Dream SMP Ep. 4

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well the options I could do some speedruns or we could go and plan survival or we could do another manhunt or something we have a survival server for those of you who are on this stream but missed my previous streams the last couple days we started a survival where we're just playing on the newest snapshot of the nether snapshot so we have three options option number one is I do some speedruns and try and beat aluminous record which I probably won't do this stream but I could try or number two we play another manhunt or number three we play survival so guys put that in chat one two three three survival - is manhunt one is speedrun one two three three survival - is manhunt one his speedrun Ria's survival to his manhunt one his speedrun put in chat are you doing a bad quits it's easier lots of lots of twos lots of three how many ones some ones though what was one be done no one wants to watch a speedrun journey quite a lot of threes but a lot there's decent amount of two's with it spread a lot of threes just survival manhunt starting in the nether 1.16 I guess there's another option in other options we could play on a server or something I don't think want that let's change the title shy just do survival them day survival all right well it's kind of hard to determine in the chat you can't really see anyway um all right well you want to hop on survival then George or now what are you doing that's pretty good once rival the Bible yeah okay put it on yes Oh restart my client then let's go survival change the title survival on the newest snapshot minecraft survival it with snapshot there we go everyone make sure to follow if you're here make sure to click that follow button oh wait what are we all not different version now is there any snapshot is there 18 I thought it was 17 last time no it's 18 it might have been 17 make a difference oh yeah it's every Wednesday is today Wednesday oh yeah it's a new snapshot everyone's day they come up with a new snapshot okay are we going on this one or does it matter I don't think we'll be able to play it surely not what do you mean like will we I don't think we will to play it and as I get oh you mean join the server um just put on it doesn't matter I'll switch the old one if it doesn't work but then again people be like no it's snapchat yeah just just how long does it take the update it's only a second redstone changed in the newest update I did read Sanjay it's now blue it's now blue you can you nothing important changes you want to start out with it then huh nothing important oranges do I just start it for now because I don't want to sit here for another Oh a you on you have to change I'll change my silvers and I'm already uploading ass wait then again I'd be like 20 more seconds until I can tell upload my genic corrupts our world good who asking is George okay No be quiet you you're just fine stop George Dora just say I am okay I'm just sad that only like zero percent of these people are following me on Twitter okay I get up you're banned I'm banning you from the table buddy was moved out of your channel buddy joined your channel error what I'm waiting for you to start the server and waiting for so so long I'm waiting for the percentage of people for the people that are following me to go up that's what you're waiting for it's Ritz thank you I'm waiting for the percentage of people that are following me on Twitch to go up come on right now I better see I'm looking at my stream labs it's better say a few seconds ago for certain people I'm saying the names thing number two jurors Dhin a quiet thinker Astro a few in funeral ash oh three royals 2727 i me what the tech Soham seen come on go go go follow follow follow powerful moose how low grish ours so for the being galaxy zero one drew new shockwave one white rose own nineteen follow follow follow follow follow all right thank you that's all I saw that's the only request I have but the server up George okay I'm losing mad viewers I call I'm gone down down like 800 viewers I said we started waiting for the server and you just keep waiting I can't go any quicker oh how much time is left I don't know what's cars restarting I meant on the upload I guess is zero then maybe if they thought following twitch TVs last jaws when I found it would go quicker I don't understand it stop self advertising on my stream my minecraft is closed why is minecraft closed why whenever I switch tabs does like my desktop show up on the stream labs on the stream how does that happen no that's that alright so how does that work I would my desktop show up if i hack children chill alright so I feel nothing anybody who missed George's dream last night I have nothing and I died I didn't missing my stream nothing snapshot I need some food do any cooked food you know George actually I do what's the goal what are we doing um I'm part not gonna scream for that much longer so we'll see then we need to put in the child should we build a fish like a mother floor with like the fish tank maybe Rebecca soon I think they broke fishing in this update how it doesn't work like what's broken about it only geek on a fish after inventories pool is that a thing pretty for fishing is broken they broke fishing really yeah they broke fishing ready ready 5 4 3 2 1 fish you know what the Berg fishing what I couldn't pull yeah they broke they said oh they said you need deep water mm Hobnobs here hey really you need 5x5 