$1 Steak Experiment - 3 Ways with Insane Results!

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This is an eye round, it is also known as  one of the cheapest piece of meat there is. Usually it's always done as a roast but if you  are looking for a one dollar steak look no further. My goal has always been to transform this piece  of meat into an amazing steak and trust me I have done quite a few experiments to try to achieve  that. I even dry aged one of them to see if it would tenderize better and man let me tell you  something you gotta go watch that video in order to see what happened. Then after that I try to  inject some wagyu fat into it. Because as we all know fat is flavor and if there's one thing that  eye round is always lacking is some fat. So my thought was that if i inject some wagyu fat this might  just become amazing and the results of that video well let's just say it was not impressive. But  with all that being said today I had total success and I made them three different ways so that we  can find out which one is best so that you can try it at home. Most of the time whenever you buy eye round  it looks just like this and as a matter of fact this one is actually quite better than others, however as you can clearly see there's still some silver skin and some additional fat which has  got to go. Now let me be very clear the only reason I'm removing the fat is because whenever you buy  eye round steaks they do not come with the fat. So even though I have a whole piece if you buy them in  your supermarket they would not look like this. That is why I want to make this video as accurate  as possible so that you can try it at home. But if you are lucky enough to get your eye around  with some fat just leave it, but in order to be as accurate as possible I'm removing all of  it as you already know. And once I was done with the trimming this is what it looks like. That right  there is a tough piece of meat. It's no wonder why most people use it as a pot roast. But I will say  one thing even though it lacks tenderness but it makes up with flavor because if there's only one  thing eye round's got going for it it has a wonderful taste. And you got to remember you don't want to  cut these steaks thick one inch is plenty enough any thicker than that then you're going to be  basically having shoe leather. And as you can see these are not the best looking steaks. I mean  come on what did you expect they're a dollar each! But I'll tell you one thing we are gonna make them  delicious and in order to do that the first thing we gotta work on is the tenderness and if you've  seen our tenderizing experiment you know that the pineapple is the best thing to achieve that. So  what I like to do is to throw everything into the bowl and add my pineapple mix. The goal is to  make sure every single steak is fully covered with the pineapple that way the enzymes can go to work  for us and make that steak as tender as possible. Now the wonderful thing about it is that there is  nothing else to do but put it on the refrigerator for no more than 45 minutes. But after 45 minutes I  removed it from my refrigerator and quickly washed it all out. You want to make sure you take out 100% of the pineapple because if you don't the enzymes will continue working and it will just basically  disintegrate your steak. But once the pineapple was fully removed take a look at this. See how all of  the connective tissue has loosened up? That is a sign that your steak is nice and tender and let  me tell you something for an eye round that is a good thing. Every time I post a video let me tell  you guys something I read every single comment and on my last tenderizing experiment you guys said  that I should use the jacquard after the pineapple which makes 100% sense that way I won't make any  pre-holes so that the enzymes can go in. And just like you guys mentioned I'm also not gonna overdo  it. Just one pass on one direction and one on the other, that should make it nice and tender and not  ground beef like previous episode. The next thing I did was to flatten out the steak as much as I  could. This will not only make the steak bigger but it will have a larger surface area so that  we can get nice browning. And to be honest with you, you don't need any machine for this. It is so  tender now that you can do it with your hand. But if you do have a meat mallet just like this one  which is flat use it, just remember not to overdo it because this thing is already tender enough. And  just by this close up right here you can see that we completely annihilated the fibers. That is a  good thing! Moving on to the next step it's all about the seasoning and in order for them to be  consistent I only season them with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else.  This way we're not going to be masking any flavor and we're really going to be able to tell if the  method is the best. But now that I have all of them seasoned this is the plan the very first two  steaks here we're going to be doing Brazilian style which is bife acebolado it basically means  beef and onions. We're going to saute them together to give a wonderful flavor. The second one on the  other hand we're first going to be smoking it. Once an internal temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit  is reached I'm gonna take it out and sear it, and for that I'm gonna be using butter, thyme and  garlic. The last one on the other hand we're gonna be doing something that is called chicken fried steak, and no it has nothing to do with chicken but it has 100% to do with fried. Talking about  that the next thing to do is to make a