it'll move into the stockpile assuming there's any space here which is filling up quite quickly um it might just have to leave it in these uh workshops right oh there we go we built our first bed now if I hit uh build structure Furniture bed over here click here and again we can choose which bed we want right now all the beds are made being out of coffee wood the little um symbols on the side indicates quality this is a baseline quality one um the plus is better the star is even better so put that down there but generally speaking again I don't really care too much so if I go here and I click bed I'm gonna say listen use the closest Bed and keep building after placement that way I can go click and click and get those all down I can't remember did I just queued up three beds right yeah so um I mean queued up three beds in the Carpenters so we're gonna put on those three beds there beautiful um probably we've got some of the doors built yep there we go three doors have been built so we've got 17 left to go but that means I can do the same thing here build door door I'm not going to care about the material and I want to keep building up replacement so I'll put it there just to block off the uh the dormitories that sounds great and then you know what I'll install a double door oh I think one was still in progress the third job had started but I don't actually have the third door yet okay so that's fine so we'll get there and we'll get a single door which we'll have to do later on um okay real last thing I'm gonna do before we end this I'm gonna assign a dormitory Zone over here so right here you've got a place zones button the hotkey is dead makes sense is that for Zone and I'm gonna make a dormitory over here now dwarves will if there's a bed installed somewhere that's not assigned to a specific dwarf dwarves will just go ahead and use it actually I don't normally do the uh I usually just do the internal space there we go um dwarves will just you know sleep in the bed if need be but rather than sleep on the floor um if there is dormitories they will prioritize that and then eventually we will get individually assigned bedroom for our dwarves and uh that will make them very happy but for now at least we do this so they don't have to sleep on the floor so we have an unnamed dormitory that sounds great so we've set up you know we've learned about digging we've learned about place queuing up jobs placing the furniture and making our first Zone next episode we are oh yeah wooden bins we're definitely any going we'll be revisiting our work order system then and automating things and it's going to be a beautiful thing folks thanks a lot for watching I really appreciate you coming out if you are new to the channel of course subscribe and like and do all those things and comment and it's all really really really good to help the channel um but mostly subscribe so you don't miss the next episode of Dwarf Fortress thanks a lot folks bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 372,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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