Dumpster Rescue- Refurbishing Ottoman Big Store destroyed & threw away and I did it for Free!

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hey guys do you remember this i've had it sitting in our house for a rainy day forever and today is an actual rainy day kind of just stopped but it rained today so today this is my project it's an armoire or no no no more what's it called like a i can't remember the name footstool um anyway it opens put your shoes or whatever in it storage ottoman that's it ottoman it's an ottoman but it we got it at burlington coat factory in the dumpster a while ago i have no idea how long ago it was and obviously they went to town on it i mean it is slashed all over it's flashed inside it slashed in the roof it slashed and i wanted to save it because it's so cute these little buttons in it are so cute i've never upholstered anything with buttons or anything like this before so this is going to be a total experiment for me but of course i want you guys to join me so you know cheers me on keeps me going wants me to do it this is my favorite thing look at these cute little wheels on here so i wanted to try to jump do it with all dumpster dive stuff you've seen me grab curtains and tablecloths and all kinds of things and they're usually spray painted from bed bath and beyond so i've got a couple options got this dark one it doesn't look dark in here but it is dark but i only have one so of this i think so this one's probably not gonna go to this because i need some extra fabric i've got three of these and that's a nice color curtains are nice because they're um they're sturdy you know like your butt's going to be sitting on it all the time and luckily these are all gray the three that i'm choosing from because i wanted to um keep these little pleather buttons on there and not have to recover every single one of these so if it matches i think it'll be fine i think it'll look cute i think this is the one i'm gonna go with it doesn't have as much spray paint on it as at least on this panel i think it's got a nice pattern so it'll be a little bit more forgiving with these things bunched in with a little gray i think it'll be cute and i'm either going to keep it or just donate it so either way i can't donate it in this condition they're going to throw it away i'm planning on doing first i'm going to take this thing apart i'm going to try to salvage this so i can at least get use it as a pattern for the size that i need and maybe poke the holes in it where they're supposed to go so that way i can just throw them back through i've got um some thread like button thread that i think will work i found that in a dumpster it seems like the same kind of stuff that's on the back and i might hot glue and try to salvage this thin foam oh yeah good i have another one of these i have two of these two for sure of this maybe some more over there i think that's going to be enough first things first taking off the hardware and it looks like they used kind of long screws so i think it's going to be um pretty nice quality wood under there okay i'm ripping this black stuff off got the hardware off and it looks like the back these are gonna be interesting to pop out i'm gonna have to get all these new um all these nail what are they called nail gun nails staples that's what they're called i'm gonna get all the staples out which isn't gonna be fun because they put like four of them on each of them and then i might just rip these out instead of unstabling cause i don't wanna deal with all that but this way easier to deal with i was gonna take the feet off like the wheels but i just started ripping this off and i was hoping there'd be some um oh there is thank goodness there is a screw hole in here i'll have to experiment and see what that is and see if i can get these wheels off because it'll be easier for me if these are off next is ripping all this off and then seeing what we're dealing with this actually isn't bad but i gotta rip it all off because um i have to i'm gonna make it pretty here at least oh they sewed it i don't think mine's gonna be sewed i think i'm just gonna glue some on i would try to save this but it's so thin it just rips so easy okay so anyway that's what's next disassembly what a freaking pain in the butt taking these screws off is and it just dawned on me i'm just gonna cut them i'm just gonna snip the little scissor that's holding it in that little wire voila this takes me two seconds the staples can stay in there and um that's it easy peasy and there's our button cute i love these little buttons they're adorable yeah i couldn't recover these because look they've got the um they're embedded in there i would have had to do something like glue it and it would have probably came unfrayed so i'm glad i think these will look fine with this fabric on there tucked down in so cute it'll be fine okay on to the next snack time interlude she she is that's really good coconut latte don't be jealous that's delicious thank you i'm at the end of this only a few more of these left and i got lazy and i'm glad i did it because taking those staples off was a pain in the butt so i just started cutting around each little staple and uh as you can see here that made it so much easier just to cut them out so that's my cheat and that's my hat and i'm almost ready to take this and trace it and hopefully we've got enough material without red on it to fit because i don't want