How To Make DROP SHADOWS in OBS! (Plus Rounded Corners)

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you guys have been asking me on my stream how i did this webcam border it's really sleek and minimal design where my corners just have these slightly rounded corners and then underneath that i've just got this really subtle drop shadow that separates my camera from what's going on behind my camera i up that intro but you know what i've recorded this like 30 times moving on i really love this effect because it's just so simple and clean which in my opinion is the design aesthetic that you should be aiming for [Music] so we're gonna do a couple things in this video first i'm gonna show you guys how to add rounded corners to your camera or really just cut out your camera to be any shape that you want and in the second part of the video i'll show you guys a couple of ways to add drop shadows to any source on obs now some of you might be thinking oh nutty this is too easy i'm skipping this video well don't because if you wait till the end of the video i have a little surprise for you i there's no surprise i just want you to stay for the whole video roll the intro this video is sponsored by me i take all the credit for this let's not waste any time we're going to start by cutting out the shape for our webcam and there's actually a couple ways to do this now i'm sure some of you smart people are going to be like i know what he's going to say he's going to say mask isn't he's going to say masks sorry i didn't know my viewers were a bunch of fortune tellers yeah we're going to use masks but there's actually a fancy way to add rounded corners to your webcams via obs plugins but we'll cover that later we're gonna start with doing masks okay so what the hell is a mask a mask you can think of like a cookie cutter and you can use this cookie cutter to cut your webcam your gameplay or any source on obs and cut it into any shape that you want now this mask takes the form of a simple png file that you can create using any image editing software you want something like adobe photoshop or illustrator what photoshop oh man i can't afford that i ain't oprah there must be something that's free today we're gonna be using a program called inkscape because it's totally free and really easy to use and it's just perfectly suited for doing what we're gonna be doing today so as always i left the link in the description box for where you can download inkscape it's available for all platforms mac windows linux so everybody's going to be able to do this when you have inkscape installed open it up and this is what you should be looking at so before we even click on anything let me just explain what we're going to be doing we basically want to draw out whatever shape that we want our webcam to be so if we want our webcam to be a circle then we're going to draw out a circle if you want your webcam to be like a star shape you're going to draw out a star shape so first decide what shape your webcam is going to be now before drawing out that shape we're going to change the canvas size of our page to be the same resolution as our camera or whatever source and obs that you want to cut a shape out of so to do that click on file go into document properties and then under where it says custom size change the resolution to 1920 by 1080 if that's the resolution of your camera and then make sure to change the units to pixels next you want to turn on the page grid by going into view and selecting page grid this just makes it easier to position stuff on the screen and then you can just start drawing the shape that you want your webcam to be so if you want it to be a circle then select the circle tool and draw the circle if you want to make it a star shape select the star shape draw it a star if you want to make it any weird shape that you want haha that's a penis draw out the shape any shape that you want this isn't an inkscape tutorial so i recommend if you want to make a fancy shape look up a bunch of tutorials or inkscape the point is draw it any shape that you want i just want to give my camera some slight rounded corners so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the rectangle tool and just draw a big ass rectangle to fill the whole canvas and then i'm going to select the node tool and you'll notice on my rectangle you'll see a little circle in the top right corner we're gonna click on that circle with the node tool and just drag it down just a little bit you'll notice it'll just add these rounded corners to all four corners of a rectangle that's it that's all i'm gonna do i'm gonna keep it really simple for now now we're going to take this mask and we're going to export it to do that press ctrl shift e and in the right hand pane you'll see a section that says export png image set your export area to page and then choose a file destination by selecting export as choose the destination and then select export your final result should look like this it's just a black rectangle great i forgot the next part of the video now you can go back into obs and then apply this mask to your webcam and you do that by right-clicking on your webcam going into filters and then adding an image mask blend and then in the drop down box you select alpha mask alpha channel definitely didn't read that off my notes and then set the path to that mask that you made in inkscape then bam boom done next part of the tutorial now if the specific shape that you're looking for is just adding rounded corners to your webcam and you're not trying to do like another fancy shape like a circle or anything there is a better way of adding rounded corners via obs plug-ins now because we're using plug-ins this isn't gonna work in that other program you know the one i'm talking about we're gonna be using a plug-in that we've talked about on this channel called obs shader filter if you don't know what obs shader filter is click on this thing here and talk more about it but basically it's a plug-in for obs studio that allows you to apply things called shaders to any source in obs and essentially a shader is a thing that allows you to manipulate the way your webcam looks or any source in obs and one of the shaders you can add is called rounded rectangles and the way it works is you just right click on your camera add a rounded rectangles shader and then that will allow you to just set a corner radius for your camera and that will just round the corners directly in obs without you having to make a png mask or anything like that so if you want to do this install obs shader filter for obs studio i left a link down below