Drinker's Chasers - The Nuclear Backlash Against Assassin's Creed Shadows

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the first thing I was curious to know about was Assassin's Creed shadows and maybe Gundam you can shed some light on this because they Ubisoft released the trailer for it uh what a few days ago it's currently sitting at 7.7 million views pretty good 275,000 up votes nice oh but it's also got 68,000 down votes which according to them they've even admitted this is the most disliked trailer in the series history um maybe you can shed some light on why well it's because all of you people are filthy disgusting racist bigots transphobes um you're also aor phobes you're against um plushophilia which is people who have relationships with plushies I heard from my good friend J Sonic that you guys are terrible people the funny thing is you don't know who jonic is but uh that's a guy who has been having a romantic relationship with a Sonic plushy from 1996 by the way huh segue nice and he's been blowing loads into it ever since my God it must be pretty pretty used by now poops on it so it's a very interesting color of brown oh as you didn't know I'll send you videos dude you got see this hey I'm fine I'm okay minutes 10 minutes into show I'm trying I'm trying to give up movies all right I'll get serious Assassin's Creed um Shadows uh yeah we're now following the adventures of the black samurai uh it's very positive it's very good did you know that he might be gay or non-binary by the way in fact both protagonists are so um I'm just here for it I love the representation it's good to see a vassel finally coming up in the world and getting respect that he deserves it only took Twitter posting about him for a year solid telling me that uh black people were the original Japanese it was a very interesting time the AI art we had it was the Renaissance if you will as what are you laughing for you bigot I just thought I just thought of a joke sorry my bad I'm forby oh do it now you it it it was British you know it's a British thing Bri believe me I watched a British stuff all right the joke was Assassin's Creed Shadows oh bloody hell it flew right over my head this is that British humor people keep talking about it's just too sophisticated yeah you call an assassin you take feudal Japan you make a black protagonist its lead and even Fluffy's not happy you make a black protagonist lead and then you call it Assassin's Creed shadow that's because he Blends in you bigot he's an assassin uh oh he's not an assassin though he's a samurai there's there's a difference and his character in the trailer had a big Club split hairs so the Assassin guy is a black samurai which okay it's farfetched he's going to take out people and nobody's gonna be able to identify him being the only black gu you need to not think he Blends right in I also like the idea he sneaks upid of it's a huge club like it's like it's like the team America thing where it's like you might want to take your own life in which case you better have this and gives them a hammer such oh my God is this show canceled yet probably yeah um but no they were quite proud of the fact that he is allegedly based on a real historical figure it's yuk who was a black um person who was living in Japan at that period um and they they according to Ubisoft he was the legendary Samurai who forged an entire nation um until you actually look up the real historical figure and you find out that he was just a retainer um he never fought in a single battle never fought a single dual he was only in Japan for just over a year and then he got sent home again technically he did uh try to fight after noaga was assassinated and he immediately Was Defeated yeah so there was a battle he just is it is that level gonna be in the game uh I certainly hope so one fight and lose just go home credit 58,000 DLC add-ons to is this considered cultural appropriation I don't know like you're taking that historical setting of Japan and trying to P characters from different ethnicities in there who really weren't there at the time I think it's just racist I don't think it's cultural appropriation why not let's pop them in the blender and you know mix it up did you see the internal um Memo from Ubisoft let I don't believe I did oh I can I can bring that up for you yeah oh thank you this is gonna be lovely there was there was uh oh lots of yumian pictures share those as well done it right fine did it all right let's go all right let's see okay so we got we got uh we got let me get my face ready yeah okay zoom in enhance more wait it's also a video make it play too make it it's on Tik Tok so it that was massive he's inspecting the screen well now that it's over let me get let me get the uh the actual uh proper proper news shall we let's get let's get let's get that I serious about this gentleman serious man i' be here all day if I didn't this is a look into me and Drinker science team by the way this is usually how it goes yeah I can't stop looking at Rachel zler on Gundam screen fofy she looks sad what's my movie's never Madam Web movie uh so this apparently is from uh an internal Memo from Ubisoft uh first we want to make it very clear that we do not accept hate harassment and other forms of abuse in any way and we are deeply saddened to see the negativity and hatred currently spreading on our co-workers personal profiles and on our uh par uh Partners social media platforms wouldn't it be [ __ ] perfect if ever we had a company that just about an announcement said we want to make it very clear that we not only accept hate harassment and other forms of abuse we especially enjoy it when it's directed at our work here A bunch of links to their social media Pages please here their personal details go wait what we are I like this we are proud to represent the diversity and inclusion that exists in society as part of our every everyday work representation is part of our DNA and will remain that way regardless of external pressure or influences now I could argue that having a Japanese protagonist is quite