Katie Souza Time Travel

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weekend in California Orange County go there median Patricia King and John perks ok battle for the sole conferences Denver in July Chicago is August Tampa's August Virginia's October and then right here in our hometown battle for the soul in December that's part of our television shoot you need to be a part of it you can be on the TV with us it'll be super fun and you'll be able to get miracles and revelation at the same time that's a great deal ok and then don't forget healing your soul is airing on day start at 11:30 p.m. Central and then prison ministry there are new a new book is in progress ok part two of the captivity series it's coming out ok it's getting ready to burst the seams so wow you need to get one and you need to buy one because when you buy one we can give free copies to inmates ok we've given away 300,000 copies and many of that was because of you guys thank you awesome and remember to chat in your questions chat in your questions and also a great big announcement wow we are now part owners of a network called faith USA and it airs and on Channel 269 on Dish Network it's starting on July 6th and we're going to be on every morning and every night 8:30 in the morning Tuesday through Thursday and 10 o'clock at night those are sent those are Eastern Times Tuesday through Thursday so tune in to channel 2 6 9 if you own or have dish cable network amen ok all right so look we're going to talk about time traveling ok that sounds so charismatic Lee crazy but I have a lot of scriptures for it and this is a very important tool it's one of the tools that I walked in to be able to break through problems that I just couldn't get rid of ok a lot of our issues most of the big ones come through bloodline stuff I mean curses and sicknesses and diseases and all kinds of issues that have come upon us in today's world but they had their roots way back in our bloodline it could have been a year ago 10 years ago 100 years ago centuries ago that these things have come upon us and we're battling with cancers and things like that today because of stuff in the bloodline and one of the most effective ways to deal with these issues is to literally have the Spirit of the Lord by the power of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his resurrection take us back to the root of those issues to the origin of problems that happened in our bloodline now when I say take us back I mean take us back I have been taken many times in the spirit to deal with issues in my bloodline that were giving me trouble in the present day and when I went there I literally went I would go many times in the spirit but I have also been taken like the Bible talks about in my physical body I mean Paul said it in Corinthians he said in the body or out of the body I don't know in the body out of the body I don't know but I have ascended into heaven and seeing things that man isn't even allowed to speak on he was taken into heavens and he was he and not even sure if it was just in the spirit or perhaps also in his physical body that seemed so impossible but we are eternal beings we are light beings so it isn't impossible for us to travel to places I mean Ezekiel was taken to the valley of dry bones Paul was taken John was taken up and said he saw a door open in heaven and he was taken up so we can travel literally I have had many times where I've been moving through what it first appeared to be as a dream but I noticed in this quote dream I was touching things I was feeling things I was feeling myself moving past stuff and I go WOW in my mind I'm thinking this seems so real it seems so much more than a dream and so I would actually make myself open my eyes and instead of seeing like the ceiling fan in my bedroom I would see still the place where I was seeing in my quote dream and that happened because God had literally taken me there and almost of the traveling I've done has been to wipe out things that made me sick I remember being attacked once in a meeting in Oklahoma and being so sick while I was doing a pre and and this certain attack was on my throat it would blow up my throat it would make my sinuses blow up it would make me be hardly uh you know unable to speak their the massive amount of throat pain body pain and it had afflicted me all you know many times and I remember feeling like this is enough I'm going to use the tools God's given me to get healed of this and I asked to go to the green room to rest and I laid down and I begin to activate into what I'm teaching you today and God took me back way far back in time even centuries in time to where I saw a person in my bloodline who I knew when I saw them that they were in my bloodline they were being used as a sacrifice in an ungodly idolatrous ceremony and God said right then is when this problem came into your bloodline is afflicting you today and I remember as I stood there watching the scene in front of me I began to decree the power of the cross and the resurrection over and when I came back from that experience I knew it wasn't just some spiritual dream or something I could cocked it in my own mind I knew that I had actually gone to that place and dealt with that issue that was in my bloodline because I was healed and I never had that issue again so that's what we're talking about today look there's so much information to cover with you tonight then I don't even know if I'm going to be able to cover it all and it is very technical I want to talk about science I want to talk about you know supernatural I want to talk about Bible and I don't know if I can fit it all if you can't hear all of it and if we don't have enough time you have to get this product I'm not trying to make you spend money or anything else I'm trying to empower you in this set called in the midst traveling through space and time there's four disks in here and I systematically go through the doctrine scripture scripture scripture science science science and it helps you walk out the whole process of how you can activate into this truth okay and then there's also a soaker in here and there's an additional soaker you can get with it then you can use to help you activate into this so you don't have to be like what do I do I don't even know how to do this okay these are very strong products that will help you do that and again I'm not trying to make you spend money but this is to empower you and also just to let you know that anytime you buy some sort of resource from us it goes directly into our prism industry amen okay so let me see if I can do this because there's so much to cover okay when God began to tell me I was going to have power to travel through space of time he showed me a vision of a DVD player and a DVD player had a stop button a rewind button a foreword button and a play button and I said what are you showing me this for he goes I'm going to give you the power to stop time go forward in time reverse time and then just live normal and on play and I said wow that's amazing and within like a few months this this these visitations started with me amen and you think stop time rewind time that seems impossible yet but then in Joshua 10 Josh will stop time he was right in the middle of this huge battle and he looked up and made this huge face field decree he said son stand still in the midst of heaven moon stay in the valley be agile on and said the son stayed and the moon stayed until Joshua had taken revenge on his enemies so see God empowered Joshua to do what he was telling me I'd be