Resisting A Rest | Robert Madu | "The Rest of Your Life" Sermon Series | Social Dallas

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[Music] last week we kicked off an incredible series and my wife preached can you help me thank god for pastor taylor madhu i don't even know if we introduced who we were my name is robert that was my wife my boo who was standing next to me on stage earlier and she really set up a series that i believe is integral and foundational for our church we are a baby church baby church we announce on easter sunday we are seven weeks old seven weeks old and i'm gonna ride that for a long time okay we are just a seven week old baby so if you had a bad experience we seven weeks old okay give us some time give us some time we're not even walking yet but uh we think it's important to make sure that we build on the right foundation and so taylor began a series called the rest of your life that social dallas is going to be a house that operates not out of striving but out of resting there's nothing more powerful than somebody who is confident and who is calm and who they are and they're not striving they're just resting nothing worse than somebody trying too hard because they don't know how to operate out of rest and i believe this is going to set us up really to be your pastors for a long time i told them at pre-service huddle i plan on pastoring for a long time i'm going to be 80 years old you know black don't crack i'm gonna be 80 years old still on this stage at the ground all the time i don't know what you come to do my kids gonna be clowning me like dad for real stop in order to be in it for the long haul you have to be strategic when you rest so that's what we're going to be looking at in this series how do we operate out of rest now in this series i'm going to ask you to do what you should do in every series is to really open up your heart and allow god to speak to you with specificity some of you hear me this series is going to save your life it is going to save your life because you have been operating at a pace that is not sustainable and hear me if you do not stop and break you will break see you can either choose to rest voluntarily or you can choose the rest involuntarily and be in a hospital and be stressed out you've got to learn how to pause how to seven now some of you i want you to keep coming but you might not need this series because you already been living this series for a long time you you you just rest all the time you wake up at the crack of noon and you take multiple days off and you play video games all the time so for you you need to do what the psalmist said work work work work work because you've been arrested your whole life so i still want you to come but you might need to get to work but we're going to be in this series it's going to be good in fact i want you to stand with me to honor the reading of god's word we'll jump straight into it i want you to go with me to deuteronomy chapter 5 deuteronomy chapter 5. and i want to look at verses 12 through 15 and then we'll go over to the gospel according to matthew chapter 11. and we'll look at verses 28 through 30. when you're ready to read and say yeah if you're not ready say hold up oh that was a strong hold on brother i'm gonna wait for you it is a one two three screens so if you can't find it just look on the stage look at what it says it says observe the sabbath day by keeping it holy as the lord your god has commanded you six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall not do any work neither you nor your son or daughter nor your male or female servant nor your ox your donkey even animals have to rest according to god nor any of your foreign residing neither the foreigners are residing in your town so that your male and female servants may rest as you do remember that you were slaves in egypt but the lord your god brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm therefore the lord your god has commanded you to observe the sabbath day can you say amen go with me to matthew chapter 11 matthew chapter 11. this is jesus talking and he says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is the light can you say amen come on that's some good stuff right there that is some good scripture i appreciate those six claps [Applause] it's cool you're weary you're weary i uh i wanna continue this series the rest of your life by preaching to you not long tonight not long about two and a half hours uh just using this as a title resisting arrest resisting arrest look at your neighbor whichever one looks the friendliest come on look at your neighbor look at them right in their face and say neighbor oh neighbor stop resisting arrest come on look at your other neighbor that you completely ignored look at them come on say other neighbor i'm telling you you would live if you would just stop resisting arrest if you believe god's going to speak to you would you give them some praise jesus speak tonight amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord resisting arrest ladies and gentlemen it is wedding season right now it is officially wedding season we are in 2021 restrictions are being lifted people are actually able to have weddings again first of all shout out to all the people who got married in 2020. anybody in here you got married in 2020 hey it was hard it was hard telling your family members to get on zoom i know you missed them but it was good for that budget wasn't it save some money on that wedding it's different now because people are getting married at his wedding season it's wedding season here is social i have like