Dreams During And After Fasting Pt.3

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in and the whole idea here i say won't you and it's only let me be clear it is only it is only open to those domestic freeport grand bahama only for those here in grand bahama because we're going to want you to come here to the studio to pick it up from us we're giving away uh 10 items but two additional items that we receive from the remelda rose collection our own bahamian fashion designer miss jillian curry williams well she has given uh two bags filled with her stuff to the lucky recipients of these packages so in total we have 12 gifts to give away today this ministry believe in giving we believe in sowing into the lives of others and what better way to end this particular series during these uh this this season than to invest into the lives of others now here is the deal when you call in because you're going to give the number at the end of my teaching and i'm going to be long today at the end of my teaching i'm going to give you the number and again this is just reserved for the residents of freeport grand bahama okay only grand bahama all right when you call in we want you to state uh out of all of the teachings you've ever listened to what was the most impactful one to you just give us a quick uh what it has done for you how has made you see life differently whatever the case may be we'll take your name down write it on your particular package and then at the end of the show at the end of the show we'll be off the air you can come down we'll be here for another 30 minutes outside waiting for you to come to pick up your gift okay so that's how it's gonna work today i'm gonna thank god for all of you my wife is going to be joining me a little later after what i've done with my teaching she should be here by then because she's going to be the one assisting me uh with all of this okay so getting into the teaching today again this is part three this is part three of dreams during and after fasting and i said to you from the onset that the what prompted this was the myriad of emails and uh different you know messages i was getting people saying to me kevin i'm having these crazy dreams uh during the fast and even after the fast and most of the dreams are like evil wicked crazy mix-up dreams why am i having this well for those of you that have been following my teachings for a while you would know the answer to this already hence i always uh reserve december first to the 31st as the end of year fast and any time but in that period you should engage in a fast to clear the spiritual clutter out of your life and to realign you back to your god-ordained destiny all right people say to me kevin all the time kevin why is it for the most part when you interpret dreams they seem to be negative dreams negative interpretation sorry or why do i always have are these dreams that seem always negative well number one that's not my that's not my cause what the dream is revealing to you is showing you the spiritual part of your life and for the most part that would be in the form of symbols so if you're always dreaming about dogs running after you or some kind of animal trying to get you or crazy mad men with with funny hair coming after you or whatever all this represents are the spiritual negative components in your life that is hindering your life but these symbols in reality when they would have been converted they would be like spirit of delay the spirit of setback spirit of rejection i remember one time a person called me and said i'm constantly repeatedly from a child having this dream that whenever i get into to a group of people they would always walk away from me i see myself back in my school uh my primary school which i've been finished with years ago and even when i'm there everyone just leaves the class and i explain to them the dream is just symbolic of the messages as it relates to your life the mere fact that people are always leaving you and remember you're the common denominator you you're not seeing this happening to anybody else in the dream so it's revealing to you a spirit of rejection on your life now i don't know her and she don't know me she starts crying in front of me while i'm beginning to give her these interpretations and then she begins to go on and tell me uh especially in her relationship arena every guy that she dates everything starts off well it goes perfect and although the clear blue no argument no disagreement no bugging ads the fellow just pick up and not just leave but it's done in this mysterious way where the the guy wants absolutely nothing to do with her anymore i mean he's almost like he hates her and she did nothing to him for him to behave that way so the dream was revealing all along the serious spirit of rejection on this lady life not only that remember she said she's having this dream and that she had some dreams where the dream is now placing her the environment of the dream is placing in her primary school now this is a big grown woman she's in her uh mid to early 30s right so she said i'm having these same dreams with this all these people always leaving me but then i'm placed back in my my my school my primary school again any dream that's taking you back to a high school college a former love up apartment form or anything formal or anything in your life that you've already accomplished but the dream is taking you back there again this is just a symbol this is just an action in the dream that's revealing a spirit of setback a spirit of delay so what i would have told her this she now looks at again she's crying even more now she now begins to reveal to me brother kevin every time i put my hand to something i mean it starts off but something break down on the back end and i gotta start all over again like i i could say to myself i want to save 500 between now and january and kevin i'll probably get as far as 450 and i can guarantee you something is gonna break down or go wrong where i have to go spend that money and start all over again so that's what the dream is showing you the symbols just like we said yesterday remember mo abe sorry joseph said listen i had this dream where i saw the sun the moon and the 11 stars bowing to me he didn't know what the dream mean but the interpretation of it and how we go about it is no different than than it is today remember like i said to you yesterday god is going to give you or allow those dreams to happen that will be relative to your workplace to your environment to your family because you know what the specific dream means in terms of the symbols now joseph those were farmers so they would know exactly what the wheat represent what the sun the moon the stars the stars would have been his 11 brothers huh the the greater light the sun is the father and the moon is the uh the mother but again interpretation i want to be clear interpretation comes from god and even though we would have general ideas of what a symbol would mean i always recommend people to allow the holy spirit to give you further insight for example when pharaoh had these two dreams one where the uh malnourished cows were eating the bigger cows and the malnourished corn was eating the bigger corns right they call for joseph to interpret the dream what did he say when pharaoh said to him i hear oh i understand that you interpret dreams he said no i don't want that but no dreams the lord is the lord that gives the knowledge to do it so now when joseph began to interpret his dreams he said well both dreams are the same but they were they repeated itself because this is what god is certainly going to do so let's pull some stuff away from this if you're having a constant dream over and over it speaks of confirmation that this here is surely going to happen that's one reason for it the second reason it could be cautioning you you need to address this immediately meaning there are some dreams you cannot rebuke you cannot cancel only from god though not from this enemy's camp just like in the case of pharaoh in the seven years of famine so joseph began to interpret the dream he says okay for the seven uh malnourished cows that consumed the bigger cows and the seven malnourished corn that uh consumed the bigger coins the lord is showing you that you first of all you're gonna have seven years of prosperity and the prosperity is going to be very good but when you saw the skinnier animals and vegetables or corn or whatever eating the bigger he said that represents famine and it represents seven years of famine so you see how he interpret the seven skinny cows and the seventh corn at seven years now how would you know that how would you what book could be going to say okay let me see seven years let me see seven cows have no so this is where the holy spirit that's what i say to people all the time people run up to me and say hey brother kevin i had this dream man i will throw this at you as if you could just place coins in me and just get an interpretation it doesn't work that way i say all the time people come to me and i am totally lost as to what the dream means then maybe months later i know dreams the understanding came to me six seven months later my own dreams so this is why i tell people if you you you someone claim to be in a dream interpreter or prophet or whatever and they could pop out anything at a moment's notice or are you going to give them money or something you really need to investigate that because remember it is god that gives the interpretation it's god that gives the gifts through his holy spirit it is goddess prophecy and so on so that is key so we told him seven years seven years you're gonna have years of plenty but then they're gonna become seven grievous years and the reason why the bigger corn was he the skinny corn was eating the bigger corn and likewise the skinny cows are eating the bigger cows was because the famine was going to be so egregious so vicious that you won't even remember the seven years of famine but what is so powerful about this well what is so powerful about this is that this all this message this future revelation that has already occurred spiritually is being downloaded to pharaoh someone who doesn't even serve god so my next point to you is that a prophetic dream is not just reserved or dream from god is not just reserved for a believer of jesus christ the bible is littered with men who had who served other gods but god gave them revelation and