Drunk Uno.

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I'm cracking open a nice you're drinking white call a nice 2020 white Bois no I also I also have whiskey don't worry well it's just your taster yeah I'm drinking some straight aviation gin which was sent to me by Ryan Reynolds himself hey you drop it well drop that name back there go ahead on video now sorry my best buddy fries you know I call them rye I have something from orphan barrel whiskey Wow how about finest quality aged 24 years dude talking about anything else we played you know let's all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to drunk ooh no I am joined today with Anthony say hi hello great game plays hey I Spit I see man so you know but drunk you know let me explain how this is about a work you draw - we all have whiskey by the way apart from Ethan who's a beard I have the whiskey made pie orphans remember pressed memory at this point if you draw - you have to take a sip you can draw for you have to take a shot if you skip the person who gets skipped takes a sip that this is a tongue twister and if you reverse the person who gets reversed takes a sip and if you call false uno the person who missed call it uno takes two shots and if you win you choose someone to take two shots I just need to change my sound settings and the less you play the less you drink they look at it that way see that oh boy oh boy what did I draw how many okay wait was that a draw for exchanging my sense of taste no that was just a mistake dear dad no I just liked the colors hi guys it's my favorite thing about this deal just know how to play color matching this is that a shot or go it's gonna call pretty much the same thing I took a big old gulp there we go there we go okay let's go far huh warm the old soul good mornin fellas oh boy oh boy oh okay haired moves I really like this game this is a game made for made for my brain because all you got to know this numbers and colors and that's that's pretty much it yeah have trouble with that sometimes the online version so I don't have to think greens just like no you can't play that yes that's my favorite part I don't actually have any physical activity oh you got so sorry adjusting with I sounded so what's a skit oh jesus said drink okay is it a sipper goal and you gets it no I sit baby Oh super do it again drinking fish Wow fantastic number Oh jump in but right into it oh you Harry ain't it one place never mind do it do it take a drink shorts acid one gay bully I have to do plus two and then all all beer this wait what some have yellow plus two is okay we're gonna have a liver all four of these videos lined up at the same time it's just us drinking constantly drink I said I don't either I've made mini Ladd basically turn into an alcoholic and they can do that Oh Oh baby Oh buddy Oh pal okay okay keep it challenge you decline it I just read I think it's fine okay I wasn't sure whether I should challenge it or decline it I had no idea what to do challenging it means that if I had something else that I could have played you can challenge me okay then I have to draw four okay well I need to take a shot then cuz I just had four Craig you are low on cards have some more boys boys with the jump ins but the jump is so I haven't watched in a while my glass already this is so really oh my god okay that's fine I'm just gonna get rid of these cards every time the jump in happens I get so afraid because I just forget where the letters are on my keyboard for some reason wait so that gets reversed let's do I can see you I drink okay yes sir okay relax game hey no okay here we go I bet you won't play seven maybe that's smooth yeah well played well played come on game come on oh oh the cards are with me rocks sake oh okay no okay I got really scared it's very say something like oh I'm afraid that's gonna look too for you because I guess it drawl so I'm not drinking okay yeah you don't have a good that part of the cards okay I will play that okay yellow you get all that fantastic move yeah welcome you're welcome Sean okay good good lord has everybody taking a shot yet oh yeah no not me I'm taking a shots worth the challenge I don't want any more cards I already got well there you go take a shot yeah right home and I'll play that playing this with rye sipping drinks I take a safe I'm happy great alright okay give me something oh yes and we'll play it oh no you know what I don't want you you know that's a--that's about point if we lose now Sean rent attaboy yeah I know I understand call us I know these colors knows all for Ville oh my god waynebow kind of we wish this game it in so I gotta have a moment to breathe but yeah a great play that yeah Tom Sean take a shot take a shot I'm not even the one feeding these boards I still feel bad yeah let's go roll around you suck Greeks I don't have that actually you can you can I have plus two okay you can let this Sam green oh oh I don't have to Cheers or I don't have yeah there you go oh great oh thank you thank you whiskey flow gentlemen take a sip alright cheers again great thanks guys ah all right this is more of a challenge of who's