to sew any together if i can help it but i will if i have to i glued the foam on that side but i still need to do this side it actually turned out totally fine like with the hot glue gun missing a piece here looks like i'm gonna have to glue this little tack that one down but you almost you can't feel it or anything when it's on there but if you look closely there's slashes all over but it'll be fine i'll find something to fill this with i gotta get this whole fabric off okay here it goes that's not bad it actually looks fine glue this down my hot glue gun do that right now not bad at all just a little bit of a squiggle and it just stays on there just fine i really have to do anything it's really easy okay how's this side not bad maybe this one oh that's hot so it looks like they used a square piece of foam and then put batting on top i'm just going to leave it just like that because i think it's probably fine perfect so now here's my pattern i just showed steve which one i'm doing this one he liked it so he said we're gonna keep it he wants to keep it and maybe we'll put it in the living room i don't know if there's enough on this piece to do it so let's see come on fingers crossed i see some red on here oh it's right along this edge we might make it right here look the red starts right here okay two here okay i think it's gonna make it oh my goodness let's check it come on this would be awesome if it's like perfect a little bit if it's on the edge a little bit it's going to wrap and have a little extra room so won't be that big of a deal i think it's gonna fit oh my gosh it's gonna fit the red starts there and is on that edge but right under where this whole thing is plain oh no some red darn it where's that land it's just a little bit how far is it okay if this went all the way to the edge and all the way to the edge where's that red right there and it's going to be showing huh it will be no it's not even in a spot where it's going to be tucked down in a tuft but maybe how much extra room do i have this way maybe i can set it to where it will fiona tuft darn it well let me look at the other panel i'd like to be perfect if i can just because it's the top part okay i'm gonna make it work either way or i'll use a different fabric come on where's the red this looks like it's got no red whoa are you serious never even opened it there's no red on this one is that red it's a wrinkle [Music] seriously wow one curtain no red and one with red but not a ton of red man lucked out on this one this is awesome i'm so excited i need to iron this and get it nice and flat and unwrinkly and then i'm going to cut it i'm going to put the top on right now because that's the best part right because it's going to be cute i just cut the ball or cut this piece and now it's time for me to line up the little holes for where my little buttons are gonna go i'm gonna use a sharpie i should use a fabric marker but the ones i have are black or gray and um you know what i don't care i just don't think i'm going to see it so i'm just going to do it and it's going to be a teeny little dot in each one can i see him yeah i can see him whoa when i went oh i saw this and then like when i went to town on so let's see is that the right grid yeah okay i'm ready can you guys see him you can't really but i can okay let's go i'm excited look at this i just happen to have a weaving needle i bought this to use uh for candles when i miss my wick and i gotta pull it back through i want needed a long thing with like a you know thick enough one that a candle wick could go through but it's perfect for this it'll fit right through the hole i can get the button in there it's not gonna hurt my fabric yay where's my twine i don't even know you guys might remember me finding this but it was at michael's for sure but it seems like very similar to the the stuff that was in there so let's do it it's basically going to look like see if it's cute or not oh it's cute it looks way darker on the film but it'll still be cute then it really looks to the naked eye so i'm doing it i can't believe i had this i don't know if it's gonna go through the fabric okay come on through little guy stuck on there okay it's through if it's pulled tight it's pretty cute i feel like the fabric is uh strong enough that it's gonna be able to handle it so that's what we're going with right there so they just took a staple and staple gunned it to the side i'm going to tie a knot they might have done that too i don't know actually i didn't see a knot i'm going to just to reinforce and then i'm going to staple gun it too nice how does it look cuteness super cute i guess i could get all of them through and then tie them tight i just want to see how it's going to look and see if it's going to be sturdy enough with two and it's cute it's tough and fine it's tufting adorably all right i'm down to my last button and what i ended up doing one of my button threads the wrap threat um threads snapped so i found in my sewing kit i had some waxed button threads so i've just been doubling it up some of this thread and this thread i don't know which one's gonna be stronger but the waxed button thread what is it doing out here rosie she was supposed to be cleaning the room steve missed her bedroom so you must have gone in there well actually there's a lot right there for her to get one more to go so i ended up doubling up this thread i'll show you on the back what i did