five weddings i'm doing in the next four months i think five with one of them being my sister shout out ashley madhu she just got engaged this weekend adriana and her fiance jamal are getting married i'm doing their wedding hannah and chandler are getting married hallelujah miss moore they're getting married he's gonna be jumping you thought he was praising before chandler really about to be praised it's wedding it's wedding season and i personally love weddings i love weddings all the married men in the room let me tell you when your wife says oh they're having a wedding do not fight go to the wedding okay i learned this i learned this there's nothing like a date to a wedding with your wife because there's something that happens when she sees love it will be a good night for you if you go with your wife to the wedding i love weddings and i particularly like some looks at the wedding i look for things at weddings one thing i look for and really the minister is the only one who gets the vantage point of this look is when the music starts playing and the groom is standing at the front and all of a sudden the bride starts walking in and everybody stands up and they look at the bride as they should but i look at the girl i look at the groom because there is a face that the girl makes as she what seems like in slow motion just starts walking down the aisle he has never seen her look this good before in his entire life and i'm telling you if you watch his face as she gets closer and closer when that bottom lip starts to i love that look i look for that look and then i look for the look where she noticed him he's watching her and then she look it's a beautiful look i look for that look at every wedding another another look i look for is not in the wedding it's at the reception another thing i look for i look for people who are on the dance floor at the reception who have no business being on the dance floor have you seen these people oh i look for these people who are on the dance floor and should not be on the dance floor i respect the people who know their lane who know their role they know they can't dance so you say you know y'all go ahead no i'll take a picture i'll record it i'm just gonna sit on the side with my shirley temple i respect those people oh but y'all people that are on the dance floor they got a whole lot of confidence but no rhythm y'all make my night i look for y'all i look for y'all so i can get a laugh i know they say dance like nobody's watching please believe i'm watching i am watching you trying to figure out how you are that uncoordinated trying to figure out why is your body doing that move to that song you've seen this person before and i understand we are very diverse here at social dallas we are multi-generational multicultural so i know when i talked about that person you immediately pictured a person in your mind okay and you probably picture the skin tone of that person don't do that don't do that okay please because understand that just cause you have more melanin doesn't mean that you got some moves okay let's keep it 100. this is what i actually love about dancing because dancing is like love and laughter it's universal it is universal you understand it transcends cultures dancing is diverse just like dialects i've seen all kinds of different dances at different types of women nigerian dances just kidding just get russian weddings and they're up here getting all that jewish wedding they're doing the salsa and latino with black weddings doing the cupid shuffle in the electric slide cowboy weddings same electric slide just a little bit tighter with wranglers on but i love seeing the dance but i promise you in all those cultures you will see one person who just can't get it's like their body is at war with the beat and they can't they can't get it together and that is hilarious to me that is never not funny always laugh at it and it's funny but it's actually not because i've learned that it's actually neurological it's neurological because you understand that dancing begins in your brain before it happens in your body yeah music the rhythm is an external stimuli that once you experience it your brain processes it and then it makes the moves music is really nothing but the culmination of melodies coming together and a specific beat so dancing is really the perfect amalgamation of the music your mind and your moves come together at the right time so whether you have rhythm or not is really contingent upon you hitting the move at the right time that's why when you watch people that don't have rhythm you're looking at them and got helping when the dj switches the song because you're looking at them going if you would have done the dance you doing now like two dances ago you actually would be on rhythm rhythm has to do with time rhythm is about time ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters your god is a god of rhythm he has a rhythm he has a time he has a tempo he has a cadence he has a pace that he set up in creation before he even formed humanity god set up a rhythm and the rhythm goes that is the rhythm of god when i read the book of genesis i don't read genesis i hear genesis i hear the rhythm and the cadence and the taste of god he set up a rhythm and creation before he created humanity which suggests to me that it is on humanity to make sure that you are in line and in sync with the tempo and the rhythm of god it is not your job to get god to get in sync with your tempo and your rhythm it is your job to get in sync and get in alignment with god's tempo and with god's rhythm oh preach it here tonight robert