Karens Who Got What They DESERVED

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hello friends it's me and today we're going karen hunting we got this karen at the drive-through where is my food if y'all only give me my food i'ma crawl on up through this window oh she got the iced tea dispenser no she really tried to throw it like the trash can too ma'am this is the mcdonald's drive-through i just work here you really did this over a four-piece chicken nugget you really couldn't wait i also wanna call ronald mcdonald ronald shows up with his boxing gloves are you ready for a mick beating throw back to when karen got mad at us for tp'ing her neighbor's house the neighbor's house she doesn't live there it's not her house why should she care i'm videotaping you let's go also um it's it's no you're not taking a video by the way i know i'm not then why put your food like this haha so intimidating i too can hold up my phone in your face like what's the point if she's not even recording she doesn't even know how to record wait hold on i've got to put on my reading glasses let's see swipe up put in my passcode uh where is that uh camera app um right there ah yes i forgot to press record yeah technology karen versus a cyclist and he starts recording her going bananas obeying the bicycle eyes yay so maybe a car will hit him yay yay maybe a carol wait wait wait don't turn it around don't touch my phone don't touch your phone don't touch it don't touch your phone or what or i'll jump out of your hand or what yeah she spilled it she tossed it at him he said he was gonna flip the cup quick think fast all right yeah all right i just i just see that do i see what what's the problem this man was disappearing i don't yes i am hanging out and he was taking my picture a cop was watching this whole thing through a water at him or whatever that is you're telling the police what it is it isn't no karen's standing over a dead body with a knife you just committed a murder no it's not murder but didn't you just yeah but it's not murder ma'am you're going to jail so coming out of this convenience store we got a theft by a seagull look at this carrot trying to stop him like thief stop you violated the law get back here i know he just walked out with unpaid merchandise and now you just go fly away why did you stop him she just really tried to like body block him like mind your business i ain't snitching on a seagull stealing karen refuses to wear a mask at the airport and of course they're gonna kick you off the plane if you don't wear one me to the ground carowind wants the manager of the airport yeah okay everybody call him over because this woman is not wearing a mask who saw him choke me to the ground who saw me i saw you run through the door when you weren't supposed to i thought it pushed you out you deserved that mistake boo hoo boo hoo hoo nobody cares like she's out here crying away done humiliated herself in public you know these things are easily avoidable if you just follow the rules yes i'm going to run on an airplane when they told me not to so when they john cena you to the ground can't really cry about it i want the manager of the airport i want to speak to the manager of the airport what's he going to do he's just going to kick you out for my troubles i demand a private jet to take me to my destination karen's drink was taking way too long so she takes the bananas and just dunks them over the glass like ruined your whole batch of bananas and i'm out i can't believe grown women act like this where does the entitlement come from like if you're upset just leave maybe grab a fistful of stevia packets on your way out it's this policeman's lucky day because he pulled over a karen what's she gonna do to get out of this ticket you're doing everything but drive this car you've gone through emails you've looked at pictures everything but drive the car are you pulling me over because i'm walking yeah sure um i'll go ahead and pull you over then i'll have you pull into the uh don't you hate when you're snapchatting and driving and then a police pulls you over and she's like are you pulling me over you're like um let me think about it yeah actually i am i shouldn't have asked him that karen punch in the air right now i'm actually gonna give you a copy of the law today great it is primary offense just so you know also walking up to a woman's car you should have pulled me over you're lucky i didn't have my pepper spray on me scared that ever living you would not if you weren't going through emails you would probably be more observant i love how now she want to bring that up after she gets the ticket as a woman you made me feel very unsafe i could have pepper sprayed you he's a cop he probably pepper spray you back i'm telling you as a woman i'm actually shaking right now because you scared the ever living animals i've made over 7 000 traffic stops and i've never been pepper sprayed but you so i understand that sir but i'm telling you as a woman you made me feel unsafe okay i'm a public safety official man understand that but i please listen to what i am saying because you're not listening because you're seeing