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[Music] Club Speedway we got round 2 of the Orange County festival of speed coming at you fast booth look at this this looks way better with some sunshine free rides sweet I know I know you're joking because you don't know how to drive manual [Music] and I found a parking spot we have beautiful blue skies warm weather and we have a rogue era I mean everything is here but today I'm gonna show you everything oh yes Chintan area fun or what yeah it's definitely planted yesterday I was the gt3rs all day today I'm going to be in this and probably switch to the library at some point maybe the reg era this thing just feels a little bit lower to the ground a little bit more planted so that's cool I'm gonna go sign up I'm gonna try to get you to give me a ride [Music] okay guys speed ventures has set me up I have I have a of an orange wristband to get in here and now I have like the special wristband this is gonna allow me to be a driver on the track and oh yeah we're gonna get it on and I'll be giving rides so I'm pretty excited about this there's gonna be the very first time I've driven the Murcielago we're not gonna go total ham now we're gonna go total ham look what we found here you guys beautiful Santa pull carbon body Orange County Festival of Speed delivers yet again but before we can get on with that we gotta give a shout out to today's sponsor for the video which is Skillshare Skillshare is an online community for creators with over 25,000 classes in design business and more Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to you can join the classes and communities that are right for you and for your new year's goals whether you want to feel your curiosity creativity or even career skill share is the perfect place to keep you learning and thriving in 2019 I myself I'm always looking to raise the bar and I'm taking a class right now on cinematic shots in slo-mo for cinematography I love slow-mo and it's a great way to transition from different parts of my day with b-roll montages Skillshare is also super affordable and an annual membership is less than $10 a month join more than 7 million creators learning with skill share the first 500 of my subscribers that use the link in the description are gonna get the very first two months absolutely free as a trial so you guys come on go use skill share sign up today get your two months start learning something new and in the meantime let's get back to the fact that this car has an absolutely ridiculously huge wing which you don't see every day from a manufacturer look at this it is bonkers and as we like to call it the girth of this car is a very impressive all carbon-fiber body I'm telling you you have to see a stander in person to truly to truly appreciate and understand how technical the bodywork is on this designed with function before beauty from McLaren interior full carbon bucket race seats glass in the doors this is part of the hyper series from McLaren and you're gonna see plenty of cars just like this today at the Orange County Festival of Speed so stick with me as we go and explore what this event has to offer [Music] speed record holder for production vehicle right there - I found the who vennett Sam Cena and I was just showing these guys some of the little details of the Koenigsegg like that diamond dust the white gold the Koenigsegg from Sweden which we are from yes sweet soup and rattle you know that brand but I didn't know they put diamonds and some expensive stuff in the paint when you're a billionaire you give or whatever you want I guess the cars see my life like here no if you see them it's static here it's open for everybody the pit you mean citizen yes you can touch the car you're not supposed to but you can yeah and then you can see them on the track just going you know on the big oval here into the infield it's a great mix - absolutely hey you're not allowed here doing it you brought the CGT here let's here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this random racecar driving around right this is the best thing for coming here yeah rocking the Hat shout out to my friends right bound alrighty guys you know what time it is put some he means it [Music] how you doing hey guys we are gonna take this tire slayer 2.0 and we're gonna take it down to the bf engineering booth right down here now I don't know if all of the new DVD fam know this but this car is supercharged by bf engineering has 800 horsepower this is a rear-wheel drive and it kills tires fast this thing gets a bit of a crowd when you start revving the engine I need that I need that kit for the car what's up guys now he's got 720 that's a really sick color and that thing is slow sounds so good beauty duty James and GMT brand-new gt2 RS [Music] [Music] Oh see Festival of Speed now that we got some Sun this is turning out to be one hell of an amazing event people get to go for you can go and sign up and go for a ride in a Zonda Cinque roadster or a Koenigsegg Vergara or a Guerra or a final edition sup guys we're sing beautiful can I get one Rev James is that okay how's my boy this Strad man is in the house I know I know it's actually cutting off the shot it's it's a it's a it's a new sister just get rid of it we're not friends anymore just leave you're going for a ride deal okay okay bye guys damn right and that's the car at one yeah yeah I'd you know what well I think we could take them let's go get it [Music] [Music] [Music] good job that was fun hell yeah PFS 570s bounce thanks to be a vegetarian [Music] we're out [Music] he's very tired no matter [Music] [Music] [Music] that was insane do you see any flames when I went by last dude when I was shifting over here all I see is a flame come up and over the wing pullback rearview mirror like this dude it's like a flame like this he like massive take my boy James scribe man for a little ride we're both gonna have awesome helmet hair in about 10 minutes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay good news my hair is awesome just joking I didn't kill James or myself or the car I won your car I grinded their gear once it was awesome that was unbelievable when you reciting the back end out I was