ICLV | Shawn Bolz — Sharing God's Mind | Aug 30th, 2017

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shuri and I and our family we've been in a season that we've our whole life has led up to stuff's culminating over the last couple years that I was I've had prophesies from the time I was 15 that are just now happening right now yeah I've had prophecies from when I was 19 and 20 that that are just we're seeing glimpses of right now and shree also lifelong journey have got her history and God is culminating right now and it's one of the most unique seasons and during this time one of the things that that's happened for me because we have so much diversity in what we do we do ministry we do business I consult business leaders but I also spend time to entertainment industry consulting people entertained ministry but we also do unlike we wear so many hats it's really bizarre like we've so oversee our church it's it's a unique experience that I could never define for quantify for somebody else to help them to do it it's like people ask how did you get into coaching business leaders I'm like I couldn't even tell you I have no idea and I can't take on any new clients it's like I can't even they were just too busy but what we're doing we're really loving but in this season where it's all coming one of my cries of my heart has been to look at wisdom and men in women in the Bible specifically and then also in history who are walking in some measure of wisdom and this whole season started four or five years ago for me where some of the greater stuff started happening that we had promises about just the beginning stages of them and this prophetic gifting hit me with words of knowledge that wasn't just about words of knowledge but it was about all of a sudden I start to experience like where you know I'm standing the same headspace as God we share his mind and I'm gonna talk about the little bit tonight and it's you know as Christians the fact that that Paul can say to us in first Corinthians 2:16 that you have the mind of Christ no one's ever known the mind of God before but you have the mind of Christ the fact that we actually have the same processor that Christ had to process our thoughts our lives our pain our suffering the goodness that happens in life the family we have the same processor as Jesus for our life is one of the most profound thoughts in scripture so profound that the first man who ever cried out for this kind of process was Solomon and God was so pleased because no one had ever thought to ask him for it before like Moses said I wish everyone was prophets and they could all hear you but Solomon actually asked not the word discernment but he asked for this word that actually means can I have your wisdom and counsel the way you process this is the Hebrew word the definition is the way you process and distinguish in your brain I want to know the way you think now when you think about some of the greatest people in history right now that are alive today people are spending millions of dollars to figure out how they think it's true whether it's Bill Gates Warren Buffett whether it's Bono whoever the great thinkers are that people celebrate people are spending millions of dollars to try and replicate their process people spend lots of money to get around them the greatest coaches of our generation because there's a lot of people coaching now people are spending a lot of money to try and figure out like how do how do I get your system how to incorporate you you know like there's this there's this thing where we have the pursuit of not knowledge anymore but actual wisdom and the thing that all of you manage is pursuing we've been given as a free gift but we have to learn how to access now I think my wife sorry if I'm out and about like one of the things we've had to joke about is that I'm a gift giver and so it's like my love languages to give gifts and and all of us have a quality time love language in our family but my daughter Harper is also a gift receiver and giver she'll like come home she's like Dannic I got you the stick I'm like just for I'm like I'm stick what am I gonna do with the stick that's awesome what am I gonna do with this stick I don't know but it's awesome you know she's so excited about it so I buy them stuff all the time where we go well I got the point where she's like they do not need any more toys any more stuffed animals do not buy them a stuffed animal toys buy them clothes or something in huge you know something that they'll you know I'm like okay and it wasn't like a huge extrav expensive stuff I mean they're happy with like this big of a thing you know and she's like no more junk and right now because we're doing our renovation in our house we're living in like 800 square feet so it's there's no room for anything so she's like so I'm out sometimes I'm out like in the airport or I'm not about shopping and I'm like oh Harper Norley this and I hear the in my conscience my wife's was going no we're five years into marriage and I can hear what she would think about most life decisions I can hear the voice of her conscience speaking into mind before I even talk to her sometimes it's great so is that the wisdom and the happiness of the way she thinks has so affected and formed the way that I think sometimes it's the rebuke before I would ever get rebuked to the natural I can hear it in the spirit you know and vice versa and this is just someone I'm in covenant relationship with it's not actually we're sharing the same wavelength we just have gotten to know each other we've just gotten to know each other in a way the only husband and wife to think about God that you're sharing the exact same wavelength