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[Music] what's up guys welcome to another episode of daily driven exotics my name is Damon this is no better known as wifey I know some of you don't like that but I don't care it's our pet names for each other just so you know we are at predator Ridge and Vernon BC Golf Resort they have all these cute little cottages and cabins they have like apartments and all sorts of different luxury housing here they have two golf courses and I highly recommend you come and check this place out they have amazing food they have a incredible spa next door so if you are ever in this area drop the daily driven exotics name and you'll get a discount you can come play here for a lot lot cheaper and just have a good ol time and this is our ride for the day so we have an Audi r8 this is the v10 this is the first gen DCT double clutch thank you to August luxury motorcars if you guys are in the market for a car this one's for sale so we're off to a little car rally today that we're joining we got to go gas up the r8 I gotta get my coffee in me so I'm a little more a little more peppy still out of breath hooking up that damn Hill I think I need to do more cardio and then we'll be on our way with my friend Ryan who has a ton of Lamborghini so who knows what he's gonna bring [Music] cold-start can't wait to do a little Drive have a little fun and yeah enjoy today because today was supposed to be pouring down rain and it turned out that while you can't quite see it here we're starting to get some blue skies they're sneaking through look at that so with any luck we're gonna have a beautiful drive today we got our coffees guys the craziest part I'm having Envy right now and then our eight we got cup holders we've got one cup holder we got two cup holders we've arrived guys and Ryan brought some classics he brought the Diablo roadster and the Countach so here we go guys Ryan brought some of the classics out so Lindsay is driving the Diablo roadster roof on the roof on today and then Ryan brought out the black huge on this guy's a maniac [Music] [Music] [Music] that's gonna look so sick I got so close how sick was that that's how we're starting today this might be a smaller group of cars but it ain't a bunch of wee Me's on this ride this is for the hardcore that came out today I love the or do that again I wish they just kept that in all modern cars [Music] we got the gt3 just on the hand [Music] I can't believe that he brought those out today regardless rain or shine Ryan to date is the most hardcore dde friend of mine that I have hands down doesn't matter what car he's got doesn't matter how collectible it is he'll drive it and he'll bring two of them I'm hiding in my own province out of all the places come on black to Tosh with gold rims I want one I know we need a classic like that but in the stable 15 [Music] check this out guys you can unfortunately you can see as we come around this corner you're going to be able to see the forest where it's just devastated from the fires this summer we've had a lot of fires this summer up here and it created a lot of havoc from obviously you know burning down the forest but also just the smoke really affected a lot of the businesses like predator Ridge you can imagine trying to come out and go golfing if everything's smoky and the air quality is not very good there run Ryan's eating a banana on the lighter side of things we have Ryan eating a banana I love all the deal yeah I love how it's got the pops [Music] I think this personally sounds a lot better I know he's got an aftermarket exhaust on it I think he's got an aftermarket exhaust on this too but something about the Countach v12 just doesn't have that like I don't know that crazy sound that the Diablo does when the Diablo is also got those pops listen the Pops the Pops that makes me want one so bad and I get all excited when I see it on the road driving it's all good but I betcha if there was something wrong with it mechanically cuz it's an older classic car it would be a nightmare to try to repair but if I get enough money I ever win the lottery you guys I'm gonna have a whole bunch of classic Lambos because they're so bad the doors go off the doors go up baby I got door nd doors that garage I'm doing so you see guys supercard gasps take over and it is gorgeous so warm you guys we have to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor you guys know these amazing cell phone cases I always have on they're made by a company called rock form this one's called the rugged and these exceed military spec type drop specification so this thing is super tough like look at I have an iPhone and you can like throw the iPhone like that and guess what iPhones okay I beat the living out of my phones with all the social media that I do for daily driven exotics and I'm just clumsy I was dropping when I get out of my car so it's got a clear protector on the front which they also have then they have this case they come in all sorts of different colors and has a neodymium magnet right here so you can have a little bent mount and then it just magnetizes onto the vent it's the best thing since sliced bread take my word for it they're giving you guys a huge discount link in description you can go and pick one of these rokform cases up for yourself and if you don't want something like flashy like this because I'm like just out there you can do something like this and this one is super sleek like look how thin it is and it gives you all that protection so you guys links in description go pick yourself up a rock for encase you can get something like the crystal or you can get the rugged either way make sure you protect your hustle that's what I like to call it so we're gonna put the fuel in this thing it's in the little NASA duct right there no kidding see if you put 87 in them just oh yeah exactly that's wild so that's where the gas filler is actually in there so it's kind of hidden oh and this is this is pre billet aluminum fancy old-school look I can lock it just in case someone wants to steal my gas or my cap I love the look of this from the front because you have that really did you change the bulbs and uses they're like a bluish tint in and out LEDs now yeah you just upgrade everything of course and both floors have exhaust both guys they've got exhaust systems out of aftermarket exhausts on your classics doesn't doesn't like you it's Canadian it's cute Canadian got this story to me [Music] by the way huge shadow to August for letting us take the r8 on this rally obviously didn't have any cars in town and they gave this as the loaner and it's been amazing one of the things I was just thinking about it just came to my mind right now is you know so many of us want to save up and get that you know Lamborghini of course poster car but a lot of us just want to be around these cars and I'll tell you something you can go out and buy a beautiful out er8 and get yourself into the market of the supercar world and that really once you get one of these cars it really gives you access to being able to go on drives like this and hang out with other amazing guys and gals like Lindsay and Ryan and be around these cars for hours on end on these drives and these rallies that people put on and you can get into the market like Dave's car for you know we got that car for well under a hundred thousand Canadian