Dumpster Diving "Let's Get It Out!"

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got anything up in here tonight y'all oh there's a little something right there on top metal panel oh that box is heavy let's check it out let's check it out job check it out get that scrap hopefully there's something in there all righty scavengers how's everybody doing all right sweetness well here we are again again again again again again on a mission trying to chase that paper man on a paper chase grab this bag but yes like i said how's everybody doing tonight all right good to hear we got a lot of scrap i guess i should have probably just grabbed the whole box out huh but oh well he's got anything legit up in here see some wires back there jump her on out y'all [Music] oh look at that some copper on there scrap there good number one wire here i see more copper right here right there all right so all right good first dumpster for sure got a little bit of this a little bit of that maybe some a little bit of that all right all right hopefully the night is profitable and we find lots of stuff like that okay all right chop board scrap [Music] [Music] quick little peek up in here guys oh i see stuff i see like good looking stuff yeah that's some straps look at that what is that what is that tell me that's something good that's cat six that's a whole mess of it too [Music] that's a whole whole mess of cat6 yes please and thank you this is full of uh oh mcmaster card wires and such let's see little boards in there all right let's see trying to uh we'll hello let's grab one box let's grab one we have one box in here that looks pretty good this one let's say this one looks pretty good all right we'll do that try not to bring so many boxes home you know i always come back with boxes all right let's get that there all right what we got here for some tie downs man golly those look pretty good shade too those are big old heavy duty ones although i don't know what kind of connection that is not what i'm accustomed to that's for sure i wonder if those are uh for uh like a flatbed or something all right we'll grab it though see what we got what we don't got and if it ain't no good then we'll just cut the ends off and scrap them out and call it a day yeah some sort of like almost like a secret latch or something to each his own right baby rub it i dig it i dig it i dig it there's a hold up got some more stuff creeping under here that's a lot of tie down that's a lot a lot got in here yeah what is that it's some wires i don't know what kind of wire that is that is optical cable it looks absolutely no good but it looks like it's got a little something something but uh yeah optical crap no good i mean good for somebody just not this body but anywho i always care let's talk about this whoa slip yeah holy ish we gotta dig up in here tonight y'all look at that look at that holy cow oh baby oh baby oh baby you know how to rub me the right way i tell you what oh my god there's more hold up oh baby you definitely know how to rub me the right way this piece all right man check it out we got scrap up in here baby some of it's got water in it but it looks like oh my god there's something there's a lot of it in here y'all look at all that that's got wire in it oh yes sir this is why i do it right here oh my goodness all right here let's just set all these boxes out of here for right now get down in here oh yeah now that that's a dumpster lake that's what we call a dumpster lick y'all dumpster yes yes oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh sorry guys i was having my own little special moment there let's see here oh you see much oh there's more there we go there we go right here a little more back over here not much all right what we got here the batteries yep there's battery emergency light battery there's another battery right there i'ma just dump this crap back there yeah baby mike's on it tonight all right all right i think i think we got it i don't see we can't see more okay all right y'all that's all this stuff back in here boxing stuff here oh baby all right that's my dumpster diamonds about right there let's see yeah nothing in there oh we got stuff coming out of this box y'all along with food a little cheap oh spicy spicy spicy flavorings or something okay noise see a little bit a little bit let's see what we got styrofoam man styrofoam all right let's see here so we use the styrofoam as a makeshift box that's a pretty looking piece of square right here there's some stuff here all right bigger stir yeah whoa whoa i almost lost my balance there boy see what that is i don't know what that is that's like a teenage mutant ninja turtle color though that's for sure there's some grass that's what i kind of jumped in little motors here that's so not gonna work my box sucks bro the box sucks [Applause] not good totally not good okay let's see what's under this styrofoam huh or at least try try all right say it with me now styrofoam a lot of plastic uh behind the plates i think they fix drinks dispensers or something but i do find some pretty decent lightning hot fares from type of tub but yeah oh [Music] what up dumpster completely full oh i think i see some more or stuff yep there's aluminum right there i think that's extruded too little bitty stuff not a whole lot you get enough of a little bunch of little bitty stuff you gotta you got enough yeah that's gonna be extruded 1663. uh my yard will give you 6063 painted for it it's not a super clean piece you still get pretty good though for it in the last all right none of this uh aluminum has got the wire in it which is a total drag man total drag with that fire right copper a little bit there's number one he's there piece there back there all right i'll take the cat wire what is it on the box of some sort it's my box now yeah there's itty bitty stuff let's see here whoa whoa oh man they're watching the the show on what is it discovery the science channel whoa they talk about sinkholes man how they swallow people don't imagine this thing just opening up and swallowing me never to be seen again all right let's see oh i don't want to do the splits looks like a piece of plastic huh i can't tell oh yeah that is most definitely pizza all righty y'all let's get crack-a-lackin huh crack-a-lack crack-a-lack [Music] looks like something up in there huh huh let's see look at that chair oh look at that chair i think it looks to be a pretty decent shape huh see here that's not a bad looking chair man oh it's kind of boo-boo what's good about this chair though is it's mostly scrap i'm gonna do a little cutting on it they don't look like cast aluminum though some of these nicer ones they'll be cast aluminum on the bottom not this one but yeah we'll take it i'll take too many chairs but when they've got a lot of metal