you're literally sharing the same mind space 1st Corinthians 2 it's such a beautiful scripture and I just want to read this to you because it's such a crazy scripture of such a crazy thought verse 9 we read last night which is however as it's written though I see no ear has heard no - can see what God has prepared for those who love him but then you go into verse 10 but God has revealed it to us what has not been conceived by all of humanity he's revealed to us by a spirit the spirit searches all things even the deep most innermost thoughts of God God's revealed what he has in plan for a whole generation and for all the individuals to us if we'll just look because we share the mind space with God the same wavelength now I used to see and have prophetic experiences they were mostly visionary and parabolic and something happened about four or five years ago I'm a very more intellectual person or a cerebral person so it's really interesting is that we get a lot of creative visions I'm also creative but I'm not like you know out of all the prophetic types or not the seer type who sees all kinds of things but I have been I've seen things but it's not natural to me it's like it was unnatural but man when I can quantify like wow when I'm reading the bible scriptures highlighted to me have you read that happen for life application you reading the bible all sudden scripture comes alive and I go that's not because you're smart just saying I mean you're not that good you know that's the Holy Spirit working within you revealing a thought of God that can apply to your life from the logos Word of God creating a Rhema from that experience well the same thing is true when you're with getting your roundabout and you're with somebody and you're like I I need to talk to that person I have something in my heart a compassion a movement of God's heart in me for that person that is not normal normal humans don't go I want to go talk to the homeless person they might want to give a dollar to the homeless person but then I'm gonna go talk to the homeless person sym you're like I'm burning for Africa that's not normal I'm burning for this industry it with love for this industry that's not normal the Holy Spirit is inside of you in flaming you with his thoughts and his feelings and his emotions for people groups that you would never have thought of without him and you start to think thoughts and dream dreams for people that it's just unnatural it's supernatural and the Holy Spirit is searching the deepest parts of the mind of God and he's relating them to you now let's go back to Solomon Solomon asked for this gift to discern and have the processor of God over his mind the Greeks thought it was just the word discernment to distinguish between good and evil but if you talk to any Jewish scholar they'll tell you it's way deeper than that it's actually to have the way that God processes and thinks about everything that he asked to have that kind of thinker another one of the theologians relates to Jewish theologians relates it to Daniel 1:17 where it says that these young men were given knowledge and wisdom that was beyond what they could have had in their lifetime and that word knowledge there is this amazing word that when you interpret it from Hebrew there's no other language in in alive that has this word that means divine consciousness we're not talking about a new agent we're talking about God Hebrew term that says God gave these young men divine intelligence or divine consciousness does that interest you at all I mean do you think like maybe you're not thinking with your full brain there's a lot of talk about how we don't use our full brain it's not actually true we use your brain is the only organ in your body that's socially developed so there's neurons firing all through your brain your brains being use but your brains not fully developed unless you are constantly developing it by social interaction and also gaining experience knowledge education these things higher education isn't just the thing that you do just to have a degree it literally wires your brain and creates the neuro networks that creates neuro mapping that creates neurons can fire and go deeper and have deeper thoughts on people have more education more life experience more depth than people who don't because you are socially developed so you want a big map so when you when they've dissected brains of people who are brilliant not just because they're geniuses but they're brilliant they live brilliant lives they can see the pulsating light system in their brains is the most artistic creative well map thing but you can see people who don't have much life experience or small-minded haven't gone very many places haven't done very much with their life and they they don't have much spiring going on and so their neuro map is very small think about the fact that we've been given the mind of Christ what is that doing to our neuro mapping what is that doing to our neurology there's a there's a neurologist named Daniel Siegel and he put out a report several years ago he borrowed some neurology from a man earlier it's in my book if you want to read it this part of it and basically he said that the neurons that wired again or fire together wire together which means when I'm sharing an idea with you that comes alive inside of you your neuron fires off it creates a neuro pathway so your mind has a way to think about something new that it's never thought about before that can create a neuro mapping which means you do become brilliant in the same idea that I have and at the end of our lives that they dissect us we'll have similar or neuro mapping over that issue in our brains and they've said this