Border Agents Make Uncomfortable Discovery at Gatwick Airport | UK Customs Border Patrol

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in Gatwick a flight has arrived from the lady came with the Montego Bay flight and she was intercepted by one of our officers the police searching her back he found a package which should be believed to contain cocaine took her to a search room whilst the package was being tested this package tested positive for cocaine this is what was found in the back of the suitcase it's what we would call a stuffers package which would be put up somebody's backside probably thought that was found in the bag and that was what we decided made it a job and then a journalist ship search we found this which is all full of cocaine attached to her waist what do you pack a suit photo of cocaine it's a massive amount of drugs for one person to be carry nearly two and a half kilos of coke on the body demonstrates the officers skill in identifying Smuggler's just stopped just to answer a few questions no real reason to stop however anybody else historically we tend to get more cannabis than we do cocaine on the fly so she obviously saw her opportunity knowing what she had on her person and just walks free journals or fortunately for her she was don't are we cuff in suddenly realizing how much trouble she's in no more jumping around okay that's right yeah you know what we I know it's hard but you just need to the question along myself in Manchester officers have received a call for backup from the other Germany fruit has given a massive head for Class A drugs we've just been called over to Terminal 3 and there's a lady I believe travelling from Barbados and is it my cat wait Gary Oh II throw it's on one of the shuttles we believe that found cocaine in the Elms so we're just coming over to see what's going on have you x-ray them of x-rayed them just the Balkan mass right you couldn't tell okay me actually the initial trace was off the scale is thinks it may be a false alarm okay we're not sure I've actually got anything the officer spiked one of the yams and he's got a really high reading for cocaine off the off of the machine there but it's possible just contamination on the on spawn spike so we're just gonna cut right into these provide it in mangoes coconuts pineapples what's that there's nothing in these well unfortunately investigating further the officers discovered if someone meeting it mom said she's yeah I mean if you want to put star bets on yeah and go and have a word and just verify a story there's no harm they're still suspicious the officers decided to investigate the woman supply obviously for our conception we need to have body armor on in case if it is a troops job people who have meeting will obviously be looking both drugs and be bother obsess so we needed to be our middle just gonna take your shoes for seconds that's yours as well officers continue go ahead when someone's got an internal concealment for drugs their sweat comes out onto the shoes and the drugs shows in the sweat it's an indication that they might have something they could have taken something but it gives us grounds to to do an internal body scan or something like that to come back negative so there's no trace on the shoes but she's not really got many clothes or anything for a month to stay but bag as well that's a bad constellation a while ago and a lot of it seizures yes yes it's very strange though that the mum was not waiting for our side if you know that in itself is not enough is it she might have been delayed with no sign of the mother remains under arrest [Music] Carrie you got anything came Sajid it's hot in the offices types dear I understand Europe a minute upstairs if the officer takes the cuffs off you promise me not to do that here absolute this woman and then when you've done it I'm here to look after your welfare Angela Wrightson you change yourself by here [Music] this lady survived three months ago by this morning search of the hand baggage felt a package cut was made in the package a white paste have you also swallowed by using a for now say completely if you have it's a danger to you so don't take anything it's just gonna be another senseless will they miss the herpes all right yeah yeah such to order when we told her that we were going to take her to custody and put her into herself she started slapping her own face banging her head on the table which still see what a good sigh so myself and another officer ran into the room and restrained her and tighten handcuffs we know have to watch her because of her behavior and you know we have to be extra alert not knowing how she's going to react when she gets looked into a cell how she's going to act when she's on her own if she's going to try and harm myself do feel sorry film sometimes because you wonder what it takes for them to actually do something like this yeah that amount on the person two and a half kilos is a lot to herb it's quite greedy having already shown signs that she's prepared to sell officers must ensure that because if that's not open she might try and talk myself so we have to watch them on camera needs to be locked up she was sentenced to seven years in prison [Music] in Manchester officers are discussing a woman arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine don't leave I think you've got enough to go any further to be honest with you but obviously the reason you arrest her in the first place is because you thought you had drugs in the yams now if you happen to an arrest well yeah way for Gary to come back in and see what Gary says cuz obviously he's he's in charge but I would say you enough all right okay having Ferrara evidence of cocaine officers have said their false readings must have come before you right we've we've looked in your bags have looked further and in further investigation looking into the Yama's and stuff there isn't anything in there we've made a mistake when we tested it it's given a false reading on our machine so there isn't anything in there so you're no longer under arrest and I want to apologize for keeping you but thank you for your patience anyway and you can relax now okay so we're going to repack all your bags and then we'll get let you go outside all right okay and hopefully you'll enjoy your holiday here whilst it's been an unnecessary ordeal for the woman it shows that could I say drugs must be sign-ups they the way I'm okay just keep going through thank you don't insult my intelligence mace on your best day you know as good as me on my worst day [Music] not scared of customs officers I thanks very much so you've been asked to take a child to its mom [Music] [Music] we think three big suitcases for Mercedes to have to calm down would be still open early please love being the thing you have to calm down you