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Are you giys d Going to bye back Daves wracked Lamborghini and fully bullet proof it and boom proof dud that wold be sick

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] rallying so much fun as actually taking the road less Brown a spade Valley baby [Music] in allowing today let's get along well we're on our way to the 2019 a speed round basically ordered a freeway with no cars on it [Music] well we've made it to the start grid they've egg coffee I've not had coffee yet your mom watches my tan I'd be impressed good morning here we are here's three for us a third time meeting here I brought a different car so I really hope that this thing lives around coffee coffee coffee coffee whoa how you doing ah better now [Music] so there's a lineup anything we should know drivers meeting about the drivers meeting go double merchan what's up that's what's up that's crazy here 2019 a spade rally baby [Music] oh shut it down oh yeah my first time driving on a rally by myself no copilot no daman complain about everything so far amazing the squad reports that keeps up it sounds amazing right down to this leg one we head to a gas station after that no more freeway I'm told there's back roads to Butler fun and is my way [Music] [Applause] the jet pilot the Avery is inspired by my RA his game as well and now he's like dude I got this watch I'm not stepping up my rebuttals you and that's it back or enjoy it I love fine fortunately Jarrod's go back I had a new car in mind you guys wish I can tell you baby to get ahold of that [Music] that's pretty wet here homey well we hit a bit of a rain cloud which is okay because I have no a/c the girls still have the top off of the Jag and they're driving in the rain what the hell they have the top off every single time I've done this rally at least one day of course trains it's kind of like tradition so we're doing like legit this feeds a which we were the whole time anyways all supported stop recording stop recording [Music] the tire picture it's good car feels fine so it could just be a glitch assessor's they got tap into the password went away by itself or the tires about the flow either way I like a good pump in we've officially got the first of what will be many for me probably for everyone gas stops this is it we're gonna grab some snacks and drinks you know I like my drinks my snack Oh at the fight let the fight what should I do get back to it if they do really mean like there's a wolf bro that too far that makes such a mess you guys go at all when you're driving oh you guys got confetti to any fuel I'm kidding what's up man this is year three you're three oh you guys the Sun well there's no real Sun but the rain stops and we're off the freeway we're currently just outside I believe Windsor Ontario it's a back country it's beautiful very green and I love watching the reactions of the locals because they're like what though back on the road again we are just out farmland we have about an hour and a half before we hit the lunch stop I'm getting pretty hungry but I've got my got my energy drinks to kind of hold me over fun drive because we got all these back roads very little traffic other than other super cars and literally no coffee [Music] alright guys a little update currently in some tiny little town traffic jam there's like construction oh it's warm it's hard to tell it's not super sunny but it's like really humid so right now there's construction ahead all traffic stops we're basically we're all hanging out here I don't know where we are shut up for it where Tim's bill Thames bill known for what we got famous for a lot of nothing that's amazing 1200 people here that's amazing super friendly okay here's the worst part instead of an active construction they have these timed lights right here this top here a red signal and we just wait it's a good opportunity to stretch guys feature get your stretches it's finally on the move I don't know if I trust this Prince I hope this British and watch is under construction what's pretty rigid oh yeah we're going down a dirt road dirt road you know you're on a rally when you go down a dirt road get someone's lost whatever and those guys in the field those guys in the field are like what them going on like a row a supercar driving down a a gravel road we are nowhere this is what makes rallying so much fun it's actually taking the road less traveled it's really good I cannot make this stuff up we are yet again traps and now I'm moving I think I see Damon actually finally I haven't seen my friend Damon and forever hey are you getting this lost hey what you got us lost hey back in your car oh oh I gotta go false alarm no train no train Oh it's amazing hey dude I got a piece so Batman like I've had two big pants a little bit I knew those diapers I bought Raymond back you're a headed to Lamborghini up Troy in Michigan for another amazing fan being Greek word to that it's a USA well this comes to the end of our Canadian side of the rally we're about to cross the border yet again you guys super excited to see everybody I apologize again if anyone was missed in any of the meets we do our best Dave and I but there are a lot of you guys who's a border okay this is a little unnerving we're currently at the US border waiting in line however the line up runs in the tunnel which is underwater and if you've seen movies growing up where bridges get flood in claps now please want to be stuck very long self-talk you can do this Dave you can do this every team is going to be we're stuck in this tunnel by the way it's kind of creepy not gonna lie welcome back you guys we are back you know it stateside [Music] Hauser's on gave it to the Mersey literally gonna water he's sticking up right now this is unreal money this is absolutely insane everyone actually right now I'm so confused like the touch reigns that the crew is hey guys welcome back to eight now that I'm sort of daily driven exotics if you're watching this right now snap aside but I absolutely driving it's one of fifty squadron course uh in a flood following in one of 28 help is it sporty manual Murcielago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like five miles an hour right now in this complete rainfall wash Oh apparently they don't have any grains in the freeways here so the water just pools Damon say right now there's wind chills fogging up and I can't see anything I can't even get over this I've never seen anything like this before this much water a pull on the freeway if you were doing highway speeds you came into this you would die fully this is insane dude I literally can't see on my windshield because of the flake my weight shields fogging up the most bizarre weather i've ever been in i clear this now it's getting sunny out which gets really hot and ridiculously humid of course two minutes later it's dry it's not raining it's uh it's raining again yeah there's like one or two people here that's about it not very many [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] the pick of the passengers Randy's devil Oh what's up I guess what also happened off camera Nicholas arts and math [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow you know that's a welcoming if I've ever seen [Music] [Applause] here amazing destroy a few people showed up [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] shut it down shut it down Thank You Detroit Michigan thank you [Applause] how's your day amazing not to say anything but yep nope thanks guys [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 665,850
Rating: 4.9282465 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: tbzWhSnULvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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