with Republicans and Democrats they've studied this with different other cultures who have different governmental systems they've studied it with people's religious bull that people who believe in Christianity have a certain neural mapping in their brain that other people don't have tongue sits in a part of your brain in the neurology that they can't even describe what it's doing why do I talk to you about this because that's a reflection of your spiritual mind that when you're sharing fired off thoughts with the Holy Spirit it's changing your internal map of what's available to you the Holy Spirit is creating pathways in your spirit to where you can think at an elevated level we're not talking about new-age elevation or attaining enlightenment we're talking about the fact that the mind of God is already inside of you and he's gonna take you past your capacity past what you're educated for past what you've grown up in poverty or not poverty for whatever it is he's gonna take you past your current opportunity what you could ever create in your own life and he's gonna give you thoughts that are crazy divine intelligence I'm you've probably already done some things that you look at your family and your friends they go I can't believe that work for you like you you're not qualified for that or that's so weird that's so outside your grid you know you know like you you might be an enigma to some of your friends for what you've done for what you've accomplished my friends from high school look at me and go there's no way we don't even understand you there's just no we don't understand this public speaking thing and being a church leader and being on television and being doing all the stuff and your social justice thing and like I mean I sat down with two of my high school friends about seven years ago who weren't Christians and became Christians because I've been faithful so long in Christ and they were looking for the reality of God and they couldn't find that anywhere they tried all kinds of religions and then they were like who was God really real - Sean used to tell stories like God was his best friend that we just hadn't met yet but he felt so God felt so real through Sean that must be like who God is is the Christian God because that's who has been the who we'd had the most real experience with because of Sean so they got saved because of my relationship with God and because I was actually accomplishing things like I believed I would I would tell them my dreams and my visions God's asking me to go to nations and and go to dumps and go to like crazy like third-world countries I'm gonna go to these places and I'm gonna see people like changed and it's not just me social justice it's gonna be Kingdom justice because God wants to resolve these things in her lifetime and they're like why would you ever gonna like a red-light district unless you're gonna go for a prostitute like why would you do that like I'm going because we're gonna rescue the girls you know I'm freaking out telling my unsaved friends this when I'm 18 and I had no idea that reading my reports and my newsletters and they're watching me and they're they're keeping their eyes on me and when they were ready when it was time to harvest they're like that's the only place we've ever seen that God's real and we grew up a Shan and we're not doing anything and he had visions from God and we know he couldn't do it because he was insecure and weird and he's doing it because God's real see as a Christian you're not in charge of your intelligence or your capacity ganas that means that as you fellowship with God and this Holy Spirit not just religious principle but as you get to know his heart I love this scripture as you get to know his heart all of a sudden a different outcome can happen in your lifetime Romans 8:25 and I love the scripture and this is the message version for this particular scripture God knew what he was doing from the very beginning he decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who loved him along the same lines of the life of his son the son stands first in the line of humanity he restored we see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him here's what I love about that is that God had original thoughts and an original design that got deleted but when we look at Jesus we can see how good he is when we look at Jesus we can see a full manifestation of the beauty of God there's an original intention of God for me personally like when I was trying to do healing ministry growing up I didn't really get it I just knew God healed as a gift of healing and I pray for people and I try and manufacture that gift of faith and aha and when I was in Kansas City for years I would do Prayer lines for healing and it was so funny because that one of the pastors came up to me and said Shawn you're so gifted at the prophetic and other things speaking whatever but you're not gifted at healing so stop doing prayer times for healing and I'm like it's part of the Bible and I just had to see people heal but I didn't really understand but all of a sudden something connected in my spirit I don't know 12 years ago or so when I started to see people in their sickness or whatever there was going on their body and then I would start to go God what was your original intention over their body it wasn't this and instead of just trying to activate a gift of healing I'm like touching the place of empathy and compassion of God you had an original purpose and if they had their mobility back their energy back their life back then they could live out your full purpose and that was your intention and I recognized even so the stay it's not my mind that thinks that way God is