good for inclusion you know they don't always get represented that well in video games so that would be a nice thing to do but it's time to stop the Asian hate I agree well there wasn't much diversity in feudal Japan no it was it was really the opposite of diversity that you had there hell there not much diversity in current day Japan no and for good reason I just Al I have to say uh serot ofad showed me some diversity today that I would love to share but I think it would be bad excellent upgrade on your background there yes I'm here to help you make a couple of great points I like this up this uh Super Chat from John Gates as well the police line up after his first assassination the witness feels too racist and guilty to point to him Ubisoft goes full subversion at the end and has the final boss fight be the most racist thing ever with basketball and watermelon and crap I feel like they would do that and think it was Progressive though like that's that's the kind of mindset that they get into but yeah I think the cherry on top was just the fact that he's gonna probably be gay as well just okay sure well Ubisoft said that you will be able to have multiple different relationships with and I think they phrased it with different genders or different persons which which made people believe that they were uh talking about both male and female because there's only two genders AG go uh people you know you know uh what's interesting here just when I'm going down to like the fourth paragraph of this little memo it says given the current polarization of this topic online we believe that having a respectful and constructive dialogue is difficult if not impossible to achieve in this context we ask you not to engage with or interact with these conversations as this could woron the situation for yourself our teams and our industry peers so essentially even if someone was to come to you in the most respectful way and say um yeah I'm not entirely convinced this is a good move on your part I think you're trying to project current social norms into a game set in feudo Japan and you should be more respectful towards the culture they're just abating all responsibility for having that conversation and just saying no if anyone talks to you like that they're racist and you just don't talk to them back yes cool exactly makes it wasn't yuk if it was just a japane you know if it was a Japanese gentleman and a Japanese female I don't think anybody would have a single issue whatsoever in actual fact I think it probably would have received uh quite a good reception oh yes like Assassin's Creed uh Origins none of us had a problem with that it's it's a cool setting like feudal Japan Samurai ninjas like assassins all that stuff like that's very cool everyone loves um Shogun so it's just it's an extension of that kind of popularity if if we then had like everyone complaining about the monetization and like [ __ ] ubisoft's mechanics getting more iterative every single game you probably have Ubisoft then poking you with the stick be like be racist don't point out that stuff talk about racism I think people are just so used to it now at this point they really don't even it doesn't phase them for some reason $130 version of this shitty game the fact it even exists is ridiculous but it is what it is we're in a consumer society and everybody's a good little consumer I hate to say we kind of it feels like we lost that war more than a decade ago or something it's we lose a lot of Wars I fear yeah yeah but I will never give up the war on Rocky it oh yeah well Sydney sweene is leading the charge on that one so it's okay I'll get behind her somehow find their way back you know they keep coming back and that's good boobs find a way but yeah I mean I just talking about this game like from a development point of view if your goal was to have a black protagonist you we just really want that for representation purposes okay well you can set the story in say subsaharan Africa afca in the Middle Ages there's I am sure there's all kinds of Kingdoms Empires that have risen and fallen during that time period that you know popular culture doesn't really address very often I think there's a whole host of things you could do with that there's an untapped resource of Storytelling that you could both um give you your representation and help to educate people about a period that we you know most people don't really know much about that would be great like Zulu Nation fighting against the uh English Imperials mhm yeah then all the people who are really upset with white people America can finally live out their Shaka Zulu fantasy I mean it turns out that Spears and shields versus guns isn't a good matchup as we found out but you be fair one of the sides what's that more sorry one of the sides had Michael Kane so kind of made it unfair that is true yeah and they were Welsh mostly as well at me yeah yeah my point being though like there is a lot of things that you could have done but it didn't have the appeal of feudal Japan you know it didn't have that instantly recognizable aesthetic of Samurai and katanas and all that lovely stuff that's that's the amalgamation of ideology and capitalism um yeah the thing the thing it's not just that they did it for inclusion and diversity purposes which they did it's it's that they they've made it so ridiculous now because this is literally the only black guy in [ __ ] Japan so uh if if it if it gets around like oh yeah this guy turns up people die it's it's it does it just from a logical perspective looks stupid it's a stupid Visual and you're trying to immerse yourself in this and and essentially everyone around you has got to be stupid it's got to be dumb we go to the Fallout argument oh everyone's I guess yes to humor I didn't say nothing P humors they know nothing about history at all so this works them
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 256,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gN2SaZRoOrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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