for where you can download that then just right click in your camera in obs go into filters and then add a user-defined shader check the box that says load shader from text file and click browse it's automatically going to bring up the examples folder and in that examples folder you're going to see something that says rounded underscore rect select that one and then set your corner radius to be whatever value you want and you should notice that the corners of your webcam should now be rounded alright part two this video is taking way longer than i thought it would but we're halfway there cody i believe in you let's keep going no not you the other cody you know who i'm talking about let's work on adding the drop shadow for our webcam now i really like drop shadows it just adds that little bit of the you know the little bit of the really the polish to just really complete your stream design now there's a couple ways of doing drop shadows there's the dumb way and then there's the smart way and i actually really prefer the dumb way now the dumb way is to just use a png file like literally the best way to add drop shadows in obs is to just make the drop shadows in a png file using photoshop or in our case using inkscape and then importing that in obs as an image file so back in inkscape what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that mask that we just made before and we're gonna press ctrl d to duplicate it then take that duplicate and just drag it down it's all right if you drag it out of the canvas select the duplicate that you just created and then go into filters go into shadows and glows and then select drop shadow and this is going to be where you get to customize how your drop shadow looks so what i like to do is i like to set the shadow type to outer cutout so this only shows the shadow itself and not the shape of your camera and then you could also adjust the horizontal and vertical offset if you want your shadow to be like in a particular direction i just like leaving it at zero just to put a consistent shadow around my whole camera but it's up to you how you want to customize this you can also adjust the blur radius if you want to have a larger drop shadow and then you can also adjust the color what i like to do is i like to go into the color tab and then make the opacity all the way up at a hundred percent just to have a darker drop shadow by the way it's probably a good idea to turn on live preview if you want to see how your drop shadow is going to look like as you're adjusting things when you're happy with how it looks click apply and you should see your new drop shadow quick tip if you want to make your drop shadow darker literally just select it and press ctrl d to duplicate it now is there a better way of doing this probably do i know what that is hell no who do you think i am michelangelo now you can export your drop shadow by going into export png image but instead of selecting page we're gonna select selection because that's going to just export the thing that we have selected save that png to wherever you want and then now in obs you can just right click and add an image source and point it to that drop shadow png file that you just created then it's just a matter of positioning that image file underneath your camera to make it look like it's just one solid block thing now the second method for adding drop shadows is to use plugins for obs and it's daytime now who cares about continuity get over it i was going to talk about a second method that involves installing a drop shadow plug-in for obs but i decided to scrap that because check out how much my gpu this plug-in uses and the reason why this is happening is because if you use this drop shadow plug-in obs has to redraw your drop shadow every single frame which is really taxing on your gpu this is why i actually just recommend sticking to making png files for your drop shadows because if your camera is just a rectangle anyway there's no reason why you have to redraw your drop shadow every single frame however there is one situation where using a png file just won't cut it and that is if you're using a green screen and that is because now the shape your webcam is dynamic and it's changing all the time so you can't just make a png file for this so what do we do what are we gonna do about that here's a little bit of a hack that i figured out in obs that doesn't use up like a thousand percent of your gpu so you're gonna need the streamfx plugin for obs link down below if you don't have that already then you can just right click and add a source and we're gonna add a source mirror and we're gonna select our webcam now if you don't know what a source mirror is basically it's a new option that allows you to make a copy of your webcam but then you can apply filters to this copy without affecting your original webcam so what we're going to do with this copy of our webcam was we're going to apply some filters to it to make it look like a shadow so the best way i found to do this is to first add a color correction filter and then you can drop the brightness all the way down to the left and that's going to make your camera look like a black silhouette which is pretty close to what we want for our drop shadow i also like to turn down the opacity slider a little bit just to make the shadow not look so harsh and then just as a final touch i like to add a blur filter on top of that which really just softens up the edges and really makes it look like a convincing drop shadow so now you have this separate drop shadow source in obs and all you have to do is position this underneath your camera and then bam dude you're done end of the video boom let's go anyway at the end of all this this should be your final product and i know it looks really simple and basic but you know what i think it looks really professional and i think it looks really cool because i did it awesome you guys can stop asking me i made drop shadows now go back to watching my streaming stream monday wednesday and friday check me out there also there's a discord if you guys need help on anything related to streaming so make sure to join the discord links in description box down below also let me know if you like these simpler style obs tutorials if you like him leave a comment down below but please positive comments only because i'm too fragile to handle criticism right cool peace out catch you guys next video [Music] foreign
Channel: nutty
Views: 73,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zPGtYT3HVkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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