water is that like a new thing you need open water you need like an ocean now they stole my extrema this is exactly this large stream yesterday they were like it's so it's so it's too op2 it's so funny they changed it in that one snapshot pretty little you give me food and can you bring snapped up in here and callaghan's and now let's join in everyone's just joining the open water to get trail you need open water to be a treasure loop but not like I don't know I don't know how it works though honderich SAP napping I call me bud I'll just do a time a few why can't you be bothered to move to your channel epically I need food I keep telling you but you keep not providing I'm just gonna get my own food now they've taken too long there we go dream it's too much no I need all the food this out of here I don't know what to do with all this stuff I have a lot of eggs here take this I'm gonna put it in here yes eggs take your fishing rod back I want out for now they'll probably fix it it's nice we need to get like an ocean or something or make our water to update its going to change well I don't know what it is it's broken that's just confusing though I feel like they won't I don't know what the what it is but maybe they set it in the changelog maybe it's deep water deep waters I guess that makes sense I guess unless you have like a oh my god there's a creeper in the palm it blew up it blew up oh it blew up you can lose baby everything's escaping close the doors close the doors close it oh okay it's close okay we're good we're good we're sort of good George how'd you make fences I don't know how it blew up all the fences we save no I don't have I need one more fence over here right here this one fence I can't come through all right sweetie okay now we need to do is we seem to kill sadly kill we have two in the honeymoon my own place this thing it's so me why's Alfonso small chicken this is the worst design ever we need to put more fences back nice it was dream are there any chickens in the pen no chickens alone the chickens in this pen does anyone pay there's no pigs there's a girl go ahead okay well there's only one pig in there there's one pick in here there's more pigs in the original sheet is so bad I wonder why this design is it then why do we have a 4x4 well how would this be how the it wouldn't worse if the design was was smaller how many pigs are in the that pen okay that'll be the new pig pen okay so where's the sheep pen then this will be the new sheep though many chickens escaped now have the Pens are sorted again practically all the animals escaped we shouldn't even have chickens they're just inferior meat just use them for eggs and we but we should still put hoppers underneath em yeah we should I'm gonna breed some of these okay finally we've sorted out this this issue that's been ongoing I can't believe you blew up George it's disgusting accidents don't happen it was purposeful tried this meeting George tried to sabotage our whole world no doesn't meaning about whether or not we kill him or not well if it's deep water let me I'm gonna pull up like the wiki and let's see minecraft newest nether snapshot what is it 20 W something something a minecraft snapshot a blocks my drowning redstone wire single word survivors now represented as a cross I want to see yeah it looks ugly now circle yeah or on top of a block which is reader from below a power the size it is redirected to now ooh that's actually pretty cool I'm a that again it's like any block on the corner can be all my dogs over here a wire on top of lock which is redirected from below will power the sides is redirected to I don't you're not big brain enough like that oh okay Abel this makes children much the advancements I go 51 chicken really yeah I don't see anything about fishing fish full list of extended triggers no there's nothing about fishing there's nothing at all about fishing then there's the broke it is working in 17 right unless it was added in 17 and then like it didn't officially add or something man stir donated donated $111 he's won a collab who's man stares at a youtuber or something you don't know man stuff dude let's subscribe that a person thank you so much for the donation no problem I'm trying to find the fish thing there's no fish in 2017 either unless it's unless it's like Oh is there like an A and a B maybe 18 B no interesting I don't know somebody somebody tell me about the fishing so that it was added in a very early snapshot okay what is it changes to fishing minecraft 1.16 I wonder if it'll come up or is it a bug it's got to be a bug it's got to be a bug fishing when fishing treasure Lou can only can now only be obtained by fishing in open waters that's just treasure loot local Callahan's it's just broken it's just broken the bug that is a bug it's just broken alright well that's a bummer fishings broken let's make this should we need to get sand anyway I want to get sand I wish I is there like a you can get a thing where like it makes you mind fast underwater it gets an turn down quiet Mike white to you George really talk hey you're fine I'll say why do we need glass are we working on Becker 'sons enclosure yes thank for beckerson Becker sends our pet fish I'm saying mostly for the the chat what you're free yes I was like oh wow look my buddies are survival it's Sam so we all know who Becker says no actually I was chicken nugget more coal baby I can't believe I died with all my stuff I'm so mad I had diamonds I had everything it was