Dry Brine Experiment - Putting UNIQUE Salts to the test!

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Salt, It is a flavor enhancer. And as you  already know it's what makes your steak taste   so good. Without salt it would just be very  bland and for today's experiment we're going   to be making some seasoning salt. Unlike  regular salt which is a flavor enhancer seasoning salt is actually a flavor modifier,  that's because we add flavor into the salt. And whenever you're adding it to steaks it  changes the profile of the steaks completely. And the goal for this video is to find out if  seasoning salt is actually good for dry brine. If it works it will be awesome because we  can insert flavors into the steaks without   even cooking it yet. This is the dry brine  experiment using seasoning salt. So let's do it! And to start off the very first salt I'm going  to show you how to make is wine salt. Yes it is   exactly what it sounds like. The first and most  important thing to do is to reduce the wine. We   want to make a syrup out of it, so don't be shy and  add one entire bottle of your favorite wine. Bring   it to a boil then reduce it to a simmer until it  reduces all the way up to a syrup. This takes a   little bit of time so be patient because by the  time you're done you should have something like   this. I'm telling you this is as thick as it gets  it is not like maple syrup consistency it's almost   like tar and it's super thick. That is exactly what  you're looking for. I mean take a look at how thick   it is on a spoon and when I drizzle it in the bowl  like this it almost does not flow. That is exactly   what you're looking for. Now to make your wine salt  I highly recommend using this kind of salt right   here, it's what we call flaky salt also known as  maldon salt. It has nice large crystals which I   love but if you do not have this one available you  can also use coarse kosher salt. To make it it's   pretty straightforward just add a little bit of  the syrup and mix everything well. Now I will tell   you one thing do it little by little, don't add  too much cereal because that thing is powerful,  just a few drizzles will go a long way. Make sure  to mix it well because once you're done mixing it   it should look just like this. That my friends is  wine salt, and it is wonderful in any steak. But I'm   curious to find out how it's gonna taste as dry  brine. Moving on to the next one we're gonna make   something that is called umami salt. As you might  know umami is your fifth taste. We cannot taste   bitter, sour, sweet and salty and umami is your  fifth taste. That is these little things here which   taste fantastic in any steak. It's basically made  out of mushrooms and if you never had it I highly   recommend. And to make the seasoning salt is pretty  simple, you want to do fifty percent of kosher salt   and fifty percent of umami powder. Now all there's left  to do is to make sure you mix everything well and   your umami salt is done. That is how easy it is  to make this seasoning salt. Now the great thing   about this one is that it does not only go well  with beef but also with any other type of protein.   The next one we're going to be doing is one of my  favorite salts there is and we're talking about   bacon salt, and it's super easy to make. Of course  the first thing we got to do is cook up some bacon.   Make sure to cook it all the way through and  get as crispy as possible without burning it, and   as always remember to save the bacon fat. Once  everything has been drained you are left with   perfect bacon bits. Now all there's left to do is to  throw it into your food processor and make sure   you blend everything on high. As you can see we are  left with little bits of bacon. It is important to   remember this measurement one part bacon and two  parts salt. This one friends is as good as it gets   and it's not only fantastic in steaks but also  wonderful in pasta. The next salt we're gonna   be making is something that you will be able to  tell right away just by smelling it, and we're   talking about smoked salt. This one is also super  easy to make. There are several different ways for   you to smoke your salt you can either use a smoker  if you have one already. Another option is to use a   smoke generator, that produces what's called a coat  smoke. The only thing you gotta watch out for is   that you gotta have a container for it and a grill  works just fine. Just let it smoke for at least 24   hours and take it all out. As you can see by the  time I was done it completely changed color on me.   That is exactly how you make smoked salt and it's  perfect to go along with anything that you want a   nice little hint of smoke. But now that we have all  of our salts ready all there there's left to do is   to apply them into the steaks and for that I'm  going to be using these four beautiful ribeyes.   They're all prime grade and you can tell  by the marbling of these beautiful steaks.   That right there is exactly what you should  always be looking for. A perfectly well marbled   steak just like this. But now there's left  to do is to apply all of the seasoning salt.   