Drinker's Chasers - The Acolyte Episode 3 Will Break Star Wars Forever

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do you do you want me to give you some context for episode three the one that everyone's talking about yes I'm sure yeah I mean you're probably aware of this already but yeah Chris Gore was going to fill us in because he's seen it already but he's uh he was not able to make it tonight so I'll try and do my best to fill in on his behalf but U the premise of episode three is that it's a flashback to 16 years prior when OSHA and may were um children together um they were conceived by their um mothers so one mother gave birth to them the other one impregnated her somehow through the that's some serious scissoring that like if you go really hard at it you can actually make it happen it's just a question of Rage but anyway they're they're all part of a cover a coven of witches so they're all female of course they are because it's Leslie Headland and um the the idea is that uh these two twins uh are powerful with the force now the force is not as we understood it as described by Yoda and all the other Jedi H is no longer an energy field that flows across all living things it's a thread that binds All Creatures together and if you pull on that thread you can manipulate it to do whatever you want it to do essentially it's like uh puppet strings so you can use it to fight people you can use it to defend yourself whatever you want it's a thread no that's that changes the nature of what the force is um and the Galaxy sadly is not welcoming of women like them oh Jesus Christ now can you can you can you get the subtext gentlemen because this is really this is really high level stuff but the the Galaxy is not welcoming of women who prefer the company of other women and this comes from lesbian activist who who made this I'm just I'm going to put it out there maybe you can put the pieces together I can't I don't know what she was hinting at so it is the gayest Star Wars of all time yeah so anyway so the Jedi show up uh as child protective services and basically say we hear that you have two kids who are Force users and are powerful and we we get to take them um because that's what we are now they are setting up the Jedi as the bad guys of this universe the well how aggressive do they get with the taking of them so their their premise is we want to test them first to see what their abilities are and if we find that they are strong in the force like they say pass our test then we can essentially just take them um so OSHA strong female character number one wants to join the Jedi we don't know why she doesn't actually explain why she just says I want to be a Jedi uh whereas May wants to both of them to stay there with the cover she wants them to be lesbians together so they can scissor into infinity and beyond um it creates a riff between them but they come up with this plan where they're going to fake the tests so when they do the Jedi test they're going to pretend to get it wrong so that they they fail and the Jedi will leave them alone but uh OSHA [ __ ] that up and actually passes or the Jedi sense that she's um got power with the force and they decide that they want to take her with them because she's conflicting May decides that she's mad about this so she um says that she wants to kill her and then burns the book that she' kept uh like detailing everything she knew about the Jedi which then starts a gigantic fire which engulfs the village and kills all the lesbian space witches and then may falls down a hole and apparently dies what and then squid game guy gets sad and takes OSHA with him to become his pan I'm I'm not I'm not making up if this doesn't happen next week I'm going to be really pissed off oh man I'm to I'm willing to bet that discount Venom is actually one of the the mothers of the the the two girls wait they're not again gonna do a the the guy turns out to be a woman the whole time they've done that seven times oh I'm sure they're going to it's ass Blaster all over again MH prepare yourself task manager drink something the force is now an energy field which is also threads which is also midians that live and exist within you track now well of all the things you could do of all the things how is this the Jedi's fault from what you said it's just cuz they were there they like then she hates them it sounded like from what you told us that the girl burns down the whole [ __ ] place but imag so ESS she goes from like I I disagree with you that we should join the Jedi to I hate you to I want to kill you uh and then she like sets fire to her book as like an active Petty Revenge which then starts a fire which engulfs the entire Village and the surrounding area and all the the lesbian face which is just kind of burned to death I was expect so what's like the big evil thing that the Jedi did other than be there and want them to join the Jedi oh the they patriarchy I mean I don't know what to say what they didn't get May is that what the issue is what did they kidnap oer at the end of it or something I don't no so like squid game guy gets sad because everyone died and he's like feels like he's probably [ __ ] up a little bit in his mission and he says toha like as they're like they're next to all the steaming pile of corpses um of the the lesbian space which is don't worry I'll protect you I'll make you my padar and I'll train you in the ways of the Jedi and then she just goes off with him but then it doesn't really work out and then she gets sad and leaves him eventually maybe with the sight of a man they all start burning their bras and just combust and just all explode the the pest being on the planet but I think what they're they're essentially going for is that like only women have a true understanding of what the force actually is and the Jedi are just like kind of blunt instrument and trying to impose their will on the force and use it as a weapon that they can um wield against other people [ __ ] stupid Yoda he had no idea what he was talking about no way well um the you want to uh maybe introduce that link you've got as well yeah because I can't um I try to open it here sorry in the chat are you able to like share it with us and I can just bring it up so everyone can listen to it yeah sure it because it it it's very relevant as to if what you're saying is true is uh man poof indeed this is why people are saying like wait until you get to episode three like episodes one and two are nothing compared to what they're going to do all right here we go the hold on this is like what we understand to be Star Wars like the idea that like that only came from George Lucas that that like that only George Lucas holds the key key for what we understand to be Star Wars is just untrue and I think the the prequels are an excellent example of that I mean the idea that like when you're hiring a director that everyone is sitting in there waiting for George Lucas and not for the person who's going to know to hire Ralph mccy that's the problem that's the misogyny and the and and the problem with the ath it's always the today because they're not thinking this is the person that will hire the right people and this is the person that will be able to create the lookbooks and direct people to get them to that place they're just thinking do you know do you have all the answers and the truth is is that nobody does and anybody that says they do is lying this is like what we understand to Star Wars sanctimony of that boil came from George God that boils my piss the idea that Star Wars is some sort of entity that fell to Earth and then men found it first and then hogged it to the themselves rather than it being something that George Lucas created grifted and nearly had a mental breakdown over as they tried to bring it to the screen and then you come in and you rely on a fan base that's pre-existing that you had no part in creating no part in fostering no part and developing over generations and then you have the sanctimony to come in and say all this hogwash about how it's all relative that George Lucas is kind of um ancillary to the whole thing and it's up to to new people to actually decide for themselves what Star Wars can be the sanctimony of that goes well it's like it's like JD M JD pay and Patrick McKay saying like well you know toen never really understood Lord of the Rings and you know it's it it requires people like us to actually bring that to the mass Market because we have the the true understanding of this he he never really got it that's the same analogy there yeah it's it's the pure narcissism of a person with way more ego than Talent the the ego just I can't imagine having that sort of ego like it's just out there they can freely speak like this and just think nothing of it just think that's normal that's I'm not saying anything wrong here
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 505,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aaeQoPnixNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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