People Having a WORSE Day Than You !

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oh this guy ate half of the bread and then figured out it was moldy how does this happen who are these people who are just eating and not looking at their food like I look at my food you're just like blind fooling yourself on there and then they're like oh no there's mold I'm gonna die okay you're not gonna die but it's disgusting and you could get sick people who are having a worse day than you make you feel better about your lives Wow no love guys no love they just put him up in the corner like that and the margins like he doesn't even get he doesn't get any of the real backer on space they're just like ah I'm gonna shove you over there maybe nobody will notice you thanks a lot school imagine you'll make it one year book a year and this happens something went wrong we are closing due to some internal issues and will hopefully open later with the bugs literally everywhere this is not an internal issue this is the plague I'm convinced just got attacked by water don't get poison ivy on your eyes what is happening she looks like an alien this is terrifying I mean at least she's still got a smile okay she's like I'm having a pretty bad day can't open my eyes but life is good and this will heal sin and that spirit girl okay no it looks okay well I've had allergy reactions on my eyes and like it's gone swollen but it's never been painful so I'm sure she's okay and then it just goes away but it just looks good actually just had one it no it's also on right here I don't know if you can see it anymore it's like pretty much gone [Music] I'm so Sierra today anything hi day 265 hi date 266 is this guy for real he didn't have one bad day he had 266 bad days you would think that he would give up after you know these three max like four if you really pushing your luck as a general rule of thumb if somebody doesn't respond you twice you know first time could be a mistake they might not see a message okay they might be busy sleeping you know the huge it's two messages and a few days have passed and now they just you know might be ignoring you and you know it's time to get you a friend who won't ignore you well made I beg to differ beautifully ironic this person was about to go on vacation okay and they go to look for their passport can't find it and then they find it the doggie was like you won't never travel again dogs hate it when you leave this I wonder if this was intentional I mean you can't travel with a half-eaten passport and like as if the border security is gonna even believe you look even our teachers aren't gonna believe in border security they're much tougher than our teachers so good luck explaining that one my dog gave my password I will never forget the time I was at a party we were playing truth or dare and someone dared me to go home no that is rude that is savage that is time to reevaluate your friends I mean like did you do the dare that's so hella rude and awkward oh this is so sad I cannot look at all the pizza the good delicious pizza it is gone he fell asleep and you know I guess moved the box in his sleep never fall asleep with precious items in your hands if I don't watch those precious items at all times I'm talking about pizza like it's diamonds don't they say pizza is a girl's best friend no that's something that's totally a different quote imagine buying a game and then this happening to you you're like Oh can't wait to play the new Far Cry primal and then you find out that it is a 2007 Monopoly game I've been scammed I'm not about the scam life okay guys nobody's about the scam life except for scammers scammers they about the scam life and we need to stop this and also like I bet this person got this on sale and you know sometimes you just get what you pay for it like if you saw you were buying fire fire for $1.99 think again if it seems too good to be true it usually is what is happening with this water bottle it's making you Seana techne it's cuz it's sparkly whatever soon I'm scared short people suck I wanted to erase it but I couldn't reach the side I've never related to the pain of another person so much before nobody woke me up in my bus No this poor kid fell asleep and it kept on sleeping in oh but nobody noticed nobody woke him up none of his friends not the bus driver nobody and then the bus drove all the way to the parking lot where they store all the buses like far away from his school how does this even happen I feel so bad man I feel so bad and this is why your parents tell you not to jump on the path I didn't even know that was possible I mean I've seen other pictures of it but I'm like how should I be more careful when I eat tacos like you don't have one less taco can this happen to me we got Bob sockless who won a grand total of seven dollars and then we got James stockless which I'm assuming they're related oh holy mad 291 million dollars you were the guy that want two hundred million dollars would you help out your girlfriend your buddy your pal Bob over here look at his face give it to his face this guy's like trying to smile but he's like come on man I can't be excited about this when James is pulling these numbers those are lucky numbers Bob oh no the doggy just ate some laxatives and I feel bad for the dog bad for the owner and I feel bad for the floor I just feel bad for everyone in this situation it's gonna be messy maybe you can you know after that whole deal watch this video you know and feel a little better this lady has her dog in the front seat and her husband in the back I'm dead [Music] I don't know what he did to get put into the backseat but the dog is now the man of the house okay you know as people sometimes we just like animals more this guy just fed one deer and they came back with their whole crew like he came back with another three deer is like y'all what free loaders okay not just people animals can be freeloaders - I'm dead this is amazing [Music] my grandpa got all dressed up for his date drove 45 minutes away bought her chocolate and flowers and she stood him Oh somebody date this guy like can go grandma's you're single grandma's of course to send him their numbers cuz I feel bad [ __ ] chocolate cake with white icing is all I ask that's what she wanted she just wanted white icing like no no breath red and green Christmas droppings no writing just white icing and you know she got a hell a lot more but at least you've got cake that's almost like an end of the day it wasn't the cake you wanted but you still got cake oh no I didn't even think this was possible don't they have some type of sensors this is those moments when like you're not paying attention and the bus is about to take off again and you're running and you almost don't make it like this actually happened as a woman this is like everyone horse trick dream nightmare definitely not dream this ladies about to have a really bad day he look closely belong her fetus says wet paint she didn't read that and she just sat on a wet bench she's gonna have red lines all over her butt all over her but I mean at least she's wearing red so kind of like matches maybe it's just fashion and this is why sometimes I never get my packages because they're falling out of the back of trucks I needed that on my chocolate and it is gone the little grubby talkie it is so cute it will be on my dashboard forever you come back from your meeting no no Robert donkey it's melted in the hot Sun I mean look at his face dude that's what kills me as a face he's like what have you done to me human no he looks so happy with his sandwich and then the seagull literally just grabs the sandwich out of his hands and then he's so sad this is brave the scene they'll be brave like you're not afraid you know for your human this pamphlet could save your life oh well better luck next time first day of school you get your new Locker so exciting you open it and there's a pole there's a pole and they're like you can't figure back back in there can't fit textbook in there you can't fit a water ball in there you're lucky to put one piece of paper in there this is just rude but also better luck next year no I heard this kid yelling for his dad I went looking for him and you guys see him you guys see him he's all the way up there is forked oh man oh did he get up there and like how did they get him go professor Alan I am worried he meant to say I'm worried I don't understand some material on her next test but he's just like our words the teachers gonna be like you okay you need help should we come save you I feel like this happens to me all the time like I love it not this exact scenario but I send emails but I accidentally press send before they're sent and then I panic you can undo it by the way but sometimes I'm just not fast enough to press the undo button and or I'm on my phone I don't know if you can do it on your phone and yeah the worst is when you send them something that's been copy pasted but like you forgot to change something and it's obvious just copy and paste exposed I hope this video cheered you up a little I love you guys always so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me neither bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 8,012,850
Rating: 4.8981757 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, people, having, worse, day, than, you, worse day, unlucky
Id: qaF6V7bP_aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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