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the dumbest criminals ever there's some smart ones but there's a lot of dumb ones this Kentucky woman was arrested for shoplifting at a shop with a cop event basically this was a school thing where she took her son to a shop with a cop event and she stole something while her son was shopping with a cop how dumb can you be or she probably thought she was hella smart like oh look at all these cops all distracted and [ __ ] look at this nice sharing excuse me man well you better your shirt oh this nothing these idiots stolen iPad and took a selfie with it this was the selfie they took yeah that it showed up on the owners iCloud like ah these are the guys who stole my iPad that's the person's money - they stole their iPad and their money take a selfie with it like oh it's mine now but they didn't realize it was going to that person's iCloud who laughing now got these two goofy looking guys over here they wanna rob a bank but they couldn't find a ski mask like damn what we do we want money now we try to rob a bank now oh I got you get this marker just draw all over your face they'll never know who you really are oh man yeah it's perfect dude yeah they'll never know great disguise ten out of ten like how this dude try to make it like Batman like look at me Oh Batman over here so they actually did this and went to rob a place did they not look in the mirror first like the cash is gonna look at that white what the hell do you guys do someone robbed you and scribble all over your face I mean that'd be perfect when you're trying to get away from the cops instead of having a ski mask you just take off and look like a normal person anybody can spot you in a crowd like oh look all you gotta do is look for the guys who drew on their face with a permanent marker such genius 100% genius there's no picture of this guy but he applied for a job at a place he later went to go rob so Demetrius wanted to rob pantry store late one night but he needed a past the time as naturally as possible so he filled out a job application when he was waiting for the employees to leave to run the store you're kidding me he used his real name I think it's safe to say that he did not get the job he was just tilling at the store waiting for everybody to leave and while he was waiting he filled out a frigging job application with his real information I feel like some people's brains they don't function normally what did you think was gonna happen Oh another one this robber gave the cashier his number while he was robbing the store you're robbing the cashier like give me all the money put the money in the back oh wait you got a cute it was my number like hit me up sometime no this guy is even dumber hey hold up give me all the money put all the money in the bag hey man we don't have any money here all the money's in the safe he's like oh [ __ ] I'm gonna come back here here's my number call me when you get more money or you get the key to the safe okay what are you kidding me yeah ma'am I got y'all totally call you back when I get the manager to get to open the safe and give you the money yeah meet me back here I'm like 10 minutes definitely not have the cops waiting for you woman arrested after asking police to test her drugs for Ebola what so chasity over here was caught with meth poor chasidy she was so concerned about her meth she was like oh no maybe there's a bola in it you should get it checked out what Oh apparently somebody posted a fake facebook story about Ebola tainted mess the Post said if you have recently purchased meth or heroin in Central Texas please take it to the local police or Sheriff's Department so it can be screened with a special device do not use it Ethel has been properly checked for possible Ebola contamination you're kidding you're telling me that somebody actually fell for this this woman over here she saw the post and she was so afraid that her math was tainted with Ebola like oh my god I gotta take my illegal meth to the cops so that they can test it I really don't want a bola but I'll definitely do math like this blows my mind before doing this video I don't think people would be this dumb she was charged with possession of meth I mean I feel like she deserves Ebola after taking her illegal drugs to the police to be tested wait why are you arresting me I thought I could trust you I thought you were just gonna test it and give it back to me this woman tried to get her money back after buying back crack she approached a police man and asked him to help her get her money back for the poor quality of cocaine she purchased she showed her the drugs that she had like in her mouth like hey officer this dude he sold me some wack crack can you like help me get my money back yeah I can help you I can help you out real good in jail like do drugs really cue up this bad please keep getting dumber and dumber a fake cop pulls over our real cop before I read this I know like your fake cop you know you're a fake cop why would you pull over a real one you think he won't notice so a police impersonator tried to pull over an off-duty officer when the real cop informed the fake cop that he was a real cop the fake cop ran away but then they caught him and I threw him in jail what the hell why you tried to be a fake cop in the first place and pull over random people so he pulls over the wrong person a real cop I said would the real cop is like hey man I'm a cop too he starts running I don't know just play it cool runs away real cop would do that it gets stupider Florida man marks occupation as drug dealer on a rest report so this doodles arrested for a bunch of charges and on his arrest report he listed his occupation as drug dealer he's basically admitting to his crimes I think we can all guess what he was charged with Florida man answers call from security company during robbery so if somebody breaks into your house and you have a security system they're gonna call you right away like hey man that alarm just went off you gotta go chief this idiot answered the phone when ADT called like and gave them his real name oh why it gets better after he stole from that restaurant and told ADT his real name and that everything was fine he went back to the restaurant the next day to like order a sandwich and then they recognized him and arrested him on the spot like you are asking for it you're like please please arrest me I want to go to jail I hate freedom hope you like jail lissa diat made a fake check for 360 billion not even million billion 360 who got 360 billion in this world and it wasn't even made out to him it was a fake check like what were you expecting the bank to be like yeah let's get 360 billion and give it to this guy cuz he gave me a piece of paper that says he gets this much yes logic I hope you spent three hundred sixty billion days in jail a novelist writes about a murder that he committed Polish author might have gotten away with murder like he legit got away with murder and you know what he does he writes a book about it I mean okay a youtuber can like make up a story like I killed I murdered someone but this dude is legit he thought he got away with it he wrote about it and then the police caught on they were like hey this sounds like an unsolved case ah it's gotta be this guy and then everything started lining up and they arrested him you're done stop this guy attempted a carjacking in a prison parking lot he tried to steal a car in a prison parking lot like what he was just a released out of jail yeah he was just released out of jail and he tried the gtas ass out of there hey hey man nobody's picking me up he'll be trying to like steal a car out of this parking lot real quick Wow so he did carjack a car but it was a manual and he can't drive stick shift and that's how they caught him that is so embarrassing he told the police I didn't feel like walking that's great this next one is a cop the dumbest cop in the world so this crooked cop was making some extra money with drugs and other stuff on the side and showed up to work in a Ferrari policeman with a Ferrari [Music] this don't add up why would you go to work with a Ferrari this guy used a wanted poster of him this big on Facebook he's like dad warning of the week look at me I've made it mom check me out I've made it I made it big wanted of the week wanted for felony warrant I thought we got his friends commenting nice mug shot thanks buddy holy [ __ ] are you playing I get this shouldn't squared away I'd like to see you again at least once before they find you I need about 10 grand bud it wasn't long before they found him anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button the hey comment below which one was the dumbest at subscribe Joe the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks Archie bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,254,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, criminals, dumb, cops, dumbest criminals, stupid people, stupid, crime, dumbest criminals ever
Id: TUOuJge3smo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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