dreams as it relates to the future pharaoh was one of them nebuchadnezzar many of them so when we begin to get the understanding of dreams and the rules and principles that govern the spiritual realm because that's what the dream is all about is the it is your portal into the spiritual world where you must abide by the rules to operate in that particular world so it's important that you understand that today i want us to deal a lot on symbols today and i want to read two scriptures for you very quickly because i really want to get it because a lot of people say to me kevin i keep having these dreams babies why i keep dreaming about babies one day i had this dream i met this baby in my room and i saw this dream where and a lot of people have this and they think these dreams kevin i saw where i had this dream where this baby i was breastfeeding this baby i'm such a cute beautiful baby and they're all marvel about that they have no idea the evil negative spiritual implications that come behind in fact i'm just going to give you this one before i get into it dreaming about babies well it all depends on the full contents and context of the dream right to determine whether it's a positive or a negative dream or a dream from god or dream from the enemy's camp remember now you must know the rules god is never trying to deceive you god is never trying to pull one on you however the scripture makes it unequivocally clear to us that the devil's job is to kill to steal and to destroy but his greatest one of his greatest weapons which he executed so uh eloquently on eve is the art of not just deception but sowing a seed of doubt when he said uh did god really say uh if you eat of this fruit you will surely die don't you know that if you eat of this fruit you will be just like god so you see how he dresses and and puts in all of this beauties and stuff on it too to make it more alluring to to the person in the book of uh i think first or second uh corinthians 11 verses 13 to 14 14 specifically it says marvel not for even satan is is capable of transforming or changing into an angel of light again if you do not know the rules the principles the laws the ordinances of the scriptures of the spiritual realm then it more than likely you could buy into satan apparent to be an angel of light and giving you information getting you to agree with it only to sow the spiritual seeds that jock your life up physically again the law to this matthew 13 verse 25 this is how satan has the right to invade our dreams it says while man slept his enemies his enemy sorry came and sowed tears among the wheat satan and his cohorts came while he was incapacitated sleeping unconscious of the physical events but satan's planting seeds which the bible described as tears which are curses among the wheat which are blessings already embedded in the dreamer's life so satan walks away because he has already pre-programmed this person for failure when they accepted the dream or never challenge whatever negative stuff that they saw in the dream so they're wondering why is it that i had this bad dream from december 27 2020 all of my plans went downhill the contract that i was sure we were gonna sign on the dotted line everything that could have gone wrong went wrong well it went wrong sir mom because you lack spiritual understanding and the bible is unequivocally clear it says to us in isaiah 4 and 6 it says that my people perish why why are they perishing they are perishing because they don't jump up enough in church no because they don't give enough offering no because they don't die no because what then because they lack spiritual knowledge simple spiritual knowledge is the rules the principles the laws the precepts the commandments and the ordinance that are embedded from genesis to revelation in these 66 individual books all bound up in one book called the holy bible so i keep saying this and i know you're probably annoyed but this is how adam and i am i'm about it that you dis this bond and this god tradition if you are receiving something other than the holy scriptural rules and laws then the only thing you are doing is taking a more elaborate way of circling the same mountain like the children of israel who's according to according to the the the journey from from egypt to israel was he is 11 days if you were to walk it but these guys took 40 years all because why they refused to hearken unto the laws of the lord thy god and observe to do what all his commandments and what is that knowledge so when we do not lack knowledge we perish isaiah 5 13 says that my people are gone into captivity they are incarcerated spiritually and this is the worst position you could be in because when you if you're locked up physically you could see the bars you know you're incarcerated you know you can't get out but the worst imprisonment or incarceration is the spiritual one which you cannot see but because you're not physically restrained you believe you're free but the evidence of this is that when you try to make progress or advancement in your life you see that there are limitations there you see that there are restrictions so the point i'm making here is the restrictions that is happening to you the origin of it is not physical it is coming from the unseen world and because they have not been addressed in that world then you now have to suffer the consequences because like i've been reiterating the spirit world is the parent world to our physical world okay so i want us to quickly jump into uh i want us to jump into judges chapter seven let's go to judges chapter seven we're gonna read from verse nine verse nine to uh to verse fifteen judges chapter seven and we're gonna read from verse nine to verse fifteen okay okay verse nine of judges seven says for the canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it and shall and shall sorry and uh for the canaans and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it and shall environ us around or encompass us around us around us and cut off our name from the earth and what will thou do unto thy great name okay right okay so verse 10 says and the lord said unto joshua get thee up wherefore lies thou thus upon thy face israel at sin and they have also transgressed my covenant which i commanded thee for some reason i think i'm reading the wrong thing here hold on i think i've ah i see what i did wrong not joshua judges i said to myself this don't sound right okay this judges judges chapter seven beginning at voice nine because i'm i'm trying to go ahead in my reading and i'm like this ain't making no sense right okay good now judges chapter seven beginning at verse nine my boo-boo sorry and it came to pass this is verse 9 of judges 7 and it came to pass the same night that the lord said unto him who is him this is gideon arise get thee down onto the house for i have delivered it unto thine hand now remember in the previous chapter god told gideon that the reason why israel was incarcerated like they were under oppression for seven years even though they were in the promised land was as a result of gideon's father france serving an idol as a result of that uh judges judges 6 1 the bible clearly said that god delivered israel into the hand of their enemies for seven years but this was interesting in this story because you would think the entirety of israel was serving this idol when the majority of them more than 90 of them did not know that joshua's father and his friends had an idol of baal serving it in their private quarters or what have you so when the angels of the lord the angel of the lord came to joshua and told him he says hey god is gonna deliver israel but he's gonna use you to do it and joshua said to him he said who me not me and they said to him but you are seen from heaven as a mighty man of valor i want to point this in here because it's very relative to what we're saying joshua dana said to them he says it could not be me because my group or my tribe are the poorest among israel now isn't that interesting the angel is telling him i hear you but i'm telling you how you're viewed based on your destiny we're looking at so clearly uh gideon was in a state that he should not have been in according to heaven's schedule as it relates to his destiny he should have been much greater and much further than where he currently was so this is what happens when spiritual components are involved anchoring you spiritually will automatically cause you never to go forward physically and no amount of money could take you to that job so he says here in verse 10 he says but if thou fear sorry verse 9 and it came to pass the same night that the lord said unto him which is gideon arise get thee down unto the host for i have delivered it into thine hand but if thou fear to go down go thou with fuhrer thy servant hosts down to the whole sorry at verse 11 and thou shalt hear what they say and afterwards shall thine hands be strengthened to go down onto the house then went he which is gideon down with fuhrer his servant unto the outside of the of the armed men that were in the house now god sent him and this guy pharaoh or fear to accompany him into the uh media knights camp but they were hiding gideon and fury god sent them to eavesdrop on their conversation because god wanted gideon to be privy to a dream that one of the soldiers of the media knights had now this is where it becomes interesting once again because we are both excuse me to take note of two two principles here the first one is that what i've shared with you earlier where dreams of the prophetic or future events are already uh conceived spiritually they are not just reserved for people that are of the kingdom of god or people that are righteous or religious as we're about to see god is going to reveal a dream concerning gideon and his victory through his enemy now isn't that interesting god is going to reveal to him future events through the one who is coming to oppose them so you see god is no respected person however god is only living up to another spiritual principle that is uh in i think it's amos amos 3 verse 7 where god says i will do or allow nothing to take place in this earth unless i reveal it to my servants uh the prophet so god is gonna reveal and you you we cannot say how he's going to reveal it we cannot say so god could use anyone anyone okay i remember uh a couple of years ago i was on on some line my wife was with me and this guy walked up to me to get some