Making a Minecraft Mod for ClownPierce and Unleashing Him on my SMP

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freak ashton i have something to tell you the penalty for that is death this is me hunting my friends on my modded minecraft s p with clown pace one of the deadliest pvps out there but before you can understand how we arrived at this point we have to go back a few months another right let's go okay one piece oh more than one holy [ __ ] okay there's so much yeah those rates are not exactly legit and it doesn't take a genius to recognize that but given this was my smp and i didn't add anything that would auto ancient every spawn i figured i got very lucky that is until one month later urethane one of the mothers on the smp and knows to me that he had increased vein sizes behind my back but as if this wasn't bad enough a week after that devastating reveal i discovered that nearly everyone on the server knew about this change and even worse a group of people that were directly informed by urethane decided to hide this change from me and as you can imagine i'm not having any of that now just like everything i do i wanted my vengeance to be ground so naturally i went for the best hi but see just sending clown to do my bidding would not be that interesting and i need a way to thank him for his services and this is when it hit me i was gonna mix business and pleasure by designing and adding to the game a brand new weapon that it would use on the day i unleash him on my smp so as soon as we got into our first call we started designing the mod and throwing ideas now i don't know if you have like any specific requests on what weapon you would like i'd say for a weapon i definitely a scythe is the way to go i feel like i'm down to have it like have a special attack or something but like it needs to be indirect i don't want people seeing what's slain by clown pace was laying by clown pace was laying by climbing base you know one way to go is explosions you know crystal pvp right you've seen some of my videos when you hit somebody they're tagged right so if you hit somebody and they jump off a cliff afterwards and die it'll be like trying to escape clumpiers but if i don't actually hit them with the weapon if you find a way to harness like crystal explosions that don't hurt the terrain and don't hurt the user you know if you find a way to do that then that would be very possible one thing that could work we have poison dart frogs like i mentioned and this poison dart frog this golden one gives you an effect that basically bypasses every protection enchantment and armor so if you do manage to deal the killing blow with that it will just said that they try to eat a golden poison dart frog hold on wait wait i have a cool idea with that there's this scene in demon slayer that reminds me of that this guy has like two sickles that he like slashes and then these red stripes come out they're like poison imagine if you did that with the poison toad i have a genius idea if you have effects it transfers them to the blood oh so what you could do use the golden poison dart frog ball get the poison use the scythe get rid of the poison and the projectile will have the poison you could use that to your advantage that's cool i like it and now that the 80s are locked in time for me to start working on the mod okay so the first step i coded in now if we go into the combat there we go we have clown scythe in the items but now as you may see it looks a bit funky but funny thing everything recently put in a mod that added size to minecraft to fabric and they had a custom renderer that made them look big and better so we're just gonna borrow some code it's that easy okay so fingers crossed with a bit of work and a lot of talent maybe just maybe it won't work first right all right just close your eyes check this out it works oh the look of it is impressive though like that's a big scythe okay i'll have to tweak the item texture a bit because uh i don't think my hand is that other than that it works and uh wow it looks mighty impressive in first person i like it a lot and there we go with just a little bit of handle bending wow this uh oh my god this looks so cool wait a minute oh my god i feel threatening i hope clown face likes this i mean maybe not the made outfit pop but you know now obviously the weapon does not only look good but it also works because it's a bit of a crossover between another right ax and another right sword so it has the stats or the nether eye acts in terms of attack damage and speed but it also has sweeping edge as you can see i also decided to add some custom particles for the scythe sweep uh yeah okay there we go that's much better and now because i know clown actually likes a lot he's red and black particles i make custom sweeping particles though all right i think i'll enjoy this so he suggested the idea to clown of having an enchantment that would allow you to bring back players in case you know they try to flee which is a pretty usual occurrence with him see if it works well first try that's not exactly what one there's just more knockback okay i think i need to invert the values oh my god that's cool okay all right oh that's really nice now you come back here that's so cool oh my god wait hold on this that's amazing wait oh that's so cool though i'm not gonna keep it like that but that is so cool okay i think i found a value that like a lot okay i think the value is perfect as it is right now okay it's not too powerful vertically but it's still pretty pretty cool you can do some pretty sick moves like okay so it's actually day two now and i only have a few hours until i introduce them to clown piece i haven't even started on the throwable blood blades yet uh wish me luck [Music] uh well let's uh all right this is getting somewhere we're getting better we're getting better however after many tries i realized i wouldn't have the time to make a 3d projectile look good so instead i resorted to the only thing i know for real particles so i run some tests with a few vanilla particle effects to get a good feel of it after that i just made my own animated blood