gonna see it be able to see in the next hour yeah yeah I should not have chosen those mangos okay already it's 50% I'm gonna be happy 41 so I hope I don't have to do a lot of shots well between games I'm gonna set up a door - order delivery for McDonald's to be here the moment we're done he's gotta remember to not leave it on green because I'm afraid he is green or maybe that well I can't take a take a drink take a little drink okay continue to keep it off green that would it would mean a lot to me perfect green of the screen of those green hit his boys little green men this is all I can do sorry Sean okay Anthony that's you okay okay Sean change the cup I don't like that that's actually opposite don't you okay so bad nice take that shot take that shot oh [ __ ] I'm Morty sweating by an ether on fire you know what's kind of nice I don't know wait what your teeth hurt I don't know I was gonna keep jumping in though the woods behind something right and you're sweating obviously keep JonBenet don't [Applause] stop waiting I stopped you from winning there we go this this is we have an unformed alliance here this is us today versus Ireland all right Sean yo my small country your kid wait wait who's taking a shot it's just one shot right yeah I used to think it tasted good at the start no no I refuse I don't want anymore wait does this mean no to know Jesus Christ I take two sips yeah just take a shot at that point it's just crap I can join you grandfather's grave oh boy it's gonna be a long night John how about you taste it - sure he's fine best friends forever it's just vodka so I could put water my cousin died I was about to say because of quarantined stuff it's not like we're we have anything to do tomorrow but we're youtubers so we don't really have anything to do tomorrow anyway so keeping our YouTube channel alive is more on us than anything else I'm gonna nuke my brain cells so I can get some views let's see let's see what we want yeah everybody got a good strategy going in this game never have a strategy is their strategy my strategy is to take the cars that are in my hands them in that middle section for I'm gonna fly to LA and slap you in the Weiner challenge in any way that is rough drink with me I want to try to be nice but Craig brother madness watch the madness mini mad mini majid it's looking pretty good for me it is looking good for you why is it looking so good for you look good what about a little one of these please don't make believe that that's that that yes oh Jesus I'm doing so far but give it 10 minutes and we'll probably be a different story it'll hit you like a silent car eh yeah look there's a bomb Kerrick oh good another city oh wait hold that mean he sips twice or I sip and then somebody else sips oh we altering you more drink sure why not one that a great bunch of lies oh yeah I've done change oh thank you because then I can do this oh isn't that fun I plus to you and I try I just drank for the sake of drinking that's why I don't have to think I'm pretty cool for me sit I'm almost out of gin huh really all the aviation gin that was delivered to you by Ryan right non-slip himself and then he gave you a kiss from right on mostly it was very because it was right before quarantine started I imagine Ryan when I was delivering that like I was a silver platter and then he like reveals like this cloth he just thought was a bottle of gin is actually this is massive erection no they just roll them up on a gurney and then you tear the blanket off and the gin is just sitting on Ryan Reynolds abs just blast between his cheeks to take a body shot that's would you absolutely would that's the story I would tell my great original about my best bet my boy okay good choice speaking English drinks the tears off yeah you got to get something else how many bottles of aviation did gendered ran the Reynolds give you give me six excuse me please Reynolds here these are my tongue no more why I cannot speak no more eat thank you [Laughter] do none of you guys get really nervous when you have to jump in yes I just tried to click it and press the number on the keyboard one of them time limits you could just walk away and draw the cards I mean said if you do that can we pause the game now you can't posit this is online this is a sports game I can't come down for dinner all right here we go boys another shot for me look at this I get to draw cards mmm there's got to be a three in here somewhere no all right let's keep going just looking at your light Barrett is I thought I sensed Oh No or did you do a shot that was how I ended it Oh baby Oh get in my late Donald's order here we go you know I'm just gonna repay the favor and send it back to Ethan no one and then he tears off the bat you dude roof leaks I owe two sips for those are no no I have a roof started leaking like last month and it's still not as current a virus it started leaking when I was there Oh fifteen that was a month ago I know three everybody hates everybody how's everybody drink oh I sorry okay hey is there a new rule did I miss something obviously I've never been more excited to be caught dammit I'm gonna