money he don't know me from adam i was in door no teaching preaching nothing and the man said to me pastor then couple days later another fella who totally different from this fellow walk up to me excuse me pastor you could give me up a little guys any pastor who ordained me is god using this man whom you may look at as nothing to speak to you as it relates to your future see we we cannot limit how the only way you will limit god when you don't know the rules and that's why i keep going back to the rules anyway going back to verse 11 and thou shalt hear what they say and afterwards shall thine hand be strengthened to go down unto the host then went he which is gideon down with fuhrer his servant unto the outside of the armed men that were in the house verse 12 of judges seven and the medianites and the amalekites and all the children of the east lay along in the valley like grasshoppers for multitudes and their camels were without number as the sun by the sea side of multitudes and when gideon was come behold there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow or there was one soldier of this great army telling a dream or narrating a dream that he had to another soldier watch this now he says in verse 13 and when gideon was come now behold there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow and said behold i dreamed a dream and lo a cake of barley bread tumbled into the house of media and came unto a tent and smart it that it fell and overturned it that the tent lay long so you hear what he just said right let me repeat what he said verse 13 and when gideon came now behold there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow soldier and he said behold or look i had this dream and this dream a cake of barley bread tumbled into the horse of the medians this loaf of bread started rolling into the camp of the medians and came onto a tent and it smote it and it fell and overturned and that the tent lay long verse 14 listen and the fellow and his fellow answered and said oh the other soldier said oh boy this is nothing else saved the sword of gideon the son of joash a man of israel for into his hand had god delivered midian and all the hosts now isn't that interesting god use gideon's enemy to reveal the future that is already as far as god is concerned that event has already happened so god says you know what i'm going to do i am going to not give you the dream gideon i am going to give an excerpt of the future that is not panned out physically as yet right but guess how this is going to plan or what i've been telling you for the past two days covenant right when gideon agree when he accept that dream the covenant is already set so guess what whatever god said was going to happen is now going to manifest god getting the cooperation of man whom he gave authority to to manifest his will in the earth did i not tell you that for the past two days so the dream is clear the barley bread represent gideon and his sword and when it hit the tent and the tent was overthrown and smart them and killed him this was gideon taking them down now isn't that interesting isn't that powerful so i'm showing you how powerful dreams are and anyone i've had people who told me you know their particular spiritual leaders tell them that dreams don't exist no more that is days of all and so on and so forth i don't know where these people get these things from i don't know why people insist on redefining scriptures but there's no scripture that tells us that dreams will not be relied upon anymore and many of you listening to me right now who are not even believers of jesus christ you could say right now there are certain dreams that you had that came to pass or you could relate to an event back to a dream that you had this is no hocus pocus or chinese czechos or nothing this is an avenue that god has one of many avenues that god has is using to speak to us i want us to go to uh matthew let's go to matthew matthew chapter two let's go to matthew chapter two and we're gonna read from verse one to verse three then we're gonna drop to verse seven all right so that's matthew chapter 2 beginning at verse 1. and listen what it says now when jesus was born in bethlehem of judah in the days of herod the king behold there came wise men from the east to jerusalem saying where is he that is born king of those four we have seen his star in the east and i come to worship him when herod the king had heard these things he was troubled and all jerusalem with him let's drop down to verse seven now verse seven says then herod when he had privately called the wise men inquired of them diligently that inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared and he sent them to bethlehem who was he herod the king and said go and search diligently for the young child and when you have found him bring me word again that i may come and worship him okay so let's drop down let's drop down to verse 13 okay now remember so far uh these wise men the bible this is so interesting because the bible says in verse one it says that uh now when jesus was born in bethlehem of judah in the days of herod the king behold there came wise men but as you can see in the scriptures not the scriptures put in such as television and so on they always say three wise men i know why they would say that maybe because of the gifts that was presented to jesus i don't know so anyway go ahead going here now to verse 13. now remember here hera told them now listen you all say where the star was the east right okay now this this this between us right now when you find this king jesus fellow now you come back and you tell me now the idea was herod was threatened he figured nobody can be king only kingdom be here gonna be him he wanted to kill jesus but the bible says in verse 13 listen it says and when okay now here we go in verse 12 it says and being warned of god or by god in a dream that they shall not return to herod they departed into their own country and went another way so the bible is telling us that god came to the wise men in a dream and says hey do not go back and tell herod where baby jesus was what if they had discarded their dream what if they had dismissed that dream okay and say herod you know what's interesting about this though clearly i don't know how many wise men it was but let's hypothetically say it was three the bible says here and being warned of god in the dream that they now you might say kevin where are you going with this well apparently let's just say it was three of them three of them had the same dream because the bible is telling us they were wrong it didn't say uh a wise man meaning singular no they however much it was they had a dream that they that were shared among them simultaneously warning all of them however much wise when they were that do not go back so even even if one of them said well i just a crazy dream then when when and tommy obviously he had the same dream and peter had the same dream and kevin but let's take this serious how could all of us have the exact same dream confirmation again many of you live in your household your child had a dream and you had an exact dream confirmation all right so anyway so god warned the wise men in a dream right now let's look at verse 13 and when they were departed beyond the angel of the lord appeared to joseph now now remember god warned the the wise men okay but there was another dream but this was by joseph who was the husband of mary and it says but an angel appeared to joseph in a dream saying arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into egypt and be thou there until i bring the word for herod will seek to destroy the child both scriptures well not both scriptures but the first scripture that i gave you with gideon it shows the kind of unique or unusual symbols that would represent gideon that would represent his sword that would represent his success in defeating the media knights the amalekites and so on this is why when you are given dream symbols they are not exhaustive or they are not limited to because what could mean something to me for example uh a house a host biblically normally represent the life of somebody as well as a tree right that that symbol god could use to someone in india or elsewhere to mean something different to them that will be relative to them this is why i give general symbol definition but they're not limited to to that particular meaning why because like i would have said earlier the holy spirit will now have to give you clarity well kevin why are you saying the holy spirit well i'm saying the holy spirit and i've been saying from day one because he is the one that jesus said would be sent the spirit of truth and his primary goal is to guide us into all truth scripture so this is why you have to say holy spirit what what does this dream mean help me on this people love to call me kevin what you think blah blah blah and i tell them i know kind of what kind of interpreter you are i never tell you guys no you say that i'm just telling you what god give me i give you so we have to rely on the holy spirit so you see the the barley bread wrote all of this god gave the interpretation to he gave the dream and the interpretation to gideon's enemies only for gideon to eavesdrop to say see of gideon i'm even confirming with your enemies that i'm about to shut these people down and i'm going to use you to do it all right now i said to you because i seek time is eluding us i want to go into more symbols i'm going to go back to the baby thing i want to give you more symbols so and again these symbols are not limited to the definitions that i'm giving you these are just general symbols to start you off the holy spirit will give you more elaborate uh understanding as it relates to your specific dream i was talking to you about babies earlier right and i said to you babies depending on whether the contents of the dream is good or bad if it's a good dream babies what is babies a new new birth something being birthed into the world so we'll speak of a new beginning a new opportunity for you when it's a good dream it will always be the baby will represent something positive if it's a negative dream where you see yourself this baby you breastfeeding this baby or all of a sudden you're in a crowd and you see a baby in your hand or you're walking and a baby is you're holding this toddler hand but you don't know you don't know who give it to you or even if someone gave it to you