I started with the bacon salt, followed by  the wine salt, moved on to the smoked salt and   finished it off with the umami salt. And of course  I made sure that every single edge of the steak   was completely covered with the seasoning salt, because now all there's left to do is to put it   on a cooling rack so that air can circulate all  the way through and hopefully not only the salt   will penetrate nicely and deeply into the meat but  also its flavor. The only thing left to do is for   me to put this in my refrigerator so the salt can  do its magic, and for that I'll be waiting 24 hours. The very next day I took them out of my  refrigerator, put them on my cutting board   and this is what they look like. As you can  see most of the salt is completely gone. That's   because it penetrated nicely and deeply into  the meat and hopefully we brought all those   seasoning flavor along with it. But now the  only thing left to do is to finish off the   seasoning of the steaks and for that I added  a little bit of freshly ground black pepper   and garlic powder nothing else because I'm really  hoping I'll be able to taste the differences   between the steaks. Talking about that it is time  to grill them and for that I'm first going to be   putting a nice beautiful sear on them then I'll  be cooking them in indirect heat until I reach   an internal temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit  internally with my wireless thermometers. But now   that we have everything ready I say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! All right so we got a little experiment  here yeah. I want to know which steak   tastes different which one tastes better,  if there's anything different between them. You just let me know sounds like a plan? -Okay. -All right we got a lot of steaks to   try so let's do this. So we're gonna go  with the first one right here. You ready? Steak is always phenomenal I'll tell you  that right now. -Well I think that there's   something going on here. The flavor  is great. -Oh it's fantastic. -Like it's,   it's a good tasting steak. -But very, very mild  flavor of a different hint that I can't put a   grasp around it. Okay do you enjoy it? -I do. -I enjoy  it as well. Let's go for the second one Angel. -You know what I will say the flavor is less in  your face. -Really? -Than the last one. -You think so?   -I think so. -This one here I use something called  bacon salt. Can you tell that there's some bacon   cured flavor? If you really pay attention to it  you can taste a little bit different. -It's a bit of an after taste that you get out of it. -Yea. -But nothing  serious like in terms of flavor I think these   two are very similar, but that one has obviously  like a different aftertaste than this one but   I think this one has a more powerful flavor. More  stronger you said? -It's more in your face than that   one. -Which one would you like better? -Wow you're gonna you just want me to say it. -I know he does   not like to drink wine everybody. But you do like  the wine better? -I would probably take the wine.    -I agree with you the wine tastes much, much more like  it was supposed to be made with it, that's all we   have to say about that. -Yeah -Agree? -Okay let's jump  to the next one everybody. Third one everybody cheers! Oh Angel talk to me. What are you feeling about  this one here? -This one here just so you know so   far definitely my favorite, but apparently not  Angel. You're thinking a lot there what are you   thinking buddy. We're waiting for it! -This is  the best one so far. -The wine you still like   the wine better. This one.. -That one the taste  keeps going though so I bet you did some weird.   I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I bet you did some weird stuff to that  one for me. -By the way everybody I'll tell you   right now the umami powder is definitely winning. -That's what it is? -Umami powder. -You just put the umami  with salt of course. -Oh this is a salt experiment. -It's a salt experiment Angel. -Okay can you try to guess   the last one? -Regular salt. -Ah maybe, maybe it's  a control. Very last one everybody cheers -Cheers Oh this one is very different.  The difference is very, very   mild everybody so it takes a second for you to be  able to tell that difference but what is it? -Smoked   -Yes you can tell that it was definitely smoked  salt because the smoked salt has a very different flavor -I'm getting good at this I feel good now. -But I'm not quite sure necessarily if I enjoy it   better this one. How about you? -Top two. Really? So  for you, you go with the wine first and then the   smoke after. For me at least definitely the umami has a wonderful taste that I really enjoyed   and then I'm with you on the wine. -You really got  me to say that the bacon one is number four. Dry   brining it with the finishing salt I don't  think it's worth it. You? -That wine one is so good. -He really like that one everybody. Anyway  guys these are the results. I hope you guys   enjoyed this video. If you do enjoy it make sure  give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber   be sure to subscribe for future videos.  Remember if you are interested in any   of the equipment I use everything is  always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 619,380
Rating: 4.9554157 out of 5
Keywords: steak, experiment, best salt, finishing salt, steak experiment, best steak, grilling steak, how to cook steaks, best steaks, dry brine, rare, rare salt
Id: jzAEp6sFIWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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