Dumbest Injuries While Playing on the Nintendo Wii

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reddit what is the worst injury you have experienced while playing on your wee wii u without using the wrist strap i blinded my brother in one eye i was playing wii tennis and ended up flinging it across the room straight into his right eye you know that part in nacho libra when some guy gets corn on the cob thrown into his eye socket it was a lot like that minus the sticking in there fricked up a bunch of nerves and such in his eye and he hasn't been able to see out of it since in mario party 8 there's a mini game where you have to shake a can of soda as fast as possible so when the character opened it the person that got the stream the highest one you basically had to jerk off the wiimote my palm began to sweat the wiimote slipped and hit me in the eye giving me a blackie so the remote literally came in your eye during an intense wii baseball game i tried to throw it as fast as the game could let me i let go of the wii remote and put a hole in my window my dad made me pay for it i was 12 at the time this is going completely opposite of the question but a friend of mine tried throwing his when i'm out in a fit of rage playing smash bros one day with the wrist strap on and it swung back around and clocked him in the face see now i never hurt myself without using the strap i hurt myself with a strap i whacked myself in the face when the when i moat swung into my nose when i was playing wii tennis i got into the game pretty badly and when i swung pretty hard i stepped on a piece of paper slipped and broke my jaw i failed to see how having the strap on your wrist would have prevented that there are several reasons we are not allowed to play the we as a family anymore one weekend my family and i decided to go down to our lake house and i brought my way along i was in a bedroom playing wee bowling my dad wanted to try it so we started a new game halfway through the game my dad wasn't wearing the wrist strap the next thing we know there's a wii remote stuck in the television my brother was home from college and we wanted to try out the wii we started playing wii tennis my brother starts to serve and our dad was standing in the doorway my brother hit our dad in the nards that's why we play the wee with the door closed now my mom dad brother his girlfriend our great aunt and i were playing wee bowling one night my great aunt is a wee bowling pro everyone else was having fun and doing a pretty good job except for my brother my brother is a type of personality and thinks he has to be good at everything he was getting frustrated that he was in last place even though no one was really paying attention to the score his girlfriend jokingly said you're not very good at this that's when he decided to throw the remote against the wall but the strap was still on his wrist so he yanked the strap off and threw the remote against again you should see my family attempt to play monopoly ww3 almost breaks out i was spinning the win emote on my finger with its strap made a wrong move and then that crap flew off and hit me in the shin had to pull it together in front of everyone during the wii sports party a buddy of mine put his hand through the glass dome of my ceiling fan light while jump serving in wii tennis he was bleeding like crazy he actually sells a product that clots blood immediately and thankfully had some in his car or we would have been at the hospital no time for sticks need to finish the match i was bowling when it slipped out my hand cracked the tv and shot back causing me to fall down and break my arm i'll try to find the x-rays because i might still have them back when we first came out i was addicted to the sports tennis game and went hard at it for about six straight hours next day torn ligaments in my shoulder lamest injury story ever it's okay i bought the mario tennis remastered controls edition played it basically all day my shoulder hurt like a bee the next day my mom b slapped the p out of my face with the controller once because she was wearing the strap that dropped the controller mid-swing during wee tennis you forgot to mention as poor users who had the early edition remotes with the weak straps my injury was the heart attack i sustained during the split second the strap broke during bowling and the remote flew an inch above the screen saving the flat screen haven't played bowling since oh boy i hope i am not too late for this thread when i was in seven eighth grade i got the wii i thought it was really cool and i had owned the super nintendo and gamma cube before the wii and i was really excited to play however i'm an only child and we had just moved from one state to another and so i didn't get the chance to have friends to play with so i asked my mom who doesn't like video games and i guess she felt bad for me and so she said okay i put in wii sports the only game i had at the time i loaded up the games and i asked which one my mom wanted to play we tried tennis for a bit and then bowling my mom didn't want to play baseball or golf or boxing because she never knew how those sports worked then she said she had to go but i was having a lot of fun so i begged her to try one of the other ones she said okay and we loaded up boxing when the match started she started punching me not at the screen but on my body he thought the instructions were like normal boxing and so you needed to hit the other person i was clobbered by the wii u and nunchuck for a good 20 seconds before i got her to stop i had bruises that didn't heal for quite a while tl dr got beat up by mum thanks we boxing when the match started she started punching me not at the screen but on my body he thought the instructions were like normal boxing and so you needed to hit the other person this little crap won't let me leave so i'm just gonna beat the heck out of him i have a wii u you know how sometimes you're lying down browsing your phone and then it slips out of your hands and hits you in