particle and the result was pretty convincing in terms of look i think it looks good enough now we just need to make some some sound effects because uh yeah that's not very glorious all right so i changed the audio change the particles a bit and uh i think now i think it's pretty satisfying now those are those are nice bullet blades i love them oh my god they're so satisfying to use okay so i finalized the scythe and uh now whenever you use it with uh spewing it actually damages everything that's in its path and on top of that as you can see it costs self every time you want to use it now the most interesting part about this if i have any status effect i just give myself invisibility this is amazing [Music] this is oh this is great and with that the mod is done it's finally time to show it to clown my dear clown hello i have made this uh noble weapon just for you i hope you'll enjoy it so this is the scythe the clown scythe and you can already tell me how it feels in terms of uh combat [Music] you try non crate you see you have the the red sweeping like you uh that is right oh that is really cool yeah it's it's awesome now do you want to see the enchantments now or do you want to try and get into the mood and have a fight or something like that against me i'll fight you i'll fight you oh wait wait wait wait i'm gonna have a hole i'm gonna half a hot oh on go on creative go survival go survival you look so intimidating i like this i like this are you ready [Music] nice good job good job good job i thought i had you for a minute i was like no i'm gonna get him i'm gonna get him yeah yeah it's good it's nice all right should we get to the enchantments yes because like the way it selects the enchantments in the loop yeah you're already doing channels no no i could never spewing spewing if you use it you'll notice you lose some health oh i do oh that guy that is crazy funny oh my gosh brah let me uh show you something funny you like frogs you like yeah frogs are pretty decent you like frogs yeah how oh no oh no he's happy with his new toy [Laughter] happy customer i feel like i might build a bear right now just got my custom teddy bear but it's a scythe experienced blood after that i decided to showcase him the mods that were in the pack so he would know what he would be working with once he joins the server and um see that village over there yeah oh my god oh no and after a little bit of fun he decided that he wanted to train by fighting me with all the tools that we would have on the server alright let's uh let's get it [Music] what the [ __ ] is that i didn't see my health and i just died in the air what the [ __ ] hold on i have i have protection foreign you have no idea what did you do what you just unleashed on your server see we have poison dart frogs on the server and somehow this man within 10 minutes of me showcasing them to him had found the perfect combination to kill anybody this combo is so deadly that no matter what you wear no matter your skill you cannot outrun it you take more damage a poison bypasses your armor and on top of that you cannot heal at all this isn't survivable dude this is unsurvivable there's no way anybody's surviving this i've mixed the perfect poison in my bloodstream oh rat you don't understand what you just unleashed try again try again i dare you try to beat me you cannot though literally okay and so we were ready to take on the server the next day however my friends knew about clown and his tendencies to bring smps to his knees as such i had a very specific plan to get clown on the server without raising too many suspicions so i wouldn't just be adding clown i had planned to also add new members to the server at the same time and just by mentioning that to the other members the perfect opportunity presented itself and when i see an opportunity i seize it therefore i took the mantle of organizer for it and started playing the group so that once the members would be hunting for eggs me and clown would be hunting for heads time to make some easter eggs there's a secret sculpture but i won't tell you how to get it you'll have to find out [Applause] chocolate crew mate [ __ ] chocolate crew mate oh my god oh my god oh my god saucy chuckles oh yeah i'll put a humongous on one of them i'm going to put it here i'm going to drown i am inside now i still had to prepare some gear for clown namely a scythe and armor so i borrowed this set from the foreclosure band on base near spawn went back to my stronghold and started grinding [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that i had the resources to sponsor this glorified public execution it was time for the day of reckoning but first i have to greet the new kind of smp members what is it what is it clown what is it thing i have a knife look joe how did you how did you get a knife okay we're gonna do a little esther encounter to show the new members around we're gonna do all groups each group will have one new member and uh you're gonna show around a bit of the server and clown uh let's go together all right all right all right awesome all right let's not waste any more time let's go and so with every team dispersing to get some chocolate eggs me and clown went through the nether to the stronghold to get geared up brown i will let you uh present a little gift i uh gave you oh yes uh that's what you like to see isn't it how would you want to track people exactly who are we going after first acai astron freak lux interests that's only four people that shouldn't be too happy now if you've been paying attention you'll notice this list doesn't include urathane the man behind the network changes well see at the time i wanted to enact my vengeance on the server he was nowhere to be found so instead we focused our sights on all the people that decided to hide in the right changes but don't worry european will still get what it deserves in due time should i work my new player magic or do you want to go ahead do your new player magic but i don't know if it will work very well i'm scared it might not work they said lmao that's a good sign all right we got chords come on come on come on come on