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hello friends that's me with some gluten-free cookies and today is a beautiful hot day in Arizona as you can see it's a hundred two degrees not too hot not too cold hopefully just the right temperature to cook some food outside without oven without anything but the good all sunlight see that's how hot it is in Arizona in the summer you leave your car outside and you come back to it is literally a oven that's why we have garages but today I got some chocolate chip cookies I need help they won't open sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties oh that's beautiful yes this actually look really good I've never made like the pre-made kind before usually just I get the mix so I make them from scratch but like we're the sake of this video and not having any more dishes pile up in my sink we're gonna be doing it this way so we're gonna put these in a pan and then we're gonna cook them in the car okay so I got my pan I'm gonna spray it oil it up real good I'm gonna pop these bad boys right on oof wham bam yes ma'am here we go my fingers it's fine we were cleaning before we got here all right so we're gonna pop these bad boys right here oh my god is actually like a oven in here Wow look at all the Bahama bucks you went to Bahama buck three times without me this is my favorite place I am angry but it's like baking a potato you put the shiny side towards the thing you want to be hot I just wrapped my potato and aluminum so I don't know how much that's gonna reflect but there we go okay it's like having a see-through of it the Sun is right on top of them so I guess we're just gonna check on these later a few moments later alright guys it's been two minutes patiently waiting for my cookies to bake how much longer will this be wow that's pretty hot like I can't keep my hands on it for more than like 50 seconds clearly a budget for one egg today so make it count please cook where's the sizzle this doesn't like my frying pan Wow doesn't work two out of ten what if I cover it no it's just filling no that means it's not hot enough what this Arizona heat ain't good enough for you I hope you like raw egg I'm gonna cover it I'm here okay you're safe now friend I mean if it could just cook the yolk might be good we're just gonna leave this here see how long it takes they're starting to melt four minutes of pass they're starting to melt a little bit I think it's working we might get our cookies start due to fog up a little bit but still a Salmonella egg damn you needed to be this video is not going according to plan it's now been like 30 minutes I feel like Nick hoody a little holy but surely I don't know man I've been living in Arizona a long time has been over ten years I always thought it was hot sometimes it gets to like 120 degrees but y'all can't even cook an egg I'm checked on the egg bro this is ooh that's hot cook damn you I'm just good cuz I put this on the road it's like kind of my driveway but like still on the road somebody could like destroy it before it's done and even worse destroy my lid I need that I don't know man every time I do one of these videos I like never do research about it or anything and I just want a snow cone right now cuz so hot I am sweating and places you are not supposed to sweat I know people are better dried I hope they don't hit my egg I don't want to like stand in front of the street right now I'm like protective maybe they'll see it yeah I don't know I don't know what I was expecting for this video I was expecting to bring you quality content oh I see the cookies cookin they're like melting now they're becoming a good shape but I'm gonna stay here for a hot second before that Nissan Altima decides to end my eggs life they're just backing into their driveway okay oh they busing to you they going the other way go to riddens okay well I got sick and tired of waiting for my cookies in my egg to cook in this dang heat so we are out here I'm dry at peak rush hour right now trying to get a snow cone I literally have to drive half an hour to get a snow cone that's like how far I look from everything sucks man you would think if I live this far away I wouldn't have neighbors that like blast their music but such as my life I don't know if you guys could see it but this cop car there's a purple Dan'l's cop car right there how can they even have a purple cop car last time we came here and we broke down on the drive-thru cuz they took so long you would think it takes like two seconds to make a snow cone but no I don't know what it is every single time I've went before and after that it took like five minutes to get my snow cone and to that one time in the drive-thru it wasn't even busy or anything but it's likely forget about the people in the drive-through and then he checked up on us like three times and it so or not have been kidding not even exaggerating for two snow phones thirty minutes snow cone machine broke a bimini ring game one point bimini is five points if you hook the ring you just you just like everywhere right I took my time on that one and I got it [Music] so I got a natural guava flavor and I make them do it very very very light on the syrup and I know even the light in America is like really a lot of sugar so I tell them to do on half of it but it's still a lot it's too sweet from me my Perrier way to present our truck to open there's like a marathon going on over here everybody's just like running back and through this do this parking lot it's like such an awkward place for a marathon there was a lot of them before and now there's like less people but like we just sit here waiting for our tacos and a hundred degrees with all people out here running tonight it's your favorite American anime taco one aisle effed it purposely if somebody desecrated my egg site with a traffic cone so we just got back home oh my god this cookie is full time it didn't even cook at all oh okay so it cooked a little I don't want to touch it yeah whose phone is this oh my god pulling out of my driveway oh my god what is this it's actually connect Oh burnt to a crisp so they're like okay Wow how unfortunate was this the audio in it record just as I was checking up on my freshly baked cookies oh my God look fresh baked cookies from the comfort of your own car just like you would bake them in an oven I literally can't believe my eyes let me sit in the car so I can take a closer look and I have my handy-dandy oven mitt by the way just in case I don't burn my hand Z's oh my god it's so hot good thing I have an oven mitt wow these cookies look suspiciously well cooked Wow y'all see that nature did that ain't nothing by nature and the sun's hot rays and Arizona in hot air and the compression of this car not before real dog we left it for like two hours we went out we got our shaved ice and got some tacos and now we get some cookies they tasted pretty good but I mean they were like the the refrigerated kind I was not impressed I rushed inside he has some kid on a bike yelled Sniper Wolf is that you and I literally ran inside by the way Greta is a horrible camera person I mean she forgot to turn the audio on yes I'm mad about it because it's 3:30 in the morning and I have to record this voice over over me eating cookies trying to remember what is exactly what I said a week ago all right see that I'm kind of stuck oh my god I can't even pick that bad boy up I sprayed that pan and everything okay so I'm given a thumbs up so that probably means it's okay they were edible when I eat the whole thing probably not if I took five seconds and two tablespoons of water and an egg to mix up a batch of pillsbury box cookies would have been a million times better those are the best by the way I don't know what I'm saying in this part like this video if you enjoyed yes that's definitely what I was saying here and subscribe to my channel bye guys no my hair cuz I really gotta wash it but like I've been watching videos where people cook things outside in Arizona State [Music] got some cookies going Wow the absolute flex first of all first steaks and he flipped out it was like oh my God look at that it turned brown nice and then we got cookie going on in the Lambo did it have to be a Lambo though this video called me poor so this one was 118 degrees in June in Gilbert Arizona so you know what there was my mistake I tried to do in like a hundred seven degrees you have to wait til it's like peak summer like when you hit like one one something see how long this takes wow there wasn't even a stroke in about ten minutes okay so it takes ten minutes to come but you're nasty you're literally cooking it on a sewer even if I cook you can't even eat it says the one who cooked it on her street could already see it start to cook what do you think Ava hot yeah here we are ten minutes in this dude really talking about don't know if I'd eat it yeah you literally plopped that egg onto a sewer hole comment below y'all need in that or not cuz I am not so I guess other people that did it it doesn't start sizzling right away like no matter how hot the ground is is not gonna be like hotter than a stove okay so they left this for a while it's over 120 degrees here and it's just cooking and cooking and cooking and cooking and cook it oh that look nasty you those kinda what happen to my egg oh okay I gotta stop watching this because maybe not like eggs anymore
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 2,557,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, little lia, baking, cooking, cookies, car, baking cookies in my car
Id: pEs_Ld79F4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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