the face well that happened with that giant wii u remote to make things worse i was holding it at arm's length not my brightest moment i used to have a tiny battery-powered alarm clock i similarly gave myself a fat lip a few times setting it while lying in bed my dad always made me wear the wrist strap and anytime i did and he took it away for a week god i hated julia a year of high school i don't see the big deal i never used the dangerous saturate because i'm not a freaking gibbon and excessive master bashan has given me a grip like a gorilla as a joke i was playing hero warriors with the winner mode plus nunchuck i immediately hit myself in my tit while shaking to try and do the combo i wanted one does not simply make fun of here all without consequences oddly enough the one error that occurred while playing wii was with the wrist strap on but the battery compartment incorrectly fastened got mad at replay through the remote of the tv knowing it was fastened securely to my wrist the controller harmlessly swung next to my arm but the batteries flew out and hit the rear projection tv had a nice crack in the top right corner until it was retired and subsequently dismantled i now have a nice sheet of plexiglas with a crack in the corner we bowling i get way too into it and act out all the movements i threw my hand the one holding the wii remote dramatically into the air but i forgot about the ceiling fan the blade smacked the crap out of my hand and i dropped the remote right on my pinky toe at the very least the pain in my foot distracted me from the pain in my hand i was playing skyward sword to do a spin attack you have to move both the wii remote and the nunchuck at the same time and the game informed me that i should move them both in the same direction i said nah what if i moved them apart and did so not only did link not attack in a whirling motion the chord to the nun shark when taught yanked the nun shark out of my hand swung it around my head and hit me in the nose after freaking up a pass in tiger woods golf i suddenly understood that the strap isn't just to keep you from accidentally throwing the remote through the tv it's also to keep you from deliberately throwing the remote through the tv after freaking up a part i did not read that as written this one was with a strap but it hurt us so bad i feel it still qualifies my buddy and i were playing tiger woods golf just after my birthday we were playing in my room where i had always played before he was about two inches taller than me and had a longer reach than i did by about four ish inches we were and still are super competitive and we worked up a sweat so we turned on the fan my first shot on a 350 yard par 4 with the wind at my back i end up inches in front of the pin my friend tried to outdo me and swung so hard he lost control of his hands and hit the fan blade which was at full speed his swing and the speed of the fan was enough to break his hand and the blade of the fan which then flew off and hit my leg cutting me to the bone a cast 10 stitches and a new fan later we moved the wii to the living room we controller fell out of my open window and hit my neighbor on the head the uncontrollable laughter kinda hurt my chest i guess pinched a nerve in my back from mario super sluggers had to go to the chiropractor twice a week for three weeks i also smacked my father really hard on the wrist in the same game session my brother was playing baseball without a wrist strap and hits the ball so hard that the remote flew out of his hand and cracked the tv causing the slim speaker next to it to fall over and break my foot my dad would just flick the remote and get 90 miles per hour pitches without breaking anyone's feet first and only time i played on the wii i was playing wii sports with a friend we played the tennis game for three hours and i swung my arm like i had an actual racket in my hand and swung hard too dumb idea arm was sore for a couple of days i lost my vision playing mario party 8 tempers rose my friend went behind me and pulled my glasses off my head so i was impaired being inexperienced in taking glasses off she snapped them whilst doing so not strap related but my wife injured her back playing wee bowling what's worse as she bowled in college you'd think she'd have better form not me but my sister s me and my parents went out for the night and hired a babysitter to look after them while we were gone they got out and tatted playing something that i'm not too sure of about 45 minutes after we left we got a call saying we need to get home when we got home my youngest sister about six at a time was crying with blood over her eye but apparently my other sister was saining the remote with a band and let go hit my sister right above her eye just missing her actual eye she now has a scar there my personal worst was staying up all night drinking absinthe and playing tennis and bowling after a few hours of that i decided boxing was a great idea long story short got lightheaded fell over smacked my head on the coffee table however involving throwing the remote i've got the second-hand story working at a store that sells electronics man comes in with a 70 inches television to the returns department that has a horribly cracked screen and says he just bought it yesterday and it was like that when he got home a manager is called due to the price of the return item for approval manager takes one look at it and says i can't take this back the man starts to get a bit irate but the manager immediately cuts him off and says which one of your kids threw the wii remote at the tv the guy stops dead in his tracks pauses and then says how did you know manager replies my kid did the same thing to mine last month they talked for a few minutes were friendly and the gentleman left with his ruined television i was playing the biggs baseball game and absolutely clocked my dad's co-workers toddler but i didn't hear or see her coming and when i went to swing i swung it like an actual bat i freaking annihilated her face