all right so i'm pulling it through here and then i'm stapling it a couple times and then i'm turning it like this turning it the other direction and stapling it a couple times that way and then turning it one more direction so that way it doesn't come loose and it's in there really tight so if either of those threads ever fails the middle ones are all going to be wrong i mean just single thread but the exterior ones all have the wax button thread too so um that's what it looks like on the back so that's next okay so if it does if these middle ones do come out i'm gonna make sure whatever backing i put on the back of this i can access it easily because i might have to re-thread those buttons if they don't last so let's see how does it look cute that's gonna be adorable so now i'm just going to tack these get them all stapled around the edge and i'm done with the top easy other than the backing of it but it's really cute i love it i never even thought about lining up this uh it's a little bit off shoot i should have done that i didn't even think about it um but it's not gonna bother me i don't think darn it i only see it now that i'm looking at it with the camera i don't really see it with my own eye but with the camera i see it but it's okay it's fine whatever buttons look good on it i like the gray what i'm thinking now is since i don't want to deal with it being um too much work to do this back side like gluing the thing on top which i could i guess i could glue one a strip or something on there stitch or something to make it look pretty but i was thinking if i just folded this over i could even hot glue gun a panel and then roll this a couple times and staple through that and that might actually be okay and that would be my edge so i might do that i don't know if i want to use this material you know what i could use the back side of the curtain that would work because it's free and it's just sitting there or i could use a different carton panel um but that might be what i'm gonna do because it'll help me we're gonna see staples but if i can kind of try to do them nicely maybe it won't be so ugly i just don't want to do less work than more okay look i just found this this is in my stash of um dumpster panels and it is spray painted red but it looks like it's just spray painted there but i could use this fabric on the whole inside of the thing i've got enough i think and it's pretty i like it that might be what i'll do is just put a panel of this rather than white i just don't want to get dirty um just put a panel right across there that'll look fine and then roll this edge over it that's what i'm gonna do we have tons of this this is what i was talking about dish foam roll we bought out some companies a couple years ago and we got tons of this and all the bubble wrap and everything else was great but i think i'm just going to lay a little layer just right on here and hot glue it because you can feel the um threads and stuff through it i don't i don't like it even though it's on the lid i'm just going to do it real fast just one quick little layer be a little bit of a cushion and you won't really feel it and it'll be easy enough perfect so i hot glue gun real just a little tack this whole side here so i could kind of pull this tight i left the seam to the bottom of the curtain on there i don't care but um i want to pull this tight so i could do this side and it looks nice i like the color but a lot it's really cute um definitely stuff colors gray grays i like it okay curtain it's thin too so it kind of looks like what was in there but um i'm gonna hot glue gun this and so it'll just kind of tack it in place and then i'm gonna staple gun the whole thing you're doing a complete refurb you want to see it the kids side wow cute huh that looks that looks really good like this the white stripes now for some reason they stand out more do they in a good way okay like before when you was laying flat and you showed me that material yeah man what a good job you're a bet button expert i like buttons some of these are making this makes it look good huh yeah the buttons what is that called when it goes in like this it looks really really nice good job thanks yeah now i'm going to um like i really like it and the color is like the color we like i know there's another dumpster curtain here that i cut up to be the inside i should have cut the seam out i don't know why i left it there but it's okay it's gonna be the underside of the lid and i'm gonna roll this over and then just we're gonna see staples anyway and just staple it along here nice and i could cover it with a thing fabric depending on how um like a liner thing just to make it look better just where my staples are i'll glue them on but we'll see we'll be the only ones looking like man i'm surprised it looks really good you really went to town on this thing cute good job i'm excited i'm not surprised you did a good job well bye later bye i'm all tufted but the question is with this corner do i do just pull it or should i do an external tuck like uh i don't want to do a fold not like that i want to do a tuck so it's either going to be a double tuck this way internal or external i guess or this way for a pleat i guess that's cuter huh it's hard to even say they look pretty similar maybe i'll fold one pull the other one tight i think that's the way i'm gonna go that'll work okay that's what i'm going with guess what so excited look