Drinker's Chasers - Lucasfilm Already Blaming Fans For The Acolyte's Failure

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oh well that that was furiosa I suppose there's not much more we can say about it it was it was a movie um it looks like it's going to flop it's going to be another one to add to the list for this year yeah bit sad really but hey you know we've always got the acolyte to look forward to are you guys excited just around the corner now I'm going to get my lightsaber Whip and uh yeah we spent an hour breaking down that trailer man enough on me I didn't want to see it anymore the most interesting thing was like a little dude who had like a beard we're just making fun of the kids the rest well I mean at this point like they've already started to set up the defenses for this um and like as you guys have probably been made aware um Kathleen Kennedy's been doing the rounds doing an interview with I think the New York New York Times uh that's been then repeated in variety uh already setting up the defenses for this uh for this TV show so basically saying um if you don't like it it's because you hate women Tri tested tactic again are they we we're doing it yeah we're doing the same thing again like why break a winning strategy I suppose it's been going since about 2018 2019 so just carry on you know um want to when they when they do these interviews one uh like one time and they're like uh I think we did a really good story with great characters you should watch it yeah they get fired cancelled done like they she wouldn't allow that well I uh I won't go through the entire article because it goes on forever but I will say like some quotes from from her in relation to this she says operating Within These giant franchises now with social media and the level of expectation it's terrifying I think Leslie Hedland has struggled a bit with it I think a lot of the women who step into the Star Wars uh struggle with this a little bit more because of the fan base being so male dominated they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal so yeah I think the problem is that man essentially but it's good because Kathleen Kennedy and Leslie hedin together are working to eliminate all of the male fans within the Star Wars fan base and so it's a problem that's kind of solving itself like they're gradually just giving up and saying I just don't want this anymore um but I just thought like yeah give it a little bit more time like the the remaining fans who are still annoyed uh about the the [ __ ] things that you're doing uh they will become apathetic to the point where they just don't care anymore and then they'll just move on to something else and then you won't even really have fans anymore so it's an interesting problem that kind of fixes itself in the long run but I just thought it's interesting that their strategy obviously is to preemptively plant the seeds that anyone who dislikes the acolyte is doing it for for sexist reasons rather than just because the show looks like absolute garbage the am be five watching that's I'm saying the amount of people that'll take in that garbage and take it seriously is that that that number is dwindling by the day like people are starting to roll their eyes at that [ __ ] now like just the the preemptive like remember the whole Reva defense people bought that if Kenobi came out today and they tried to do the Reva thing no one would take that [ __ ] like no no no your show is just [ __ ] like admit it like they have there when are we gonna get the turn of the tide if someone just admits like this was a bad Tak was a bad idea well they always do like a couple of months later when it's to late it's like actually that show wasn't that great it's like yeah maybe yeah know I said that like months ago thanks when you called me a sexist well I think I think my favorite I think my favorite like um transition in that kind of vein was rings of power where the guardian um for like they LED with the whole like this show is amazing it's the best thing on TV and then like a month later same author and everything said right now that it's all over can we just admit that the rings of power was absolute dog [ __ ] find that man's name Legend it's just but that that's it's so interesting that the mentality was got to defend corporate product because it takes diversity boxes and that make me happy you know and then once it's over and it's safe to criticize it then I can say like nah it was actually garbage it's like the truth comes out if they [ __ ] on it immediately they don't get the juicy pre-release uh footage anymore that they can get all the clicks with so yeah I this looks good this really good you should watch it what was the um they took the influences and none of them watched Springs of power no yeah they was actually I like Game of Thrones more one of them was busy the dragon she was watch the dragon she hadn't got rings of power yet like that is the that's the ultimate right there like oh just teabagging that show I hope they come out again at the same time that's one of my favorite things that's ever happened like ever it was it was truly the worst choice of PR that you could ever have made but with the acolyte like it just feels like nobody's going to watch this anyway the best case scenario for them is that it's kind of blandly forgettable like it's not too offensively bad it's just kind of a me Star Wars show that's probably the best they could possibly hope for and nobody's really going to watch it anyway hard on this one though they did that with echo echo was eight episodes and they cut it down to five hoping everyone would forget it you think they're gonna AES or do you think they're so delusional they'll just go yeah [ __ ] put in everything no I I think they've I think they're putting a lot into this personally actually believe it's good I don't know if it's that or if they're just going to try and overwhelm people with visual spectacle but just looking at the trailers it kind of feels like there's a lot of money behind it and I don't know if that's just over compensation like we've got to try and sell this thing because if you look at pretty much every other Star Wars TV show that they've made they've all been [ __ ] failures you know even the the best case scenario where you had something like Andor you know it it was pretty good quality