able to do he empowered him to be able to stop time because if the everything stops the no planets revolving him or time is frozen for that moment and there was a reason why so Joshua could take revenge on all of his enemies you see so God gave him the power to do when I'm teaching you to do because he needed more time to defeat his enemies they were on a roll they had momentum going they were killing enemies left and right hail storms were coming down killing more of the enemies with a hail than with the sword and they had a great momentum build up but daylight was running out and if darkness would have hit the battle would have been over for that day and they would have had to start over in the next day but God wanted to take care of the issue that day he wanted all of Joshua's enemies to be defeated so he empowered Joshua with the unknown ting with the authority to stop time now you know the Bible says I think it's in Hebrews that all scripture is for us for our learning even the old scriptures in the Old Testament for our learning and to give us hope I think it's 15 14 or something like that maybe someone can check for me okay so all the scriptures for us to for our learning and to give us hope and for our instruction we can use all examples in scriptures Old Testament and New Testament and we can believe that whatever happened for the Israelites can happen for us amen so when God told me that I began to have these activations and I began to see that God was taking me back to the root of things so that I could pull them out of my bloodline and as I started having these experiences I started be taking back to specific locations and specific times that problems would start and I was like why am I having it to where I'm actually traveling to a location in space at a time and then God began to explain to me some science he said because space and time are literally one see we live in a three-dimensional in three-dimensional space everything around us has height depth and width okay look is look at the three dimensions of spaces coordinates like if you are giving an assignment I want you to find this mysterious plane that's flying somewhere in the sky and I'm going to give you the coordinates to find it I'm going to give you the longitude the latitude and the altitude that's height depth and width okay and I want you to find that plane so you would need those coordinates in order to locate this mysterious plane but then you would need one more thing to be able to find it you would need to know the time those that plane was going to be at those coordinates okay see space and time locations in space and time they are intricately connected you cannot have one without the other we live in a four-dimensional world three in space one of time think about just a simple everyday example if you want to go to lunch with somebody you need the coordinates you need to know what's the address okay it's on the corner of Smith and elm and it's on the second floor okay so now you know the three dimensions of space the location of the restaurant but you need to have one more thing to get to your lunch date successfully you need to know the time it's going to be held okay that's why God was taking me to locations in space and in times that things would happen because those things are intricately involved and entwined in one another okay so when you start to have is patience of God taking you traveling through time and space you're going to go to locations where things happen in your bloodline and you're going to go to the times they happen now see space and time are so connected that physicists call them space-time space-time and space-time is literally like a fabric it's a fabric it's an invisible fabric that is the unifying of these three dimensions of space in the fourth dimension of time see the fabric of space-time is a Reese is a real thing we can't see it with our that exists around us it exists in space it exists everywhere and science has even proven the existence of this thing called the fabric of space-time okay I mean Einstein theorized about it and then NASA actually proved it through the gravity probe B experiments that they were doing they proved that this invisible thing called the fabric of space-time actually exists and the characteristics that this fabric displays is that it gets bent it gets warped it stretches when there are weights put on it when there is masses of planets or other things or on it it will the the fabric of space-time will actually Bend stretch and warp to fit the mass of that object that's coming to contact with it okay so think about like a trampoline a trampoline if you throw if you roll a bowling ball on it you'll see the fabric of the trampoline stretching warping bending to fit the shape of the bowling ball okay that's what the fabric of space-time does now why would I even be preaching this why do we need to know this because the Bible speaks about the fabric of space-time it does let's look at it I hope I got the right oops hold on I got to get my notes here we go this is in isaiah 40:22 listen it says key meaning the Lord sitteth upon the circle of the earth and its habitants therefore are as grasshoppers he stretches out remember the fabric stretches that's one of its characteristics he stretches out the heavens as a curtain what's a curtain made out of fabric see and he spreads them out as a tent to dwell in see right here this is a beautiful description of the fabric of space-time I mean God created it he made it and here he tells us about it in isaiah 40:22 and now scientists nasa has proved the existence of this fabric a love out says he stretches out the curtain the heavens like a curtain curtains are made of fabric and the fabric of space/time it stretches it bands at warp science has already proven this so this is a great description of what I'm talking about now why do we need to know this what does the fabric do well the fabric it divides the two realms the realm that we live in this is the temporal realm where time goes forward only you cannot go back in time in this realm you cannot jump forward in time because time has a consistent beat that it goes by so in this temporal round that we live in time is a constant and it's always moving forward you can't go back in time here in this realm to go get something out of your bloodline you can't uh you can't go jumping to Paris or anything right now without covering the distance it takes to go to Paris and depending on what vehicle you take or what plane you take is how long that's going to take but you can't do that this is a restricted temporal realm that we live in then what happens is here we live down here in this temporal realm and then the fabric of space-time is above us around us and it is causing it's the tent that we dwell in see God says he stretches out the heavens like a curtain spreads them out as a tent to dwell in God has used the fabric of space-time and molded it to create this temporal realm that we live in so we have consistency here that we have order here now above this fabric is God it says God sits over the circle of the earth see he's in the eternal realm now if you were able to access the eternal realm then you'd be able to go back in time to a place when and a time in your bloodline where something's happened your family you'd be able to access anything in the eternal realm is every every region of space every time if you wanted to go back to the 1800s you can instantly be there if you're in the eternal realm you could go I want to go the eighteen hundred's BAM