5 Simple OBS Tricks Every New Streamer Should Know!

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I'm always trying to think of ways to create really high-quality entertaining streams we talked a lot about high-end equipment like cameras lights microphones making dope overlays this pepe plushie behind me you know the whole thing but I've been reading your comments and it's pretty clear to me now that there are a lot of you who are just starting out streaming for the first time especially with the whole global situation going on right now all you guys have a lot of free time when you're in and you're trying streaming for the first time in your life so I thought for you brand-new streamers out there I do a video that is a little bit more beginner focused so I thought I'd show you guys some basic tricks that you can do in OBS just to make your stream just a little bit more interesting it's worth noting we're gonna be talking about OBS studio and not stream labs obvious there's a lot of reasons why I preferred regular OBS I'm not gonna get into it right now but if you can master everything in this video I promise you you will know more about OBS then like 95% of streamers out there and how do I notice well I kind of just pull that number out of my ass now a lot of these tricks are gonna seem basic because they are but every single streamer that you've seen with an advanced stream overlay uses these tricks and if I want to show you guys how to do more advanced stuff in OBS on this channel then I need to make sure you guys know how to walk before you can run that was very corny dude you know what just roll the intro [Music] this video is sponsored by North Vietnam just kidding nobody wants to sponsor me what's up guys is an idea before we get into this video I realized that some of you guys are a little bit more advanced and you probably know everything I'm gonna talk about in this video but you know what you should watch the video anyway because maybe you don't know everything Peter starting off with number one literally the entire reason I made this video and it actually shocked me how many people don't know this you can add scenes to other scenes this is what I like to call seam nesting and the reason you'd want to do this is sometimes you might want to group a bunch of sources together and obs like let's just say you have your camera with your camera border and you want it to act as a single source that you can just freely drag around on your overlay and this is really simple to do all you have to do is go to your source list in OBS right click go to add and then in that list you'll see something that says scene then from there just select any scene that you want and bam you're done you can now just drag this around you can resize it you can crop it you can do anything you want just like any other source now I know some of you might be thinking mister YouTube I have a question yes I have a question why can't you just highlight the scenes and then click group like doesn't that do the same thing now that's actually a really good question because grouping together sources in OBS is also a good option but there's a couple reasons why I prefer C nesting number one this just looks nasty gross and second and more importantly you can't put groups within groups with seam nesting you can put scenes within scenes within scenes so you can basically make overlays in OBS that are practically infinite number of layers deep if you want you can think of it like layering objects in Photoshop so you can just create some seriously advanced and seriously complex stream layouts just to give you an idea of how I use nested scenes in my streams I use a multi camera setup and what I like to do is I like to switch between all of my cameras all the time well what I've seen a lot of people do is let's just say you have your game screen and you want to use a multi camera setup so a lot of people they stack all their cameras on top of each other and then they just enable and disable the cameras that they want showing and look that works perfectly fine if that's your only scene but what if you wanted to set up an intermission screen and on that you want to add all your cameras so you have to go through one by one adding each of your cameras and like for real West time for that you know not you you're a busy man or woman instead what you really should be doing is creating a separate scene let's just call it a camera scene and just add your camera stack there then every time you want to use your camera stack you just add your camera scene as a source then if you want to switch between each camera then you can use the hotkeys within OBS or if you have something like a screen deck or you're using an app like touch portal you can just use that to toggle each of the cameras that you want to use but this is just one example there are plenty of ways that you can use nested scenes with in OBS the second that trick in our list is filters now a lot of you have probably used filters before in case you don't know if you right-click a source in OBS and go to filters you can add a bunch of things like you can to crop your webcam you can add color correction you can chroma key for green screens but one of the filters that I think every streamer should know about is the mask filter so you can think of this as like a cookie cutter for cutting shapes out of your camera or really any stores for that matter let's just say you're bored of the normal rectangular shape for your camera and you want to do something different you maybe you want to cut out a circle for your camera I don't know to accentuate the roundness of your face or something like that well what do you do is you go into something like Photoshop or if you don't have Photoshop you can use [ __ ] then you create a circle save that as a transparent PNG file then go into OBS and click on whatever source you want to apply that mask filter to go to filters then add a mask filter select alpha mask alpha channel browse for the PNG file you made and click OK and then boom that Jim you've made your camera into a circle now you can apply multiple filters to any source in OBS but here's the thing it turns out that a lot of people don't realize that the order that you apply the filters actually matters let's just say I go and I add a blur filter to my camera now you're not gonna see the blur filter by default we'll talk about that in a second then let's just say underneath that we add a mask to cut out the circular shape for our camera what you'll notice is if we add the filters in this order so blur first then mask second we get these hard edges around the camera but watch this let's flip it around and we'll add the mask first and the blur second and then now we have these soft edges around the camera border and the reason for that is now we're telling