he has a rhythm and i know some of you don't like that because you want god to get in sync with your rhythm because you're a producer right you you producing some things you're like god why don't you get in sync with my rhythm i told you i needed a job right now so please give me a job i told you i needed a spouse right now so and you're trying to get god to get in sync with your rhythm because you are a producer and that's cute that you're a producer but you're not a creator god is a creator and even in creation he had a rhythm who else who else but god the creator spoke out of nothing and created something god the creator the one that created the world with his words the one who coughed and galaxies showed up in the sky i'm telling you your god is powerful because he's not a producer he's the creator he said let there be light and light showed up like didn't even pause to ask god how bright do you want me to shine what wattage do you want me to be no light just showed up because god said it he said let there be water and water didn't even waste a nanosecond to say well what hue of blue do you want me to be no water already knew what blue it was supposed to be when god spoke it because all of those things are details and god's word is so perfect that when he speaks something encapsulated within his word are the details of the word see some of you are worried right now because you keep asking god for details if you're trying to get details from god you need to be getting a word from god because if you get a word from god god says i'll take care of all the details oh i'm a preacher whether y'all feel it or not people that got a word from god they never asked for details noah didn't ask god how was the rain gonna feel he just built an ark moses didn't ask god how you gonna make the ground dry when you split this seed he just lifted up his hand joshua didn't ask god how loud does the shout need to be for the wall to come down he just got a word to shout because when you get a word god i'm telling you you're worried about details you better just get away i'm living this thing right now i am living this thing god just said plant a church okay god we ain't got no building plant a church because he'll give you a word he won't give you the details within the word are the details because in his creation he has a rhythm and the rhythm goes see i think i'm playing but i'm preaching that's the rhythm of creation did you count the that is creation he created the world in six days but on the seventh day he he rested that's the rhythm of god he never created the world with a [Applause] that's how some of your lives are right now that's techno and no wonder you about to lose your mind because that is not the rhythm of god he said in between there must be a pause there must be a sabbath it means to cease it is the pause before the next that gives the next power if you never take the time to ah you will lose your mind if you don't learn how to break you will break that's why we're going to spend the next maybe two months in this series just talking about the sabbath the rest of god and it's gonna be hard because this is actually antithetical to our culture today isn't it oh come on we live in a culture of getting we live in a culture of hustle we live in a culture like you better get on your grind you better make it happen you better keep going you better keep doing it and it is driving us crazy it's crazy this week this week as i'm preaching this message uh elon musk tweeted this he tweeted this this tweet got 4.7 million likes 582 000 shares this is elon musk look at what uh mr tesla said working 16 hours a day seven days a week 52 weeks in a year and people still calling me lucky and so many people reposted that because like yeah they don't know i'm on my grind here's the power here's the problem rather with that mentality it idolizes your effort it makes an idol of your hustle of your grind but the power of a sabbath is for you to look at your life and do some introspection and do an internal audit to say yes i was hustling but it was god's hand behind my hustle yes i was grinding but if it had not been for the grace of god i would have lost my mind yes i was working please don't get it twisted but god was working out some things that i know wouldn't come to pass if his hand had been behind the scenes i'm telling you there is power in the sabbath because the pause makes you give the glory to the one who made it possible but we love tweets like this because it idolizes our effort it idolizes i did that i made that i built that the power is not in your strength the power is in the sabbath the power is in the pause and if you're not careful this undercurrent of uneasiness that gnaws and all of our souls to do more be more say more make more post it more make you lose your mind i'll never get a friend of mine i won't put his name in the sermon because a lot of people watch this on youtube but uh friend of mine i'll never forget it one day uh we talking he's like hey hey how's the engagement i see the engagement i said bro i've been married to taylor eight years or something engagement he's like no no no your social media how's the engagement i said man i don't know he said give me your phone takes my phone goes to my instagram and does this like like video game cheat code thing like this swipe and all of a sudden i saw these charts that i've never seen before and all these little analytics i was like man how did you do that he's like yeah i'm checking i'm checking your engagement he's like wow i said what he said this is bad so it's bad he said yeah he said for