so nice then now I just die and I don't get to keep any of it cause you suck I suck okay where are we building this this fish tank I was doing the second floor maybe here we go to the third floor second floor I think it's probably good I'm thinking we do like eight blocks but now I'll just build like this up here that means he's gonna be sealing gang come on now Oh sealing gang fortunately what if we did something like this I was like around I don't have any I'm just using this for now is a good place I'm not I'm not using this guys I'm not using this don'ts like you I'm just using I don't have any other blocks I'm just using this as like a thingy and then we have him we have the glass like here and then we have the water in here is it uneven it's not a perfect square is it one two one two three fine though okay so we could do it like this why do I make it out of a walk I'm gonna have to one of my videos just at 10 mil let me see did it did hit 10 million let's see videos it did 10 million views let's go I want to thank my mother I want to thank my father George banned him from the team [ __ ] get him out of here 10 million views on a video that is amazing and to celebrate we should all go check out my channel oh my god and by his channel means much him a channel oh yeah so cold so oh my god he's such an idiot don't do this anymore Oh what if we did a big what if you what if we did basement instead of ceiling even more floor gang yeah it's even it's even it's better than floor gang oh if we go below here look oh gee man idea what if we just put glass underneath we need to be like an actual like aquarium type thing we could do we could do basement though we could do basement you you yeah we could we could do basement I'm sorry I didn't see the donation let me look and say maybe George say period love in it you say one good and said they want I'm not gonna say it again I didn't have my stream then I cannot dude what that just happened again that happened last night - I just got four chickens or five chickens from three eggs but I had one my legs gave four chickens know one of the eggs just gave or chickens say what if we been in a basement and we had it go down here I guess it'd be like how would this work this isn't gonna work do it down to the floor is it I don't know this staircase you guys built isn't very good because it doesn't it's not some reversal and remake remake the staircase no you keep some hating on our staircase but they are loud it's so annoying then you just change it they're so annoying make a doghouse make a dog make a dog house actually all right all right or Giselle and we can go go use Alyssa's house and turn into a dog house yeah don't burn it down use Alyssa's house as a doghouse it's kind of rude but can I keep one dog with me like Mike it's Mike little buddy no it's so loud well I can't lose I can't I can't move awesome dudes dog I can only move my dogs which is jewel on Kristin and no-name winning this one schumak I can't to make this at though but we use like stone brick or something could you stone brick maybe we have any yeah oh we have some stone brick what are the odds what are the odds someone must have been a genius probably so you have to on both sides one two three one two three one of us washer my mom was scared the eyes would be like my I thought this was a normal please friend donated $10 please named me after a dog shaft nap because the fishings broken so we can't even get nametags wait why was everyone saying they made it so it was like deeper no because well because they did add the deeper thing with you you can't get like artifacts unless it's the ocean or whatever but like by like but this looks bad doesn't it this looks terrible stone brick I guess doesn't look that bad confuse where beckerson is going well he'd be and he'd be in here so we do this on the outside and then glass on top of this or yeah like on top of this don't break what if we just did glass yeah that honestly sounds a lot better just break this disgusting no no dude okay why what is wrong with you you always do this you start placing glass before we agree to something you're like I do this you can't look at it back so now if we disagree we can't you know drops back oh no not the two glass block that's so annoying it takes so it takes so long all right look we I think it's I think we did on top of the stone brick no that's ugly that's actually ugly well if if we don't like it we can always put the glass we can always break the stone brick below and put the glass we can't do the other thing so give me the the soak touch hole broke so anymore oh you're putting it here - I see what you're doing dream I understand understand it just started all making sense to me don't start there all right so do we like this or do we want to go all glass I vote I think I think we put I think we put some stuff in the middle and then Jackson has a very big aquarium for one fish you can change the floor maybe to be something different on this floor the glass panes are I don't like glass panes the everyone's saying all glass would you believe that keep it but like with all glass look that's what it look like I'm wasting to glass just yeah that's fine yeah but then like all right do what you say Sant yeah putting Sam on the floor the aquarium will look good with the birch all but we can't do that with would go get some more I need more birch wood scoffs Tang give that iron axe I can borrow so I go get you some birch wood iron else