you don't know it well in this case it's a negative dream why because when we think of a baby babies becomes a burden to those who would have had them your expenses are going to increase you got to feed this child all of this is showing the enemy is using something as cute as a baby to deceive you but this is just an evil spirit disguised as a baby remember what is the core thing that the the spirits of that dream are seeking for with the dreamer covered in so if you accept the baby breast feeding the baby you didn't pull it away you didn't say oh i don't notice no you met this baby in your bed and you oh cutie cutie well what you're doing this baby would could represent insanity it could represent delay it could represent frustration whatever the spirit that's pretending to be a baby or masquerading or disguised as a baby all still i hope kevin accept me i hope i have kevin hugged me and kiss me and say oh cutie cutie because your action is now giving the six principles of what i get the sixth principle but i gave you on monday you're coming you're forging agreement remember you and your dream is not the physical you the physical you is asleep your spirit now which represents your body or representing your body it's now coming in agreement your spirit accept that baby and are you coming in agreement with whatever the spirit represent that's massacre reading as that baby well i hope i opened somebody to here so while i'm saying to say lord is this dream from you even if you're not sure father if this dream is from you that i come in agreement with what you want to do with my life if it is not from your lord then i reject this so baby dreams are very very very common dreams but this is one of the most common dreams or symbols that the enemy use to bamboozle this enemy remember when the enemy can do this dude has never come in authentic never coming genuine and even if he give you a little truth like false prophets trust me that's just a small piece to the whole pack of lies that's coming to deceive you just trying to lure you uh uh to bring you in i sent you house a house in a dream represents a person life biblically when we go to matthew 12 verse 43 to 45 and i say this to you all the time those who follow me would know this particular symbol jesus says that when an evil spirit goes out of a person or is cast out it goes into dry places seeking rest right and the bible says that the spirit after cannot find any rest says to itself let me go back to my house hold on back up what house you talking about well the host here is symbolic of the human host host that they were evicted from so the scripture is showing you that a host in a dream represents a person's life now the dream becomes more detailed and specific when the dream is focusing on a specific part of the house whether it's the garage whether it's the bedroom whether it's the bathroom where there is whatever the case may be so what is it telling me now is giving more specific i had a dream i'm in a house or my house that's my house sorry to represent my life but i'm in the bathroom and i'm taking a shower but what does the bathroom represent in reality it is a place where you go to clean up to take a shower use the toilet to excrete to remove impurities from you and to dispose of it so that represents repentance it represents cleansing now look at your life based on the dream boy is there something i need to repent of is there something i need to clean up in my life what is this because that's what the dream is pointing to you had a dream that you're in the quick kitchen and you're in the kitchen and you're preparing something well the kitchen represents preparation so the dream is showing you that you need to prepare for something what about you what a dream you were in your bedroom well what does a bedroom represent well number one it represent a place that is private you don't invite everyone that comes to your home in your bedroom right so the dream is now pointing to something very deep and specific as it relates to something private in your life so here you had this dream and you're sitting on your bed and your whole head worried but you're in your room so the dream is showing that there are some private matters in your life that you are concerned about that needs to be addressed so i'm telling you once you begin to understand the spiritual laws and rules it'll make sense to you trees trees also biblically represents people uh one of the scriptures i can give you right now is uh psalms 1 verses 2 i think it is it says that he shall be like a tree like a tree not a tree it's just using it as a sim symbol excuse me he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it forth is fruit in its season his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he do prosper excuse me so if you're dreaming about trees now once you understand that the tree represent a person life this now makes it more easier to convert all of the other symbols where was this tree planted kevin i saw this dream about this tree and it was planted by a river well wow it speaks of prosperity for you let's go back to the psalms again and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water the dream is showing you that you about to bring forth the fruit that god has ordained for you before the foundation of the world your season for this coming up because the dream is giving you an excerpt a preview or a trailer of the coming events see how beautiful that is that's why i love dreams man i love it and just ask the holy spirit holy spirit give me an understanding someone told me one time they had this dream where they saw this was so interesting they saw uh themselves committing adultery in the dream or having intercourse with another partner well that could mean a number of things all right number one it could also speak on a deeper spiritual plane of spirit husbands i don't have the time to go into that right now for those of you listening to me for the first time go and google it so you can get an understanding but what it is is that even though you're married to someone physically you can remarry a spirit spiritually through marriage in the dream which is the spiritual realm or intercourse with a spirit pretending watch this to be your spouse to be your spouse okay so this you got to look at now one of the main things that it mean adultery in a dream literally speaks of unfaithfulness so while it may not be a spirit husband or nothing on that deep level it's saying that you're unfaithful about something because you're the one that was committing adultery and it's not just limited to you being unfaithful in just physical things you could be unfaithful in your commitment to god so it speaks about spiritual unfaithfulness okay i had people say to me kevin i had a dream and boy lucky i don't know how to tell you this i dream well i was a homosexual and you know i like that you sure anyway no i mean again while in a literal sense if it's a straight dreamer as well as symbolic it could mean that but for the most part it it is speaking on a higher level than just the literal sense of it remember a homosexual a lesbian someone that's attracted to the same sex it speaks of someone who's trying to be something they're not a homosexual behaves like a woman a lesbian behaves like a man so the dream is saying you sir you mom you're not authentic you're not real or you might have dreamt somebody else whom you know to be whom you know to be a straight person but in the dream they were pretending to be gay now while it could be revealing that that's what they really are but they're hiding for the most part is showing you that this person is not an authentic person you really need to be careful of them they're not home or what they appear to be so the dream is giving you more details and again it's only showing you from a spiritual perspective from a spiritual perspective what's really really gonna i want to address this particular sign i was saying i hope i don't forget is when i get in the studio many of you many of you have had dreams about alligators alligators black panthers uh snakes particularly cobra snakes but not just cobra snake this the top one many of you have had dreams or you've seen this big yellow snake or yellow and white snake in a dream and i get numerous emails on these kevin what does that mean but let me be clear to you whenever you have a dream about not just a small like a huge alligator in the dream the yellow and white snake or a yellow snake or black panther well these represent high level sorcerers these are people who are at the top of their game who are the practitioners probably hired by someone sending curses at you so what this means is that this is not your regular sorcery witchcraft these are people who are well skilled so wherever you have a whenever you have a dream where you see a yellow snake or a yet not so a yellow and white snake you talking about top-notch sorcery a black panther in a dream or a large alligator you are talking about heavy spiritual opposition against your life from high forces now that's not just limited to let me be clear now that's not just limited to to whom you may say hey you see the house right there that's the obama trade deal no it's not just limited to that at all this could be someone and especially and i want to be clear whenever you're having these dreams and you're always seeing this particular person nobody else in the dream or this person is always the common denominator then more than likely that's the person whom that snake that alligator or that black panther is representing see the dream is going to cause you to see or to know what you would have never known under normal circumstances it's literally showing you the true nature of a situation an environment or even an individual okay there's some of you who've had dreams you move into a new home a place you just bought sorry or you're on a new apartment or you just started a job but for some reason every time you dream about these places you see people working there but they're not the people the employees that you know on a day-to-day basis the house that you bought you're constantly dreaming about it but you dream where you see other people in here other than you or your family members kevin what does this mean again it's all symbolic this time the dream is showing you that this place that you bought that you work at is showing you the spirits that's literally operating