but she was crying and i just ran out of there like the awkward teenager i was luckily no one found out but i still feel bad for her i wouldn't be surprised if i gave the two-year-old brain damage with that strike broke the ceiling fan playing the volleyball game the glass light broke i couldn't move because i was barefoot the fan went on the highest setting and had to be disconnected from the power it is now unusable and my knuckles were a little busted but no stitches we weren't allowed to play that anymore wait that was the kinect frick well it wasn't an injury but it was an accident that to this day we can't totally explain it was an intense game of wii bowling and it was my turn i stepped up put on the wrist strap and whipped that way i mowed up as hard as i could expecting a strike instead as my hand flew up over my head we heard a loud thump against the wall behind the tv mind you the wii mote is still in my hand and appears completely unharmed it turns out that when i swung the remote the battery somehow managed to work themselves loose come out from under the battery cover that was firmly in the palm of my hand and fling themselves across the room to be lost forever somewhere behind the tv stand and the battery cover reattached itself all without me letting go of the with eye moat it's as if those little things became incorporeal just long enough to pass through the battery cover and my hand hit the wall and disappear completely ha those wrist straps don't solve all the problems we were playing wii sports in the basement and we all had our wrist straps on and everything was safe my grandfather gets a little dramatic with his motions when he plays silly games so he was whipping his arm back and forth to hit the tennis ball as it came to his mid-eye and everyone was having a good time until he clipped the back of his chair we were standing behind them staring at the tv with the with eye moat the battery is ejected at the same velocity as his swing and smashed into a glass of water sitting on a table nearby which promptly exploded and showered the carpet in glass i hit myself in the balls playing tennis i mean i would have hit myself in the balls had i been wearing it anyway but still freaking hit myself in the bollocks was playing wii golf with friends including a crazy friend who had his arm in a cast he was about a foot from the hole and couldn't get the wheat to register his putting motion so i told him to flick the remote he flicks too hard ball rolls 20 feet away i get beat over the head with a cast as a young boy i love star wars force you leashes came out on we and holy crap you could use the wii note as the lightsabers still one of the coolest things i've ever done ended up being insanely sore after playing for 10 hours straight i told my sister in passing to put on the wrist strap when playing tennis i assume she did but when i came back out of the bathroom she went to hit the ball and the winner moat punched me in the face from a distance not only did the winner mode quit working as well but my nose bled for a while i was a playing wii tennis without the strap and during a backswing i didn't grip it hard enough and the controller went sailing toward my friend's sister's face luckily i grabbed the strap at the last second and saved her from a lot of pain and subsequently myself as well was playing the one ping pong game for we a few years ago with a bunch of friends while we were drinking of course and i was getting into it i was going for a full swing because for some reason i thought if i used superman strength to swing my arm i would win the game turns out i was wrong i swung up and blasted the ceiling fan shattered glass and panic i had a four inch long gash on top of my hand had to go to the hospital told the nurse what happened when she left the room i swear to god i heard the entire nursing staff laugh at me i wasn't even playing it but one christmas i got away from my parents so i kneeling behind the tv setting it up and whatnot when suddenly the sensor comes crashing down on my head from the top of the tv as i was plugging it in it had been blu-tacked sp down to freaking wee i took a backswing to the face during wii golf from my dad he also broke a light fixture we golf is a dangerous sport i threw my wii remote into my tv playing wii sports baseball cue 20 years of tangled cords shifting and having a wireless projector with a power cord and it got ripped out of the wall falling on my show's head who ran into the room wondering what the racket was unlike the screws holding the projector to the ceiling thank god our relationship was strong we all gathered at my little sisters the day we buried my dad played wii for the first time ever the game where you have that plastic thing in your hand and have to imitate the animation on screen a bunch of us were in the room playing and my older sister who is a police officer walked in and grabbed a controller and crowded next to me in the middle of a game and started dancing around too my right hand and her left hand both swung out at the same time and the plastic thing in my hand bumped into her finger and i guess it hurt a little she punched me in the stomach and told me to watch what i was doing i was watching the tv screen i put on my jacket and went home she hasn't changed playing madden football for the wii and i even was wearing the wrist strap when i threw the ball i let go of the remote and the strap snapped off leaving a big dent in my wall luckily not the tv probably the aftermath of what my mom did after i broke a glass chicken statue when i was playing wii resorts tennis if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: OnTap Studios
Views: 6,254
Rating: 4.9548874 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo wii injuries, wii injuries, dumbest injuries, dumbest self injury, nintendo wii fails, fails, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: ZdfwJB2AcrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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