on there okay I want to go to Paris and 1907 BAM you'd be there I mean it hebrews 12:1 2 it says that God is a point of Jesus as air and lawful owner of all things by whom he created the worlds the reaches of space and the ages of I see reaches a space and Ages of time were created by Jesus they go together space-time right and he created them so in heaven or all you have access to all the reaches of space and ages of time amen but down here you don't and the thing that divides God being up there and us being down here is the fabric of space-time he stretches out the heavens as a curtain and he's used that to create a tent for us to dwell in Isaiah 40 okay so we want to travel we want to get to the stuff we can't do it in this temporal realm we have to access the heavens so how do we do that you got to make a hole you got to make a hole in the fabric of space-time so how do you do that guess what you don't Jesus already did he made the hole through the fabric of space-time you remember what happened when Jesus was on the cross it says that when he died on the cross the curtain was the curtain made of fabric the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom see that that curtain Wow Jesus has already pierced through the fabric of space-time it's what us in our Christianese calls open heavens get it these are the open heavens right Jesus has already done him a lot of people will say to me oh I really want to get an open heaven over my life you already have it Christ lives in you the hope of glory he's already torn the curtain from the top to the bottom the top being eternal glory realm where you have access to every region of space an age of time it scored from the top to the bottom the temporal realm where we live now where we're in this limited place where we cannot travel we cannot go back or forward in time we cannot go instantly to Paris or China or someplace else but Jesus has torn the curtain the fabric of space-time from the top they turn around to the bottom the temporal realm and now we if we use our faith and understand that Jesus has already done this for us we can access that we can go up and then you can go back in time and you can get any problem in your life solve this is a powerful tool a powerful tool amen a powerful tool now when you see open heavens in the Bible honestly those open heavens scientifically are God putting a hole in the fabric and then heaven invading through that hole into earth or the people on earth being able to go up into the heavens let's look at a really good example of that okay that's an it's in the chapter in Ezekiel 1 watch this chapter it shows it all this is the most amazing time-traveling chapter ever it shows the fabric of space-time it shows the eternal realm above it it shows the temporal realm below it and it shows what happens when an opening is made and how heaven and all the powers and things in heaven can come through that opening and invade here on earth let's read some of the story not all of it because it's pretty long this is Ezekiel 1 I'm reading from the amplified classic says now when I was this is zekiel in my 13th year in the fourth month in the fifth day of the month and I was in the midst of captivity beside the river Chebar and Babylon the heavens were open the heavens were open and I saw visions of God now that were heavens there is the same word used in Isaiah 40 where it says God stretches out what is the fabric of space/time - it stretches stretches out the heavens like a curtain Wow like a curtain the fabric of space-time so he says the heavens were open so here he's saying there was an opening in the fabric of space-time that separates the eternal realm from the temple realm and then he saw some amazing stuff come through that opening see when an opening happens heaven can come through and invade earth or we on earth can go up through that hole and go into heaven and have access to heaven he said he saw these four living creatures come through it was crazy okay they were amazing looking I mean they had like four faces the face of a man the face of a lion the face of an ox the face of an eagle and they came through this hole and they start moving around with these great wheels within wheels and this amazing extraordinary supernatural experience was happening to Ezekiel now check this out this is what he says as he's observing these four living creatures he goes like this he goes over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament he's saying that here they were on earth now in this temporal realm Wow because they come through this hole from heaven and over their heads there was this firmament what is this firmament it's the fabric of space-time and it says this it was a firmament it looked terrible and awesome dazzling of shining crystal and ice stretched remember where the fabric of space-time does that NASA's proven it that it stretches it warps it bends it says this for a moment made of ice was stretched over the expanse of the sky over the heads of the four living creatures why was it over their heads because he they were once in the eternal realm but when a hole came into the fabric the heavens were open they came through that hole and now they're below the fabric of space-time and they're operating in this temporal realm see and Ezekiel has been given eyes to see I mean it's amazing what he says he says that when the heavens were open he saw visions of God he was able to see all the stuff that we can't see that's really there in the unseen realm like this invisible fabric of space-time okay then check this out he goes on to say this and above the firmament now you see first he said what he saw below the firmament he saw the four living creatures then he describes the permanent above their heads and then he says now above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne in the appearance like a sapphire stone and seated above the likeness of a throne was the likeness with the appearance of a man so now he's seen how this is so I hope you're getting this this is really powerful okay Wow four living creatures came through that hole it came from heaven now they're underneath the firmament he describes them then he describes what the fabric of space-time looks like he calls it a firmament and it looks like advance a stretched expanse of ice and snow and then he describes what he sees above it the eternal realm the throne where God sits he's describing exactly what I'm telling you that's what that's what the fabric does it separates the eternal realm okay where the throne is where God is where heaven is and everything else where we want to go and we can go because what does Jesus did with us down here in this temple realm but when a hole is made and Jesus already made that hole all the powers that are Neven can come here or we can go there like John when he said behold the door open and then he was up in heaven okay there was an opening he said behold the door open there was an opening in the in the firmament in the in the fabric of space-time he was able to go up into heaven you can do it too John was just a man he was just a man he wasn't a supernatural angel or a creature or four living creature or anything else like that he was a man and he went up when there was an opening and Christ has made that opening he said in the curtain in the temple what's a curtain made out of fabric and the curtain in the temple was torn from the top the eternal realm to the bottom the temple room Wow okay this is oh sorry this is pretty impressive stuff chatting if you agree with me I mean the