OBS to cut the shape out of the camera first and then apply the blur filter to it so just keep that in mind when you're adding filters the order doesn't matter the next OBS trick we have is audio related now something every streamer has nowadays they all have a starting student screen and on your starting soon screen you want to have your mic muted then once you're ready to start your screen then you want your mic to kick in by default OBS automatically adds one microphone source and one desktop audio source to every single scene that you create so what that means is when you're ready to start your stream you have to click once to change scenes and then you have to click another time to unmute your microphone and that's like twice as many clicks like you click once okay that's cool then you click again you're like god damn I'm too tired stream now what you should do is you should go into your settings in OBS go into audio and make sure you've disabled all your audio devices everything there shouldn't be anything enabled here instead go into your OBS scenes and then add a source called the audio input capture and audio output capture input is obviously gonna be for your microphone and outputs obviously gonna be for your desktop audio then all you need to do is any scene that you want your microphone activated you add your microphone if you don't want your mic activated don't add your microphone what this is also good for is having different levels set for your audio for different scenes so what you could potentially do is maybe or your game screen you want to have your game audio to be louder but then when you switched your intermission screen you want your audio to get quieter well what you do is you'd add two audio outputs so then you'd set the levels one would be quiet one would be louder then you just put that quieter version on your intermission screen and then the louder version on your game screen at this point of the video you Advanced OBS users are ready to click off you guys are like this is too boring this is too easy for me I want something spicy man here it is here's something a little bit more advanced than you can do on my stream I have a starting soon screen that has my music playing but when my stream actually starts I stop my music playing but this version of my music I've added an audio filter to it I added a reaper VST plugin if you don't know what reaper is I did another video in that but basically I added an EQ to the music source that filters out all the high frequencies and only lets the bass frequencies through so the results is you get sort of this muffled audio sound and that creates this really cool effect where my music audio starts out normal but as I transition into my intermission scene then my audio fades from normal into this muffled effect it's a little bit hard to understand so I'll insert a clip here to show you how that sounds like the next obvious trick is to expand upon the basic features that OBS already provides by downloading and installing plugins I'm pretty sure the vast majority of you guys already know what plugins are because as it turns out yeah you guys seem to really like plugins for you new streamers out there who aren't aware you can think of a plug-in like a Chrome extension it just adds features to OBS that it doesn't have by default now you can do a lot of different things with plugins you can do that blur effect that I was talking about earlier by installing this stream effects plugin but there's so many different plugins out there there are plugins for doing instant replays or doing different kinds of effects or adding different types of transitions to OBS I've made two videos so far covering a total of 10 OBS plugins and by the way those two videos some of my most viewed videos by far basically carrying the entire channel at the moment now look I get it this one's kind of a cop-out some of you guys are probably thinking but he's just recycling content because these run every five years for videos the hey thank you so everyone's a friends I can recycle content like we get it man she got off the plane like so our spoiler alert but the shows been done for like 15 years never wash it yet that's on you bud this next OBS trick was totally not recorded the next day this is not something your viewers are gonna notice but it is gonna make your life a hell of a lot easier this feature is called custom browser docks and it's a feature that came to oh yes a few months ago but I feel like it's something that people don't use enough you can think of this like a Chrome browser built directly into OBS so you can link websites that use all the time when you're streaming things like your stream elements activity windows so you can keep track of all your followers donations subs and all that or you can lick your twitch dashboard or your twitch chat so you can keep track of all your chat messages or you can even link like a Spotify playlist that you use every stream literally anything that you can open in a normal web browser you can add as a custom browser dock in OBS so to add a custom browser dock you just go into view docks add a custom browser dock and just type in any website that you want seriously you can put in anything you want put in Google YouTube read it poor redacted and then the best thing is you can just rearrange your browser docks just like any other dog Konoe yes and just create a customized UI for your situation on top of that when you open up OBS again all of these browser Doc's are just gonna open up so this really saves a lot of time when you're opening up your stream because you don't have to open up like 50 billion websites just so you can keep track of everything you need to keep track of that's gonna do it for this video guys I know this video was a little bit dry like my skin condition I have crippling eczema and it's kind of not funny but it's important for me to go through these basic tricks because I'm probably gonna be referring to these in future videos so don't worry next week's video is probably gonna be something more fun and interesting and less boring than this one guys as always links down below to the discord you guys can also catch my twitch stream I stream 4 nights a week and the streams have absolutely been popping off so you can ask me all of your stream any questions they're live and I'll try to answer as best as I can but until next time enjoy streaming have fun keep working hard and I will see you guys in the next video or somewhere else you know if I'd like to see you on the street that would be pretty cool but that's never happened to me before so probably next video [Music]
Channel: nutty
Views: 209,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qgucAskxdfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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