DUMP AND GO 3 Ingredient Instant Pot Recipes

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hey guys welcome back to sick sister stuff today I'm sharing with you three ingredients instant pot recipes so my name is Kristen and every Sunday we share an instant pot recipe with you guys now you can tell that it's a little bit different here today I'm actually in my new kitchen now usually we film in my mom's kitchen with my sisters and like our crew to help us film everything but because of everything that's going on and the social distancing I am just filming on my own camera from home by myself so this video is gonna be a little bit different a different angle but I hope that it will be helpful for you guys so I'm making three ingredients instant pot recipe so hopefully you can find something in your pantry or something quick and easy in your house that you can kind of just grow together in the instant pot and you can have a meal all right if you guys are ready let's get started alright so the first recipe is called creamy tumeric chicken the three ingredients are boneless skinless chicken breasts some coconut milk and then some tumor it's gonna take my frozen chicken breast and put it in the bottom of the instant pot now I have about you can use two or three chicken breasts whatever you choose alright then I'm gonna have one can of coconut milk go ahead and open it make sure you shake it before you throw it in and then dump it in and then last I'm just gonna add one tablespoon of turmeric to just put right on top that's all you have to do so go ahead and put the lid on make sure that that little knob is turned to seedling not venting you're welcome for that make sure you push the pressure cook or manual button and you're gonna go to 25 minutes and I'm going to 25 because it is frozen if it's thawed you only have to do it for 20 no once you set the timer and it says on you can just walk away now I let it sit in there for about 10 minutes then I turn that little knob to venting to let all the pressure out and it smells absolutely amazing now I just pulled my chicken out and shredded it with some bear claws you can also throw in a mixer it will shred really well but I love my bear class I'll put a link in the description for you because they're one of my favorite tools to use in the kitchen all right so now I'm just putting my chicken back into the pot because we want it to have all that flavor in that chicken so go ahead and mix it around and when you're ready to serve you can easily serve over rice or cauliflower rice today we're just doing rice because that's what I had in my pantry all right so the next recipe are making is homemade bean burritos with great northern beans now these are so easy to use but you want to make sure that you rinse the beans out before you start cooking them so oh there's the dog so I am measuring 4 cups of dry beans and I'm just gonna rinse them out really really well with water once they're all rinsed go ahead and just dump them into the bottom of your instant pot next you're gonna take about one cup of your favorite salsa I'm using her des salsa but you can use whatever kind is your favorite now the last ingredient you need is some taco seasoning so I'm just throwing in a packet of taco seasoning I'm using mild just so it'll be a little easier for my kids to eat then you're gonna add five cups of water just pour it on top of everything now you don't really have to mix or anything you can just go ahead and put the lid on make sure that little knob is turned to sealing not venting then you're gonna push pressure cook or manual button and then push the timer or the up button or plus button up to one hour that's how long these beans are going to cook now when it's done cooking I just let it release on its own for about 15-20 minutes then I turn the knob to venting to let anything else out and then you can open the lid now you can mash these with like a potato masher or beaters or whatever you want so I'm starting with a potato masher and I'm just going as quickly as possible to mash all the beans now if you need to add a little bit more water I added about 1/4 a cup just to give it a little liquid soap can smash a little easier now once all your beans are smashed to the texture that you like them I left a little bit of chunks in mine still now you can go ahead and put some on a tortilla I like to add a little bit of cheese on it then you can go ahead and roll it up so pull them to two sides and then roll it over now I filled this one a little too full so I'm gonna make it a little bit tighter so it'll cook more even there we go okay so we're rolling it over now I like to cook mine on a skillet so I just put one side on the skillet and then about a minute or two later just kind of watch it flip it over so you'll have a little bit of crisp to your bean burrito and it is absolutely delicious that way now there were a lot of burritos to many that we didn't need that many for dinner so I decided to wrap them individually so my husband could take them to work so I just took a piece of foil just wrapped in the sides and you can either stick them in the fridge or the refrigerator now for the last recipe is my chicken and sweet potatoes it's one of my most favorites especially for lunch you can just put in your instant pot cook them together and call it good so I'm adding a large chicken breast it's kind of the size of two chicken breasts then I'm adding two large sweet potatoes on top of that I'm just dumping one cup of water and that's all there is to it so you're gonna put the lid on to make sure that little knob is turn to sealing not venting then go ahead and push the pressure cook or manual button and we're going to 25 minutes now that will cook the sweet potato and the frozen chicken at the same time now if you had thawed chicken you can go 20 minutes just make sure your potato is cooked all the way through and when you're done make sure your turned your knob to venting to let all the pressure out you can take your lid off all right my potatoes are cooked all the way through I love that I didn't have to stab them or anything you just throw them in and cook them then you take out your little trivet so you can also take out your chicken now once both are out I like to shred my chicken first and just shred it up into small pieces bite-size pieces so it's easy to eat then for my sweet potato I just kind of chop off both ends and then you're gonna just split it in half now you can have half a sweet potato or if you're really hungry a whole sweet potato now to make it easier for my family to eat I like to cut up the middle a little bit just so bite scum a little bit easier and it will be easier to eat then so once you split up your sweet potato go ahead and add your chicken and then it's time for the sauce now my favorite sauce to put on this is buffalo wing sauce you could also use barbecue sauce I like this new sugar-free Hickory flavored sauce it's actually really good for being sugar-free so anyways I'm just gonna put a little bit on if you're doing the buffalo wing sauce you can also add a little bit of ranch on top that's delicious too now if you guys like these instant pot recipes make sure to check out our other instant recipes right up there alright guys I will see you next Sunday
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 229,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, dump and go, instant pot recipes, 3 ingredient recipes, six sisters stuff instant pot recipes, 3 ingredient instant pot recipes, dump and go instant pot recipes, what's for dinner, instant pot, dump and go recipe, instant pot chicken, instant pot recipes chicken
Id: u9MjbLzft0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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