Bible I love the Bible man I love the Bible okay now check this out as I was reading this story right I was like well there must be other stories in the Bible that kind of show this same thing happening how when you know the heavens get stretched and then there's a and then there's an opening how we can go up or the power God can come down and I said show them to me God and he made me read the Ezekiel story again so I read it and I remember I got to this part in this Holy Spirit highlighted this part and this Ezequiel taki said as I look behold as stormy wind came out of the north a great cloud with a fire enveloping it and flashing continually and a brightness was about it and out of the midst of it every say out of the midst there seemed to glow an Amber metal out of the midst of the fire then out of the midst see that's the third time every see out of the midst it came the likeness of four living creatures so remember reading this and going like I wonder why I kept on saying in the midst in the midst events none of them it's done limits like three times so I decided to look it up let's find it because I want to make sure I read it the right way and I've got all these notes so give me one second it means this ready that phrase in the midst in the Hebrew means this this is according to Strong's to sever and go into and through see the four living creatures severed a hole in the fabric and went into and through it to the temporal realm Wow do you know that when Jesus walked on water I said the boat was in the midst of the sea do you know when Jesus was being stoned and they were threatening him because he just preached in the in the synagogue that he was basically the Christ that they were throwing stones I mean and it said that he disappeared in their midst do you know when Jesus appeared in the upper room after he was resurrected from the dead it says that the disciples and we're in the hiding in the upper room for fear of the authorities and he appeared in the midst of them look I'm not trying to make a doctrine out of this phrase in the midst I'm just saying when you look at this phrase which means to sever and go into and through Wow you'll find that some of the biggest miracles in the entire Bible happened and it says in the midst in that phrase like I said I'm not making a doctrine out of it okay but I just want to let's just read some of them remember I just told you about the story in Joshua were the son Stood Still until God until Joshua was able to take revenge on all his enemies it says and the Sun Stood Still in the midst of the heavens remember God stretches out the heavens as a curtain well the heavens that day okay right there was so much power to be able to stop time that the Sun Stood Still in the midst of the heavens Wow now check this out what about when when Moses is up on the mountain remember that story he's up on the mountain and he sees the burning bush let me find the scripture so I can read it to you it says and the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of what space time and and that day I believe heaven the eternal realm came down that hole through that hole into and through that hole and arrived here on earth to meet with Moses now I really believe that because because what would happen what did Moses when it God tell Moses he said um take your shoes off for this place is holy ground was that mountain on Horeb holy ground or was it that it was holy ground because because God's throne actually came down in the midst of that place through an opening in the fabric of space-time and now his throne in his presence was here on earth and that's why Moses had to take off his shoes because it was holy ground the eternal realm was now keator in the temporal realm wow the throne of God amen wow this is amazing now check this out remember the plagues that freed Israel the ten plagues those things came upon the land of Egypt I mean it was kind of a selective plague because the people in Goshen never saw any of the effects of the plague even though they were right next to Egypt it was like wow this Select targeting of God's plagues how did those plagues happen I believe God sent them down through a opening in the fabric through an open heaven into Egypt and and that ended up freeing the people from 400 years of slavery okay now why do I say that listen what it says it says this is in Deuteronomy 4 it says has ever tried to take for himself a nation out of the midst of another nation by trials signs wonders war a mighty hand and an outstretched arm which your Lord God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes see God took them out of the midst of Egypt he opened a hole in the fabric just like how the four living creatures came through they severed through they came out of the midst of the fire out of the midst of the of the Amber cloud right well God came through the midst of this opening in the fabric of space-time and he released the plagues against Egypt okay and that's not all I mean that's just a couple of them you remember when when the Israelites went through the Red Sea what does it say what but now lift up thy rod Moses stretch out that hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea it can be coincidence I'm sorry I'm not making a doctor not in these words in the midst I'm just saying it can't be coincidence that all the major miracles and these are only the beginning I'm going to tell you more happen and here's that phrase in the midst which means to sever and go into and through see each time God severed a hole in the fabric because Christ hadn't done it yet this is in the Old Testament and his power went into and through it and divided the Red Sea and the Israel's went through the midst of the Red Sea and escaped oh my gosh an escaped feral escape certain death escaped going back into slavery wow this is a big deal can now check this out remember when they're crossing over the Jordan to go into the Promised Land you know how they did it it says that all of Israel passed over on dry ground and the priests who brought the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood on firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan until all the nation passed over again Wow okay an opening was made in the fabric all the powers that were in the eternal realm came ma'am I believe it was the ark that created that opening because the ark is Christ and the presence of the Lord and I believe the ark created that opening it ripped a hole in the fabric of space-time and all the power of God actually it said that the water backed up in a huge heap and it went all the way back to Adam a flowing river it was flowing at full speed it was the flood season for the Jordan the Jordan goes from being like 40 feet wide to like a mile and a half wide in that season and it was during that season that this happened that in the midst they crossed over the Jordan and the power that was released when there was an opening made in the fabric of space-time in all the realm of eternity conveyed oh my gosh was so powerful that wow it backed up the water all the way to Adam huh all the way to Adam get it all the way to add them like you can let go in the midst yourself you can walk in the eternal realm because Christ is already torn the fabric of space-time and you could get all the troubles in your bloodline healed all the way back to Adam all the way back to Adam it's a prophetic story but what Christ would do for us today and is already done if we step into it amen even the kids the kids uh the Shadrach Meshach and Abednego it