finish this bottle by the end of the session that's about happiness I will log off this game before I get even closer to that do I even drink now what's going on I think you drank all of it from that first what was ever in my class will go with that terrible this is terrible I'm salivating so much yeah I'm grabbing this thing really quick I'm grabbing water and no you did well dude you were wrong you were wrong [Applause] to drink and chop up w-what happened while I was gone no dude I know that verbal I know that broke all too well that's what that one's struggled to go down birth back do many sips so really just dragging out your misery at that point if I'm being honest that's fair well it comes a straight liquor it's better it's better just just drink it all I've done shots in a while boys have not done shots in a while I don't know the bonding experience yeah 32 years old I don't have lots of years 21 is beyond shot territory fan really honestly 21 through 25 it's fair game the dad turned 25 my body was just like you know what you're actually 70 now see this I feel like because I'm only 23 so I feel like I should still have it in me but I never went to college so I didn't get my training years in 70 I don't know how people how seven how do they even do it they don't play uno and take shots every day that's fair that's fair oh my god I love my dyson vacuum cleaner while I'm doing the stairway without any of the I don't have a gag reflex the Dyson V 11 has a timer on it now so you know when you're gonna run out of battery and it also has the Eco mode you just draw the product number I don't know what that means you guys have Henry Henry the Hoover Hoover vacuum cleaners Ireland do you guys call them vacuums or Hoover's because in mover I see I watched a movie with Glen Hansard in it and he worked at a Hoover store which just of course serviced every vacuum cleaner now yours Hoover's but in America Hoover's just a brand dice like I called soda whatever you guys call it fizzy drink yeah fizzy drink yeah it's a you know fizzy drink yeah easy boys Anthony's file where they call every soda um you guys hop hop right yep that's hot I call it soda because I I've actually left this state unless like I'm like most of the [ __ ] inbreds that live here I don't know here I don't remember where it is but they call soda like blanket coke is that Canada in like northern united states like minnesota stuff they call would you like a coke I'm like you have an options like yes bright Fanta like coke yeah my anxious from Minnesota she calls a soda pop she just combined them huh Pepsi actually runs ads just in the Midwest where they spelled pop and there's in the oh and pop is the Pepsi logo and they only remember those ads in this part of the country because we're the only part of the country that calls it pop I have no what you've learned is that the Midwest is stupid and so does too many letters so we say no I owe a shot I'll do it in a minute I don't even know what I go at this point here's a one Anna - Oh Sean you don't [Applause] [Laughter] how was your experience like I don't know let me watch the video Oh baby whoa oh baby a triple oh that came from downtown Oh God why don't you love me like you used to I don't even have that color why did I do two more shots oh my god attitude do you have face cam yeah do we all you say yeah I think so Shawn do you use it yes it's okay all I have to watch all these videos just go slack where we start looking like equus Bulldogs halfway through this session oh I already look like one nice to make when you jump in baby but don't fight y'all bunch of cards cheeks which is also drink hey Shawn will you do me a favor will you - Seamus Finnigan impression from Harry Potter he's the Dublin guy every sentence he and this has to be a Maddog how was it going saying why didn't you want to come back to Hogwarts this year uh because of you I'm a dumb hey what a lousy guy dare challenge my uno I will them so many are on I say nice a ooh baby to one I'll give anything that could hurt I do okay the color neither of you said any of you at this point Oh at least let's keep Shawn from winning which e ah we've got two potato middle me on the verge of victory that's point ice boy shouldn't say that decline I'll drink boys oh damn okay don't know anything that you just said oh so you're the reason why they drink the cut the Irish Car Bomb exists yeah Jesus I banged my drink into my microphone thank you [Laughter] [Music] when I play my threes I like to deep throw of my microphone everybody's got a different jumping sound than I love it it's great it's great it's great a willing drink of whiskey I don't need to do that no-one's drank in a while I still have two drinks that I have forgotten to excuse me Shawn let me change that for you Anthony if you go I will not if you show [Laughter] three-wide good one of those words they're not snowy Jesus the ones I used to know oh it is something something something no got it just like the ones I got you son of a beach April yeah what's happening that's right I'm seeing all the stars that sit on top of a tree right now we good