on them like that especially the ones with the cast aluminum bases be grabbing those you see him every now and then all right good old faithful here man i think i see something down there y'all see something down there y'all see something down there i see stuff down there all right definitely down there before what we got what we got what we got buried down here the bottom baby [Music] fujitsu it's a fujitsu thing for the thing there right here yo oh somebody didn't laugh lock the cash bar you don't lock the cash box you're gonna be in tub look at that y'all a little shop bag oh that looks like it's pretty grody we'll just take them thing not too much instead [Music] doggy look at that i see a couple pooders and such see what we got up in here computer looking parts you got here man something really old still got the hard drive in it though that's good that's good [Music] the uh it's the hp compact hp compact oh look at that old thing let's see some dust some dust man it's got a pentium four in it all right red dragon red dragon what is the red dragon i don't know what what is that that feels like cat litter how about we not touch the cat litter yeah all right why is this such what's up in here man what is this gigabyte technology g4 7600 gs all right man i don't know what that is expand rally oh but we'll take it we'll take it huh cooler master look at that it's not even open hyper 212 evo for direct contact it's got heat pipes heat pipes warming up the old torpedo all right there's another thing right there see here yeah that's what that thing is that cooler master it's got the pipes wesley pipes man dvd drives all right wesley pipe there's another one i'm gonna have to look these up hyper t4 arctic limited edition freezer in the freezer yeah right there they're stuffed say more of that up in here there's a bucket bucket the plastic yeah all right y'all i'd say that one was a uh a success huh there's a caster two casters we got two is there four oh what do we got here what is this oh that's printer cartridge just there wires there noise all right another chair but yeah see this one this one's not worth grabbing it's like all plastic there's a little bit of metal down here but this whole base pieces l plastico that's fake fake like your lips and your nose then your eyes and your braids hell yeah what the heck is that this scrap whatever that is this looks like a piece of a big old printer huh oh my gosh oh look at all that trying to see here this is probably worth trying to scrap out huh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and say that probably probably about worth scrapping out see that's what that is that's a big old printer a plotter is what they call it in the world of drafting carly look at that thing nuts y'all wanna get it out let's get it out we're gonna back it up here we are let's see if we can make this thing happen huh all right my computer is over here right there all right yeah there's some scrap on there look at that that's a big old piece of 6063 right there right just got to get it in the truck huh oh all right chair got to get out the way definitely gonna have to get out the way here um i don't think i can all right all right oh we got a band here ah no you can't come with all right all right so we got that off of there never found one of these before that's just gonna have to work till we get home put all this stuff up here i'm not too far from home thankfully all right yeah scrap huh just iron scrap nothing nothing special but there's quite a bit of it in here yeah all right let's hop in here yeah [Music] yeah scrap that's how plastic go over here what does it say mimaki is that the brand of it i don't care if i could build a table with these i bet i could all right all right man [Music] i think that's plastic okay oh yeah yeah okay hey that was pretty good i think i think that's pretty good i think i think i think i think all right make sure we don't lose all this crap on there on the right home eh hey yeah we'll just put a strap right over here put my computers up here yeah big plotter and [Music] chop chop oh yeah it doesn't close thanks well all righty scavengers we're gonna go ahead and call it right there we had a absolutely successful evening out there again some stuff in the urban jungle is that sticky yes lots of sticky stuff but yes i think the highlight of this trip well i don't know we had quite a few highlights actually uh we had lots of aluminum conduits whoa ah geez a lot of this stuff has uh copper wire in it the number one copper which is really good and then it's it's got the plastic jacketing inside which makes it slide so much easier than the paper and if you know what i'm talking about you know what i'm talking about i got us a bunch of computer stuff over here gotta dig it out dig it out these master coolers arctic freeze that's got copper on it right there i mean that looks brand new man like like what yeah i got a few of those got some computer stuff got some wires got some straps got some computers themselves chairs a little bit of this a little bit of that and a ton of cat wire what a successful evening it was way better than the last like trip out i think i think i think but yes i've got some work cut out for me for sure this guy right here i'll go through it with a magnet i see one big piece of non-ferrous on here but the rest of it for the most part let's see if this thing sticks for the most part yeah it's all because it's a printer a printer's you know for inside so you know they don't need to have all the fancy you know stuff that's not going to rust but yeah there's a nice big piece right here and then it looks like there may be some wires but for the most part this looks like it's just gonna be shred this whatever that is down there probably has to come off scrapyard probably won't want me to dump that and uh but yeah so i got to clean that up a little bit not a lot i can tell just a little bit and uh yeah man like crazy crazy crazy just that that bx man crazy but alrighty scavengers that's gonna do on this episode of dub survivor and another one in the books as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share it with your peeps and your pee pets uh instagram facebook teespring check it out got it boom uh threw a new t-shirt up on teespring go check it out let me know what y'all think it could be a total miss i don't know but anyways alrighty guys we're gonna see on that next one yeah yeah boom what we got here y'all it's gravity scrap [Music] mic scraper scavengers [Music] cheese
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 190,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, make money, extra money, scrap yard, free
Id: 8zj78Cr4F_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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