says that they were in the fiery furnace they were thrown in the midst of the fire but then one of the soldiers are said I I see this is in verse 25 in that story in in Daniel 3 it says I see four men walking loose in the midst of the fire and they are not burned but there is one looking like the Son of Man that's in there with them Jesus Christ who ripped the curtain okay here with the curtain in the temple he was in the fire with them and he ripped a hole in the fabric and all the power came down into that fiery furnace all the powers of heaven came in that fiery furnace and they were walking around and that blazing hot fire I mean they said people would be incinerated as soon as they were thrown in it was so hot and he had ordered it to be even hotter than it normally was and they unharmed they were not burned as they were in the midst of that fire wow this is amazing stuff I hope you agree this is super fun super fun now check this help oh I hope we still have time okay we're running out of time now here's the most important part ready people say well this isn't you know something for me because Jesus didn't do it really Jesus did it Jesus traveled back in time to heal people of sicknesses and to deliver them of demonic powers he would travel back to the time someone was sick the place in space the location that where they got sick and the cause that made him sick and pull it out at the root now I'm going to prove that to you right now let's start with mark three listen to the story so here's Jesus it says he went to the synagogue and a man was there who had a withered hand as a result of an accident or a disease and the Pharisees kept watching Jesus closely to see if he would cure him on a Sabbath so that they might get a charge to bring against him then jesus said to the man who had the withered withered hand get up and stand here in the midst Wow he made him stand right in a certain spot why because there was an opening there an opening to the eternal realm so the powers of heaven could come down and heal him okay and then he said this to him stretch forth thine hand and when he did his hand was completely restored while with her hand watch completely restored as the man standing in the myth in the midst now check this out I looked up the words in the story if you look up that phrase stretch forth stretch forth thine hand in the Greek go ahead you can check it in your Strong's okay it has in its sentence structure a greek word called Eck Eck now this word Eck it denotes origin origin where your issues a lot of them come from some origin back in time and space in your bloodline so that were neck denotes origin it means this listen this is a quote from the Strongs the place the time and the cause that an event proceeded out of you see when Jesus told that man stretch forth thine hand as he had him standing there in the midst Jesus was going back to the place the event the withered hand came out of the time that caused him where if he first started to have the withered hand and the cause that caused him to have the withered hand and He healed them right at the root Wow Jesus was the master time traveler he was he came he healed this guy behind him and stand in the midst in the place where there was a an opening in the fabric so that he could have access to eternal realm and then when he said stretched forward that command caused that man to go back to the place his hand was with her the time it got with her than the cause that made it with her and he was totally restored amazing amazing okay now check this out Jesus also did that Wow I hope I can find it for a man it was demon Li possessed Luke 4 it says that Jesus came down to Capernaum the city of Galilee taught them on the Sabbath day then they were astonished at his doctrine for his word was with power and in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean devil and he cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what have we to do with thee Jesus son of Nazareth have you come to destroy us I know they are the Holy One of God and Jesus rebuked him saying hold thy peace and come out of him and when the devil had thrown him in the it's oh he came out of him and hurt him no more Wow here we go again Jesus is doing a deliverance on a guy and and he says caught him and the command is so powerful the demon like is throws the man into the midst into what the opening the fabric is faith hello time okay now check this out this isn't just me all right he said come out come out of him he did that command to the demon guess what that phrase come out is the same exact Greek phrase as the command stretch forth thine hand it has the same Hebrew word Eck in it's phraseology and etymology okay and that word X denotes origin it means the time and place and the cause that an event proceeds out of which means that when Jesus had come out to that devil Jesus was going back in time to the time that Devil came into that man's life or his bloodline to the place that came in and to the cause that enabled it to come in and he kicked that demon right out the route now the command was so powerful the time-travelling power was so powerful it through and says it through that man into the myths and that devil came out and didn't even hurt him while he was thrown right into that opening where the power was being like zapping on him amen and then he was completely delivered and made safe and healed and totally protected Wow from that devil did you hear that Jesus is like healing people and driving out demons through time travel by going back to the place things happen to people the time they happened the people in the cause that allowed it to happen to the people and he's healing them right at the origin right at the root look if Jesus is traveling through time and space I want you to amen I want you to and when I saw this years ago I spent three months in my bedroom locked up eight hours a day studying this stuff and that's when I started walking in this powerfully this is like it's operates in my meetings when people come to my meetings God goes right to the origin he goes back just like Jesus like he did for Jesus he goes to the time things happen the place things happened to people and the cause that made it happen to people and he pulls it right out the root and that's people have metal disappearing from their bodies doing the splits on stage blind eyes with scars over them are being healed I mean crazy diseases are being healed that's why things are being happening like that in my meeting one of the reasons is I carry this realm you can carry too you can carry too did you know that Jesus was so like prophetically moving in being able to operate in the realm of time travel that even before the cross he opened the realm for himself so he could operate in it do you remember what happened to him okay we're going to go a little late today because we started late just let you know maybe what happened when Jesus was being baptized it was the beginning of his ministry he hadn't started his public ministry yet so he's being baptized what happens it says that straightway he went up and out of the water and low heavens were open to him now somebody look up the phone straightway out of that Danyelle go to Matthew 3:16 and look up the word straightway and look up the animals you have it go to like the the right and I in yeah right and then hit one it's Matthew 3:16 go to straightway went up straightway went up I think and I bet you if you go deep into it like two steps into it you'll find that it means in the midst let's check and see