in this place i want you to think about it and that's the reason why you you see these spirits walking they are not the people who actually work there but it's showing you that the people that work here these are the spirits that's operating through them for example let's say you had a dream all right you started a job or whatever or you whatever and just these people are so mean and uh so forward and whatever the case may be they are right okay fine but you keep dreaming about these people who you don't know but the people who you don't know the dream of the same attitude the same behavior as the people on your job it is no different than if you let's say you were you're working to a place and they they fired some employees right but every night you are dreaming about these same employees as if they're still on the job now in your little mind you might say well i guess the dream is showing me they're coming back no no no no no no the first thing you do is characteristic wise these people what are their attitudes and stuff like so let's say you see uh susan susan was fired from the job right but what was susan fired for she was fired for stealing okay now what kind of person she was deceitful right okay so susan who you're seeing in the dream doesn't exist on the job anymore well susan is just representative based on a behavior of the spirit that's still on the job so isn't gone but susan now is gonna find someone else to to use and to manipulate to perform just like how uh uh sorry but when how susan used to behave this spirit is gonna be for be performing this new individual just like how they perform in susan so again this is why the bible says to us according to uh ephesians 6 and 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against uh uh powers of darkness and so on so we have to understand what's really going on spiritually to to address it so these dream symbols that i'm giving i'm just going through them but i have written down here uh because i really want you to be an anchor what does an anchor do an anchor an anchor causes a boat to be in a position for it not to drift off so let's say you had a dream where you saw this anchor but it wasn't attached to you or even if it was attached to you again see this the symbol itself yes it means to keep something stationary or keep it in a certain spot but you're in the dream or you're the one observing it so it's speaking to you it's saying to you your life is anchored and then the reality is true you're not going anywhere you 2016 17 18 19 20 you are no different than years past but the anchor isn't speaking of something spiritual clearly there's no physical anchor that has you held down it is spiritual so if it's not addressed from a spiritual perspective my friend believe me when i tell you you will be going around in circles and and not trying to figure out what's actually this is why i say to you like and i can't i'm putting emphasis on monies cannot remove spiritual anchors sowing seed cannot break spiritual curses those things in fact you are you are multiplying and amplifying your problem when you try to take when you try to take those uh avenues uh to to relieve yourself of it only could be spiritually removed okay uh let me think of another one here now cars cars also represent people's lives okay depending on what the car is what is going on in the dream for example uh i remember when i was going through my go-to i used to have this repeated dream of me in my car but the tie was always flat and it was like i always had to go i had an appointment but by the time i go to put my key in the car i would see the tire flat so the car represent my life and the tire is flat i got to change it right so what is this symbol revealing what is this action revealing a delay i'm not going to be able to meet that appointment so the symbols that are being given to me in the dream kevin you need to now pray against the spirit of delay you're in your car again the car represents you but in the car you're pressing the gas to go forward but the car is going backward what does this mean what does this symbol mean it speaks of backwardness it speaks of every time you try to go forward somehow the equation work out where you're going backward you dream where you're driving you're coming to a stop light you're trying to hold the brakes the brakes wouldn't hold what is it saying it's showing that you have no control of your life you have a dream but in this dream you're not in the driver's seat in fact you're in the passenger seat or the backseat but it's your car so what is the dream showing well whoever's in the driver's seat shows a position of control because it's your car which represents your life now is showing that somebody is controlling your life well i hope i open somebody today yeah i hope i really helping somebody today i remember uh this lady i met years ago she told me about this dream where uh she her mother was driving the car she was sitting behind her mother in the car and her husband was sitting next to her the car was a rare car the mother was speeding in and out in and out the traffic like a mod woman just speeding speeding speeding speeding in and out speeding in and out in and out the traffic so she said what does that mean kevin and i said to her i said what that mean number one the car because it's you and your husband represents your marriage the coward was red it represents passion but watch this though your mother is in the driver's seat which is where your husband's supposed to be so everybody is on a position in here but guess what guess what the dream is showing that's the key your mother is controlling your marriage man listen that lady break down crying like a two-year-old in front of me she crying and she's weeping careful it is true it is true and it's true my mommy is destroying my and they were recently married how would i notice i don't know these people i know nothing of them but the spirit of truth the holy spirit will bring the pieces together when you're relying on the holy spirit all right someone might come with the same dream i know holy spirit give me something totally different with this with that dream with them in particular so you have to look at these things and say okay lord you know what god i mean you could have been speaking to me all throughout my life and i was just ignored i was waiting on a prophet i was waiting on whatever he said to you i read it to you i read to you in uh job 33 verses 14 to 17. god speaks once twice and man understands or perceive it not verse 15 says for he will now come to him in a dream or in a vision of the night okay so this this this i said it i i that's why i gave you the principles and as you know when i teach i don't just shoot stuff at you and give you riddles i support everything that i say with the scriptures not to impress you but to encourage you not really in the bible let me go read that and many of you have told me kevin because you do it that way it has encouraged me to want to read more it is make the bible more exciting to me because i never knew these things were in the bible until the way that you explained them and that's what i want to encourage you to do so that you will now grab ahold of god's word and begin to see what god has been trying to tell you from a very very very very uh long time ago i'm trying to look for some uh more common symbols here uh you've had a dream where you saw yourself with a crown on your head what does that mean kevin well it means authority if you have a crown on your head it means that you you are going to be elevated to a high position but what i want you to be clear on spiritually it has already happened it has already happened for you so the dream is only again revealing or giving an excerpt of uh giving an excerpt of uh of of where you're going now folks i'm ready because we're after one and you know we are here for an hour and a half and i'm waiting on my wife now to assist me with these gifts that we're going to give out so i'm going to continue she should be here in a few minutes so until then i'll just continue i'll just continue uh with these uh different signs and symbols dogs what kevin what does dogs in a dream mean i have a lot of dreams where i have these dogs chasing me demons dogs represents evil spirits but again it all depends on the full contents of the dream but for the most part i'll say more than 80 percent of the time dogs in a dream represent evil spirits now here's the ketchup it is important to take note of the type of dog because it will determine the rank of that particular spirit for example if you saw puppies coming at you and growling at you these are lesser spirits or tormenting spirits this will represent insomnia in your life frustration in your life stuff like that let's say you've had dreams where you saw this german shepherd rottweil or even a vicious pit bull coming after you and biting you or or trying to attack you this now speaks of ancestral listen carefully not not just evil spirits but ancestral spirits now the reason why they're coming viciously at you more than likely you're not lined up with the curses that has been projected for that family but for either you're a christian or trying to do things the right way so these spirits that are responsible for carrying out the uh covenants at that altar that the ancestors made these spirits are trying to get you back in line now they're trying to get you back in line so it's important that you uh take note of these dreams because they're very very detailed and speaking as it relates to your future okay you you have to to take note that my wife is about to come in here right now let me just outfit her let me just outfit her with her mic here oh okay well we're going to take a break for news right now i'm being advised and then once we would have come back then we will carry on with the giveaways okay so i'll see you in a few let's put this [Music] okay folks i know you stood with me so they're just doing a little news break right now okay folks i know you're still watching this so we're just waiting for them to do their news break and then we're gonna get back into the program okay okay all right okay okay there's some red one one right in there okay okay so let me just check on youtube to see who all is on board here okay okay fullness of joy i see you i'm looking at youtube folks right now uh daughter of god i see you i want to thank you guys on youtube