like are you kidding me Damon I want this car this is so sick dude congratulations thank you so sick that was with TC on imagine with that off it'd be right out of control we'll figure it out I mean we were driving on this you guys well thanks for coming bro yeah don't call me anytime so we're gonna bring this o to Utah snow tires get the cars together dude have you a good deal that's the real answer what we're gonna do that anyway and guys Ford you could you imagine the fun we have with GT s together where we support where are you at we look so much we drive yeah that's right that we drive across the country and back GTS we will sink Ford we promise if we get the cars when we get them delivered we'll do that we'll do a roadtrip you get the shot in hell yeah look we got yeah you want to get in there you jump in this side yeah that's all you get in there brother so that was fun we were sliding all over the place did you and if you weren't here you got to come next year OC festival of speed lit it up not much you can do about yesterday it just was what it was whether you know out of our control but now that we have today it's been a blast [Music] [Applause] [Music] from one car to the next pull your this how much fun Sena [Music] who Sanna these doors [Music] this car is just something else the seats can't get over the seats and what about that hydration baby see this is my hydration this is poor man hydration this is like wealthy man hydration you can put water whatever your favorite beverage is then there's a hose and it goes right up to your to your helmet now I'll let you in on a little secret I've been invited to come out and drive one of these not here somewhere else secret location the second largest state with the most DD fam in all of the United States that's right Texas [Music] Oh trouble showed of course what is this Orange County festival of takeovers what's going on chillin chillin Scott here this is insane I'm about to leave so why it's too much for me bro you're a reporter your news you're right you're right yeah I got to report this yeah man for reporters you go like this okay without your face on the door hey wow he's so low to the ground I like this I like this camera like hey fancy seeing you you know so much money for a car and you only get half a window [Laughter] [Music] you look good in there yeah you do thank you [Music] what do you think miles you wanted he wants to go fast we're in a parking lot with people with like GTA we just can't run people over and play Grand Theft Auto Savage [Music] come on miles come on buddy that a guy don't even worry about the door that's how we do it I felt bad we can't go fast I give up don't tell anybody I'm a little burn oh right there there's two little marks are from our smiles thank you for being my co-pilot today I'm sorry we couldn't do like faster speeds but I'm getting old I like obey the rules or something nowadays guys that is all she wrote and festival of speed Murcielago is going away mr. C's towing is gonna tow this and you guys you guys can check this out I learned this from Ryan said door goes up okay okay you go like this and you sit on the door sill all right you going this now you going this we're good I know it was like that my boy what's going on hey say hi to everybody hey how's it going everybody so mr. C's towing yes sir that's in the business yes you guys need them you get that you get the Z per truck yes super truck I'm the man I am the tow man not Ricky the tow man I'm the tow man Ricky Bobby this is Ricky Jake yes hey enjoy the tire slayer 3.0 I'll see you guys soon by the way Nicolas is the test driver or Koenigsegg every time the kid I need this kit for my car this would be so insane so it's a whole and g.y body the man himself daddy no why body for life look at the girth the wide car the other boy shot right there school so it looks like on the inside when the magic happens the magic right there put it back on you struck home oh no yeah yeah we don't put it back on the car we'll flip it back over damn 800 horsepower just like that uni licensure California dude now technically I have a license to drive in California I just don't have a California driver's license my buddy how's my buddy I went to Kevin with him Eric yeah really yeah I appreciate all the way out here yeah no no what did I do it the last trip yeah I did drive it back down here Dave and I drove them together long 23 hours like Google says 23 hours yeah that's crazy yeah that is insane I'm gonna go to the California DMV with my Canadian passport my Canadian driver sites my Canadian address and I'm gonna try to get a California girl what do you think they're gonna say I don't know not being a citizen or a resident or not they know I'm gonna say I'm a Canadian tourist and I heard I have to have a California license give it up I want it give me my license bunch of friends that serve no did I show you around oh my god I had to come in I had to come and talk to you I really respect how hard that job because I do is and honestly I could never do it I have like emotions like a puppy dog the things you guys see on a daily basis that most people just totally have no idea it's like yeah so thank you yeah absolutely yeah thanks for coming out man thanks guys oh is that a basketball team throw the flag yeah thank you to the flaggers make you to Orange County festival of speed for putting this event on thank you to PFS for making my cars protected and look cool it was kind of rad everybody was like you know there were hundreds of millions of dollars of them cars here yeah and there are extremely you know rare expensive cars like coatings eggs and Pagani's and you name it Senna's and yet this car and that Murcielago got so much attention even parked right beside all those cars so I'm super honored thank you to all the DD fam for coming out and saying hello we had a flat [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 699,609
Rating: 4.9459023 out of 5
Keywords: Lamborghini Flames, Lamborghin Murcielago Flames, OC Festival of speed, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: 1gOQInENr_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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