app nap I say yeah I mean that means hello in Greek you guys know that SAP nap had the highest IQ toll class and he was home-schooled [Laughter] also had the least girlfriends [Laughter] to be number one I was not doing anything what do I do what are we doing don't click some what's happening what are we doing I don't go get some glass or some birch wood I'm getting bright birch wood against you guys gets antics I'm getting wood you really would like that it's harder to get sand yes all right yeah I'll follow you if you ask me to all right follow me then everybody follow me I officially personally request each and every one of you to follow me same dream I saved your chat earlier did you did you see a lot how much it's multiple stacks owe me about ten but quite a lot what do we need this awful Becker syns aquarium George's alright what are you talking about what are we doing behind stacks are you Jake like no okay at least like four or five stacks at least we just used two stacks and we're like not even halfway like we're literally not even not even halfway point five inches or of course my shoulders broke marvelous absolutely splendid why is there a hole in the ground dream you're making this ugly it's like not tall oh yeah you don't hate your head at all it's fine all right you see something please I love your voice what I sing you microphone muted microphone activated ed time oh my god look at her house from the outside this should be like illegal it looks terrible well you always come and do the exact same areas because there's nowhere else and then we go up here and then we need a lot we need Sam so we're not gonna turn into glass to George so that's why I said we need so much we need a lot the floor of the aquarium oh I'm getting more don't worry I have a lot everybody if you're not followed make sure to follow for the next stream a lot a lot okay keep getting Sam until I tell you to stop cuz most likely we won't have enough this whole upper floor the aquarium yes as in like behind the glasses will get more efficient will Nemo and stuff it'll be clean behind the glass yeah just get all the glass and I'll tell you know I'm not lying so we're gonna I don't know I don't know if we want it like that just this enter a little bit yeah all right oh right minecraft the ends wait how is this side this house needs to yourself it will be beautiful it will be beautiful okay it'll be beautiful get corals corals could be good there's a coral reef this house looks so bad you're a liar you guys are lying it's already beautiful okay I guess it's only gonna be it's only gonna get better like trust me look look on the outside look how beautiful it's gonna it's getting better like oh wait how is it uneven wait what no way no oh it's just cause of the brick that's why'd you guys remove all right now if I look at it from okay now it looks the same okay wait does it is it off by one no it's not it's not wait one two three four five six seven nine why are you getting rid of are we getting rid of these blocks I hope so sign-ups just been breaking all the stone breaks that we do I'm pretty sure instead glass really yeah yeah so you can see the aquarium from the outside and the inside oh it's gonna be so ugly no yes no it's gonna be so ugly it's gonna be so ugly this don't work look I'm the lead architect no you're not I'm the lead article this house I did the doors I did I did the brick I've done everything somewhere this is ugly this is gonna be the worst part glass if I'm just looking out here like look how that looks that's how it'll look so for like a little bit bigger oh it's gonna look so trash we don't break we need to get brick is gonna be like a anuria a break but Jory oh yeah oh we have plenty we have so much why don't we match the bottom with brick that'd be better there'll be so much better than just doing glass like not we can make it some glass but make it brick there's no way don't don't be okay lead architect all right yeah so let's do brick on the outside here and then have it hang over here and look like a one block gap between there this will look epic this looks so cool I'll just show you exactly what there's more furnaces why don't you split it up some the dog is on the pressure plate put the dog in the dog house why are they still here I'm out of here we don't really have plenty of clay to be fair we don't we probably need more well let's add something I'm gonna grab hers I'm stealing I'm about to steal I'm about to steal let's go anything else I want now I watch this too so I'm saying we're gonna need so much brick though my god luckily we have a lot of play you just never have enough a dream you need more sand or clay everything that's true so we put hmmm we put it doesn't make sense what if it was like that's how you look that looks scrumdiddlyumptious which one higher like George's or lower as one for lower for higher or you just say left or right left right left right left right left kind of a mix I feel like right I guess it takes less brick to do yours so I don't just do yours than if we want to extend it send it down we can for now it's just yours you can always just move yours down George Thanks so long as we need more brick for sure at one prick I have 20 oh no no that's gonna be glass George we're gonna build it like a replica of the bottom floor where all the glass coated you take it George Wow you wasted glass nice dream I was SAP nap so I'm not wasting cloth Boise glass shut up with your glass all right