for all of the uh chat donation i appreciate that maria c couple i see you be frederick i see you sandra kelly i see you angela atwee i think it is uh jamylah rivera i think it is okay correct me okay uh marcia see again kl tomorrow tyler mary anne okay i see you guys hazel williams i see you uh maureen for you guys going crystal marin and buru i think that is set apart for his glory oh i see you uh teresa tarika sorry i see you jada robinson i see you again we just are killing some time here the studio went into a news break and then we'll just resume um once they get back here and thank you guys for joining you'll see pretty degree right see how beautiful she look over there you all see why all right grace cash uh blessed i see you valerie willow tanya caddy i see you sonia grant good to see you sonia sunny always laughing roger woodbury i see you ts hey i see uh georgia barnes patricia antone shandell swain that's not behemoth to me to wanna martin that's what i'm behaving into alicia m i see you ash oh okay be at his feet see you also uh crowned and beauty listen i appreciate all you guys here on our youtube for your awesome uh support as well as my facebook followers uh shikita dean big time supporter and listen listen um all the way uh where is it now i'm supposed to remember this name uh sonia yes all the radiant oklahoma listen there is one major support family has been awesome to this ministry we thank you for your super support in every way these are people what i love most about them like with everybody else they believe in the scriptures do not come to these people if you do not have the scriptures that's what i love about them i love it this i guess what i'm doing is infectious so i'm happy that you guys are on board also michelle mack elroy i think i pronounced that right all right avery crux cam bell i see you a kell governor i think that is trini ninjax keith jackson the man of the year i see you keith keith jackson okay mary kay all right angela girl and these are names that i'm calling off here from uh uh youtube uh youtube again i need to see everything look beautiful you look nice we're gonna end the show your beautiful wife oh she is trust me oh i love her too angel girl uh martina i see you maria salam i think i'm pronouncing that correctly okay enot benjamin blessed penelope valerie vila my heavenly father is the king lucia daniel khan oh yeah let's listen you guys ain't playing at all okay we got here now let me see if i get some more here mary ann i hear you marianne marianne say what is the meaning of seeing the graveyard dead bodies witchcraft mary and witchcraft the graveyard speaks of graveyard spirits that's a branch of witchcraft where they go into the graveyard and the uh not the practitioner but the practitioner would advise the ones who come and seek solution to go to the graveyard and say at the gate if they could come in and go to a specific grave and to take the dust from that grave and they believe that that dust will represent the spirit of that point which is nonsense they're all evil spirits misleading and lying to these people but in any event the spell that they're going to send at the poison will come through that graveyard dust so the person who's having those dreams they need to really if it's you go on the fast excuse me to break the spirit of witchcraft over your life coming specifically against graveyard spirits and so on and so forth mirrors my people and seeing yourself dancing alone in the dream that's witchcraft so marianne you if you if you if you saw this during the fast or even after the fast then the faz is revealing to you what is spiritually against you okay so if you would have had dreams where you saw your uh with deceased people or having sex in the dream well this which would have broken on the fast and if you had those dreams that i just said and you didn't challenge it then you would have reinstated the evil covenants that you would have broken on the fast so it's important that you that you did that okay so i see here also gina roscoe i see gina alicia azana i think that is then you have daughter of god i see jameson duby nana i see you nana i see nukaya these people i saw them before she said that don't give me no trouble in here let me do my job okay so we have uh georgia barnes we have grayson adams uh listen i'm so happy to have you guys here with us listen i am so happy to have dave here i tell you how much i love this woman i love you know baby i love you too i love you [Laughter] guys just this us all the time you all know you all know you're alone by crazy right so okay i see here what is this casing i think i pronounced that right and i see amy rodriguez gomez i see sade or shot a poetry i see shania strong that sound bohemian i see a smith okay a smith says what does vehicle security mean thank you well if the vehicle represents your life and if you're talking about vehicle security as an alarms and so on then it's like a notifier something is a caution uh about your life it could be something you're involved with someone you're involved with and the security for your life which represents the security card meaning that someone is trying to access or or penetrate that us ringing off to say caution to whomever you have you give or you've invited to your life so you need to be cautious of people around you okay kathy mama regina stevens i see you canelo kenyetta starks tommy williamson reed okay uh let me see and our body is just coming in like crazy and i try to get as much people as possible before we get back on okay i see derek and mouini i think i pronounced it right hershey's dawn nc i see here i see michelle again mcroy isaac isaac i hope i said it right if i didn't please forgive me all right who else do we have here okay okay mimi baker said i am only fast now and i dream i see one of my customers coming through my store with my store window this morning so if you see one of your customers coming through your store windows that means they're coming in your place illegally why didn't okay folks we're back and i'm back here with the illustrious beautiful diedri ewing how did you know i can operate now come on man you look so beautiful today look at this no no listen i'm here with my awesome beautiful wife today deidre ewing and uh and we like i promise you we have planned to give some giveaways today i want to just give a little highlight here to our awesome awesome awesome friend uh uh miss williams with the hope magazine because she's made a major contribution i'm going to put up a new edition of her book in the camera here and i'm listening i'm advising all of those that follow me please please go to amazon and download a copy for yourself the hope magazine miss jillian gia curry williams okay this is a talented talented bohemian artist this is our very own fashion designer and i'm telling you she have some beautiful pieces man the book is filled with a lot of fashion as well as a lot of interesting articles and she's made a contribution of two gifts i don't know who's going to be the blessed not lucky but the blessed winners of them but deidre is here with me to uh to share on that also dj i think i want you to comment just a little bit on the this awesome book by this awesome writer miss keldra pindup now i haven't read the book as yet my wife has read it and i'm going to read it beginning tomorrow i've said it's hard time to start because once i start i'd like to be interrupted but my wife has read it she has highlighted some points keldra has wrote based on what my wife has told me a phenomenal book it has everything to do with the hurricane dorian that has passed and ripped through the bahamas based on what my wife has said she'll give more details on it uh just miss pindersory was very detailed very elaborate very descriptive with her writing and it is a book that we're really pushing for people to go and order it's called the water has come i'm gonna put it here in my camera so you'll be able to see it on youtube and you'll also be able to see it on facebook it's called the water has come by keldra pindo that's k-e-l-d-r-a p-i-n-d-e-r beautiful lady extremely talented bursting at the seams with i mean just a phenomenal way of writing i and my wife is going to speak more so let me turn it over to dj right now to just give some highlights on this book called the water has come and it's an awesome account of hurricane dorian what has done to the bahamas and she gives even more details of it greta and dj yes like kevin said before the book is phenomenal she's a phenomenal woman the book is exceptional and kevin knows for me in order for me to complete any book it must be interesting so sometimes you say hey honey i would like you to read this book so if you see i begin the first page the second page i'll go and say honey you can read this book for me please that means i'm not interested in the book even though the merit in the book may be beneficial to me i'm just not interested but this book i mean is exceptional what i really appreciate about it is it takes you to where the characters were and for those of you who are overseas and may not know much about the hurricane dorian wood is here in the bahamas this book will guide you step by step through what persons experienced before and after hair it teaches you about the entire bahamas it teaches you how to be spiritual it teaches you about faith it is saturated kevin word with scriptures every other page i stop and say oh honey listen to this oh how do you listen to that it talks about witchcraft it has everything in the book it is extremely interesting and it's extremely spiritual and you will learn so much more than just just how awesome god is but the strength that these persons had to endure during the storm prepare yourself you may need a little hanky there to wipe those tears away some of the stories end up being victorious some not so victorious but i encourage you i won't talk much about the book and go in detail because i'm giving away some today and we are going to have miss keldra pinder early next year come and discuss our own books i don't want to steal her show but oh my tongue is on edge but yes we're gonna give away five of these books today to some fortunate persons who this is going to bless tremendously but if you are unfortunate and you don't receive a book today you can go on amazon she has the paperback also it's in kindle and i encourage you please go and purchase