if I'm right okay so it says that when he was baptized he went straight way up out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and the Spirit of God descended on him like a dove you see wow Jesus gets baptized it's so powerful rips the heavens open I think that we're there means to like literally means to rip it means like a violent action the heavens were literally ripped open okay and then the Spirit of God descended on him of course because when the heavens are open everything in the turtle realm and the fabric is open everything in the eternal realm can come down through that hole here to this temporal realm or we can go up into the eternal realm and operate up there well in this case Jesus rips the heavens open and the Spirit of God comes down from heaven through that hole and descends on him now how did he do it he did through the power of the cross and resurrection see he's being baptized what does the scripture say in Romans 6 it says that when we go down in death with Christ at the cross when we're baptized and we come up out of the water to new life with him at the resurrection see the baptism represents the cross and the resurrection of Christ so that day Jesus is getting baptized and there's so much power before the cross and the resurrection even happened there's so much power because that symbolized what would happen at the cross and the resurrection and so there was so much power released through the cross and the resurrection even before they happened that it ripped the heavens open see Jesus was a time traveler he was doing see he was traveling to the future at that moment he was taking what hadn't happened yet in the future and bringing it into his now why because he needed to be able to access the heavens the eternal realm to do ministry so he could call say to a guy stretch forth thine hand and that would cause the power to go back to the time that guy's hand got with her the place that got with her the cause it got with her and he'd be healed he needed the open realm he didn't need it we had the cross and after he needed it before the cross so he was time-traveling at that one hopefully with me and all of your understanding I'm saying he was time-traveling before the cross he brought his future into his now so you can do that too you just don't go back in time to get healed of stuff you can also go forward and take what is going to happen what's dude happening for Jesus three years from that moment and bring it into your now do you need the 10 million now to build the building in not in three years if you access the eternal round because you ought because the openings already been made by Jesus you can go forward like Jesus did and get your breakthrough he went forward it took the power of the cross and applied it then in his baptism he went down in death we go down and death with Christ in the cross when we go down in the water we come up from the water new life to him through the resurrection same thing happened that moment three years before the cross and the resurrection he released the power of the cross and resurrection and it was so powerful writ to tour the heavens that they were open his like a tearing a ripping a violent act and then the Holy Spirit came down Wow did you hear I said uh what'd you find she's still looking okay now check this out this isn't me making up stuff you've been baptized into Christ you went down in death with him at the cross you came up to him a new life at the resurrection you have all the power the heavens are already opened over you if you don't think they are it's because your mind is not thinking according to what Christ has already done for you he's already opened the heavens for you now you need to walk in it okay you can release this by just meditating on that you can release us by meditating on stories about Jesus you know appearing in the midst with the disciples in the upper room by him walking on water when the boat was in the midst of the sea by him walking through the midst of people and not getting stoned to death by him saying stretch forth thine hand and come out you can walk in all that meditate on all those scriptures that's what I did I meditated on the truth I meditated on him being baptized right in the heavens being open through the power of the cross and the resurrection now check this out there was another guy who traveled he literally traveled physically in his body from one place to the next when he was baptizing someone who's that Philip remember Philip he runs it that's an acts aid he runs into the Ethiopian eunuch and he starts preaching the gospel to him right and then the Ethiopian eunuch is like they're next to a bunch of water he said oh why shouldn't I be baptized so what happens Philip takes him down and he baptizes them and it says that when he came a straight way up out of the water that Philip was caught away and he was later found it asked host see he actually got he traveled through time and space literally in his body he disappeared me in the Ethiopian eunuch looked around and Phil was gone gone that's some power that is some power how did Philip get all that power he was baptized he was baptizing the e thean ethiopian eunuch into christ when that guy went down in the water the power of the Cross was released when he came back up the power of the Resurrection was released remember when Jesus was on the cross the curtain in the temple the curtain it's made out of fabric fabric space-time the curtain of the temple was ripped from the top you turn around to the bottom the temple room that guy went down in the water the power of the Cross was released he came up all the water the power of the Resurrection was releasing there was so much power it sent philip traveling in his body not just his spirit also I'm just amazed by scripture okay now check this out this is just added fun says that when they came up out of the water Philip and the Ethiopian that's when Philip disappeared that were when they came up you look it up in the Strong's you have to click on the first meaning on that phrase they came up and then you have to click one more time on the etymology and it means this ready in the midst just hand just see okay look we're gonna we're going to do an activation now I don't know if I have time to take questions cuz we've gone really long but let's let's just do an activation right now Carolyn amen amen okay put your hands on your belly and just make these decrees with me say I have been baptized into Christ I went down to death with him at the cross and it came up to new life with him at the resurrection I have the power to travel through time and space Jesus has already opened the heavens for me he tore the curtain the fabric of space-time in the temple from the top to the bottom and I walk in that ow it's mine because of Christ in me the hope of glory I release that power now I release the power of the cross and the resurrection and I decree I'm going to be like the man with a withered hand and like the man possessed by a demon I'm going to go back to the origin of all my problems no matter how far back they are in my bloodline I'm going to go back to the time a sickness or disease came upon my bloodline I'm going to travel to the place a sickness and disease came upon my life and I'm going to travel back to the cause that allowed it to come back it allowed it to come into my life and I'm going to release the cross and the resurrection to destroy it say I'm going in the myths tonight I'm going in the myths tonight I'm going in the midst tonight and I just receive