the followers you have you should have way more engagement than this i thought i was getting diagnosed with a bad disease or something i was like you're for real he's like yeah this is this is bad this is bad i said what do i do man tell me what i need to do he said you gotta post more you gotta post more you don't post enough that's that's why you don't post enough i said i gotta post more he's like yeah we need more robert post more content content content you gotta post more you gotta post more i said all right all right i'll post more he said no i'm serious he said robert if you do not post more because of the algorithm he got real serious he said robert people might not see your post for another three days i said for real he said for real he said if you don't post enough they might not see your post ever i said oh my god i'm having a nervous breakdown i still hear his voice in my head now time i post more post with the algorithm post more post the algorithm about to lose my mind over an algorithm got awake don't even got a thought to say but i gotta say so hey y'all man it's a day ain't it for an algorithm i'm done i told him look don't get it twisted i want to be relevant i want to get the gospel out i listen to hip-hop i'm off with a tick-tock i want to do it all but i am not gonna die and lose my peace trying to keep up with the algorithm i was not created for an algorithm i was created for god's rhythm and god's rhythm is the one that will keep me in my right mind the sabbath the sabbath the pause is what will help you keep peace in a world that is so chaotic when was the last time you took the time to reflect on your life you cannot audit it if you are in it there must be a cessation a pause to step back and analyze why do i do what i do is this what i need to be doing in this season of my life this is why 2020 jacked all of us up because god made all of us sabbath he made all of us pause and some of you in an in-home shelter place order realize that the devil is not the one destroying your life it's the one you keep looking at in the mirror every single day and when everything was shut down and you couldn't take a trip and you couldn't go anywhere you were forced to look at yourself this is the power of the eye and god rested why did god rest obviously he wasn't tired this is a god who does not get weary he never sleeps he never slumbers so why are you resting i think first of all because he was done he was done he created the world six days created adam and eve looked back at it and said not only is that good it's complete i'm done since i'm done i'm gonna rest any perfectionist in the room can i see your hand perfectionist yeah okay okay let that be the last time you lift up your hair no i'm for real because there's only one perfectionist god is the only perfectionist see you call yourself a perfectionist you're really a control freak god is the only perfectionist and even the perfectionist went that's good i'm done thank god that the only true perfectionist knew that is complete it doesn't get any better thank god he created the world and not you and i we still be waiting on the world right now because is that the right shade of green for the trees and i can't get this sunset right we would still be waiting on the world if we created because perfectionist aka control freaks you got to have your hand in it there's another reason why 2020 jacked you up because you didn't know what to say because you couldn't control it my favorite thing during the pandemic was to watch experts not know what they talked about glasses and everything yes if you're just saying hi it's on the surfaces so keep the surfaces clean next day i'm sorry no not the surfaces it's actually in the air so just hold your breath and uh keep your mask on got you never mind no take it off take it off don't worry man i just wish the whole 2020 somebody would just say yo i don't know i don't know trying to figure stuff out i know matter of fact i quit i resigned somebody else do this cdc call g.o.d i don't know what to god knew how to look at something and say that it's done i love it because even if you're an atheist and you don't attest to the fact that there is a god your biology will tell you that you must stop that's why you go to sleep every night and guess what while you're asleep the world is still things spinning still going on with you things are still working it out because it's not about your control god said i'm done another reason he rested was to take delight in what he made he wasn't just done he had to take delight hold up he created the earth in six days created eve on the sixth day so that means wait a minute on the seventh day when he rested this is adam and eve's first day in a whole new world and what is their responsibility on the first day in a whole new world rest the first thing they did is created beings mustares he told them to be fruitful and multiply but before they could be fruitful and multiply they had to rest to take delight in what god created as if god is saying to us you cannot be fruitful until you first take delight in what i've done you cannot be fruitful in your life unless you have the mindset that takes delight in the things that god has created if you don't take delight you can't be fruitful you'll be busy but you won't be fruitful see it's a problem we have confused busyness for fruitfulness and you think just because you're busy you're fruitful no this is what happens in our culture we have we think that busyness is synonymous with significance that's what whenever you talk to somebody how you doing oh man man i'm just really