so we're talking like fifty five sixty thousand USD and you can have an amazing experience and then cruise with all the supercars so keep that in mind because if you're thinking about getting a car this actual car in August is for sale and I can tell you from my experience driving it today it has been an absolute riot [Music] actually sounds really good stock r8 v10 here we go I'm trying to keep up now beautiful I'm teaming is this drive though so far this is super play gangster like do you have any mechanical issues no this thing's been great and what about the Diablo it's been really good chicken really yeah if I have to choose between one for a DVD like classic which won't be more reliably driving probably the Diablo it actually sounds great here too yeah the Pops and all yeah yeah that thing's gone like that's there's no G girl enjoys that's like it all started this is what Ryan's driving you guys both of these cars are manual some of you might forget they didn't make these cars in the paddles back then I will check out the Diablo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so warm in here cold this morning we're good guys there's been a beautiful drop so pretty this is amazing following some beautiful cars twisty roads the roads have been actually really good except for that one road back there that had a lot of gravel on it and Ryan and Lindsey you didn't slow down at all in like half a million plus dollar cars just classics just break through that [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe this is super Okanagan right here fruit stands on the way back we should stop it in a fruit stand what do you think [Music] guys I found them right there the whole time I don't know what was so hard about that [Music] nice driving that was that sounded good could hear you guys could hear this thing coming like way off in the distance what a lunch table not a bad leg I love this yeah you are driving an r8 so it's kind of like a Lamborghini but you are a true Lamborghini driver so I got you something it's kind of in dde fashion but it's Lamborghini style oh I love what dude there you go now you're part of the the Lamborghini Club this is amazing what do we what more could you want I know what a gated six speed v8 are eight yes in pink Hello Kitty stickers everywhere I can't believe that was crazy when we go back this week Dave was like I'll Drive it for like half a day I'm like no no no we're making you drive this for like a few weeks maybe even a month or so I think Alex killed it on that he eat it you did such because in some weird way it looks good I think it does look pretty good the eyes on the headlights are a little weird yeah but I think it kind of didn't Eve got long eyelashes so he does hungry yeah let's go let's go eat some food guys let's go have some Mexican Anila no we're in Canada [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lunch stop is over you got to see how Ryan packs out the car under with the pedal and that ladies and gentlemen is how it's done when you back up a good does this gt3 is pretty done up it's got the cage in the back [Music] Oh Reigate wonder demons only there's awesome camo leader name that's way better than me and Dave's handshake just Dave Dave next time let's just go like that just bounce across that's a weird yes like this yeah he's got too much pink in his life in ink [Music] that's the best part man I love the old horns I need to pull one of those old horns into the end of my car [Music] change quickly oh okay guys we're back we are back we want to go and see this other resort which is called sparkling Hill it's a spa it's quite the experience I'm told of I've been told I've never been there I've seen it online so it sits on top of the rock above predator rates right here look check it out check this out look at this okay predator Ridge right here but see way up at the top of that mountain that is sparkling Hill they have like this crazy infinity pool that overlooks the entire lake that we saw down below our phones are dead so we don't know how to get from here up to there but we can figure it out it's a turtle crossing turtle crossing okay I think that's a good sign what Mikey said that those are Swarovski crystals because Swarovski's partnered with this resort and this thing has like millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars worth of röszke crystals crystals in it okay guys so here's the deal this sparkling Hill is a massive spa with people walking around in robes hence privacy so I didn't drag my camera in there I was just got yelled at anyhow to turn it off beautiful now we're gonna go back to predator Ridge and enjoy dinner [Music] starve it we got a special a special little little ride thanks to cam setting us up [Music] [Music] can we leave the cart here oh look at this thing it's like a six by six well not a six plus eight plus six passenger and then right in here is the restaurant called the range lounge and grill great food okay guys here we are at the range a Predator Ridge it is the lounge and grill I almost called the barn girl last night and I'm ready to dive into this corn seasonal salad that they've got the chef's rotted oh I met him whassaaaa is here great guy so check this out it's massive its massive but it's for a big guy so here we go it's really good what did you order that looks amazing Oh with this I just keep ordering the same thing and I love this you guys check this out Ribot come on you want that falafel or do you want the ribeye we already know what you guys want it's right here just threw me under the bus I was trying it for a diet purpose looking like I was going like straight vegan because I was like trying to save the manatees here does hang out with wifey I always get harassed she's the only person that has my full permission to just crash on me this is Dave's payback right he sends you he sent us he set this whole weekend up Dave you know that this is how you get back at me is you know why he's just gonna tear me down rib eye here we go what's so good yes come on guys medium bang on every time y'all have to come up here and eat we'll have one big party link in description come and enjoy yourselves discount on dee dee I didn't do anything [Music] it's secure smash a subscribe button if you want to stay at predator Ridge I'll put a link in description if you want to buy a car from August luxury motorcars for example if you want to buy that are a great entry-level supercar that is an amazing car so much value for your money join the DB family tell the spouses subscribe button sounds so funny when she says it but it is good and throws a thumbs-up turn on post notifications if you're part of the DV tab make sure you click that little bell that's like over here okay I don't know we'll see you in the next vlog I can't wait to find out what why he gets for her next vehicle stay tuned we'll see you next time peace do you see my little buddy okay fun fact you know solemn underne has a pet squirrel dead serious brother from another mother what up dude
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 358,693
Rating: 4.8274393 out of 5
Keywords: Donuts in Lamborghini Countach, Lamborghini Diablo, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Rokform Phone case
Id: nDmZfjciVNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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