what part of Ohio do you live in or are you from still high as one of those states where I'm just gonna tell you you're my big city yeah I'm closer to Cincinnati all right kind of sound like Wade a little bit who's also from Cincinnati Oh Sean one Oh a lot of listeners sound the same which is we have an American accent but not from anywhere I would like to nominate Craig to take a shot please ooh baby I played this I played like nine games and wanted none of them and I've won two out of three this is go right to the sessions almost everything right I've killed a quarter of this bottle already the last time I played a drinking game was two years ago on st. Patrick's Day and I completely blacked out yeah and like streamed it yeah and then I live in it and then my good friend now roommate had to call the police and have the cops break into my house because I wasn't responding and she thought I was dead the last time I drank for a recording session was I mean I wasn't answering the phone it was dead Friday with like diction and gassy mexican and all that like yeah yeah and this tradition I was on an episode of that probably three or four years ago and I got so wasted that Craig you were there you actually take a girlfriend at the time because I just disappeared my stream ended and I vanished and Craig text my girlfriend she woke up at 3:00 a.m. yeah - like 14 messages from different people like will you mixture Anthony's okay she went to the living room found me asleep on the couch instead it looked like King Tut because I was straight as a board with my watch on - wait what does that mean what just happened and you call them out that's take a shot for their errors oh she's almost gone again 20 for me it was 12 before I moved to America take a shot god damn it was meet my now ex ex ex girlfriend and I was like a champion I remember I said Oh shots for subs I'll do a shot every time someone sells like 100 subs in like a minute i idly turbo loca and I threw up everywhere how big were you back then was I ready even if you had even if you had a hundred subs on YouTube why would you think that taking a shot per song would be a good idea oh my god I am a terrible person [Laughter] did I get ski Idol I don't this video was drunk you know I'm drunk in video when i black out drunk it was st. Patrick's Day and it was the st. Patrick's Day my birthday is in October this is the st. Patrick's Day after I turned 21 and so me and my friend Brian thought I don't know why we thought it was a good idea to play 1v1 rocket League can go shot-for-shot so every time we scored on each other we would take a shot and so that's suicide yeah I drank like 75% of a bottle of Jack Daniels in like 35 or 40 minutes it was really really bad it was so it was super dumb don't do that carrots don't do that drink some more oh great another drink yeah my glass is empty again as an American does it feel weird talking to Irishman about st. Patrick's Day in a country where you know you just won yes I did it Anthony if you shall how many more games of this do we have to play I mean it's a blast playing with the guys I'm going to be honest but I want to be able find my bed tonight baby mode now so yeah yes Deanna's play together it'll be amazing let's get hammered for the first time we have a record like it missed I don't know I don't even know what's going on I don't know what's gone don't drink that hammered I was like that's the perfect way of reader okay never mind so I has a drink now who does everybody take a collective shot here you know boys cheers lads here's to the session it's been an honor and a pleasure all right everybody takes a shot I just did doesn't feel good does not feel good oh I'm sleepy sloppy can't wait to wake up with a headache at your door I can't even talk to plug in here because from like the ages of like 18 dead pretty much last year so 22 cuz I'm 23 I used to just not get hangovers wine and that's the 25 no now now I get hangovers though but I was like don't come over and then as soon as I turned 23 was like now you get hungover now do I look at the shelf and I get a hang yeah getting drunk just takes way too much effort now I'm 25 Anthony's 38 this way 3 how do you Shawn 30 30 30 yeah Shawn understands I'm looking out of bed in the morning little get Craig you're 25 25 Asian you're built that really get out of bed it's just they don't want you know but I go on tik-tok in the morning I'm that guy yeah too many talks to watch oh I only want you tick-tock compilations on YouTube I've never gone through the app I don't even know whose turn it is I'm just gonna play this I don't know who I am I'll cheers to that hey I just took a sip for no reason career gonna day you're gonna want to call me after this game session you're gonna give me a minute brother yeah and relocate Craig once once the world is done ending we gotta hang out we live close to each other keV what's your exact email address address and social security number do you mean right now my address address or my email address I don't care about my brain was like normally say email before the word address well you know what the