trying to show us his intention on the earth he's tried through Jesus to show us his original intention when we look at Jesus we see it full restoration in three days he undid all of the fall of man and he restored us not just to an Okie gospel or just enough gospel survival no gospel he restored us to John 10:10 the life that is truly life the abundant life the fullness of what God dreamed of in the first place and unfortunately we have a lot of Christians who are trying to figure out all kinds of things but they're not trying to figure out how to think like God what are your thoughts father over Las Vegas we're so focused on what God's not doing and who God isn't and who man is then we're totally missing it I mean the elections are such a picture of the church being dysfunctional there's like half the people are going Trampas blah and the other half is like Trampas gods you know like it was the craziest period in the world I just like Obama was crazy town but Trump got real crazy town for the church I'm like oh my gosh is anybody asking the Father in heaven what is your intention over a nation regardless of Trump or for Trump or whatever what do you want to do father you know a lot of the racial issues we were like we just need to repent 10 more times in the nation we can never repent too much for the injustice that have gone on but at the same time what does God's plan for civil rights now because he loves civil rights more than we do and you you can become brilliant and his thoughts over social justice and civil rights because he's giving you his mind we have issues to restore that will only be restored by the Spirit of God human trafficking which has become a hot topic which has been going on all along we've just now recognized that as a generation that it's wrong and unjust there's more slaves today than there has been in all history put together today and we're now recognizing it and the only way to resolve that I love all the humanitarian stuff it's so wonderful some of its humanistic some of its not I don't care I just want people saved but the only way to resolve the issue of trafficking as if God imparts his nature into humanity and says enough is enough we've seen them William Wilberforce he goes after a generation and England of slavery and he goes to the uses leverages his position to speak the gospel truth the Gospel message along with God's spirit and intention over slavery and persuades a generation to abolish slavery that wasn't a human effort and it wasn't just a wise man he goes this isn't right we should unify and have all of our nations come together and figure out how to stop this he said this is God's intention this is what we have to do and it was it before and after a moment for his generation because he had the mind of God why did he care about slavery and his generation anyways because he kind of lightened because he he had the divine consciousness of God over an issue can you imagine the types of believers we have on the earth today who are believing things like your best life now and who are believing things like being Purpose Driven by the Spirit of God if they would grab hold of that empowerment with a consciousness of God and change everything you guys are a little excited now [Music] [Applause] Colossians verse or chapter 2 verse 3 says in Christ our hidden all treasures all treasures all treasures of wisdom and knowledge you have his mind and inside of him are hidden all every cure for cancer cure for AIDS care for the family problems in America in the world cure for all the financial restrictions were under and basically in Christ and in what God's already created is everything we need to bring him as reward it's everything we needed to stop injustice a lot of us are worried about global warming that the Earth's gonna dissolve in 20 years then artificial intelligence is gonna rise up but what about the Nephilim who cares about all that stuff in Christ is all wisdom and knowledge that will bypass any conspiracy out there now these words the word for wisdom is called Sophia and it's a knowledge to regulate your relationship with God the world's relationship with God an industry's relationship with God a personal relationship with God it's the the wisdom and the knowledge to know how to relate your industry your world to God and God to your world it's a word of wisdom the same word that's used for the gift of word of wisdom is sophia it's a prophetic insight on how to bring revelation and land it to bring a landing strip to god's will on the earth don't you want a word of wisdom but it's not just a gift that comes like a word like who i get words of wisdom a lot it's actually the ability to think with god through jesus christ you start to see the original wisdom intention of God and you start to figure out like oh here's the gap between where you're at and where we're at on earth and I'm seeing the wisdom of how to close that gap through faith and bring a different result on the earth because it's your original intention result not that result we're getting now over this industry over this place over this thing I just thought that was good knowledge the word for knowledge here is gnosis and I love this because it's an experience or knowledge you cannot get it by experience epi gnosis was the famous Greek word that the philosophers would use that through your life experience and through the culmination of your life design you will understand all things that you will have with all knowledge the New Age gurus of the Greek history would use epignosis but then Paul comes and use the word gnosis and it's the word that says you will experience a downloaded knowledge that you didn't have before it got