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so this is gonna be your longest road trip ever yes [Music] kind of cool different boat right it's really cool what's up guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics Dave and I are here we are catching a different ferry this is called the coho now it goes from Vancouver Island this is Victoria across to the United States to Port Angeles and so we don't have to go like a ferry over on the mainland in Canada and then drive down which what is what you've seen me do in the past that is the Peace Arch so there are multiple ways for us to kind of this is the quickest way car is way back in the corner over there they put us right in the front this is where you actually get all Passport documentation done load the ferry here it's a black ball ferry line we got the cars right here ready at the very very front nice of the guys to set us up with that so we are on our way you guys back to Los Angeles it's gonna be a 20-hour road trip Dave's first time doing any major road trip obviously in a supercar let alone Dave have you done many big long road trips or is this kind of like your main voyage here buddy the gas station a few times last week that was good five minutes right joking aside I have done the very northern over that's 14 hours oh so this is going to be your longest road trip ever yes it is combined with first time in a supercar correct manual correct first time Jay Manuel your left leg this is gonna get a good workout cuz the auto mode isn't there just we didn't fix and just ride the clutch I was talking hey well we're gonna jump on the ferry show you guys some of the trip then we get off on the other side we go through yet a secondary kind of customs check and then I need gas big time I'm I'm on the edge and I know not to trust the Lamborghini gauge they told me right when I bought this car do not trust the bikini fuel gauge hey you know how to load a supercar onto a ferry yes straight down straight down all right I'm gonna watch you rip the bumper in I'll watch you rip the bumper off dude do rear bumper delete just rip it right off Oh Dave's got the angle he's got the angle [Music] hey well I'll go see the engine room oh yeah that's cool [Music] that little customs check then we're on the road I need gas guys we made it welcome to Port Angeles here we go here's what the route looks like 20 hours and 5000 basic call 21 hours 21 hours time check is 12:45 let's see what we can cut that down [Music] you guys see that right there I'm in the red for oil I need to get some oil so we made a pit stop at Chevron else any gas so this should work out nicely hey thanks buggin save the day so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to take this thing all off oh dude it's not my first rodeo my first real everything today I'm really well low on oil we had to stop and rebalance Dave's wheels because he was losing weights off of them so you won't see that in the vlog we stopped in eight and just decided to that didn't need to be in the vlog [Music] oh that what a sexy shot of the B rogue exhaust that's some titanium art right there [Music] [Music] it was in the red yeah I wasn't worried about it because mark was like I think you have a faulty sensor but no it was in the red so I was worried about it and I'll have a look yeah yeah yeah of course yeah look you know right now stick it back in and lock it like Walker oh yeah oh yeah okay you call the waiter viewers welcome task let's see Phil do not fill so where's a full line I think we're right in between we're in a good spot so it was like not even registering for oh really it's not bad no it's good actually okay more efficient where's the oil go in there I put the whole thing in you're kidding now the whole thing that's where it went yeah ha ha it's done it's in the garbage I put the whole phone these do like naturally from day one and we're good yes back on the road [Music] Oh pizza pit stop pit stop Hey Dude how's the car running for sure what do you mean first time do in corner is that the speed limit you're like in it yes i snowing at what's the cars capable of doing some use of regular cars right so I myself going in slower than I should I get it away oh yeah they park any faster than us check this out guess what happened to my car you'll never guess no come here Oh 60,000 60,000 dude reliable hold on hold on huh get out of there blah blah blah fasten seat belt on hey guys sixty thousand three hundred and eighty-five thousand kilometers dude would you buy that supercharged but a thirteen thousand nine so fifty-one thousand kilometres forced induction at like redline along yeah that's impressive reliable and NSYNC haven't even sat in this oh oh dude yes so much more room than me and you're serious your seat so much the pedals dude and you and okay you know you're squishing me this seat is so comfortable hole go save my seat for a minute oh wow howdy definitely makes a more comfortable cockpit I think I remember that from before but even these you know first gen are eights are this is comfy although I wouldn't want for this road trip I wouldn't want to be shifting a manual I wouldn't want to manual the whole time that's that would get tiring we haven't even hit traffic yet wait till we hit a la la yeah next another bench yeah and then look at the room yeah it feels almost claustrophobic in here it's really tight isn't it I like your guys probably can't see this to the screen but like his it there's an area with a banner here but you know I've seen a stoplight when you're out of the front I don't stop for anyway I'm just joking get it back into aventador mode boom hey guys back on the road [Music] kind of crazy look at the forest fires right off the side of the i-5 here none of you guys can pick up on this but it is really smoke here and it looks like it's almost like there's little snowflakes [Music] this whole brightly basically closed at the five we're just like miles on miles and miles dude drove all the way to Sacramento thinking no problem we'll just pull into Sacramento and pick ourselves up a hotel room and get some sleep everything everything it's sold out not just in Sacramento but in every little town around it for hundreds of miles what time is it time for five okay I left my house 24 hours ago I'm done well look at this day we have a pool yeah what's up you guys it's the next morning hey you know I wanted to I have to get count we we need to apologize to some people we do because we were gonna stop and we kind of like teased you with doing a mean greet in Seattle and Portland but honestly just having to rebalance the Audis wheels we had to make an extra pit stop at a gas station because I needed oil