everybody busy they'll tell you that out of exhaustion or they'll tell it to you braggadociously like hey how's it going oh whole lot yeah about to drop my album next week uh clothesline coming after that uh got six meetings tomorrow i gotta fly to paris this afternoon paris it's the pandemic no texas paris texas but then i'm back this evening uh got my got my book coming out why are they bragging because they think busyness is synonymous with fruitfulness corey ten boone said that if the devil can't make you sin he'll just make you busy and the reason that busyness and sin are synonymous is because both break your connection to god both of them make you stop taking delight in what he's done i can see adam and eve i can see them almost like it's a wedding the first day he said don't don't run out yet just just take the like adam i just made her look at her and he's and lip started quivering they're just staring at each other then they go out and they're perusing the whole food market just looking at all the trees taking delight if you don't take delight you'll start doing things out of duty oh and there's nothing worse than doing something out of duty instead of delight see delight takes discipline oh especially in this culture today this negative frustrated annoyed culture you have to have discipline to take delight because the light is disruptive can i take my time tonight i really feel this thing our culture is so addicted to negativity that you have to be disciplined to have delight we're addicted to you ain't seen one news story yet talking about how the numbers have been going down with the virus why not why not put a ticker tell me how they're going down but when it was going we had numbers right it's going up you're about to die today because we're addicted to it's actually a theory it's called negative news they trying to show you positive stuff if you want to mess up somebody's life just walk in delightful just walk in you want to mess somebody up just be delight delightfulness in this culture is disruptive it have somebody ever had is hit you up like this how negative our culture is this always makes me laugh and i feel like i get this question sometimes a lot of times you ever have somebody hit you up with this nobody asking maybe about a person let's say a person they say hey come here hey come here hey hey come here come here hey hey just between us just between us what you really think about her what you really think about her anybody hit you with all those what you really think about that church you ought to mess somebody up with one of those girls i think she's awesome i think she's incredible you know when i hit you with that what you really think they are trying to get you to tap into that sick insidious negative thing that is in all of us always wants to report the negativity that's why you have to be careful even with people that you love and because you've known them for a long time you know all their flaws and you would do them a disservice to go talk about them to somebody else who hadn't even met them yet and they asked you about them you're like ah let me tell you about her i know her don't hit her with a negative thing be different even if it's one thing you can find delight tell that don't say man they press stink don't tell that tell them say man they're funny oh they gonna make you laugh bro he's hilarious don't tell me his breasts think tell me he's hilarious i might be able to handle the funky breath if i'm gonna laugh people love negativity nobody wants to take delight when you don't take delight you do stuff out of duty and you start making this negative statement i have to do this i have to go to work i have to go work out but as somebody that used to have their legs and can't use them anymore would give anything to go for a run i have to work out i get to work out we say it before every huddle here is social dallas because it's a part of our culture put our hand in the huddle every single service and we say we get to do this and it's cheesy and it feels very pep rally but it isn't necessary for the culture because there's nothing worse than somebody serving the church i have to do this i have to usher oh my goodness please go to somebody else's church if that's your heart i will do it myself putting out a check i have to set up these chairs i will set up the chair myself give me somebody just oh i get to set up this chair somebody gonna sit in this chair and get saved tonight somebody gonna get a sit in this chair tonight and they walked in getting ready to kill themselves but they're going to sit in this chair and they're going to get hope tonight they're going to get life tonight let me make sure this ain't wobbly because i don't want them to fall out and mess up their head then they can't hear the word again to do this they took the light as a matter of fact the fall of man started because the enemy got adam and eve to stop taking delight and what god had done you understand the fall of man you cannot reduce it to eating fruit it's not when they fail i mean it's when they fail but that was the fruit it wasn't actually the fruit that was the fruit i lose some of you it wouldn't if it was chewing an apple or whatever it was if that was the sand chewing would be a sin today it's what preceded eating the fruit it's what the enemy got in their mind and he tries to get into your mind too the enemy got this melody in their mind here's his favorite melody god is not for you and he's keeping something from you that's his favorite melody because once that melody gets lodged in your mind that god is not for you and he is