downloaded and you will know things from heaven and from God's mind and heart that you have no qualifications for and it will stun in all generation this is the same word for word of knowledge as a gift of word of knowledge these words were used in first Corinthians 14 as well when when Paul was saying when you prophesied to an unbeliever the secrets of his heart all of a sudden made plain and he will bend to God and say you know me knowing in a biblical sense and the Old Testament the word knowing which was used many times for sexual relationships and also to know God it's the most intimate form in the Hebrew language of connection we were promised it over and over to know God now many of us we know some people really well we know I know my wife really well know my parents really well I know friends and family very well but there's a longing inside of me and I know inside many of you to say I need to know you God and have a better connection with these I don't even have with them and whenever that comes up and you were like that hungry it's God first he's one who prayed it in John 17 father may they know us and be one with us he prayed it before you're ever hungry for it but to know somebody you know their intentions you know their character you know what their personalities like you know what they like you know what their desiring you know what their vision is our plan for life is if you really know somebody you know them on so many multiple levels and God wants to be known so when Solomon says let me have your processor God's like yes and because you asked for that I'll make you wealthy beyond your dreams every King either came in the known world in Salma's they either came or sent with their ambassadors to come every country around Israel up until this point David was that war with in one generation there was no war Solomon Rice's dad's best friend and says nobody's at war with us because we're too empowered that they if they go to war with us we have so much favor it will cost them too much so they're all coming in sending ambassadors because they want to hear the deliberations of what's happening they all come with tributes they all come to see what God's doing in our nation one generation there was a man of war the next generation there was a man who had the counsel and inside of God that even the Queen of Sheba the most powerful leader besides Solomon comes with a portion of her wealth before she even saw him a portion of her wealth because it would have been disrespectful to not come with a tribute or a gift and brings it to him and tells him get saved I don't know if he realized that the implication is that she believes in the Hebrew God because of Solomon she goes now that I've seen how you deliberate and everything you built I now know that your God's the one when you have the processor of God when you're shearing his mind and his counsel the most wealthy and the most elite of the world are gonna pay attention they're gonna say wait a minute the gospel won't just be a thing to manage the poor all of a sudden people who have judged Christianity for whatever are gonna go wait a minute problems are being solved in the church why are people going after at the Long Island medium and the psychic the Hollywood psychics and all these people why is there psychics on every corner here in Las Vegas because people want the deep counsel we're wired to get supernatural counsel and we're looking for it wherever we can get it until we have a relationship with God we realize it's not just about having an unfiltered supernatural experience it's about you have an original intention and you cannot wait to share it with me you've wired me to know your deep thoughts you've wired me to search your deepest parts of your innermost life and to know doesn't this make you feel like some of your relationship we got a shallow that doesn't mean I'm that God give me more I don't know enough like it the more I get to know God the more I feel like a kindergartner a preschooler I'm like oh my gosh I used to feel real wise I used to feel like I gonna have great arguments I used to feel like I was really good theology now I'm like I don't even know if I believe in half the stuff I used to believe in I'll listen to people who are like let me tell you the secret knowledge let me tell you about the Nephilim that are moving and I'm like going that's it's crap God's love is gonna solve problems in our generation that the enemy is gonna look so small compared to God's love I don't want to even focus on that stuff job job 29 he shouts out he was making a please making a statement and he says I long for the days that are gone by when the lamp of God's shone on me the intimate friendship of God blessed my house and his secrets were in my heart this is before there was spotlights this there was no Hollywood then and they described living and that kind of Fame in favor because of the blessing God that was on his life the friendship of God that was on his life and he lost that and he described in joke 29 what he lost and then he describes in job 30 how he gained it it's a great text to study if you want favor if you want to understand how to how to move God's heart on the earth look at Jobe 30 look at Jobe 29 a lot of us don't worry Joe because we think only desperate people reach out this word for secret here it means intimate consultation in word council pillow talk it's a Hebrew word for pillow talk did you know that the Hebrews had a word for pillow talk all the way back then the friendliest conversation among men a serious consultation among judges wicked men who are debating evil plans deliberation an association of ideas he says I long for when God's the secret