I'm going to pray for you you are going in the midst tonight you have access total access to the cross and the power of the Resurrection you've been baptized into Christ you're walking in an open heaven you already have it you don't need to beg for it it's already yours Jesus did it for you the eternal realm can come through that opening and invade you in this temporal realm you can go up through that opening like John did when he saw a door open in heaven and he went into the throne you can go either way it can come to you or you can go to it and whatever God has for you it's going to happen it's going to happen you're going to travel back to places and times that things started in your bloodline that you've never been able to heal or figure out or get deliverance or breakthrough from you're going to have the victory you're going to move in this operation you're going to be a person that's going in the midst all the time until you solve every single issue on your list all your pain will be gone all your organs will be restored you'll be walking in divine health your finances will load your family will be restored they will walk in divine healing your husband and your your wife will be brought into a relationship with you you're going to succeed in your businesses you're going to make ministry a growth and huge explosion that's going to impact the world you're going to walk in the gifts you're going to walk in your assignment you're going to walk in freedom and victory in the name of Jesus as you travel in the midst tonight in Jesus name I decree it right now Wow thank you lord amen amen thank you God okay now I'm going to take a few questions as we wrap up but but let me first say this listen I've got a new book that just is coming out it's the captivity series to healing your soul it's all about it's all the different secrets that I learned over the years about the healing of the soul all compacted in one book I mean it's information after information school stuff you're going to see walk through it you're gonna be like wow awesome awesome you're gonna be underlining you're going to be marking it's going to be amazing I tell about miracles that have happened your faith is going to grow there's little prayers to say at the end of each chapter you're going to love it you're going to love it you need to like get ready to get your copy men but what I also want you to pray into is starting to donate to the ministry so that we can send these to inmates we have sent 300,000 copies of my first book the captivity series the key to your expected in 300,000 free copies to inmates all over the world and we we estimate very very accurately that two to five people have read each book so we've probably reached about a million five a million and a half inmates already in and out of prison amen okay and we have tests oh yeah my husband's pointing out that we send little cards in there and they fill them out you know did you like this book what happened did you get saved while you read it how are you acting now and a third of them send back that card that they read the book and they got saved through the book Wow okay so that's making major inroads now this new book it's coming out okay well we have big plans we have plans to order 10,000 at a time of a drop if we order 10,000 at a time we can get the cost way down order this like these big books we can get rid of ten thousand and how fast does anybody know Danielle do you know how fast we get rid of ten thousand like I think it's three to four months isn't it yeah like okay like weekend likes and and and that's holding back that's us being cautious because we don't want to run out if we had if we had ten twenty thousand we would be sending them out and I'm sure that we could go through twenty thousand in that same amount of time because I know Jeannie holds back because of our budget but you know right now if you you know I can get each book for the prisoners only I can get a special price if I ordered ten thousand of the prisoner copies I can get them for a buck twenty nine each Wow can you imagine that so if I had like fifteen thousand dollars I could order ten thousand and paying for the shipping and everything to each inmate just pray about sewing into this I mean I you should see the testimonies we get with prisoners I mean the prisoners are having massive miracles like metal coming out of bodies and people healed this one guy had his hip his tailbone broken twice he was walking sideways he had it broken in prison twice he was walking sideways so they the inmates called him Sidewinder Sidewinder and when God was done he straightened out his tailbone and healed it so much that he had no pain and he was walking straight as an arrow as he was walking away from testifying I'm like you're walking straight shake it you know it was like it's so much fun what God is doing in the prisons I mean endless testimonies I could just go on and on a girl who was had cerebral palsy when she was born and had to have her hip replacement and it gave her pain for 14 years but in an instant God heal during our meeting we went into the Texas prison where she's being held and she was jumping down on stage screaming people in the front row were crying it was amazing okay this ministry is really touching people in prison and if you just pray about helping us do that it'd be so amazing if you helped us even if you if you donated a dollar twenty nine right now I could send a free book to an inmate and you know what they pass it around and probably two five even more people okay you can be raising up the next Katie Souza in prison with your dollar twenty nine contribution okay so I just encourage you to pray and ask God if you should sew into this great project we really want to gather up fifteen thousand dollars so we can get our first batch to ten thousand as soon as the manuscript is ready thanks thank you so much now I'm going to take just a few questions we started love about 10 minutes late I think so we'll go another eight minutes so go ahead what kind of questions do I have today yes yes you can tell me all you have to do is take the same precepts that you learned here like meditating and decree in all the scriptures you know about God doing things in the midst like you know Moses on the mountain and the tree was burning in the midst and about you know God sending plagues into the midst of a jumping about the Israel's crossing over the midst of the Red Sea and doing impossible he freed them from slavery and all that he got them into the Promised Land you could be reading the scriptures and meditating on them and putting your friend up into the forefront of your prayer like god you're going to go in the midst of their life so that they can be free of you know their slavery to Egypt you know God you're going to go like Jesus did you know he told that man to stand in the midst who had a withered hand and then what happened when he said stretch forth thine hand Wow Jesus went back in the time the hand was withered the place it was whither and the cause that made it to be with it you can pray that for your friend listen to this stream again and as you're listening and I'm going through each example put your faith on for your friend say that's God you can do that for my friend and just start making those decrees because the Bible said you shall decree a thing and it shall be established I like to pick a chapter like Joshua 10 where the Sun Stood Still in the midst of the heavens until Joshua defeated all his enemies and I play it all night long and I meditate