that's it and I just thinks we can waste glass is someone hit me all don't do what you want to lose again stop fighting guys don't say you're sorry George fighting stop fighting listen to me stop fighting all right sweet let's look at the front let's see how this looks this good like decent stop fighting what is this guy doing here can't you get the leads how do you get these leads George I love you guys stop fighting with each other no I wanted to trade him oh wait no leave my stuff alone I just took the trash but it can't be sand I was fighting me laptop stop fighting he's fighting me George and stop laptop right now no no George George is not fighting ok nap both of you from the server research I need he's killing me again give me my dream look he's attacking me guys if you fight dog all right listen George you're about to get kicked from the server SAFF nap rest kick from the syrup both of you stop fighting next time you fight I kill a dog tell George I think he's pretty c-word what why is it raining can we sleep the rains coming through into the house when you see gosh we're gonna flood the house oh my god wait the water's getting in the house he's attacking me again oh my god this idiots ruining the fun next time you got alright I warned you guys no no no no no no no you're done this one this one this one kill this no no are you done this is Junior I don't know who that is but are you done are you done tell me tell me yes you're done with us I'm killing I don't care yes all right you want it you want all your dogs to die it's your fault everyone will blame you not me I warned you you guys are being children I'm not doing anything he's saucing I'm just ending the exact same thing and that was not a fair duel all right guys the house is almost done got it you guys got to get along what's wrong with you well you shouldn't have started killing him he started it I killed juni I don't have it yes you do that is yeah I watched you throw it can we stop the rain oh go away why is brick so valuable I know it's so valuable because it looks the best back in the day brick used to be like the go-to blog oh we don't need much more to be found well we do need a whole nother top layer we're gonna need more clay for sure we just need one two three more for this for this section they start filling in them with water oh it's gonna be so hard to fill it I wouldn't know don't do it yeah it's easy give me buckets up oh it's gonna be easy we just need yeah we can make an infinite water table uh I was just thinking we have to go back up and down that's like my video looks like the video going back up and down look for the glass right in my troll video I like my videos it's okay okay I'm saying the water filming fulfillment wait that's fine I'll just do the body we have to do the bottom ones anyway you're just wasting water then we wanted to all these source blocks exactly you can put it all you can put it all at the top and it will do that when it'll all be source box yes 100% I don't believe you oh my goodness gracious I'm actually pretty sure you're wrong no I write prove me wrong if it goes down if it flows down it doesn't become a thing you're wrong a lot of people think you're wrong too but oh I have no idea I have nothing better to be doing anyway I am just gonna do it if clay be collecting clay what do you mean you've nothing better to be doing I love your Tesco house also hi George big and then two letters from the alphabet why are you like censoring the donations because they deserve to be censored by left-clicking yeah it's raining oh it's raining I'm George I hate the rain and I wanted to ruin my makeup we need more clay guys dating stop fighting this is this is ridiculous you guys are like I'm about to just pick some random people from the chat let them come on instead of you I'll let them wear your skins and everything holy cow it's not that deep closer behind you because the pressure play we removed out the outer pressure plate so I kind of do you open the door when you walk you've been closing the doors by the doors what hey that's awesome I love you hey out of that 1.16 I just don't know why I just didn't comprehend the fact that that would happen Callahan oh that's fine you'll find your way back eventually I just like to 50ft come on log out we're gonna sleep tap tap come on we're sleeping sorry yes they should make it so like when you sleep it's as if like that time has passed like your furnaces and stuff so you build like speed smelt I mean we're only doing one layer of glass yeah I thought we're matching the bottom of the house oh and it's a negative to fit or 250 negative 250 how still clapped look how nice that looks we can put a little design between here - it'll be great yes little design actually Oh Oh what if we get leaves and put leaves in the middle Wow I'm doing I'm gonna break it down I can't wait to break it down actually don't do it yeah it could look trash do this you just do a design it's like leaves are unbreakable you know that right if we break leaves unless well no we're not gonna oh my god yeah don't destroy our furnace I don't mean our forest don't destroy our forest Sapna don't destroy our forest just wait because you're you're a crackhead you just run a and do these things and you're just like oh I'm gonna do the next thing I'm gonna get some unbreakable material and place it somewhere we have to he's gone tame Sapna keys good I just fell in your stupid water Gorge but I keep that in my trap I