keeping something from you all that is left is for your body to make a movement of disobedience because you say i can't trust him and when they made that movement and sin into the world they looked like the person on the dance floor who came can't get in sync that's what sinned in it got us out of sync with the law of god it got us out of rhythm it was in the garden of eden that this song was produced dance to the beat of your own draw not god's beat do whatever you hear in your head she brings me to my text now that was my intro we read in the ten commandments in deuteronomy the law that was broken the children of israel broke the law adam knee broke the law which makes me believe that the ten commandments although moses got him from the mountaintop they had to be encapsulated within the commandment that god gave in the garden because in order for you to sin law must be established so it didn't happen at mount sinai getting along god already had an order a system for the way his world works because he created you can deny his existence the same way you can say hey i want to put no gas in my car i'm going to use maple syrup you can do that all your own get gas it's a special car i'm putting maple syrup all you want she didn't create the car there's a design speak in the car did i tell you i got a ticket got a ticket two weeks ago i took it two weeks ago on my way to social on my way to social true story i get a ticket on the way to service now let me say this before i tell you about why i got a ticket okay i am a horrible driver okay anybody that has been in the car with me and i hear somebody saying hey man over there in this section shut up um i i'm proud of being a bad driver okay i'm a bad driver because i'm a deep thinker okay there's a lot of sermons that go on and illustrations go on on his head so sometimes i'm driving i'll just blank out and i'll just be thinking of stuff not only that i got a truck i got an aftermarket exhaust in my truck it's a ram truck the exhaust is the is the horn you know on the battlefield in the bible days they thought the the the shofar that was the i feel like i'm doing battle in my truck and you gotta you gotta rev it up a little bit did i just take that scripture out of the context i don't know but deep thinker blank out remember always revving up bad combination true story social dallas time i'm on my way to service 6 p.m service i'm driving i'm thinking about my message and something about me i look in my rearview mirror and i see lights i'm like that can't be for me i'll just keep driving this is a true story i keep driving and the lights are still flashing finally on the intercom pull over the car now oh that is for me i pull over on the side of i-75 oh he was hot he was so mad he came straight to the window he said did you not see me what's wrong with you did you not see me following you for the last five minutes i said officer no sir i did not i said first of all good evening officer i was not aware or cognizant of the fact that you were following me for five minutes as a matter of fact i didn't think that was for me because it's a rarity and oddity that i'm ever pulled over in the first place would you like for me to retrieve my insurance i get real articulate when i get pulled over i get very ridiculous trying to live in this piece i just i'm like very articulate he said i've been following you for three minutes i said i'm so sorry i just i said i'm not i'm a pastor i'm a pastor true story i'm a pastor he literally literally looked in the car at my j's and my sweatshirt he said you're a pastor man i need a collar or something i need something different i said yes sir i promise on pastor said what's the church's name i said social dallas he said social he said where's your church [Applause] um well he said where is it i said granada theater he said granada theater i said um granada theater on greenville avenue i said yes sir he said get out the car get out the car now i'm playing he didn't say that he goes back i'm like all to pass the thing work no he came back with a whole ticket this is my ticket right here hall ticket why does my ticket look like the ten commandments right here gave me a ticket and rightfully so rightfully so i went [Applause] i love the 6pm [Applause] he gave me a ticket rightfully so because hear me i went past the limit i went past the limit yeah you ever seen one of these there's a limit i went past it you understand when you drive past the speed limit sign it is preaching to you that limit sign is communicating something number one is communicating the character and concern for the city that you're in the fact that there is a limit means that the officials in that city met with the department of transportation and understood that for the safety of all drivers there must be a limit for the safety of everybody not only that it communicates the propensity and the disposition of a lot of drivers because void of this limit they know you would be making up songs in your head and making up sermons in your head and they know your car goes beyond 75 and so since they know that propensity is in you and if the sign wasn't there you would go as fast as you want to go they put the sign for the limit it communicates their care and their concern it communicates your propensity to go beyond the limit do you see the power and the commandments that god gave us they're his limits they reveal his character and they reveal your propensity as a fallen humankind to go against it he says don't lie because he is the truth he knows in a tight spot you gonna lie he says don't envy because he is confident and