along to it I'm going to sleep the middle of the night I'll wake up and I'll hear and I'll continue to pray and if it's from our friend of mine I'll say it's for them God do it for them I know you're doing it for them and know you are Jesus already ripped the curtain in the temple you already made a hole in the fabric I've got access I'm in I'm in the eternal realm right now on behalf of my friend and you're gonna do great things and you're gonna go back to the origin of all their issues amen okay how about another one Sharon wants to know when you get to that place in time what do you say to the origin okay so Sharon you're gonna really know you're really there a lot a lot of times I'm not this is the be-all-end-all thing but if you get into a dream or something where you actually feel like you're touching things and moving through things you're probably not dreaming you're probably traveling okay so most the time God takes care of it for me like I remember he took me to an old house once and I was going through every to every room and I was opening the doors and they were very dark in the each room full of demons and it probably represented a part of my soul is what I felt now it opened the doors and then the spirit of prompt me a lot of times you'll get help it's not like you have to do everything perfect you know that the spirit Lord will help you through these encounters I would just say in the name of Jesus the blood and the resurrection power and the room would clear out so if you can't remember anything else but this is when you finally get to that destination because it might take you a while to travel there I once spent a whole day going to a place and another day coming back and it was very interesting let me tell you it was very exciting and I was healed physically or something but when I got there and saw the root of what was the cause of it was a murder in my in my family bloodline I released the power of the cross and the resurrection into that place and then I got to go back so if you just remember one thing it's that you're carrying Jesus you got baptized in Him by the cross and the resurrection release what you have into that situation and it will wipe it out completely wipe it out we only have a few more minutes okay what else do we got Danielle so the the steps when you find out what happens do you go into repentance and apply Dunamis and is there more or is it just okay yeah Daniels saying is it just the two steps you reply the blood and the Dunamis do you repent do you do all that you know you're in an activation and if things are moving and it's so much easier it's not like you have to sit there and repent for 20 minutes or or anything else like that just just release the power of the Cross and the power of resurrection Dunamis power into that place and and honestly it should be sufficient if you find yourself lingering in that spot you could still just be meditating worshiping saying God worst view I thank you for the power of the cross being released now like I honor you god I thank you for the power Dunamis power resident the resurrection Dunamis power being released I I praise you Jesus you can just stay in that attitude of you know praise and worship until you feel it lift or until God if you're seeing the activation you can just move on into something else because a lot of time you see it sometimes you won't you'll just feel the unction of what's happening inside yourself and you'll know you're doing something that you're there just stay in that attitude of worship and releasing the cross and Dunamis power and you're going to get it see when you go to the root it takes so it's it's it's a lot faster because you're right there at the root you're not having to throw something at it from you know centuries away or something you're right there so it should go very quickly you shouldn't have to stay in that place long but if you feel you have to linger I would just worship worship and praise God and thank him okay so many times I just go in spirit and there's been three times I believe where I was taking in my physical body now here's the thing where we're eternal people this is very complex and I don't want to say it without a lot of biblical foundation but you know Paul said in the body or out of the body I do not know in the body or out of the body I do not know okay so this is a mystery of God I we are able since we're eternal beings it says that were seated in heavenly realms with Christ so believe it or not while I'm sitting right here in front of you I'm also in heaven okay I can by locate okay now I think I'm there in my spirit all the time but I think there's also times when we go up in our physical body you know the the one scripture with John he saw a door open to heaven they said come up here and bam he was up I believe he might have been taking this physical body we don't know for sure okay but we're able to by locating you think even your physical body well yes and do I have time to explain that it's all about light waves we are we are beings made out of light light waves they have now proven that a light wave can go from a solid photon to a wave back to solid photon now we're made of light we're the light of Christ the light of Christ lives in us okay so I think we can go from a solid photon meaning a solid body to a light wave so we can travel back to a solid photon which is solid mass than our body is in so now can I prove that and do I have a scripture for that no and I hate to teach on anything I don't have a scripture on but that is my theory only but it is backed up with science because they have proven that photons which are solid mass turn into a wave and turn back to a photon so it has been proven scientifically but I still need to find my scripture for it so that's my best explanation for you at this moment until I find further information okay what else do we have one last okay one last okay can you go back and get generational diction's is the question you can go back and get anything look if Jesus can go back in time to the place where our guy had a wither hand coming to his family line and a demon and another guy having a demon coming silent you go back and get curses and addictions and divorce things that are you know running the family cancers that runs out you go back get anything you're going back to the root of whatever the issue is and you're pulling it out at the root just like Jesus did Jesus did this otherwise I wouldn't be preaching it amen okay there we are okay amen everybody I hope you really enjoyed today and you learned a lot I know it's a super lot of information that's why again while I encourage you to get this I'm not trying to make you spend money but this is really if you listen to this over and over again in the midst you're going to get it and you're going to walk in and you're going to operate it in it and even have soakers to go along with it to help you catapult you into that activation okay and then oh and then you can download what oh you can download the mp3 is too if you don't want to buy the hard copies just go to our site expect Katie Souza dot-com or Katy Susan ministries.com excuse me and you can download mp3s okay let's put a cover on the camera you ready for that and we love you guys we'll see you next month okay bye bye
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 24,117
Rating: 4.8372593 out of 5
Id: X-7BLyAsBcY
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Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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