the water has come you will not regret it okay that's the water has come again by keller pinder a phenomenal writer and we expect more books to be erupt from her clearly god has given us a gift to pen life's uh ups as well as downs in such a way and based on what you told me also did you say how a lot of what she wrote she tied into people's faith their belief in god even those who may not have been saved right so i think it would be a great testimony and a great convincer for those who are challenged by difficulties again based on what dg has told me keldra has placed it in such a way that even a child could understand this book very descriptive right so i truly and highly recommend for those who would have not been a blessed person to receive one of the five books that she has uh granted us to give away that you will go on amazon and just download the book or even i rather you get the paper back to just keep and they'll probably even bless somebody else yeah or if you want to give it as a blessing to someone it's called the water has come by keldraw pinder now with that said i'm going to give i'm going to give any of that i'm going to give a number now this is only for the local residents of grand baham all right only for the local residents of grand bahama we want you to call the number i'm about to give you but let me lay the rules down first all right okay you're gonna call in okay we have several gifts here we have in total uh it'll be 100 books will be five so we have a total of ten eleven twelve twelve plus five is seventeen gifts plus we have four of these two men the rules and then we have the gifts from ramel the rules okay great we have lots and lots all right so what are we gonna do you're gonna call in i'm gonna give you a number to call it's not dove's number it's a business number you're going to call here on this cell phone and again just for grant bohemian residents just for grant behaviour in the residence okay pick up you're going to call and you're going to come once once you would have gotten your name you're going to write your name on that gif and then you have up until uh no they come at two when we finish you come at two o'clock to come and pick that up so we'll be outside of the waiting on you because your name is going to be on that gift all right and to prove that that's you okay we need your great great grandmother bland paper and your point certificate now for david and all that stuff to prove that yes bring id bring id because we want to give it to the right person okay so when you call what you're gonna do is gonna call and says i'm one of the callers for the gift and then you're going to tell us during our time of teaching here what has inspired you the most in terms of the teaching if there's one thing that you can say what is what make it very quick two minutes two for less than two minutes thirty seconds make it 30 seconds and then we're done with it so the number that you're gonna be calling right now is four three eight seven five nine five four three eight seven five nine five and once you would have start calling in again you're going to state your name and then you're going to say you're calling on the gift whatever you think you're going to stay here okay here we go okay hello hello how are you i'm pretty good uh your name please melissa what's your last name melissa melinda melinda oh melinda rollins sorry sorry i i need to clean up my yes see you see you did you ready to do it okay wait a minute okay sorry forgive me it's actually showing up here i see it okay i don't want to put you on the spot there so so is there anything specific about any of the teachings that has garnered your attention yes but um one of the things that really takes my interest and what my attention is um on other dreams what are dreams and um okay very beautiful beautiful okay melinda well you can calm down after two and two after two and we'll be here with your gift waiting on you okay okay god bless bye-bye okay which one does she want we have to decide to gift certificate okay hello hello they can't even speak up hello you can't hear me okay we can hear you now your name please victoria victoria seymour okay victoria simon get it right she won't be very similar okay so what is it since you've been listening to the show that has garnered your attention or has impacted you okay [Laughter] okay okay all right victoria thank you so much for calling you can come at two o'clock and we'll have your gift here waiting on you thank you very much okay god bless you okay so the number again is four three eight seven five nine five four three eight seven five nine five hello hello good day how are you and your name please cloud we got your name now so we just need to know what has impacted you since listening to the teaching or what has garnered your attention [Music] god is right right wow so the teaching has been very beneficial to you i guess lot of it uh i mean i can't begin to explain and stuff talk it'll take hours to get to save you a lot about the teaching the soul ties right you can just thank you very very much someone is saying that thank you so we'll have your gift here for you after two o'clock you can come and pick it up and i'll be right here waiting on you have your number also okay okay god bless someone is saying that this is the correct number four three eight seven five nine five stanley they have to do one two three okay hello yes this is minister ewing hi how are you pretty good i know my speaking goal cornetto tornado has impacted you about the teachings well with the teachings i i'm really grateful that i actually started um listening to you um especially on monday was really interesting when you were talking about tithing or sewing basically and that was like really mind blowing to me on monday i enjoyed it right and then also like with the dreams and today i spoke about if you just go to someone with a dream and they could like interpret with it right away and and now you give the clarifications that the only the holy spirit right you know kind of interpreting those dreams and that was like really a blessing to me today also because i i have a lot of dreams you know and i also i often go to persons and ask them about it and you know so that clarification today for me was really mind blowing you know and it really gave me a new revelation so i'm very grateful that i been listening to you keeping up with you and you've truly been a blessing to my life thank you very much ms ali and we will have your gift here at two o'clock for you to come and collect okay thank you okay bye-bye bye now this lucky person will be giving a remel the rules hello hi hi you can hear me okay oh someone is trying this is a whatsapp number but a regular call is coming in but the other car wasn't allowed to come through so i have to wait uh the person that's calling on whatsapp could you call the direct line because when the other calls come through it's not allowing me to talk to you okay hello hello hello repeat the number what oh sorry hold on one second for me lakeisha the number that you guys are supposed to be calling is four three eight seven five nine five four three eight seven five nine five sorry that wasn't for you no no no the please okay so miss cochley you gonna tell me what has impacted you about the teachings okay everything i i mean everything from top to bottom you really break down things like you say for from to where a child could understand but mostly what i what i really started to focus on was fasting because before i started listening to you i really didn't know what to really do during fasting and what you need to really focus on certain scriptures um covenant breaking covenant all those things that you broke down piece by piece really helped me and i'm i'm trying to do my end of year fast right now i started doing my environment maybe about three years ago and you know i feel like i'm getting stronger in my spiritual walk i'm starting to see things completely different you know it's really opening my eyes to what really is going on in my life beautiful well miss coakley you can come here after two o'clock or two o'clock and we will have your beautiful gift right here waiting on you okay okay no i give away you don't give it away now guess what what you might have been getting would have been no no real bill okay okay okay all right okay you know what those who are what's up i would advise you not to do that because this is a tablet phone that i have and once you call on what's up but a landline call is made not a line line but a regular call it's gonna shut you out and i cannot get to you so whoever's calling me on what's up please call the regular number hello hello hi how are you i'm pretty good at who am i speaking with um i'm trying to get you up on myself i'm not sure i'm just even the whole lot now and i just enjoy your teaching um from monday night monday night moves every time at the night when you are on i just enjoy your teaching and i enjoy your teaching all the sacrificial giving where these will be giving um sowing seeds right and i thank you so much for bringing my eyes and also you know even with prayer with daniel i just enjoy how you bring it out that's even with the dreams sometimes when we have these dreams you know and i thank god for you and keep up the good work thank you very even when he much him when he was talking about him you know and the value of the drivers and how you know he was able to you know ask one question and to speak you know to god concerning these yes what's the last name again this princess princess being okay we should write it down so you can come at two o'clock to pick it up okay thank you very much god bless you too okay hello you're still there you better be quick if someone call them they can carry you okay someone don't call i'm coming back again okay yeah okay beautiful denise and how has the teachers impacted you oh [Laughter] i love the teaching that you had um thank you very much and you can come by at two o'clock to pick up your gift okay okay thank you okay okay uh hello mom mom i told you please folks if you're gonna call call the regular hard line because if you tell me what's up once a cell phone the self call come i cannot switch to you the call is gonna take it over all uh together so i'm just gonna wait for my life to come back in here to assist me with this but so far we got everybody named down and like i said we're gonna