Enhancing the graphics of Halo 3 with Raytracing Reshade | Modding MCC's graphics

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hallo three flighting has been ongoing for a little while now and it's been pretty smooth - some lighting and music glitches the port is shaping up to be quite solid which is a welcome change of pace after combat Evolved in Halo 2 which were less than stellar halo 3 is one of my favorite games and definitely my favorite Eila game in the series and one of the many reasons for that is because of just how timeless its lighting and coloring is I'm not sure what black magic Bungie pulled back in 2007 but the game's lighting was weirdly ahead of its time so much so that even future games in the Halo series like reach failed to look quite as natural as Halo 3 taking that in mind Bri shaitaan halo 3 was gonna be quite a challenge but I had a secret weapon ray-tracing notoriously shade artist marty mcfly had been developing a pretty cool simulated ray tracing effect in rish aid and he made it available to his patrons which I am one of so armed and ready I loaded into the mission the storm which has a rainy industrial setting which I thought would complement the raytrace reflections I cracked my knuckles and I got to work opening up the riche a tool and first thing I did was inject some anti-aliasing into the game to clean up some of the Jackies since I was updated to the new version of rochedo I wanted to try out one of the new sharpening filters that came with it according to the description this was designed to sharpen and enhance texture detail while leaving the overall image clearer a halo 3 is a game with a lot of subtle detail in its textures and environments and this filter definitely did help things like small grooves or dents in metal surfaces pop-out setting this effect too high can cause the game to look well awful so I found that sweet spot and then moved on to colours like I said halo 3 is a beautifully colored game so there wasn't much I could do to make it look better so I just settled with amping up the greens golds and cyan that way the dark and rainy atmosphere could be preserved but with a bit more color in the environment I was happy with it now was the moment I was nervous about simulated ray tracing I booted it up and took a look at what I could do I tried to tune it to capture the kind of humid and soggy look that a rain-soaked battlefield would have and so I adjusted the new shadows applied to the environment to look a little bit washed out and unfocused I noticed a command called sky color which I curiously turned on and instantly panicked when it washed my screen in an angry red okay that's something I'm gonna have to return to later just to figure out what it is I adjusted the materials to kind of give everything a metallic wet look and then adjusted their reflections and light bounces to look subtle enough to be appreciated but not too annoying after a bit more fiddling I was finally set I was pretty happy with how it turned out it was kinda weird seeing Marines reflected off the wet concrete or details on Chiefs hands actually dynamically shaded something that was also cool due to the ray tracing was making sure that colors would behave realistically in certain lighting conditions so as an example if light reflected off of orange surfaces the lighting would kind of take that orange and scatter it around the environment this was really obvious on the backpacks that grunts would wear or this little step over here it is fortunate that our enemies also bear witness to scoring but their down eyes will soon be closed seared by the Rings James open the door we can roll on through I got close to a covenant hologram projector and just started toggling ray tracing on and off and just it admired the sheer artistry that went into something as complicated as this reshape filter I'm sure YouTube doesn't do it justice because it'll slightly compress some of the details but it looked really impressive to see halo 3 with such a new level of detail and really that should have been the end of it unfortunately it was just the beginning something evil woke up inside me something that said you know what this doesn't look hashtag cinematic enough my finger started over to the depth of field effect which I turned on I made sure to have the setting roughly target wherever my crosshair aimed at that way whatever i targeted could be the center of attention with everything else kind of blurred and faded i stormed down the hallway the Covenant reeling in terror at this rish aidid monstrosity that was coming towards them I took my fight outside to the rain-soaked muddy exterior of the base and made sure the Covenant ate my ray traced blurred bullets this wasn't enough however it needed to be more hashtag cinematic I did the unthinkable and added a cinematic border to the screen and then in the midst of all this chaos I had a worse idea drunk on power I hopped on over to a metal themed multiplayer map and opened up the tool for screen spaced reflections let's turn it up a bit things were starting to look more metallic and reflective including my gun which began to take on a worryingly glass-like complexion unfortunately this only fed my ego more it needed more someone really should have stopped me eventually I got it looking somewhat like that episode of spongebob where Squidward went into the future and everything was chrome and really this wasn't enough for me I needed more I'd open to my settings and found bloom which I instantly turned on and now everything looked bright shiny and reflective I increased the intensity of the raytrace reflections for good measure and this was the stuff of nightmares but why just stop it metallic surfaces let's see what glass halo 3 looks like in a natural environment something hilarious I noticed while running around was that reshape doesn't understand my HUD is not actually part of the game world so things such as my crosshair or my bullet counts were reflected on the ground curiously I loaded into the final mission of halo 3 and was greeted by an ice sculpture of arbiter in a hallway of glass being attacked by glass figures of blood and finally this is what broke me enough was enough my conscience finally convinced me to tone things down and maybe do something a little bit more enjoyable well it not for the Arbutus council I would have glassed your entire video game I decided to come off my power trip by hopping on over to the Ark and messing around with the depth of field effects some of the colors as well as the rate tracing to kind of make something that I don't know might look good in a video in the future whenever I need it just something experimental I quit out of the mission and decided to do some things that you guys seem relatively fond of starting with the ever-popular Borderlands filter which I applied to a dusty environment and it worth I then decided to throw on a curved CRT TV effect to try to bring myself back to the experience of playing Halo 3 before I had HD I initially wanted to stream my attempts to use ray tracing but it kind of ended in disaster and I tried to stream four times none of the streams worked there were all sorts of audio issues and so I just eventually had to call it quits so I'm gonna look into getting those audio issues sorted because it's about time and with that being said I hope that you guys enjoy the footage in the future I am gonna be revisiting previous Halo games on PC using ray tracing on them just trying to make them look pretty and I'd love some recommendations for good levels that would look very pretty so with that being said I'll leave you guys to it and I'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Late Night Gaming
Views: 693,773
Rating: 4.8386145 out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Gaming, LateNightGaming, Examining Games, Commentary, Taras, LNG, Late Night Gaming, Halo 5, MCC, MCC steam, MCC PC, Halo raytracing, MCC raytracing, Halo PC, Halo 3 PC, Halo 3 Raytracing
Id: _gZruam6tKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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