come on at first i had doubts hiring you i was like is he gonna turn on me yeah i won't turn on you until i betray you thanks i guess it's a few hundred blocks more this way they said skill issue it says they're on to us i think he may be trolling i think he expects you to you know have malicious intent how about you just show me around we found some people along the way i'm sure oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's so helpful i saw it helpful i saw somebody using a hellfolk where hold on somebody i shouldn't use the helpful i see him do you see them that's astrid that's a string that's us somebody on the list yeah it's someone on the list let's get them follow me follow me don't attack you're just here don't tag just yet hey what are you guys doing uh we were just wandering about okay how's it going finally we had found some people that needed to be crossed off the list and just like expected they had the reservations of a clown why wouldn't you give a guy full kit he made the videos that were like i take over a server whatever whatever i took over this smp that is a threat to you i mean you know like i said no skin off my notes let's get on with the tour freak ashton i have something to tell you ashton you flee the trio you're dead what are their crimes astron and freak are responsible of hiding netherrite changes behind my back on purpose on order of versailles and urathane and the penalty for that is death stop shooting stop shooting stop shooting okay we got ashton we need to get freaked we need to get free what is happening oh my god the carnage is dying right now what is reached wait i'm completely [Applause] [Music] i think you poisoned me clown you poisoned me my bad my bad my bad kill me clown i mean right you should have stood back you should have stood back right i don't know what to tell you you should have stood back this is it it's on you this is on you this is on you yeah i told you this poison was deadly anyway back in the stronghold i was planning to meet up again with clown through private messages at least that's how i wanted things to go because turns out i'm an idiot by forgetting to use the message command the truth was now out and the targeted people knew they were being hunted but nonetheless clown managed to run into the next target at spawn and i quickly joined him no he's gonna strip your skin off oh oh yeah let's go it's not very funny that was pretty funny i'm losing blood i must go to an ambulance [Music] i think they're getting away he's running he's running for his life yeah yeah yeah he's a little bit you take the horse you take the horse we can literally catch up with you in seconds aside you're not going anywhere yeah he's using a secret technique we have a hostage though we have a hostage you missed yeah we have a hostage we have a hostage we're not getting walked over like okay okay okay this is that's uh that's the mindset you gotta lose no more public messages got it no more running away from pvp loggers it wasn't combat logging but should we simply like find a site you want to play it the dirty way i've got one for you so you already mentioned we have boys and dark frogs on the server but we have one that allows you to communicate your enemies blocking all keyboard and mouse inputs even on the main menu so while clone followed aside to boosboro i went to get some dots and soon enough i would be warned up there just about to fall down get your disconnect ready you know i would oh my gosh and after a few tries we finally managed to lock aside into place hello you hid the changes that urathane made to the netherite spawns you decided to tell everyone but me are you okay oh oh oh okay well let's just go clown we got one last person to kill but luckily we stumbled upon that target coming out of bonesboro so looks as i was saying you remember what happened with the netherright changes that was a great piece of code urathane slid behind my back but what's greater is that i can trust my friends to hide it from me and not tell me a single thing about it as i understood it you hid it from me and the penalty for that is death go ahead clown really all right all right oh my god what are you doing diane suit i'm going for dying i'm killing you just for a time too i'm sorry dain sue you tried to help lux you tried to help legs oh we're killing okay you also hit the things away from me you didn't tell me you didn't tell me that's the end answer it's the end for you dancer just track him [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] oh wow why not you want another one are you trying to poison me run you want another run looks like it's like stop stop let's go no no no [ __ ] off all right [Music] i'm changing my music [Music] that good you're settling it is she escaping no all right well is that you can lose ties all i'll lose ties uh oh oh oh oh loose ends tied that's it that's it i mean i guess they would be me and you but you know we both know how to keep our mouths shut so i think it should be fine oh yeah but really how well do you keep your mouth down i'm kidding i'm here okay okay you scared me though my heart but yeah i'm glad you liked your new weapon i'm glad you liked your new weapon a lot very nice it's great i love it and with all this bloodshed we decided to end the day on a peaceful note so we did a little server tool i showed him different places and in the end he decided he wanted to settle in reinheim my repurposed stronghold oh and to all the new members who got to witness mass murder on their first day i'm terribly sorry welcome to conan smp [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: doctor4t
Views: 6,651,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, but, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mod, rat, minecraft rat, minecraft code, change code, mod minecraft, fundy, doctor4t, speed run, speedrun, speed runner, speedrunner, minecraft java, mods, minecraft mods, clownpierce, rekrap2, contentsmp, lifestealsmp, life steal, lifesteal, content smp, minecraft smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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