of God was upon my house so a joke cried out for he said everything else like his family everything else he lost he was sad for but the thing he missed the most was walking with the council and the secrets of God now picture this if if today you married somebody let's say we're single again our you're single if you married somebody you married the next Bill Gates whether it's man or woman or whatever you marry the next Bill Gates and they have you know thirty two billion dollars and they look at you and they say oh you care about this cause well I will help you and empower you to do it in our generation not just in a small way let's say you marry somebody who's a famous celebrity and you have a dream in your heart and you marry somebody was the most a celebrity in their genre maybe it's a musician you marry the most famous slobbery musician and you just have a musical you want to do in your heart you're like I'd love to do this but all sitting you do on Vegas Strip because of who they are you're like I just have a little dream in my heart it's like a high-schooler dream and they're like the most important person or generation in that genre think about it if you married into the Trump administration your name is Melania you come as a foreigner from the country you just wanted a husband and all of a sudden you're the first lady we are in covenant to God we don't have little highschool dreams we don't have little small-minded efforts we don't have pipe dreams we don't have little little oh I just wish I could do something cool one day we are tied to the king of glory some of us are looking for significance and status for going god man if somebody could just give me if somebody could just empower me if somebody if somebody could just give me a title it's overrated if somebody could just position me for my authority if I get to be mentored by the person in my industry that's the most important person that I can get to I hear it all the time people come down Hollywood they're like if I could just be ministered by Oprah God so I'm the next Oprah I don't know how to get to Oprah I'm like Oprah will not do it for you Oprah's doing it for her that's who she needs to do it for people come to me all the time and they just want they want a sugar daddy they want to tick it in I just learn how to prophesy it if I could just sit under you for a little while what they're saying is I just went in and then you have God who defines it Ephesians 1:17 and I know I said this gesture gonna have to say it again Jesus was given the name above all names authority above every title and position there is he was given the highest equity that there ever was in history and Ephesians 2 said you were seated there with him in that place of authority and some of us because we haven't asked for the interaction the original intentions of the Father we haven't looked into that relationship and said I actually think that means something I actually mean that means that I have massive authority that I need to learn how to steward I don't need to be given authority all authority was given to him and I'm seated there with him I need to learn how to use my authority I need to learn how to use my position you can call me an apostle of your church and it doesn't mean anything because I've been given an authority that's even higher than a position you can give me that I need to learn how to operate in because there's intentions of God that if I touch and in our generation it will be rare and we'll solve life problems we'll solve humanity's problems and that my goal isn't to solve problems my goal is to bring the Dominion of Jesus Christ on the earth but I have asked God like I I remember I was asking about you know civil rights and social justice when the you know it's been so stirred up between especially african-american community and white community I was like God this is your issue show us because white people are being really stupid right now in black people are being really super berated also show us there's a higher way like raise up the next Martin Luther King raise up the next people who can help speaking the issue and I felt like the Lord said do something I'm like I'm I don't know what to do but I know little me can bring my loaves & Fishes to Jesus think and do something with them so I just forgot I'm gonna be aware of the issue I'll be aware of your heart I'm gonna ask you for your attention so I was in one meeting up in the Northeast and I call it a lady just prophesy over and I said was your son manhandled by the police when he was a teenager and appropriately they they used their authority in a wrong way it actually abused him and she said yes start sweeping this african-american woman start sweeping I said then it happened again my name is a older teenager a young adult it happened again where the police targeted him and they abused him again didn't and they got they got in trouble for it but it it did something to his heart didn't and she said yes I said you go home and tell your son that was never God's intention and that these policemen were corrupt they don't represent true Authority and you tell your son he's called to true Authority and they go after true Authority and she's weeping she goes home to her son there's like thirty two years old and he's been trapped in life with some purposeless vision he said purpose depression she tells him this word and something inside of him comes alive and he goes yes and a week later signs up for the police academy which was his dream from the time of his poor but in his heart as an african-american man who've been abused by white police officer said there's no room for me there it's all corrupt it's all unjust