in terms of writing and stuff but nobody really watched it so again it was a failure from a financial point of view yeah just's getting worse because Andor was the same as Ahsoka in terms of viewership and ahsoka's got more recognition she was like a more recognized character each one seems to be doing even worse and I don't think the acolytes like who's like is there any star power other than the guy from squid game no one knows the name of his name is Ronald okay Ronald MC squid game so [ __ ] right nobody REM his [ __ ] name I remember ill n that's it they would have they would have they would have him go racist Star Wars fans you know fans of ours but he probably can't speak English well so they have no one to come out and like insult you before the episode like you m you've got Karan Moss who I think is probably the closest you get into a I don't know a movie star or whatever or with a bit of power in this show probably long yeah I mean just you know kind of an irrelevant force in Hollywood now but like it's just kind of a legacy thing I suppose that's attached to the show but yeah I can't wait for the the sort of Hostage videos where like she records something in her car saying like I'm so disappointed in the uh what Star Wars fans piece of [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you watch my video yeah I don't know they keep burning their reputations with that [ __ ] you know some of the celebrities just don't understand out of touch completely out of touch didn't they didn't they spoil the twist in their own trailer there's twins I heard the girl with the because apparently the the girl with the cloth or of a face who's fighting K and Moss he's an evil one there's a good one but the thing is though they both have the same hairstyle so these twins are separated at BIR have gone to the same Barber got the exact same hair color got the exact same style my it's uncanny it's like F stup I can't I can't even begin to describe with words in the English language how unexcited I am for this show like there's just nothing in it there's nothing in the trailer there's nothing in the promotional material there's nothing in any of the the cast or the actors attached to it that makes me think oh yeah I want to watch this I mean the Star Wars YouTube channel is trying they put like 10 videos out in the last like 3 weeks like look at the behind the scenes and official Clips like yeah I don't care they're desperate man what's there to talk about who no one gives a [ __ ] it's kylo with teeth that's what we got AR we we got kylo Ren with teeth we got the men violin apparently that's that's one of the clips uh I'm going I'm going to have a look actually their their YouTube channel just to see out curiosity oh God yeah just uh so official C channel from the acolyte 321,000 views the acolyte exploring Star Wars 51,000 views that's from yesterday that's with a that's a Channel with four million subscribers uh what have we got the yeah um what's the dislike isn't it like um well 74,000 likes 180,000 dislikes oh man what's the view what's the uh 6.6 million that's latest trailer I mean that's just low engagement in general isn't it did you say 175,000 dislikes 180 180 yeah plus it rounds down so it probably be like 190 200 thousands it's like a dying channel it's like one of those famous YouTubers that accidentally do something and everyone leaves yeah the Boogie of the internet yeah g be a documentary in how it died yeah well it's like that with most of these official channels like especially like that on Twitter you know where you've got like sites like Kaku or something like that or the New York Times where they got millions of followers apparently and then they post tweets that get like 50 likes that that's just it's dead completely they try pick a fight yeah it's like the only engagement they get is by saying something incredibly stupid MH yeah Matt Max doesn't need Matt Max anymore it's like okay was I refus to read it everyone doing that everyone's dying of obesity these days and that's a good thing that's sure okay sure I did like this tweet from John Gates oh sorry this Super Chat [ __ ] tweet um Daisy countered this kind of language from the reporter tried to bait her into a similar response weeks ago um basically saying that her interactions with the fans have actually been really positive and this is Daisy Ridley as well you know if she's she's had positive interactions and anyone can um Kathleen Kennedy is contradicting her own actress who said how positive her interactions with the fans had been also Star Wars Episode 2 game coming to Playstation network next month don't care about that interesting but uh thanks though yeah thanks I can I can confidently say I don't give a [ __ ] about a single Star Wars game ever so w yeah anyway that's just me though I don't know about the rest of you well she knows she knows that Daisy really has got nothing else I mean it's the upcoming Ray movie which [ __ ] God knows what gonna be it's the best move for her what else is she gonna do Noy Ridley I would I would take that role make as much money as I can out of it and then [ __ ] retire because my career is over anyway and this is the play man I hope all her family and friends are pushing towards like let's just or she can just go absolutely nuts shave her heads start picking fights maybe that'll get her more popular Darth R this what we're going for just attack the interviews gonna be new next Creator Clash well give her give her another five years she could do go down the Christen Stewart route you know she just did everything in her power to be the most obnoxious AR Soul on the planet so sure would you want to see like Ray or Finn or Kyle like anyone from the sequel Trilogy like if they actually get an opport for redemption in the future who would you want to see get a shot at like a real I wouldn't I wouldn't want to put the actors through that like especially you know I think John boa seems like a good guy I don't want him to like have the humiliation of being in another Star Wars movie same with yeah same Oscar Isaac yeah he's a good actor with a good career like don't jeopardize that by being another shitty Star Wars film
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 322,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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