could have a what something all loose and not to gossip LT just speak English don't mess don't mess around a bit here you can see a guest speak enough English to smuggle cigarettes by what flight you're on Stockholm flies what kind of cell were you on this carousel just knows this guy leave and they're all full [Music] Sweden's we start this journey Estonia won't you fly back to Estonia hmm what you mean you don't know you must have a ticket to go back to the stony air when when is it you haven't been given it yes know when what day are you flying back to Estonia I can a seasoned officer I've just gone marvelously going to come outside so this guy wandering around outside looking for the exit and when I looked at his bags they look quite he looked quite square so when I went over to speak to him he told me was from Estonia which is a place where a lot of people bring cigarettes in from when I felt the bag and they were rock-hard which is just to us that the four cigarettes I mean they are so how many times have you been to the UK how many [Music] look let's get let's start from the beginning don't don't play stupid right don't pretend that you don't know how many times you've been to the UK you do know is it once twice three times ten times what's valid but then that's the answer watch me you don't remember when was the last time you came here a long time ago when I can go in and check the airlines so you either tell me the truth or our findings as well thanks very much [Music] okay not scared of customs officers I not scared of customs officers this ticket did you buy this yourself you hope my father but his sponsor we're gonna be God yeah intention as well how much you have with you [Music] yeah how much do you have a question money thousand any fish anymore in the market and analyze my personal touch how much heaven choking course we may see okay Thank You Man hello it was just two of you traveling yeah yeah just don't quit work now you've got your hands forward you told the officer when the dog indicated your hundred pouncing personal cash yeah hey you carry any cash for anybody else and so how much have you gotten so could you show me that please it's really more cash in the baggage here so who does the child belongs to no son so you've been asked to take as a child [Music] what's your relationship and waste of father at the moment at the air he's not flying though his gentleman's taken a child down so where does where does the child normally live in Ghana or in the UK this is my first time I came to meet him here right and we chase together and he asked me if I can take his side to go daddies so the parents live in the UK yeah yeah okay right what we've got a situation where a gentleman is travelling out with a small boy he's not related to the child so I'm going to try and make some enquiries with the parents to check where the child normally lives a child appears to have been here about a year on a visit visa which is possibly longer than we would expect on that type of visa so I want to know what the immigration status of the parents is as well really with passengers starting to board the plane do you know what the full number is so who you meet an outside we give them these cigarettes - yeah who don't you know his name [Applause] and he will take them off you outside where'd you happen where'd you have to go hand them over Manchester London no it is to me it may not be to you I'm asking you where do you take the cigarette if you don't know don't be tell you where the cigarettes are going well the well you're up doing this on your own I others it's obviously a gang don't insult my intelligence knows wise on your best day you know as good as me on my worst day right so either say nothing don't give me any luggage I know what's going on here nice count is 46 it's a huge seizure of cigarettes with a street value of more than 20,000 pounds as you're probably aware all these cigarettes are gonna be seized in the stamina and all the bags that they were carried in are gonna be seized right because I said so what I'm doing now and get you a receipt for the cigarettes twice can you give your receipt I'm gonna give you a warning letter because next time you will be arrested you understand that you come in here with all these cigarettes again I will arrest you understand okay there's the door with no previous convictions the man is allowed to go through but next time he'll end up behind bars they try and think that they can say whatever they want to say know at the end the day we will arrest these people it's just don't like the idea that they can just be so blasé about it all as if we can't do anything about it well you will [Music] just yeah ble Jones okay out right I've just checked the status of the mother and the father the father peace be in the UK on some sort of permit if you hold the line one second hello sir hi I'm Sonia the child's father right yeah and you've you've given a covering letter for mr. bond sue to travel with the child okay can you just confirm to me sir what's your own immigration status in the UK how long have you got your visa for do you know when they rejected that application you can understand the reasons why exactly exactly that's the reason especially particularly with children yeah yeah and you have you made any application for the child to be in the UK as a resident right there Cho yeah I've spoken to father and I've done some checks with our own database and he was able to verify some of what's on them so I'm happy that he is the father yeah yeah I'm endorsing the passwords with their depart today well with a child's anyway because he's been here too long on the wrong visa basically but the checks confirm our records so yeah I'm gonna allow them to travel better get them on their way though okay I spoke to the father and he's verified most of my checks so that's fine okay there you go cheers then thank you [Music] it's very aware that the clock's ticking and you've got to make a decision you know whether to offload them and it make whole no more inquiries but yeah I think I wrapped up just in time
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 5,951,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, Gatwick, Drugs, Customs, Custom Agents, Border, Border Patrol, Borders, UK, United Kingdom, Illegals, Illegal Immigrants, Security, Dogs, Security Dogs, Border Agents, Airports, Heathrow, customs uk, uk customs, paramedic rescue squad, united kingdom, border security, uk border force, nothing to declare, locked up abroad, airport patrol, border force, customs agents, police, england, caught smuggling, arrested, documentary, contraband, caught, trafficking, smugglers, customs border
Id: ANJFdlZ3ywg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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