but he heard the Lord and the Lord said not all of it's that way this was a wrong representation to steal your destiny I'm like this is crazy you just resolved a person's life is going to be a right representation in that region of authority can imagine if we all start to see God's intentions and resolve spiritually the issues that our cultures are facing that's what Solomon did people came to see see how we'd resolve things because when they listened to him like oh now I know how to do it in my life what have you become that kind of voice to your family and your friends where you just ooze wisdom you can't even help it you're like oh you do that or that they're looking at black and white and you come up with a love option a third option that destroys their whole argument that's what Jesus did he had the third option it was always the love option everyone's like should we stone her or should she be set free so we can stone you and it's like well if you don't have sin go ahead and throw a stone at her and they're like a it because many of the counsel the Father you say the most amazing things that you're not qualified to say let me land this I was on a plane I'm always on a plane and I was landing and I was gonna take an uber to where I was going it wasn't looking forward to it yeah and I had I landed late so I was gonna get really early the next morning an uber to go actually the film dreams and mysteries the show that I'm one of the hosts of and I and I was exhausted as my first time filming with them and I was staying in one part of the town was a 45-minute drive in traffic to get to the other side and I did get really early and they told me and the documents to put that sign please come rest it and we're like I have a four in a two-year-old you don't come rest in and I get in the car there's this man from Africa and the car driving the uber and an immigrant and he he is so nice and I said you know I'm so tired I'm going to film this thing can we stop for coffee and I don't know how to enter into Eber and changed our route and the whole thing I was giving more money just help me and he goes oh no no I'll do it honor you all do it I thought that's sweet of him I mean it sound very Kingdom it was like all honor you I'm like how nice of him and so he pulled way out of the way to go to like coffee and then we get back on the road and and I'm asked him about his life a little bit I'm like hey I didn't want to talk to at all zero but I'm asking hey if so what country you found that I'd been to his country and it was like oh I've been there I love this one restaurant I can't believe you know this this is crazy you know it and and so we start talking for a minute I said hey and I had this weird name I didn't know what it was I don't know his name come to me and it was like it's such a weird name that I was like I don't know if this is gonna be anything but I thought I'll just try we have 30 more minutes in the car either it's gonna be real awkward thirty minutes are good thirty but I don't know and I said hey does this mean anything to you it's and I spelled it out cuz I don't know how to say it and he was how do you know my wife's name ago well you know I'm a Christian and I'm like okay like I didn't know your wife's name I mean I actually really didn't know as your wife and I said I said and and and who is this in this and he said those are my kids his dude do we know each other dude do you know me too like a really long lost friends or something you know and and I said I'm a Christian and I just heard from God that he loves your family more than you do and and he has a plan where you lost her business two years ago and I started getting a word form you lost your business two years ago you're having a hard time and he's been in your marriage and every one of your family on both sides has been divorced because of cheating and infidelity but you've been faithful to your wife and it stood as a testimony to both sides of the family and your wife and you are going even through a hard time but you love each other so much you know you don't have divorce on the table and God is so proud of you for doing that he has an opportunity for you and this has been hard but I'm telling he's gonna turn things because you've given a hundred percent to your family and you're learning who God is he's gonna get more than 100 percent back to you and he's just like he's crying he's shaken like we're on and he this is amazing he starts to tell me his whole life and I became the wisest counselor for 30 minutes I would have paid me to be that like for me I mean I would have it was so awesome I was like there's times you tap into God that you're like this is all so you think I'm the next 20 romance I'm the next Oprah you know like you're just obviously to the wisest person you've ever met and then it all lifted at the end I'm like I'm gonna be paid $3,000 an hour and then left something I'm like I'll be lucky to get 1995 you know when we get out of the car and he's he literally comes over to me and I and I grab him I hug him and I gave him like a big tip and I just said that God you know you've got a hundred percent I want to give you I'm gonna show you that God's in this and there's a breakthrough and he's just like I can't take this you cannot give me money this is the most powerful it's ever happened to me in my life please don't give me money I said please don't not take the money because this is part of the power so he's like he's take cities in my producer comes out of that because we've been going in circles for a while still talking my producer comes out and it's like what's going on and he's like I wish I had my camera this is awesome this is what we