i was trying to couldn't find how they were screwing in there that's sweet this is gonna be a lot easier to deal with now these are such cute legs aren't they so cute they're like absolutely adorable like the little old-fashioned ones with modern cuteness i love it okay that's gonna make life easier a lot easier they put seams on each corner i'm just going to put the whole thing on there like i can get this side this side and that side just in this one panel and one fell swoop so i can get the whole thing covered except the one side this big so i could just sew one panel if that makes sense i could sew one to attach i can match it up and i'll just have two little seams right on the edges because the rest of it's going to be wrapped tight and that's easier for me than having a seam and having to sew more all right i'm back at it it's the next day um okay so i've cut the material i still have to sell one more edge but i connected two panels so it's not going to fit the whole way so i sewed these together and um they're not matching but it's okay because i really wanted this thick edge to be my edge that goes around the bottom for my staple gun because i think that'll be nice and the other part selects this i'm thinking of staple gunning down here all the way around the rim then wrapping this over the edge and you have the inside head like a black liner i'm thinking i'm just going to have this liner after it's wrapped go all the way up and over like this nice and tight i can hot glue it down there i can staple gun it i can do whatever oh my goodness i'm so excited okay my stitching turned out good i like it i haven't buckled it on yet but um i decided i am gonna put the little dark layer on the back just because because it's so cute i don't wanna you know might as well i'm already here doing it and if i'm going to staple it over it i might as well do it so that's what i decided to do i'm going to use this same dark fabric curtain that was on there and i'm going to put it on the back side i need to iron it and then this is going to roll over the edge i'm going to staple gun it and then flip it over and then figure out what to do with the inside so that's what i'm doing next fun part staple gun time it's got to be bottom's done it's not perfect but it's done so now i can start pulling this tight and i'm done after i put hardware and stuff back on but this is exciting i can't wait to see what it's gonna look like i think it's gonna be really cute though look that looks amazing isn't it cute yeah seriously hello hello i'm excited that is freaking amazing it was really fun too i mean really really good steph your edges look beautiful wow wow i like it a lot and i like the the fabric you chose me too i've been blown away seriously it really is pretty impressed myself i must say whatever that's called this is what makes it is these cute little buttons you know good job cute man i gotta get the feet back on and i gotta figure out what to do with the inside but that's next all right so now i'm thinking i might use this on the inside because i'm thinking how am i gonna hide my staple gun staples if i staple gun it through the bottom it's too thin it's too thin to staple gonna have to do it on the brace itself like up here so if i can do it as close to the edge as i can then maybe that little cushion will stick up enough i could also just hot glue gun it but you know hot glue kind of turns that yellow color later and it kind of just makes like a weird thing i don't know i don't want to deal with that i think i'm going to do a couple staples at least at least in the corners to tack them in then maybe i'll hot glue the rest or maybe i'll just hot glue with the whole thing maybe i'll do that now i feel like it's so nice i need to actually make it nice so if i pull it tight and then how close will my staple gun get ooh it gets pretty close real close okay staple gun in it and then i'll make a pillow insert for the bottom that did pretty good but there is a ridge the whole way that i can follow so that's what i'm gonna do staple gun just a few along the way maybe like 10 not the whole way i don't think um and then i'm putting a bed in the bottom put the hardware on and done you guys it's finished it's done the hardware was the hardest part because it kept snagging the little threads so what i ended up doing is making a little hot glue gun circle around um around which each spot was gonna be so like on this this is a good little hack by the way it worked really good oh it's glued to it but i just made a little ring around where the hole was gonna go and then i shoved scissors in there and um it made the threads stay they glued together so they totally worked so yay and finding the holes i'd covered them all up you know that's always hard to find but found them and it is complete okay complete [Music] done it's so cute i love it it's huge huh that was really really really fun dumpster um ottoman dumpster glue gun dumpster hot glue dumpster twine dumpster two spray painted curtains and um oh a third spray painted curtain for that dark part that's in the middle or on the inside and dumpster foam got used on the inside this is a dumpster project and i love it thanks for joining me enjoy
Channel: StevenSteph
Views: 125,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Diving
Id: s9lZg6Mbrfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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