he'll know what to use to get out you guys just need to trust me on this one I'm serious just trust me I will I will make you proud I can't wait to trust Sapna it's gonna be so fun his last idea was to make the outer all glass would've been like literally would have been the most disgusting thing you ever could have done to the house and yet somehow he thought it was a good idea well let him we'll let him show his idea and we'll see if it's good actually I mean who knows if it's good then George has to say he loves me on stream now we're gonna do that say to me we're just like the friend who's like secretly gay but he doesn't want anyone to know it doesn't say I love you oh there's nothing much brick left I dream come look come look come look this looks really good I'm just joking guys George is straight look look look look dream I had a Compton definitely show yesterday Outta Compton - if I thought there was even a small chance that George is actually gay there's no way I would have made that joke okay the whole joke is that we know he's not gay so we can joke about the fact that he is gay and stays secretly gay that's what makes it funny while I still close the door it's just habit now one two we don't have no more clay you haven't offered any more that we need seven more bricks Alejo so four times seventeen twenty eight more clay exactly dude his IQ is just off the charts I told you the highest IQ is why is there pillagers here I love gay people are such people are looking to everything you say we made a joke about his friend coming out he's straight he's uh he's a homophobe even gonna say what I'm gonna say you're gay people I do a lot I want to extract is what if we need more brick we probably will need more brick actually for what there's clay underneath the flooring anyway what do you think about the leaves you still have a commented on them haven't looked yet look many times at all oh my god I don't want to be mean but this looks disgusting this looks terrible this looks terrible no okay maybe if it was all filled in am I look a little better this is like what is this it's called design it's called alternating what did Callahan just put on the roof yeah you know you did you learned from Gordon Ramsay made it look like you made our house look like a hamburger like with lettuce in between and there's two common buns he put a beehive how do you get a beehive you're ruining an outlet Hannah I do you ready to get proved that you can make this source block from the top I just fell in six seven dream watch this I said seven hey watch this place this what you're filling in I just I really put a lot of pride in that it's all messed up you see this yeah what are you doing what is this it's not well fix it be doing I work it looks terrible rome wasn't built overnight now he says that now he says that he's getting worried a little bit no it isn't filled okay Sapna listen to me I just tried it's not Mills horsebox look oh yeah what were you saying look look look at that but it's not sauce applause it is yeah everyone say sorry sorry for doubting you South nap does is it genius dude he's a genius what an answer ah see thank you for the donation George I think what does I put I go get Becca soon I'm not yet what if we accidentally like kill him or something while we're building yeah put him like into an active construction zone he's gone Oh what is that breaking animation work again this is leather boots just fell off the edge and he's on purpose all right sweet what do we need a roof for this this floor kind of looks not that yeah that's perfect the water is perfect it's just the right temperature okay you did not have to do a SAP nap look at him go he did what you can't place water on water now really that's so dumb something's harder ashtag Callaghan rights no get out of here Callaghan has no rights you're getting cancelled in the chat look all the dogs here they're all looking at me they're all hungry food come on cancel now I cycle dad's okay we need to finish this off this looks pretty good I think for now we'll leave it open I think that'll end this dream we made a little fish tank perfect looks amazing how do i host somebody i want to host somebody this time who should i host me let's do a smaller huh it is fine it's not a random streamer with one viewer yeah everyone's gonna start streaming right now I uh I'm not doing a random doodoo Finster's playing he was in my video dude host Pokemon can I do Finster yeah I'll do how do I host him are you gonna end right now yeah all right in the chat type slash trade and then his space everybody it's a dream raid it's a dream raid wait you type in your own charities I've been his children it's a dream raid wait do not work no you didn't don't click the button yet just wait so it's like capped out and then in this room and then then what I click I click ends dream win just wonder I couldn't right now a click right now or do I cook and stream and then right now I don't think it matters what it doesn't matter I think you look great now and then I click and stream like right away is the stream and then click it I thought you click right now and then in the stream and this stream I think like right now I'm reading down that I'm clicking in this room you
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 656,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap
Id: hbCAOS_c9b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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