want you know and I'm like producers they're all the same I love them how can we exploit this moment and I'm just kidding I'm totally kidding I'm totally kidding his amazing producer I'm just kidding but but I but I'm hugging him and I let him go and I just think I may never see this man again I got a contact if I fall a lot of people but it's not I may never see this man again but we both touched the mind of God together it expanded Who I am to the nature of God to know his thoughts and each time more on neuro spiritual neural pathways create more Maps inside of me so I know how to go further in love for the next person and also for my own circumstances when I know like I'm being faithful to Sheree and my family and I know that everything that was prophesying over him I'm like God you blessed the faithfulness you blessed the decisions like I'm learning God's nature because I'm actively having his nature come through me I'm making decisions to minister to people not for a ministry not to my belt but because I love people and I can feel as love I'm so possessed by it that it changes the quality of love back for me therefore it's not a drain it's not just an output there's an input happening all the time and I just want to pray for you and I want to pray if God gave something to someone in the Bible he's a good father and it's an example of what he wants to give to us and so I look at Daniel 1:17 and I look at Solomon and kings and I go God if you gave them divine consciousness and divine intelligence I have to have that I'm not a very intelligent person without you God but with you we can conquer the universe and I want to pray for your minds right now in a pray of your spirit Holy Spirit search the deepest innermost thoughts of the Father and this may be our first time asking relate those things to us maybe it's just an upgrade we're getting of what we already have what give us our next measure I pray Lord for the gnosis I pray for the Sophia the word of knowledge in the word of wisdom that literally that divine downloads of your heart your mind the way you process God we want to see your your third option where there's only ever two options and all of a sudden you are God and there's a third option you create an option out of thin air because of your wisdom because of your intention Jesus was an option that didn't exist it was all black and white and Jesus who came to the earth as God's original intention who came to the earth and you you created another option and you created salvation a restoration to all things that were lost Lord we don't want to live it'll öhlins of Christianity we want to see your thoughts we don't want to just be prophetic we don't want to just be gifted we want to know you we don't just want to have a Holy Spirit woo this feels good Holy Spirit we need to know the deepest things in the Father for our family for our lives we need to know your original intention we needed to look at you and see cancer was never on your grid poverty was never on your grid divorce was never on your grid we need to be able to see what was on your grid so we can stand and faith for those things that are not as though they are but I pray that you would heal disabilities that are neurological tonight I pray that you would heal learning disabilities I pray that you would heal mental deficiencies I pray that you would heal what drugs and alcohol done to minds I pray that anywhere that our neurology has been stunted or is stopped growing in enlightenment or our neurons aren't firing off or whatever any any remapping that has to take place any dark places from pornography I pray that you at the light us up tonight and our minds and our neurology and our neurobiology God that you would light up our whole system tonight that you would heal our system and reset us tonight even in our brains is a sign of what you want to do in the spirit I've never asked that before God but I ask that over this group of people that you would heal even what drugs did that you would heal even what learning disabilities have felt like that you would heal even what bad trauma has done to our neurology I pray he would heal us right now that we would feel like our mind is getting messed with rewired fizzy Lord that it would feel like so much as firing off at the same time Lord heal what depression does to our neurology heal Lord what the despair has done of our minds heal what betrayal and relationships has done of our neurology right now there's people literally with dyslexia and with with with problems getting healed right now you're just gonna be able to read [Music] gods releasing signposts some of you I'm telling you the drug addiction 1 or the drug use one is a big one I'm not I'm not trying expose anybody but for you if you've done drugs in the past and you're and you know that part of your brain has stunted from it I'm telling you just ask God right now to heal it because he's going to do a miracle a supernatural miracle your memory will come back in detail [Music] and is giving us our mind back as a tool to interact with them Wow [Music]
Channel: International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV)
Views: 74,612
Rating: 4.7954144 out of 5
Keywords: ICLV, Paul Goulet, Las Vegas, Holy Spirit, Prophetic, prophetic worship, Shawn Bolz, Shawn, Bolz, Breakthrough, Encouraging, Discouraged, God, Jesus Christ, Blessed, Bolz Ministries, Christian minister, CBN News Network, Charisma News Network, Faith-links online, TBN, Your Prophetic Journey, Through the Eyes of Love, Prayers, translatinggod.com, Declarations, Prophecies
Id: 5JSAe51-res
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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