seasoned flour and for that I threw in four tablespoon of  flour and one tablespoon of corn starch, followed by black pepper, garlic powder, salt and a little  bit of Korean chili flakes. Mix everything well and your seasoned flour is ready! Now if there's  one other thing that helps your steak tenderize even more is buttermilk. So in order to make  chicken fried steak the first thing I like to do is to coat it in flour first, then dump it into  the buttermilk and go right back into the flour. Make sure to remove the excess and your chicken  fried steak is ready to be fried. That is as easy as it gets! But now that we have all of our steaks  ready all there is left to do is to cook them. I'm looking for an internal temperature of  135 degrees Fahrenheit in every single steak. For the chicken fried steak I'm going to be  setting my oil at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. My smoker is going to be in its lowest setting. But now that we have all of our steaks ready I say it is enough talking and it is time to make  some incredible one dollar steaks. So let's do it! All right everybody here I have our  beautiful steaks. So what do you think Angel? -I like it, it looks good! -I know I'm sorry everybody  we were outside we set up all the cameras and suddenly woof. -Started raining pretty hard. -A lot  of rain. I know you guys like the nice calm rain but this is a hurricane outside. You will not be  able to. -It's not some nice little rain -Yeah -Like this is like a storm outside. -Yeah there's a storm  outside you will not be hearing anything. Okay with all that being said Angel we have three  beautiful steaks for us to try yeah. It is a hundred percent an experiment all right. -Ok -We have  one, two and three and we're gonna let them know how they taste and which one is actually better. Sounds good? -Sounds fine yeah. -All right let's go for it. -Let's go for this one here first. We're  gonna go one, two and three. Cheers everybody! -Cheers. -That's very flavorful. -That is a tremendous amount  of flavor in this thing. -It's not fatty at all. -No it's not fatty at all. -I can't really put my  finger on what it is. Really? Wow I thought you were going to be able to tell right away so  it's actually an improvement that you cannot tell. -Oh ok. -Now. -Is that bad huh? -Yeah it's an eye round. Check  it out everybody here this is what the bite looks like. I mean come on with a little bit of onions  that's amazing. -So the thing about this... -Um -That makes it worth it, worth doing is how flavorful  it is. Because if it wasn't this flavorful it probably wouldn't be that worth it. -Here's the  deal it's one dollar steak right, for you to pay one dollar for this steak it is phenomenal. Do  you approve? -I approve bro -I approve that one 100%. All right let's go for the second one Angel. -Okay getting the juices. -I, I got you, I got you. Oh -Oh you want some juices no problem my friend I got you -Oh you put a little bit of a little bit of thyme on this one. -A little bit of time. -You  spent some time on this. -Second one cheers everybody. -Cheers! -Oh lord! -Definitely smoked. -Definitely smoke, definitely way  better than this one over here. What do you think? -Oh that one taste manly. You know what I mean? That  one tastes manly. It's like a man's steak yeah. -It is still pretty tough though. Yeah I'm not gonna  say the that it's as soft as something like uh a rib eye. -No it's not like a ribeye everybody  come on it's one dollar steak. But it is tender and edible it's not like a shoe leather  yeah. -It is edible and it is super tasteful. -Yeah. -And the tastefulness is what really keeps  you there if it didn't have the tastefulness. -That's the thing with an eye round. It's gone -It's  gone? Because eye round produces a lot of flavor because it's a working muscle, but it lacks tenderness. But when you do all the things I did put some I put it on the pineapple, I put a little bit of  jacquard on it you know a little bit of everything then it becomes an enjoyable steak. This one is so  good that I don't want to stop eating any of them. I can't believe I'm saying that about an eye  round you know what I mean. Normally I just say like okay eye round you take a break over  there, not this time. -No this one's really good I'm not gonna lie. -Yeah it's amazing. All right let's go  to the last one. Chicken fried steak, cheers everybody! -Oh. -Come on, come on. That is phenomenal huh. Look at you, I can tell already. -That's the one  -That is the one? -Yea. -It was even more tender. Yeah yeah -Right? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to make your one  dollar steak taste amazing everybody definitely go with the chicken fried steak, huh Angel. It is an  amazing experience I'll tell you that right now. -The traditional Brazilian way is good the  manly steak which Angel that's what you call it a manly steak, but nothing comes close to the  chicken fried steak. You agree? -This one's good man! -This one is phenomenal! I hope you guys enjoyed  this video. If you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be  sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in any of the equipment I use everything is always in the description down below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,160,053
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Keywords: steak, cheap, how to cook steak, chicken fried steak, steak and onion, onions steak, best steak, inexpensive steak, grilling steak, grilled steak, steak sauce, best steak sauce
Id: b-ArYfC3jE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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