a secure guy and he knows you'll be scrolling on the ground talking about that kids got them a car for mother's day y'all got some flowers what intrigues me about those limits those ten commandments is that nine of them are about morality the sabbath is different the sabbath seems to be about your sanity about your mentality because god is saying first of all it's the only commandment where he says be like me because i rest him but he's also speaking to the fact that left to yourself you will keep going and you won't stop the sabbath is a stop sign so before you crash your life you can stop and look both ways when was the last time you came to a complete stop and looked both way i bet you ain't done it since your driver's ed class i mean a full stop had when you were trying to get your license [Applause] you ain't stopped at a complete stop if you don't stop if you don't break you will break how's your sabbath how's this happen i got to stop because we're going to spend a whole lot of time talking about this but this had to be implemented within the children of israel because don't forget who these people are they were slaves for 400 years 400 years they never got a day off god takes them out of egypt but the process before their rest in the promised land is to get egypt out of them in the wilderness and in order to get egypt out of them they must have limits they must have limits that's why they had to get 10 commandments and even within those limits they had to rest he said i know for 400 years you never got a day off but you got to take a day off if i had time i'd take you to exodus 16. the first time we see the word sabbath read it when you get to the crib exodus 16. you remember what god did he made panera braille fall from the sky read it when you get home every day brad phil from scott manna remember what happened on the sixth day first time you see the word sabbath on the sixth day he gave them twice as much bread because he said on the seventh day i don't want you going out there trying to collect more on the seventh day you must stop you have to rest he even tells him later in the verse if you go out you ain't gonna get nothing and they still went out read when you get to the crib so i'm like whatever i'm grown still went out on the seventh day and there was nothing because god will not bless the fruit of your labor if you are disobedient to his word they were out there on the seventh day and nothing showed up if you don't really read exodus 16 okay you don't want to re-estimate 16 that's cool just go to chick-fil-a today [Applause] i don't even need bible for this chick-fil-a will preach exodus 16 to you 10 billion dollars grossed one of the most lucrative fast food business in the nation and they closed on sunday guess who's open on sunday popeyes is out there [Applause] now papa's getting money but they ain't getting chick-fil-a money see that's the power of being obedient to god you have some semblance of success but you won't really be blessed until you obey his word god says i got a blessing that you ain't got to be ashamed about you ain't got to be embarrassed about you ain't got to sleep with nobody for it you can actually drive in it and have peace you can walk around the house and have joy in it because it is a principle in the law that if you don't rest you don't get the blessing how is your sabbath worshipping join me i think our culture is just like the children of israel the children of israel was such a slave in egypt that they thought that their value hear me please don't miss this they thought their value was connected to their production in slavery in egypt the image of god that was on them was reduced and marred because the egyptians looked at them as equipment and anytime you think that your value is in what you produce you'll keep producing and you won't stop and you'll keep going somewhere like i'm not a slave i'm free i ain't got no pharaoh oh you got a favor you gotta i'll approve you somebody give me your favor real quick can i see your face let me see your favorite real quick louder can i see your favor yeah let me see your favor that's your favorite just call it your phone cause whenever it calls you answer don't it never got a notification you look at it don't you this is what our culture has turned into because of technology the egyptians have the latest technology of their time you can work anywhere now at any moment people have lost their mind you know there was a time before there was a pharaoh what's that though people will text you at two in the morning and be made you didn't get my text homie it was two in the morning they will email you at all times of the night expecting that you have to answer and you do because it's your pharaoh when it calls you answer it won't let you go and you won't let it go you ever forgot your phone you start twitching no we got to turn around we 40 minutes away now turn around man i need it i'm telling you if you don't break you will break we're going to be talking about practical ways all throughout this series of how you can sabbath how you can rest we're not going to get religious with it because sabbath looks different for different people that was a problem with the pharisees they got religious with it and the sabbath became a burden but there has to be a day if you can't start with a day start with a few hours and it's going to look different the sunday can't be my sabbath day i'm working stuff don't come natural you got to study this stuff this is work but tomorrow holla at your boy don't text me you have to have the time to cease do you know your phone the airplane