good thing is what al-quran' blow this would it be terrible for you to record any of those that would be so bad you know what's even the point can be fortunately it's you know you can pretty much use anybody's perspective oh I guess you would see your cards give you second I'll change it memory cards come on [Applause] cube cut' to me just gettin a to almost ninja flame and put a [ __ ] SSD in that bad boy and recording 4k that's what I view Anthony relax I don't record in 4k but that's what I do you can if you wanted to if I wanted to hit that button I mean YouTube's gonna slap yes that's true oh really make money off this video video like last month and it was the highest CPM that I've had in the past year and I don't know why yo don't ask questions take it and run with it and that's what I did hell yeah and that's what I did took a crummy boy because then you can make money to buy whiskey to come back to this exact scenario and though yep there you go that's how a a was established Jesus in the 1930s people were doing drunk gameplay videos crank gameplays it's drunk gameplays yeah Caryn's boy 2000 I'm opening my own library let me know what you need Anthony's almost got that uno oh my god you got it I'm gonna challenge it cuz I hate myself he drew it off the deck what are you doing what are you doing I wanna hit 20 what didn't you do because I realized I'm not gonna win anymore so damaged cray it's only 7:00 p.m. where we are [Music] you didn't do snow that time comelet's ye - I do not I'm sorry you're so upset about that what you my belly anymore it's coming out my face I can't see anymore I'm sweating whiskey see I could mop up my sweat drain into a drink videos she's gonna wash this and go is that what he's doing is that when he creating real life that's what free cringe my mother's gonna call me say hey that's pretty cringe Bob teens season it is nothing else to me that she only watched the first couple minutes of my normal videos if it's a gaming video and then if it's anything else she'll watch the whole thing and I was like wow okay maybe puts her video my videos on at work and lets him play so that way the ads can show up but I'm like mom you realize the things that I say maybe you should have it on it work fine my dad washed my cars gets Humanity series you didn't talk to me for a while which is perfectly understandable I have a new now I don't have a new now this is why they click on our videos I have that wasn't dumpin sound my mouse and then I was like what the [ __ ] hail on the keyboard hit on the mouth 8 on top of that 8 that's a different color well I don't even know what's happening anymore guys no idea what's happening oh yeah oh my camera is dude Craig's gonna have no footage in no recollection of this just erased in time recording now you guys heard the hole on the top of the dick is not exactly up to par with how I would like it I'm sweaty camera time so it's a great camera but get into a capture card or an or an external recorder dude does it be Craig I just think it's not just the camera Shawn dissection you're like I'm just gonna look at myself in the Cameron realize a beautiful lamb I feel like that should be the last match we vote for an hour I think I can have a one more I'm never one more okay but I'll play one more one fake use myself to take a shot heroes wear capes mine wear headphones no I think this is more just for our editors to watch and go I was pretty funny I'm not gonna include that I'm pretty stupid what's the difference I don't know for myself I gave it speak this is my last show potential my last shot cheers boys it's been an honor I don't know what you just said I'll take the four cards that's amateur why you suddenly I don't know that's weird did you set it down your desk too aggressively and open I've ever seen Shawn my brain is like a Sean I have a question sure this is a such a technical question but but it's because I'm drunk what II's the no I mean you 87 anymore [Applause] yeah never heard the Irish anthem to be completely honest not the anthem that is the world no way like well a country has their national anthem before a game yeah it has to wait so do you play both of them before a game yep yeah in New Zealand whenever they come on they have their national anthem and then they do a a warrior dance called the haka so the tattoo dude the hawk as intimidating as hell what's the Irish national anthem Shane afina Gaelic it is that's why we have the rugby song so we all come together at the start of that I literally thought that you're gonna have to do Shaun's all the happy wheels intro it's been something it's been ya know for our eternal sleep [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 478,595
Rating: 4.9790945 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, uno, drunk uno, crankgameplays drunk, funny drunk lets play, drunk lets play, drunk multiplayer games, drunk ethan, lets play, funny lets play, uno multiplayer, uno funny moments, uno online, uno best wins, funny uno compilation
Id: 2G8wNayAVaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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