this through the eyes of me trying to get out of a ticket which i'm not oh you won't oh you won't yeah don't even worry about that after you get pulled over you're gonna be shaking you're like oh i got a ticket or for me it's like i'm shaking because i'm probably gonna go to jail i am letting you know as somebody who pays who is a person who pays your salary what not to say to a cop that pulls you over i literally pay for your salary this never works what do you want him to say oh my god thank you you're so right i would not have a job without you thank you for paying millions of dollars to my specific police station so that i can support my family you're free to go i'm no longer going to listen to you i can't believe that you won't even listen no as soon as you said i pay your salary then we're done i'm trying to tell you we are so you can do your job better i've done my job 20 years and i'm protecting the public from you reading your emails while you drive your car well and just like that he walks away the second you say you only have a job because of me ah nah we ain't doing this today throwback to one of the funniest karen's of all time this guy starts recording her and she is aware internet this man and his doberman just attacked me and my chihuahua it's not a doberman what are you doing no he didn't modern day boy cried wolf karen crying doperman that ain't even a doberman if that dog could sue for slender he would she's just lying on the ground now i don't know what to do i'm just gonna leave don't mind her she's just sunbathing in the piss covered grass at the dog park just let her be you know it's the only way to heal herself from that non-existent dog bite so traumatizing i'm gonna lay here till my grandkids pick me up if you guys enjoy these videos make sure to hit that subscribe button they're recording this karen that was just complaining finally guess her food and then drops it who do you expect to clean that up you know there wasn't even a frustrated scream or anything silent walk back to her car we got a grown woman versus a kid skating oh she's trying to block him trying to block him with those nfl jukes this is so embarrassing get your grocery bag and just walk home no i have so much time in my day that i'm gonna mess with the 12 year old skating and also she really whip out her phone you see the boomers when they see you holding out your phone they whip out their phone too like i have one too i think it's intimidating or something the person is recording at karen acting stupid what are you recording kids skating girl that is some lame footage oh you see those moves you're trying not to be a goalie spoiler she didn't make the cut speaking of refunds and karen brought this back to costco a jar of cashews that have literal worms growing out of them there are worms it's infested and costco apparently takes back anything like no matter what karen you want a refund yes ma'am we don't even need the receipt oh so you're not gonna fight with me here you go man i came in here for a fight i can confirm my parents have taken advantage of this refund policy another karen reenactment me 17 working at my first job at subway hello ma'am how are you hey baby how are you thank you for asking uh let me just wash my hands real fast and i can get to making your sandwich oh don't bother i just need a refund a refund yeah i mean no big deal faulty product happens sometimes there comes a time in every fast food worker's life where karen wants a refund okay um well what was the problem you want to return this sandwich yes ma'am and i i have the receipt for it oh she has the receipt i i can't help but notice this purchase was eight days ago correct i bought it for my son after his baseball game last week so what exactly is wrong with the sandwich well just look at it it's horribly soggy yeah i mean you let a sandwich sit in the bag for eight days it has bread it's gonna be soggy and possibly moldy ma'am you had eight days to eat it but no now he's back at the subway for a refund it is i just feel like it's pretty normal um or expected even for sandwiches to get soggy after eight days i wasn't hungry after his game so we just stuck it in the fridge a couple days went past i remembered yesterday that we still had it and i was gonna take it with me to lunch i grabbed it thinking it was gonna be the same standard that you claim to have hold for your products and this is what i was greeted with honey would you beat that no exactly because it's eight days old will you just give me my refund i i don't think i could do a refund for that can you do that do people like not get embarrassed this thing which is eight days old there is mold and krusty's growing out of it your product is defective refund me immediately what some people got no shame but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the worst one and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,181,470
Rating: 4.9452233 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, karens, who, got, what, they, deserved, karen
Id: -65J1ONT8qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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