wait until uh two sorry after two o'clock you could come and pick up your stuff my wife and i will be outside of the studios of dove to uh give you to give you your gifts all right so let me take this next call here hello hello how are you doing i'm pretty good mama are you i'm fine who am i speaking to okay maurice says i'm just writing it down on maurice says okay so miss miss says can you tell me which message has impacted you as as you've gotten something important from it yes sir the message that impacted me most was today's okay on just one of the fluent right that also was very very important and also about the dreams i really really enjoy it i was shouting hallelujah and amy i'm an individual it's half dream and you know when you go to certain people and you say man i had this dream and when you tell them about like okay like how you say you dream about a dog right they never really break it down the sale but what size is it the type of well miss anne marie says uh you can come on at two o'clock after the show and you will be ready in the parking lot at dove so you can come and get your gift yes sir okay god bless you so much you're welcome okay folks uh let me write that down okay so folks are still calling in and uh my wife is outside getting those books so i got to do me on her job here right now okay so let me take this next call hello hello good afternoon mom how are you and who am i speaking to joyanne and the last name burroughs okay so miss morris which one of the teachings has been impactful to you okay right and also you're teaching on five things right been really helpful to me and it gives me a clear understanding also about bible verses and different things like the way you break down the bible to right so can i say uh the teachings also has encouraged want to read your bible more now yeah some more like big people like when i read like search shows more understanding and meanings of certain things because we read and we don't completely understand the way you break it down i feel like wow i never knew that she meant that like wow you know right right wow well miss burroughs you can come too to pick up your awesome gift all right okay thank you youtube hello oh man yes ma'am your name ma'am the person who's calling me on what's up you're still holding and you're only holding because the other people are calling via the cell phone for the cell phone and it's overriding your call so let me take this call here hello how are you doing pretty good how are you sir all right right you know right right uh okay okay thank you thank you thank you very much god bless okay can i mom i don't know why you're holding on and what's up another call is coming in and i cannot hear you once this call is coming in hello i'm pretty good mama are you i am good thank you your name please okay my wife is writing that down right now so which one of the teachings has been impactful to you every time i i always listen to people talking about sowing feed on what you're going to get and what you're not going to get but i wish you to say [Music] okay right but i listen to you very clearly about that but i said next time i know better right you know and also about the one the dreams that we were talking about it was really informative about it right i love everything you say about it with all the snakes the dreams right it really opened up my mind about everything that we are going through right make more sense right it makes more sense now right yes sir beautifully it put me now to listen and understand more things than i've ever understand anything beautiful beautiful okay well yes spiderman you could come down at two o'clock to collect your beautiful gift this is all yours okay okay god god bless you hello yeah yeah i'm trying to hi hello hello how are you mom wonderful mr so paul you're calling for your gift hello you can hear me paulo hi my name can can you is give me a name okay there the call come in again hello are you pretty good how am i speaking to him marilyn bridgewater okay marilyn has the teachings impacted your life oh very much sir um mostly about the dream because i normally i'm a dream i normally dream about my dead parents my family that really opened my eyes to a lot of things and there's someone see it too you know when you began to touch on those that say so and see it for husband why right nonsense right okay well you can stop by at two to come and pick up your gift yes yes sir all right thank you okay thank you so much all right hello get the name quick just give me the name quickly give me the name hello good afternoon how you all doing pretty good mama how are you good who am i speaking with robin robin lee vincent this sounds like one of my facebook followers youtube [Music] hi mom quickly with the name please okay great okay great you can come down at two o'clock to pick it up okay on a pendant thank you all right all right okay here we go hello hello yes it is how are you mom and who am i speaking to um charlene ferguson okay and how has the teachers impacted you oh man now every month when you start talking about that and i start following the instructions you giving them scriptures yes ma'am actually the scripture on target but mr ewing only was reiterating it i gotta fix that i gotta fix that no i can put the emphasis on that in the coming year you are absolutely right slow down and slow it down sometimes see i get too excited man okay you can come down at two o'clock to pick up your gift okay okay thank you you're [Music] two welcome okay so we have a total of seven more gifts seven more gifts that number is four three eight seven five nine five ewing okay let me just write that down did you spell the last name for me okay that's almost close to you but anyway we'll go down wow so the teaching has been a blessing to you wow any specific ones well i love them um well i'm thankful that you are being blessed by the teaching so you can come by at two o'clock to pick up your gift okay okay god bless you thank you okay god bless okay folks again the number is four three eight seven five nine five locally you can give us a call right now to get the remaining gifts according to my wife we should have i know four four gifts for more or less yes mom how right so i my thing is if you call wherever you go or attend and you ask for help right my thing is that you're bringing in your tags all the time but when you are there's a need [Music] is right so you would you would agree that the scriptures that i gave and the scriptures you went over they weren't scriptures that i distorted you read the exact thing i read right yeah so i didn't make it up that's godwin right okay so ms roberts you can come down at two to come and pick it up my wife and i will be outside to give you your gift okay oh well uh we're you know what i'll tell you what i'm going to write down your number here because it's showing up on my thing and i'll give you a call others may need to rather okay i'll give you a call when i'm when we're done okay thank you very much no problem at all okay okay so we have how much lefty two two more gifts left two more gifts okay here we go hello pretty good how are you i'm good and your name please okay you got cut off what was the name again okay something happened here okay you can hear me now okay but persons um wow yeah and i did that this year um like you said the lord gives you the date and time how to do it right i followed it and three days after i did for fast i had a dream in a dream i saw uh you know coming out of a tree in my backyard and then as it would launch towards me a line appeared out of nowhere and killed the sleep ah i know you know what that means i was so excited um right and he gave me that dream and after that dream i meant everything that kind of helped me i was very much i was very much uh grateful to the teaching exam and all the scriptures you gave i was able to help others to point out what they have to do but the main thing was that you know go in prayer and let the letter wreck you as to what to do right there's no one-size-fits-all right he's a god of everything so that is why you know you have to hear right okay sir that's my camp you can come by it too to come and pick it up okay okay thank you bless you okay so that's it that's no yeah two more two more gifts okay we got two more gifts guys two more gifts this person when they get but they hearing me hello i'm pretty good on my speaking to curry okay now you have to spell that name for me okay so what has been impactful to your teachings has been very wonderful to me since i've been going too lately uh one of your messages that you preach is like someone loves them always interfering inside your marriage oh i got something for them next year but go ahead gave me friends and everything and even my marriage wow right calling yesterday thank you very much for your message okay well unless carrie you can come and pick up your gear five too okay folks i can't take any more calls my wife is telling me that is it that is it for us i thank god for all of you that has assisted us in this little exercise so you can come now to dove and pick up your gift and that will be it for us until the rules and what has come the rules against the donation of the oh yeah sorry yeah romelda rose collection that is spare headed by miss jillian curry williams thank you so much for these two awesome gifts and i'm sure the recipients of it will be for if sorry i'm sure the recipients of it will be very happy so folks saturday i will be back with my regular show and then we're going to be that's going to be new year right it's going to be the new year and i got a beautiful powerful message for the new year for all of us so when
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 33,499
Rating: 4.924593 out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, dreams and fasting, fasting, dream symbols, dream symbols and their meaning, spiritual world, dream warfare, bible study, deliverance, kevin l a ewing fasting, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, kevin l a ewing, christian youtubers, prayer and fasting, fasting and prayer, the power of fasting, bad dreams, spiritual awakening, evil altars, dreaming, how to study the bible for beginners, unseen world, spirit world, manipulation, generational curses, dream world
Id: OixOpgfuhUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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