mode you know it works when you're not on an airplane you ought to try it do it for two hours do it for two hours it'll change your life our culture is losing its mind cause we don't know how to sab it some of you can't save it because you're too stimulated it's always stimulated so you never sabbath always sensory overload you just wake up to get a stimulant go to starbucks and they'll offer it to you one extra shot want some crack we got some of that too you want us to add in it yeah yeah yeah put it in there i'm just trying to make it crushing carbs all day to turn into sugar don't work out have a red bull for lunch and then wind down with a glass of wine and watch netflix till you pass out and then wake up in the morning to do it again i wonder why like i don't have any peace i wonder why i don't know how to stop look at what jesus says he says come to me all who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and humble in heart you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light [Music] does that verse make you shout it peaceful i thought it was until i studied it first of all come to me all who are weary lets me know one thing that the weary always runs somewhere if they didn't he wouldn't say come to me so if you're weary i promise you you're running to something some of you is a bottle for some of you as a person and you sit next to him it's kind of awkward well that was samson's problem remember samson we sexualized delilah you know the bible never says they had sex read it when you get to the group he never had sex it was just a place where he laid his head when he was weary and then one day he woke up ball headed with no strength because he found his rest in her lap be careful where you find your rest i don't know who this is for there are people who know your patterns of weariness she studied him she there are people that prey on your weariness and they know yeah she said we don't break up for real but yeah it's been three months and it's friday oh there it is thinking about you people know your patterns of weariness and they know you're gonna come running to them and they'll be smiling but they got scissors in their back pocket he says come to me all who are weary and i will give you rest he says my yoke is easy that's why i stopped shouting do you know what a yolk is yo it was handcuffs no neck cuffs for ox they would put a yoke on their neck to restrict them so remix the verse come to me my handcuffs are gentle you're trying to handcuff me absolutely because they would yoke the weak ox next to the strong ox and because they were yoked together the weak ox would pull from the strength of the stronger ox so yes he's restricted yes he's in a neck cuff but he's connected to somebody that's stronger than him and the person that is stronger than is making sure that because they restricted him they're going in the right path because the ox would go where i wanted to go but as long as i'm connected to the one that's stronger i'll go where i'm supposed to go what are you saying robert i'm saying as long as you are handcuffed to jesus you will find the strength that you need as long as jesus takes you captive god says i have a restriction that will actually bring you rest i told you stop resisting arrest stop resisting his arrest he wants to take you captive so he can set you free and give you the rest you need [Music] stand to your feet jesus is the only person that will take you captive to set you free he is the only person who will put you in handcuffs he's saying thank you so much thank you thank you thank you you're gonna put me in the car too thank you thank you so much you know i don't believe i can make it out there on my own i need you i realize your way is better thank you i'm not gonna resist the rest i'm telling you if you would come under the word of god and the limits he has for your life i promise you you would have the rest that your soul has been longing for but as long as you keep fighting it as long as you keep resisting it you'll never have the rest stop resisting arrest no wonder paul says i am a prisoner of the gospel [Music] he said my yoke is easy my burden you mean i still got a burden yeah because freedom is not doing whatever you want to do freedom is doing what god made and created you to do that's what freedom is why he said moses go tell pharaoh i said let my people go so they can worship me it's not just let them go no just let them go so they can worship freedom is not doing what i want freedom is doing what he made and created me to be i don't know who this is for god told me to tell you stop resisting the rest he's taking you captive so he can set you free if you keep resisting you keep living your life you're going to pass out come to me all who are weary i'm going to ask his be bound us be clothed [Music] if you're in here tonight you'll be so honest to say i know [Music] i've been resisting [Music] i've been fighting what he's been telling me to do and i wonder why i don't have any peace talking to a person that's trying to stay in that relationship that you know god said cut off and you wonder why you feel devalued you wonder why you feel like equipment and you're being used just like the children of israel they're worth it was what they produced what they brought jesus says i have a rest that is not predicated upon what you've done or what you do but on what i have already done for you
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 35,559
Rating: 4.9563026 out of 5
Id: oXf64AvV44w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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