and we had about a two and a half hours to spare and we kind of ate that up and we have a shoot to do today in LA we're still four and a half hours away so unfortunately you guys got screwed sorry guys so my apologies it won't be the last time we'll be going up and down driving the cars but wouldn't it be better to see Dave and his r8 once it's got some mods and it's not slow as hell I mean it's loafer compared to at her time for sure fasten your mom's minivan why we haven't proved that yet we still have to race to do heads up Dave I need to show the audience the new glasses did you guys I got a new new pair of sunglasses everyone it seems to always be interested in our sunglasses our shoes what backpack sometimes I have what's the other kind of standout Oh luggage phone cases that's huge when are we gonna drop this by the way I think everybody was wondering come out to the car well here's the thing rokform is that oh it is so they're waiting for the new iphone case they've all that worked out so so in the meantime I'll just show you my new glasses by the way this isn't a sponsored plug or anything these are just some new Dida's I got ironically as a gift thank you to the person who sent them to me I've been in love with these so tell me what you guys think of them on [Music] good yeah guys we have some rally essentials so for me anyhow one is obviously water because you want to stay hydrated we have oh hold on we have some beef jerky I like to get the tender bites and then instead of energy drinks I'm going with the double shot espresso from Starbucks redbull I mean is what I do drink at times and monster and then I'm kind of gone into the habit of I kind of like these pork rind things he's bright fried yeah anyhow that's my snacks for the road II are only two hours out of LA now and it's pretty boring it's is this it's just straight straight straight straight so I'll try to make it entertaining for you guys [Music] fire [Music] hey guys we made it to avant-garde our boy mark just did a whole 1 million point inspection on the RA and we found out that Dave totally destroyed and ruined the supercar that I gave him already yeah ok it's not totally ruined but here's what happened he curbed a rim you know he tried to do a paint kind of light with Polish polish and actually destroyed the paint by putting swirl marks on it he can't tell right now because it's so dirty but the part he really truly ruined is the brakes mark give him a breakdown on what he did to the brakes he glazed the ever-living honk out of them yeah and that was trying to follow myself into some very fun corners on the mountain passes on the way down we have several mountain passes so last night when there was no traffic we were having a little bit of fun but keep it you came in really hot into all the corners going down hills and destroyed the steel brakes so I'm thinking I was thinking a race car on a race car throttle on brake on repeat well and what'd you learn I can't do that gotta you blew these [Music] yeah whoo these look at the lip on them - yeah the fact that we can see our reflection in there see how it looks like Carlos yeah not good no bueno I have to as your crew chief I have to not recommend you do that okay so we gotta get new rotors new pads new sensors fix a rim and totally paint correct the entire car before it gets wrapped so we estimated this on the livestream at about $4,000 awesome great cool say you're not out of the woods that color correction could be more Oh throw it on the card guys yeah pick up some merch so we can make a you know $2 spread on everything destroys everything for Dede knows everything well you love the car though right I love the car so much it was so amazing I just went full out for 20 hours how long it took us to drive here 18 18 hours and but because of that emotion we're gonna fix this for you and we're not even gonna judge we're gonna go do some some messing around and hopefully Dave doesn't get arrested or go to jail tonight I never know you had the fire right here you guys got to hear this thing it was just running straight piped they're cleaning world's loudest we're gonna say show us one louder okay show us one louder [Music] I got to hold the camera with one hand so I can only plug one ear the other ears Scott like our a ring it's got a ring to it say what's up to everybody guys so your car has some new mods a little bit it sounds a little different all right fire it up let's hear it I wanna hear you guys want to hear him here's new mod joy almost ran me over all right Dave new exhaust on a Mears car [Music] [Music] I waiting for him to do this for so long dude it sounds awesome I love it you finally did it well let's go terrorize let's do it oh we got Dave in his own supercar hey the door light EP I like those those are cool let's see your car choy you got something everybody's got new stuff what do you got that's new on your car like huge Wayne you got an even an even bigger wing this thing it might be hard to see it on camera you guys but this wing is about this much wider on either side like this much yeah and then it's got an extended little carbon lip what's that called it's called a gurney flap a gurney flap that's that's a big wing hold some light back here for me brother oh whoa what's it say gives you wings I think I need some lights on my car not quite like how you have them but yeah [Music] [Music] these guys want to have a red battle [Music] nobody doesn't allow to them at higher slang [Music] [Music] welcome back to Beverly Hills and welcome back to Rodeo Drive oh look at it we got mr. Yuri in the town how you doing sir where is the yard mobile what is that a Jag a five row Dale drive folks welcome to the drive sir I love it in your own trouble [Music] come get the ride these coattails anymore we got the whole crew out tonight hey welcome to no this is awesome the Rd okay so we're out dude you guys all have to give a mere a happy birthday in the comments is this birthday as of right now it's after midnight so you're gonna do a birthday launch let's do this we do a birthday lunch carve it's car risk choy sorry see you tomorrow we're going oh that's right we got this new handshake oh yeah you guys you know what to do smash that subscribe button that's all the energy you got I'm done by some merch sport Dave okay I have breaks to buy so buy some merch yeah okay stop wearing everybody else's merch literally everybody [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 385,952
Rating: 4.9296055 out of 5
Keywords: Road Trip, Audi R8, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: -OjgFRaJOG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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